{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ _("Cancel") }}

{{ _("Disclaimer") }}

{{ _("These device profiles are provided as-is with no guarantee to work equally to the actual physical device they are named after. You may need to provide appropirate device drivers and/or configuration parameters for them to function properly. If you would like to see data modified, or have additional devices to add to the list, please raise an issue ticket at GitHub.", url="https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/issues") }}

{{ _("Hard Drives") }}

{% for hd in hd_conf %} {% endfor %}
{{ _("Name") }} {{ _("Size (MB)") }} {{ _("Description") }} {{ _("Ref.") }} {{ _("Action") }}
{{ hd.name }} {{ hd.size_mb }} {{ hd.description }} {% if hd.url != "" %} {{ _("Link") }} {% else %} - {% endif %}
.{{ hd.file_type }}

{{ _("CD-ROM Drives") }}

{{ _("This will create a properties file for the given CD-ROM image. No new image file will be created.") }}

{% for cd in cd_conf %} {% endfor %}
{{ _("Name") }} {{ _("Size (MB)") }} {{ _("Description") }} {{ _("Ref.") }} {{ _("Action") }}
{{ cd.name }} {{ cd.size_mb }} {{ cd.description }} {% if cd.url != "" %} {{ _("Link") }} {% else %} - {% endif %}

{{ _("Removable Drives") }}

{% for rm in rm_conf %} {% endfor %}
{{ _("Name") }} {{ _("Size (MB)") }} {{ _("Description") }} {{ _("Ref.") }} {{ _("Action") }}
{{ rm.name }} {{ rm.size_mb }} {{ rm.description }} {% if rm.url != "" %} {{ _("Link") }} {% else %} - {% endif %}
.{{ rm.file_type }}

{{ _("%(disk_space)s MB disk space remaining on the Pi", disk_space=free_disk) }}

{{ _("Cancel") }}

{% endblock content %}