#!/bin/bash # BSD 3-Clause License # Author @sonique6784 # Copyright (c) 2020, sonique6784 function showRaSCSILogo(){ logo="""     .~~.   .~~.\n   '. \ ' ' / .'\n    .╔═══════╗.\n   : ║|¯¯¯¯¯|║ :\n  ~ (║|_____|║) ~\n ( : ║ .  __ ║ : )\n  ~ .╚╦═════╦╝. ~\n   (  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ) RaSCSI Assistant\n    '~ .~~~. ~'\n        '~'\n """ echo -e $logo } function showMacNetworkWired(){ logo="""                               .-~-.-~~~-.~-.\n  ╔═══════╗                  .(              )\n  ║|¯¯¯¯¯|║                 /               \`.\n  ║|_____|║>--------------<~               .   )\n  ║ .  __ ║                 (              :'-'\n  ╚╦═════╦╝                  ~-.________.:'\n   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\n """ echo -e $logo } function showMacNetworkWireless(){ logo="""                               .-~-.-~~~-.~-.\n  ╔═══════╗        .(       .(              )\n  ║|¯¯¯¯¯|║  .(  .(        /               \`.\n  ║|_____|║ .o    o       ~               .   )\n  ║ .  __ ║  '(  '(        (              :'-'\n  ╚╦═════╦╝        '(       ~-.________.:'\n   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\n """ echo -e $logo } VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH=/home/pi/images HFS_FORMAT=/usr/bin/hformat HFDISK_BIN=/usr/bin/hfdisk LIDO_DRIVER=~/RASCSI/lido-driver.img GIT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) GIT_REMOTE=${GIT_REMOTE:-origin} function initialChecks() { currentUser=$(whoami) if [ "pi" != "$currentUser" ]; then echo "You must use 'pi' user (current: $currentUser)" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d ~/RASCSI ]; then echo "You must checkout RASCSI repo into /home/pi/RASCSI" echo "$ git clone git@github.com:akuker/RASCSI.git" exit 2 fi } # install all dependency packages for RaSCSI Service function installPackages() { sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install git libspdlog-dev libpcap-dev genisoimage python3 python3-venv nginx libpcap-dev protobuf-compiler bridge-utils python3-dev libev-dev libevdev2 -y } # compile and install RaSCSI Service function installRaScsi() { sudo systemctl stop rascsi cd ~/RASCSI/src/raspberrypi make clean make all CONNECT_TYPE=${CONNECT_TYPE-FULLSPEC} sudo make install CONNECT_TYPE=${CONNECT_TYPE-FULLSPEC} sudoIsReady=$(sudo grep -c "rascsi" /etc/sudoers) if [ $sudoIsReady = "0" ]; then sudo bash -c 'echo " # Allow the web server to restart the rascsi service www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart rascsi.service www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl stop rascsi.service # Allow the web server to reboot the raspberry pi www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/reboot " >> /etc/sudoers' fi sudo systemctl restart rsyslog sudo systemctl enable rascsi # optional - start rascsi at boot sudo systemctl start rascsi } # install everything required to run an HTTP server (Nginx + Python Flask App) function installRaScsiWebInterface() { echo "Compiling the Python protobuf library..." [ -f ~/RASCSI/src/web/rascsi_interface.proto ] && rm ~/RASCSI/src/web/rascsi_interface.proto protoc -I=/home/pi/RASCSI/src/raspberrypi/ --python_out=/home/pi/RASCSI/src/web/ rascsi_interface.proto sudo cp -f ~/RASCSI/src/web/service-infra/nginx-default.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/default sudo cp -f ~/RASCSI/src/web/service-infra/502.html /var/www/html/502.html sudo usermod -a -G pi www-data sudo systemctl reload nginx echo "Installing the rascsi-web.service configuration..." sudo cp ~/RASCSI/src/web/service-infra/rascsi-web.service /etc/systemd/system/rascsi-web.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable rascsi-web sudo systemctl start rascsi-web } function createImagesDir() { if [ -d $VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH ]; then echo "The $VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH directory already exists." else echo "The $VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH directory does not exist; creating..." mkdir -p $VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH chmod -R 775 $VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH fi } function stopOldWebInterface() { sudo systemctl stop rascsi-web APACHE_STATUS=$(sudo systemctl status apache2 &> /dev/null; echo $?) if [ "$APACHE_STATUS" -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Stopping old Apache2 RaSCSI Web..." sudo systemctl disable apache2 sudo systemctl stop apache2 fi } function updateRaScsiGit() { echo "Updating checked out branch $GIT_REMOTE/$GIT_BRANCH" cd ~/RASCSI stashed=0 if [[ $(git diff --stat) != '' ]]; then echo 'There are local changes, we will stash and reapply them.' git stash stashed=1 fi git pull --ff-only if [ $stashed -eq 1 ]; then echo "Reapplying local changes..." git stash apply fi } function showRaScsiStatus() { sudo systemctl status rascsi | tee } function showRaScsiWebStatus() { sudo systemctl status rascsi-web | tee } function createDrive600MB() { createDrive 600 "HD600" } function createDriveCustom() { driveSize=-1 until [ $driveSize -ge "10" ] && [ $driveSize -le "4000" ]; do echo "What drive size would you like (in MB) (10-4000)" read driveSize echo "How would you like to name that drive?" read driveName done createDrive "$driveSize" "$driveName" } function formatDrive() { diskPath="$1" volumeName="$2" if [ ! -x $HFS_FORMAT ]; then # Install hfsutils to have hformat to format HFS sudo apt-get install hfsutils fi if [ ! -x $HFDISK_BIN ]; then # Clone, compile and install 'hfdisk', partition tool git clone git://www.codesrc.com/git/hfdisk.git cd hfdisk make sudo cp hfdisk /usr/bin/hfdisk fi # Inject hfdisk commands to create Drive with correct partitions # https://www.codesrc.com/mediawiki/index.php/HFSFromScratch # i initialize partition map # continue with default first block # C Create 1st partition with type specified next) # continue with default # 32 32 blocks (required for HFS+) # Driver_Partition Partition Name # Apple_Driver Partition Type (available types: Apple_Driver, Apple_Driver43, Apple_Free, Apple_HFS...) # C Create 2nd partition with type specified next # continue with default first block # continue with default block size (rest of the disk) # ${volumeName} Partition name provided by user # Apple_HFS Partition Type # w Write partition map to disk # y Confirm partition table # p Print partition map (echo i; echo ; echo C; echo ; echo 32; echo "Driver_Partition"; echo "Apple_Driver"; echo C; echo ; echo ; echo "${volumeName}"; echo "Apple_HFS"; echo w; echo y; echo p;) | $HFDISK_BIN "$diskPath" partitionOk=$? if [ $partitionOk -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! -f $LIDO_DRIVER ];then echo "Lido driver couldn't be found. Make sure RaSCSI is up-to-date with git pull" return 1 fi # Burn Lido driver to the disk dd if=$LIDO_DRIVER of="$diskPath" seek=64 count=32 bs=512 conv=notrunc driverInstalled=$? if [ $driverInstalled -eq 0 ]; then # Format the partition with HFS file system $HFS_FORMAT -l "${volumeName}" "$diskPath" 1 hfsFormattedOk=$? if [ $hfsFormattedOk -eq 0 ]; then echo "Disk created with success." else echo "Unable to format HFS partition." return 4 fi else echo "Unable to install Lido Driver." return 3 fi else echo "Unable to create the partition." return 2 fi } function createDrive() { if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "To create a Drive, volume size and volume name must be provided" echo "$ createDrive 600 \"RaSCSI Drive\"" echo "Drive wasn't created." return fi driveSize=$1 driveName=$2 mkdir -p $VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH drivePath="${VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH}/${driveSize}MB.hds" if [ ! -f $drivePath ]; then echo "Creating a ${driveSize}MB Drive" truncate --size ${driveSize}m $drivePath echo "Formatting drive with HFS" formatDrive "$drivePath" "$driveName" else echo "Error: drive already exists" fi } function setupWiredNetworking() { echo "Setting up wired network..." LAN_INTERFACE=eth0 echo "$LAN_INTERFACE will be configured for network forwarding with DHCP." echo "" echo "WARNING: If you continue, the IP address of your Pi may change upon reboot." echo "Please make sure you will not lose access to the Pi system." echo "" echo "Do you want to proceed with network configuration using the default settings? Y/n" read REPLY if [ "$REPLY" == "N" ] || [ "$REPLY" == "n" ]; then echo "Available wired interfaces on this system:" ip -o addr show scope link | awk '{split($0, a); print $2}' | grep eth echo "Please type the wired interface you want to use and press Enter:" read -r SELECTED LAN_INTERFACE=$SELECTED fi if [ $(grep -c "^denyinterfaces" /etc/dhcpcd.conf) -ge 1 ]; then echo "WARNING: Network forwarding may already have been configured. Proceeding will overwrite the configuration." echo "Press enter to continue or CTRL-C to exit" read REPLY sudo sed -i /^denyinterfaces/d /etc/dhcpcd.conf fi sudo echo "denyinterfaces $LAN_INTERFACE" >> /etc/dhcpcd.conf echo "Modified /etc/dhcpcd.conf" # default config file is made for eth0, this will set the right net interface sudo bash -c 'sed s/eth0/'"$LAN_INTERFACE"'/g /home/pi/RASCSI/src/raspberrypi/os_integration/rascsi_bridge > /etc/network/interfaces.d/rascsi_bridge' echo "Modified /etc/network/interfaces.d/rascsi_bridge" echo "Configuration completed!" echo "Please make sure you attach a DaynaPORT network adapter to the RaSCSI configuration." echo "Either use the Web UI, or do this on the command line (assuming SCSI ID 6): \"rascsi -ID 6 -t scdp $LAN_INTERFACE\"" echo "" echo "We need to reboot your Pi" echo "Press Enter to reboot or CTRL-C to exit" read echo "Rebooting..." sleep 3 sudo reboot } function setupWirelessNetworking() { NETWORK="10.10.20" IP=$NETWORK.2 # Macintosh or Device IP NETWORK_MASK="" CIDR="24" ROUTER_IP=$NETWORK.1 ROUTING_ADDRESS=$NETWORK.0/$CIDR WLAN_INTERFACE="wlan0" echo "$WLAN_INTERFACE will be configured for network forwarding with static IP assignment." echo "Configure your Macintosh or other device with the following:" echo "IP Address (static): $IP" echo "Router Address: $ROUTER_IP" echo "Subnet Mask: $NETWORK_MASK" echo "DNS Server: Any public DNS server" echo "" echo "Do you want to proceed with network configuration using the default settings? Y/n" read REPLY if [ "$REPLY" == "N" ] || [ "$REPLY" == "n" ]; then echo "Available wireless interfaces on this system:" ip -o addr show scope link | awk '{split($0, a); print $2}' | grep wlan echo "Please type the wireless interface you want to use and press Enter:" read -r WLAN_INTERFACE echo "Base IP address (ex. 10.10.20):" read -r NETWORK echo "CIDR for Subnet Mask (ex. '24' for" read -r CIDR ROUTER_IP=$NETWORK.1 ROUTING_ADDRESS=$NETWORK.0/$CIDR fi if [ $(grep -c "^net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" /etc/sysctl.conf) -ge 1 ]; then echo "WARNING: Network forwarding may already have been configured. Proceeding will overwrite the configuration." echo "Press enter to continue or CTRL-C to exit" read REPLY else sudo bash -c 'echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf' echo "Modified /etc/sysctl.conf" fi sudo iptables --flush sudo iptables -t nat -F sudo iptables -X sudo iptables -Z sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $WLAN_INTERFACE -s $ROUTING_ADDRESS -j MASQUERADE # Check if iptables-persistent is installed IPTABLES_PERSISTENT=$(dpkg -s iptables-persistent | grep Status | grep -c "install ok") if [ $IPTABLES_PERSISTENT -eq 0 ]; then sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent --assume-yes else sudo iptables-save --file /etc/iptables/rules.v4 fi echo "Modified /etc/iptables/rules.v4" echo "Configuration completed!" echo "" echo "Please make sure you attach a DaynaPORT network adapter to the RaSCSI configuration" echo "Either use the Web UI, or do this on the command line (assuming SCSI ID 6): \"rascsi -ID 6 -t scdp $WLAN_INTERFACE:$ROUTER_IP/$CIDR\"" echo "" echo "We need to reboot your Pi" echo "Press Enter to reboot or CTRL-C to exit" read REPLY echo "Rebooting..." sleep 3 sudo reboot } function reserveScsiIds() { if [ ! -f /etc/systemd/system/rascsi-web.service ]; then echo "This feature depends on the RaSCSI Web UI being installed. Please install RaSCSI Web before continuing." exit fi sudo systemctl stop rascsi-web echo "Please type the SCSI ID(s) that you want to reserve and press Enter:" echo "The input should be a string of digits without separators, e.g. \"017\" for IDs 0, 1, and 7." read -r RESERVED_IDS sudo sed -i /^ExecStart=/d /etc/systemd/system/rascsi-web.service sudo sed -i "8 i ExecStart=/home/pi/RASCSI/src/web/start.sh --reserved_ids=$RESERVED_IDS" /etc/systemd/system/rascsi-web.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start rascsi-web } function runChoice() { case $1 in 1) echo "Installing / Updating RaSCSI Service (${CONNECT_TYPE-FULLSPEC}) + Web interface" stopOldWebInterface updateRaScsiGit createImagesDir installPackages installRaScsi installRaScsiWebInterface showRaScsiStatus showRaScsiWebStatus echo "Installing / Updating RaSCSI Service (${CONNECT_TYPE-FULLSPEC}) + Web interface - Complete!" ;; 2) echo "Installing / Updating RaSCSI Service (${CONNECT_TYPE-FULLSPEC})" updateRaScsiGit createImagesDir installPackages installRaScsi showRaScsiStatus echo "Installing / Updating RaSCSI Service (${CONNECT_TYPE-FULLSPEC}) - Complete!" ;; 3) echo "Creating a 600MB drive" createDrive600MB echo "Creating a 600MB drive - Complete!" ;; 4) echo "Creating a custom drive" createDriveCustom echo "Creating a custom drive - Complete!" ;; 5) echo "Configuring wired network bridge" showMacNetworkWired setupWiredNetworking echo "Configuring wired network bridge - Complete!" ;; 6) echo "Configuring wifi network bridge" showMacNetworkWireless setupWirelessNetworking echo "Configuring wifi network bridge - Complete!" ;; 7) echo "Reserving SCSI IDs" reserveScsiIds showRaScsiWebStatus echo "Reserving SCSI IDs - Complete!" ;; -h|--help|h|help) showMenu ;; *) echo "${1} is not a valid option, exiting..." exit 1 esac } function readChoice() { choice=-1 until [ $choice -ge "0" ] && [ $choice -le "7" ]; do echo -n "Enter your choice (0-7) or CTRL-C to exit: " read -r choice done runChoice "$choice" } function showMenu() { echo "" echo "Choose among the following options:" echo "INSTALL/UPDATE RASCSI (${CONNECT_TYPE-FULLSPEC} version)" echo " 1) install or update RaSCSI Service + Web Interface" echo " 2) install or update RaSCSI Service" echo "CREATE HFS FORMATTED (MAC) IMAGE WITH LIDO DRIVERS" echo "** For the Mac Plus, it's better to create an image through the Web Interface **" echo " 3) 600MB drive (suggested size)" echo " 4) custom drive size (up to 4000MB)" echo "NETWORK ASSISTANT" echo " 5) configure network forwarding over Ethernet (DHCP)" echo " 6) configure network forwarding over WiFi (static IP)" echo "MISCELLANEOUS" echo " 7) reserve SCSI IDs" } # parse arguments while [ "$1" != "" ]; do PARAM=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $1}'` VALUE=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $2}'` case $PARAM in -c | --connect_type) CONNECT_TYPE=$VALUE ;; -r | --run_choice) RUN_CHOICE=$VALUE ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown parameter \"$PARAM\"" exit 1 ;; esac case $VALUE in FULLSPEC | STANDARD | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7) ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$VALUE\"" exit 1 ;; esac shift done showRaSCSILogo initialChecks if [ -z "${RUN_CHOICE}" ]; then # RUN_CHOICE is unset, show menu showMenu readChoice else runChoice "$RUN_CHOICE" fi