#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # set -x # Uncomment to Debug cd $(dirname $0) # verify packages installed ERROR=0 if ! command -v genisoimage &> /dev/null ; then echo "genisoimage could not be found" echo "Run 'sudo apt install genisoimage' to fix." ERROR=1 fi if ! command -v python3 &> /dev/null ; then echo "python3 could not be found" echo "Run 'sudo apt install python3' to fix." ERROR=1 fi if ! python3 -m venv --help &> /dev/null ; then echo "venv could not be found" echo "Run 'sudo apt install python3-venv' to fix." ERROR=1 fi if ! command -v unzip &> /dev/null ; then echo "unzip could not be found" echo "Run 'sudo apt install unzip' to fix." ERROR=1 fi if [ $ERROR = 1 ] ; then echo echo "Fix errors and re-run ./start.sh" exit 1 fi if ! test -e venv; then echo "Creating python venv for web server" python3 -m venv venv echo "Activating venv" source venv/bin/activate echo "Installing requirements.txt" pip install -r requirements.txt git rev-parse HEAD > current fi source venv/bin/activate # Detect if someone updates - we need to re-run pip install. if ! test -e current; then git rev-parse > current else if [ "$(cat current)" != "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" ]; then echo "New version detected, updating requirements.txt" pip install -r requirements.txt git rev-parse HEAD > current fi fi echo "Starting web server..." python3 web.py