""" Module for the Flask app rendering and endpoints """ import logging import logging.config import argparse from pathlib import Path, PurePath from functools import wraps from grp import getgrall import bjoern from piscsi.return_codes import ReturnCodes from simplepam import authenticate from flask_babel import Babel, Locale, refresh, _ from flask import ( Flask, render_template, request, flash, url_for, redirect, send_from_directory, make_response, session, abort, jsonify, ) from piscsi.piscsi_cmds import PiscsiCmds from piscsi.file_cmds import FileCmds from piscsi.sys_cmds import SysCmds from piscsi.common_settings import ( CFG_DIR, CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX, PROPERTIES_SUFFIX, ARCHIVE_FILE_SUFFIXES, RESERVATIONS, ) from return_code_mapper import ReturnCodeMapper from socket_cmds_flask import SocketCmdsFlask from web_utils import ( sort_and_format_devices, get_valid_scsi_ids, map_device_types_and_names, get_device_name, map_image_file_descriptions, format_drive_properties, get_properties_by_drive_name, auth_active, is_bridge_configured, is_safe_path, upload_with_dropzonejs, browser_supports_modern_themes, ) from settings import ( WEB_DIR, FILE_SERVER_DIR, MAX_FILE_SIZE, DEFAULT_CONFIG, DRIVE_PROPERTIES_FILE, AUTH_GROUP, LANGUAGES, TEMPLATE_THEMES, TEMPLATE_THEME_DEFAULT, TEMPLATE_THEME_LEGACY, ) APP = Flask(__name__) BABEL = Babel(APP) def get_env_info(): """ Get information about the app/host environment """ server_info = piscsi_cmd.get_server_info() ip_addr, host = sys_cmd.get_ip_and_host() if "username" in session: username = session["username"] else: username = None return { "running_env": sys_cmd.running_env(), "username": username, "auth_active": auth_active(AUTH_GROUP)["status"], "logged_in": username and auth_active(AUTH_GROUP)["status"], "ip_addr": ip_addr, "host": host, "system_name": sys_cmd.get_pretty_host(), "free_disk_space": int(sys_cmd.disk_space()["free"] / 1024 / 1024), "locale": get_locale(), "version": server_info["version"], "image_dir": server_info["image_dir"], "netatalk_configured": sys_cmd.running_proc("afpd"), "macproxy_configured": sys_cmd.running_proc("macproxy"), "cd_suffixes": tuple(server_info["sccd"]), "rm_suffixes": tuple(server_info["scrm"]), "mo_suffixes": tuple(server_info["scmo"]), } def response( template=None, message=None, redirect_url=None, error=False, status_code=200, **kwargs, ): """ Generates a HTML or JSON HTTP response """ status = "error" if error else "success" if isinstance(message, list): messages = message elif message is None: messages = [] else: messages = [(str(message), status)] if request.headers.get("accept") == "application/json": return ( jsonify( { "status": status, "messages": [{"message": m, "category": c} for m, c in messages], "data": kwargs, } ), status_code, ) if messages: for message, category in messages: flash(message, category) if template: if session.get("theme") and session["theme"] in TEMPLATE_THEMES: theme = session["theme"] elif browser_supports_modern_themes(): theme = TEMPLATE_THEME_DEFAULT else: theme = TEMPLATE_THEME_LEGACY body_classes = [f"page-{PurePath(template).stem.lower()}"] env_info = get_env_info() if env_info["auth_active"]: body_classes.append("auth-enabled") if env_info["logged_in"]: body_classes.append("logged-in") else: body_classes.append("auth-disabled") kwargs["env"] = env_info kwargs["body_classes"] = body_classes kwargs["current_theme_stylesheet"] = f"themes/{theme}/style.css" kwargs["current_theme"] = theme kwargs["available_themes"] = TEMPLATE_THEMES return render_template(template, **kwargs) if redirect_url: return redirect(url_for(redirect_url)) return redirect(url_for("index")) @BABEL.localeselector def get_locale(): """ Uses the session language, or tries to detect based on accept-languages header """ session_locale = session.get("language") if session_locale: return session_locale client_locale = request.accept_languages.best_match(LANGUAGES) if client_locale: return client_locale logging.info("The default locale could not be detected. Falling back to English.") return "en" def get_supported_locales(): """ Returns a list of languages supported by the web UI """ locales = [ {"language": x.language, "display_name": x.display_name} for x in [*BABEL.list_translations(), Locale("en")] ] return sorted(locales, key=lambda x: x["language"]) # pylint: disable=too-many-locals @APP.route("/") def index(): """ Sets up data structures for and renders the index page """ if not piscsi_cmd.is_token_auth()["status"] and not APP.config["PISCSI_TOKEN"]: abort( 403, _( "PiSCSI is password protected. " "Start the Web Interface with the --password parameter." ), ) server_info = piscsi_cmd.get_server_info() devices = piscsi_cmd.list_devices() device_types = map_device_types_and_names(piscsi_cmd.get_device_types()["device_types"]) image_files = file_cmd.list_images() config_files = file_cmd.list_config_files() ip_addr, host = sys_cmd.get_ip_and_host() extended_image_files = [] for image in image_files["files"]: if image["detected_type"] != "UNDEFINED": image["detected_type_name"] = device_types[image["detected_type"]]["name"] extended_image_files.append(image) attached_images = [] units = 0 # If there are more than 0 logical unit numbers, display in the Web UI for device in devices["device_list"]: attached_images.append(device["image"].replace(server_info["image_dir"] + "/", "")) units += int(device["unit"]) reserved_scsi_ids = server_info["reserved_ids"] scsi_ids = get_valid_scsi_ids(devices["device_list"], reserved_scsi_ids) formatted_devices = sort_and_format_devices(devices["device_list"]) image_suffixes_to_create = map_image_file_descriptions( # Here we strip out hdi and nhd, since they are proprietary PC-98 emulator formats # that require a particular header to work. We can't generate them on the fly. # We also reverse the resulting list, in order for hds to be the default in the UI. # This might break if something like 'hdt' etc. gets added in the future. sorted( [suffix for suffix in server_info["schd"] if suffix not in {"hdi", "nhd"}], reverse=True, ) + server_info["scrm"] + server_info["scmo"] ) valid_image_suffixes = ( server_info["schd"] + server_info["scrm"] + server_info["scmo"] + server_info["sccd"] ) return response( template="index.html", page_title=_("PiSCSI Control Page"), locales=get_supported_locales(), netinfo=piscsi_cmd.get_network_info(), bridge_configured=sys_cmd.is_bridge_setup(), devices=formatted_devices, attached_images=attached_images, files=extended_image_files, config_files=config_files, device_types=device_types, scan_depth=server_info["scan_depth"], log_levels=server_info["log_levels"], current_log_level=server_info["current_log_level"], scsi_ids=scsi_ids, units=units, reserved_scsi_ids=reserved_scsi_ids, image_suffixes_to_create=image_suffixes_to_create, valid_image_suffixes=valid_image_suffixes, drive_properties=format_drive_properties(APP.config["PISCSI_DRIVE_PROPERTIES"]), RESERVATIONS=RESERVATIONS, CFG_DIR=CFG_DIR, FILE_SERVER_DIR=FILE_SERVER_DIR, PROPERTIES_SUFFIX=PROPERTIES_SUFFIX, ARCHIVE_FILE_SUFFIXES=ARCHIVE_FILE_SUFFIXES, CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX=CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX, REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES=piscsi_cmd.get_removable_device_types(), DISK_DEVICE_TYPES=piscsi_cmd.get_disk_device_types(), PERIPHERAL_DEVICE_TYPES=piscsi_cmd.get_peripheral_device_types(), ) @APP.route("/env") def env(): """ Shows information about the app/host environment """ return response(**get_env_info()) @APP.route("/drive/list", methods=["GET"]) def drive_list(): """ Sets up the data structures and kicks off the rendering of the drive list page """ return response( template="drives.html", page_title=_("PiSCSI Create Drive"), files=file_cmd.list_images()["files"], drive_properties=format_drive_properties(APP.config["PISCSI_DRIVE_PROPERTIES"]), ) @APP.route("/upload", methods=["GET"]) def upload_page(): """ Sets up the data structures and kicks off the rendering of the file uploading page """ return response( template="upload.html", page_title=_("PiSCSI File Upload"), max_file_size=int(int(MAX_FILE_SIZE) / 1024 / 1024), FILE_SERVER_DIR=FILE_SERVER_DIR, ) @APP.route("/login", methods=["POST"]) def login(): """ Uses simplepam to authenticate against Linux users """ username = request.form["username"] password = request.form["password"] groups = [g.gr_name for g in getgrall() if username in g.gr_mem] if AUTH_GROUP in groups and authenticate(str(username), str(password)): session["username"] = request.form["username"] return response(env=get_env_info()) return response( error=True, status_code=401, message=_( "You must log in with valid credentials for a user in the '%(group)s' group", group=AUTH_GROUP, ), ) @APP.route("/logout") def logout(): """ Removes the logged in user from the session """ session.pop("username", None) return response() @APP.route("/pwa/") def send_pwa_files(pwa_path): """ Sets up mobile web resources """ return send_from_directory("pwa", pwa_path) def login_required(func): """ Wrapper method for enabling authentication for an endpoint """ @wraps(func) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): auth = auth_active(AUTH_GROUP) if auth["status"] and "username" not in session: return response(error=True, message=auth["msg"]) return func(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function @APP.route("/drive/create", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def drive_create(): """ Creates the image and properties file pair """ drive_name = request.form.get("drive_name") file_name = Path(request.form.get("file_name")).name properties = get_properties_by_drive_name(APP.config["PISCSI_DRIVE_PROPERTIES"], drive_name) if not properties: return response( error=True, message=_("No properties data for drive %(drive_name)s", drive_name=drive_name), ) # Creating the image file process = file_cmd.create_new_image( file_name, properties["file_type"], properties["size"], ) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) # Creating the drive properties file full_file_name = f"{file_name}.{properties['file_type']}" prop_file_name = f"{full_file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" process = file_cmd.write_drive_properties(prop_file_name, properties) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) return response( message=_( "Image file with properties created: %(file_name)s", file_name=full_file_name, ) ) @APP.route("/drive/cdrom", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def drive_cdrom(): """ Creates a properties file for a CD-ROM image """ drive_name = request.form.get("drive_name") file_name = Path(request.form.get("file_name")).name # Creating the drive properties file file_name = f"{file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" properties = get_properties_by_drive_name(APP.config["PISCSI_DRIVE_PROPERTIES"], drive_name) if not properties: return response( error=True, message=_("No properties data for drive %(drive_name)s", drive_name=drive_name), ) process = file_cmd.write_drive_properties(file_name, properties) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: return response(message=process["msg"]) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/config/save", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def config_save(): """ Saves a config file to disk """ file_name = Path(request.form.get("name") + f".{CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX}").name process = file_cmd.write_config(file_name) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: return response(message=process["msg"]) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/config/load", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def config_load(): """ Loads a config file from disk """ file_name = Path(request.form.get("name")).name if "load" in request.form: process = file_cmd.read_config(file_name) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: return response(message=process["msg"]) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) if "delete" in request.form: file_path = Path(CFG_DIR) / file_name process = file_cmd.delete_file(file_path) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: return response(message=process["msg"]) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) return response(error=True, message="Action field (load, delete) missing") @APP.route("/files/diskinfo", methods=["POST"]) def show_diskinfo(): """ Displays disk image info """ file_name = Path(request.form.get("file_name")) safe_path = is_safe_path(file_name) if not safe_path["status"]: return response(error=True, message=safe_path["msg"]) server_info = piscsi_cmd.get_server_info() returncode, diskinfo = sys_cmd.get_diskinfo(Path(server_info["image_dir"]) / file_name) if returncode == 0: return response( template="diskinfo.html", page_title=_("PiSCSI Image Info"), file_name=str(file_name), diskinfo=diskinfo, ) return response( error=True, message=_("An error occurred when getting disk info: %(error)s", error=diskinfo), ) @APP.route("/sys/manpage", methods=["GET"]) def show_manpage(): """ Displays manpage """ app_allowlist = ["piscsi", "scsictl", "scsidump", "scsimon"] app = request.args.get("app", type=str) if app not in app_allowlist: return response(error=True, message=_("%(app)s is not a recognized PiSCSI app", app=app)) file_path = f"{WEB_DIR}/../../../doc/{app}.1" html_to_strip = [ "Content-type", "!DOCTYPE", "", "", "", "

", ] returncode, manpage = sys_cmd.get_manpage(file_path) if returncode == 0: formatted_manpage = "" for line in manpage.splitlines(True): # Make URIs compatible with the Flask webapp if "/?1+" in line: line = line.replace("/?1+", "manpage?app=") # Strip out useless hyperlink elif "man2html" in line: line = line.replace('man2html', "man2html") if not any(ele in line for ele in html_to_strip): formatted_manpage += line return response( template="manpage.html", page_title=_("PiSCSI Manual"), app=app, manpage=formatted_manpage, ) return response( error=True, message=_("An error occurred when accessing manual page: %(error)s", error=manpage), ) @APP.route("/logs/show", methods=["POST"]) def show_logs(): """ Displays system logs """ lines = request.form.get("lines") scope = request.form.get("scope") returncode, logs = sys_cmd.get_logs(lines, scope) if returncode == 0: return response( template="logs.html", page_title=_("PiSCSI System Logs"), scope=scope, lines=lines, logs=logs, ) return response( error=True, message=_("An error occurred when fetching logs: %(error)s", error=logs), ) @APP.route("/logs/level", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def log_level(): """ Sets PiSCSI backend log level """ level = request.form.get("level") or "info" process = piscsi_cmd.set_log_level(level) if process["status"]: return response(message=_("Log level set to %(value)s", value=level)) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/scsi/attach_device", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def attach_device(): """ Attaches a peripheral device that doesn't take an image file as argument """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") unit = request.form.get("unit") device_type = request.form.get("type") drive_name = request.form.get("drive_name") if not scsi_id: return response(error=True, message=_("No SCSI ID specified")) # Attempt to fetch the drive properties based on drive name drive_props = None if drive_name: for drive in APP.config["PISCSI_DRIVE_PROPERTIES"]: if drive["name"] == drive_name: drive_props = drive break # Collect device parameters into a dictionary PARAM_PREFIX = "param_" params = {} for item in request.form: if item.startswith(PARAM_PREFIX): param = request.form.get(item) if param: params.update({item.replace(PARAM_PREFIX, ""): param}) if "interface" in params.keys(): bridge_status = is_bridge_configured(params["interface"]) if not bridge_status["status"]: return response(error=True, message=bridge_status["msg"]) kwargs = { "unit": int(unit), "device_type": device_type, "params": params, } if drive_props: kwargs["vendor"] = drive_props["vendor"] kwargs["product"] = drive_props["product"] kwargs["revision"] = drive_props["revision"] kwargs["block_size"] = drive_props["block_size"] process = piscsi_cmd.attach_device(scsi_id, **kwargs) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: return response( message=_( "Attached %(device_type)s to SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", device_type=get_device_name(device_type), id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit, ) ) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/scsi/attach", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def attach_image(): """ Attaches a file image as a device """ file_name = request.form.get("file_name") file_size = request.form.get("file_size") scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") unit = request.form.get("unit") device_type = request.form.get("type") if not scsi_id: return response(error=True, message=_("No SCSI ID specified")) if not file_name: return response(error=True, message=_("No image file to insert")) kwargs = {"unit": int(unit), "params": {"file": file_name}} if device_type: kwargs["device_type"] = device_type device_types = piscsi_cmd.get_device_types() expected_block_size = min(device_types["device_types"][device_type]["block_sizes"]) # Attempt to load the device properties file: # same file name with PROPERTIES_SUFFIX appended drive_properties = Path(CFG_DIR) / f"{file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" if drive_properties.is_file(): process = file_cmd.read_drive_properties(drive_properties) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) conf = process["conf"] kwargs["vendor"] = conf["vendor"] kwargs["product"] = conf["product"] kwargs["revision"] = conf["revision"] kwargs["block_size"] = conf["block_size"] expected_block_size = conf["block_size"] process = piscsi_cmd.attach_device(scsi_id, **kwargs) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: if int(file_size) % int(expected_block_size): logging.warning( "The image file size %s bytes is not a multiple of %s. " "PiSCSI will ignore the trailing data. " "The image may be corrupted, so proceed with caution.", file_size, expected_block_size, ) return response( message=_( "Attached %(file_name)s as %(device_type)s to " "SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", file_name=file_name, device_type=get_device_name(device_type), id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit, ) ) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/scsi/detach_all", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def detach_all_devices(): """ Detaches all currently attached devices """ process = piscsi_cmd.detach_all() if process["status"]: return response(message=_("Detached all SCSI devices")) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/scsi/detach", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def detach(): """ Detaches a specified device """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") unit = request.form.get("unit") process = piscsi_cmd.detach_by_id(scsi_id, unit) if process["status"]: return response( message=_( "Detached SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit, ) ) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/scsi/eject", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def eject(): """ Ejects a specified removable device image, but keeps the device attached """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") unit = request.form.get("unit") process = piscsi_cmd.eject_by_id(scsi_id, unit) if process["status"]: return response( message=_( "Ejected SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit, ) ) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/scsi/info", methods=["POST"]) def device_info(): """ Displays detailed info for all attached devices """ process = piscsi_cmd.list_devices() if process["status"]: return response( template="deviceinfo.html", page_title=_("PiSCSI Device Info"), devices=process["device_list"], ) return response(error=True, message=_("No devices attached")) @APP.route("/scsi/reserve", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def reserve_id(): """ Reserves a SCSI ID and stores the memo for that reservation """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") memo = request.form.get("memo") reserved_ids = piscsi_cmd.get_reserved_ids()["ids"] reserved_ids.extend(scsi_id) process = piscsi_cmd.reserve_scsi_ids(reserved_ids) if process["status"]: RESERVATIONS[int(scsi_id)] = memo return response(message=_("Reserved SCSI ID %(id_number)s", id_number=scsi_id)) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/scsi/release", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def release_id(): """ Releases the reservation of a SCSI ID as well as the memo for the reservation """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") reserved_ids = piscsi_cmd.get_reserved_ids()["ids"] reserved_ids.remove(scsi_id) process = piscsi_cmd.reserve_scsi_ids(reserved_ids) if process["status"]: RESERVATIONS[int(scsi_id)] = "" return response( message=_("Released the reservation for SCSI ID %(id_number)s", id_number=scsi_id) ) return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) @APP.route("/sys/rename", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def rename_system(): """ Changes the hostname of the system """ name = str(request.form.get("system_name")) max_length = 120 if len(name) <= max_length: process = sys_cmd.set_pretty_host(name) if process: if name: return response(message=_("System name changed to '%(name)s'.", name=name)) return response(message=_("System name reset to default.")) return response(error=True, message=_("Failed to change system name.")) @APP.route("/sys/reboot", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def restart(): """ Restarts the system """ returncode, message = sys_cmd.reboot_system() if not returncode: return response() return response(error=True, message=message) @APP.route("/sys/shutdown", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def shutdown(): """ Shuts down the system """ returncode, message = sys_cmd.shutdown_system() if not returncode: return response() return response(error=True, message=message) @APP.route("/files/create_iso", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def download_to_iso(): """ Downloads a file and creates a CD-ROM image with the specified file system and the file """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") url = request.form.get("url") iso_type = request.form.get("type") local_file = request.form.get("file") if iso_type == "HFS": iso_args = ["-hfs"] elif iso_type == "ISO-9660 Level 1": iso_args = ["-iso-level", "1"] elif iso_type == "ISO-9660 Level 2": iso_args = ["-iso-level", "2"] elif iso_type == "ISO-9660 Level 3": iso_args = ["-iso-level", "3"] elif iso_type == "Joliet": iso_args = ["-J"] elif iso_type == "Rock Ridge": iso_args = ["-r"] else: return response( error=True, message=_("%(iso_type)s is not a valid CD-ROM format.", iso_type=iso_type), ) if url: process = file_cmd.download_file_to_iso(url, *iso_args) elif local_file: server_info = piscsi_cmd.get_server_info() file_path = Path(server_info["image_dir"]) / local_file iso_path = Path(str(file_path) + ".iso") process = file_cmd.generate_iso(iso_path, file_path, *iso_args) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if not process["status"]: return response( error=True, message=_( "The following error occurred when creating the CD-ROM image: %(error)s", error=process["msg"], ), ) process_attach = piscsi_cmd.attach_device( scsi_id, device_type="SCCD", params={"file": process["file_name"]}, ) process_attach = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process_attach) if process_attach["status"]: return response( message=_( "CD-ROM image %(file_name)s with type %(iso_type)s was created " "and attached to SCSI ID %(id_number)s", file_name=process["file_name"], iso_type=iso_type, id_number=scsi_id, ), ) return response( error=True, message=_( "CD-ROM image %(file_name)s with type %(iso_type)s was created " "but could not be attached: %(error)s", file_name=process["file_name"], iso_type=iso_type, error=process_attach["msg"], ), ) @APP.route("/files/download_url", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def download_file(): """ Downloads a remote file onto the images dir on the system """ destination = request.form.get("destination") url = request.form.get("url") if destination == "shared_files": destination_dir = FILE_SERVER_DIR else: server_info = piscsi_cmd.get_server_info() destination_dir = server_info["image_dir"] process = file_cmd.download_to_dir(url, destination_dir, Path(url).name) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: return response(message=process["msg"]) return response( error=True, message=_( "The following error occurred when downloading: %(error)s", error=process["msg"], ), ) @APP.route("/files/upload", methods=["POST"]) def upload_file(): """ Uploads a file from the local computer to the images dir on the system Depending on the Dropzone.js JavaScript library """ # Due to the embedded javascript library, we cannot use the @login_required decorator auth = auth_active(AUTH_GROUP) if auth["status"] and "username" not in session: return make_response(auth["msg"], 403) destination = request.form.get("destination") if destination == "file_server": destination_dir = FILE_SERVER_DIR else: server_info = piscsi_cmd.get_server_info() destination_dir = server_info["image_dir"] return upload_with_dropzonejs(destination_dir) @APP.route("/files/create", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def create_file(): """ Creates an empty image file in the images dir """ file_name = Path(request.form.get("file_name")) size = int(request.form.get("size")) * 1024 * 1024 file_type = request.form.get("type") drive_name = request.form.get("drive_name") drive_format = request.form.get("drive_format") safe_path = is_safe_path(file_name) if not safe_path["status"]: return response(error=True, message=safe_path["msg"]) full_file_name = f"{file_name}.{file_type}" process = file_cmd.create_new_image(str(file_name), file_type, size) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) message_postfix = "" # Formatting and injecting driver, if one is chosen if drive_format: volume_name = f"HD {size / 1024 / 1024:0.0f}M" known_formats = [ "Lido 7.56", "SpeedTools 3.6", "FAT16", "FAT32", ] message_postfix = f" ({drive_format})" if drive_format not in known_formats: return response( error=True, message=_( "%(drive_format)s is not a valid hard disk format.", drive_format=drive_format, ), ) elif drive_format.startswith("FAT"): if drive_format == "FAT16": fat_size = "16" elif drive_format == "FAT32": fat_size = "32" else: return response( error=True, message=_( "%(drive_format)s is not a valid hard disk format.", drive_format=drive_format, ), ) process = file_cmd.partition_disk(full_file_name, volume_name, "FAT") if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) process = file_cmd.format_fat( full_file_name, # FAT volume labels are max 11 chars volume_name[:11], fat_size, ) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) else: driver_base_path = Path(f"{WEB_DIR}/../../../mac-hard-disk-drivers") process = file_cmd.partition_disk(full_file_name, volume_name, "HFS") if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) process = file_cmd.format_hfs( full_file_name, volume_name, driver_base_path / Path(drive_format.replace(" ", "-") + ".img"), ) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) # Creating the drive properties file, if one is chosen if drive_name: properties = get_properties_by_drive_name(APP.config["PISCSI_DRIVE_PROPERTIES"], drive_name) if properties: prop_file_name = f"{full_file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" process = file_cmd.write_drive_properties(prop_file_name, properties) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) return response( status_code=201, message=_( "Image file with properties created: %(file_name)s%(drive_format)s", file_name=full_file_name, drive_format=message_postfix, ), image=full_file_name, ) return response( status_code=201, message=_( "Image file created: %(file_name)s%(drive_format)s", file_name=full_file_name, drive_format=message_postfix, ), image=full_file_name, ) @APP.route("/files/download", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def download(): """ Downloads a file from the system to the local computer """ file_name = Path(request.form.get("file")) safe_path = is_safe_path(file_name) if not safe_path["status"]: return response(error=True, message=safe_path["msg"]) server_info = piscsi_cmd.get_server_info() return send_from_directory(server_info["image_dir"], str(file_name), as_attachment=True) @APP.route("/files/delete", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def delete(): """ Deletes a specified file in the images dir """ file_name = Path(request.form.get("file_name")) safe_path = is_safe_path(file_name) if not safe_path["status"]: return response(error=True, message=safe_path["msg"]) process = file_cmd.delete_image(str(file_name)) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) # Delete the drive properties file, if it exists prop_file_path = Path(CFG_DIR) / f"{file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" if prop_file_path.is_file(): process = file_cmd.delete_file(prop_file_path) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: return response( message=_( "Image file with properties deleted: %(file_name)s", file_name=str(file_name), ), ) else: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) return response( message=_( "Image file deleted: %(file_name)s", file_name=str(file_name), ), ) @APP.route("/files/rename", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def rename(): """ Renames a specified file in the images dir """ file_name = Path(request.form.get("file_name")) new_file_name = Path(request.form.get("new_file_name")) safe_path = is_safe_path(file_name) if not safe_path["status"]: return response(error=True, message=safe_path["msg"]) safe_path = is_safe_path(new_file_name) if not safe_path["status"]: return response(error=True, message=safe_path["msg"]) process = file_cmd.rename_image(str(file_name), str(new_file_name)) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) # Rename the drive properties file, if it exists prop_file_path = Path(CFG_DIR) / f"{file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" new_prop_file_path = Path(CFG_DIR) / f"{new_file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" if prop_file_path.is_file(): process = file_cmd.rename_file(prop_file_path, new_prop_file_path) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: return response( message=_( "Image file with properties renamed to: %(file_name)s", file_name=str(new_file_name), ), ) else: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) return response( message=_( "Image file renamed to: %(file_name)s", file_name=str(new_file_name), ), ) @APP.route("/files/copy", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def copy(): """ Creates a copy of a specified file in the images dir """ file_name = Path(request.form.get("file_name")) new_file_name = Path(request.form.get("copy_file_name")) safe_path = is_safe_path(file_name) if not safe_path["status"]: return response(error=True, message=safe_path["msg"]) safe_path = is_safe_path(new_file_name) if not safe_path["status"]: return response(error=True, message=safe_path["msg"]) process = file_cmd.copy_image(str(file_name), str(new_file_name)) if not process["status"]: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) # Create a copy of the drive properties file, if it exists prop_file_path = Path(CFG_DIR) / f"{file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" new_prop_file_path = Path(CFG_DIR) / f"{new_file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" if prop_file_path.is_file(): process = file_cmd.copy_file(prop_file_path, new_prop_file_path) process = ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(process) if process["status"]: return response( message=_( "Copy of image file with properties saved as: %(file_name)s", file_name=str(new_file_name), ), ) else: return response(error=True, message=process["msg"]) return response( message=_( "Copy of image file saved as: %(file_name)s", file_name=str(new_file_name), ), ) @APP.route("/files/extract_image", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def extract_image(): """ Extracts all or a subset of files in the specified archive """ archive_file = Path(request.form.get("archive_file")) archive_members_raw = request.form.get("archive_members") or None archive_members = archive_members_raw.split("|") if archive_members_raw else None safe_path = is_safe_path(archive_file) if not safe_path["status"]: return response(error=True, message=safe_path["msg"]) extract_result = file_cmd.extract_image(str(archive_file), archive_members) if extract_result["return_code"] == ReturnCodes.EXTRACTIMAGE_SUCCESS: for properties_file in extract_result["properties_files_moved"]: if properties_file["status"]: logging.info( "Properties file %s moved to %s", properties_file["name"], CFG_DIR, ) else: logging.warning( "Failed to move properties file %s to %s", properties_file["name"], CFG_DIR, ) return response(message=ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(extract_result).get("msg")) return response(error=True, message=ReturnCodeMapper.add_msg(extract_result).get("msg")) @APP.route("/language", methods=["POST"]) def change_language(): """ Changes the session language locale and refreshes the Flask app context """ locale = request.form.get("locale") session["language"] = locale piscsi_cmd.locale = session["language"] file_cmd.locale = session["language"] refresh() language = Locale.parse(locale) language_name = language.get_language_name(locale) return response(message=_("Changed Web Interface language to %(locale)s", locale=language_name)) @APP.route("/theme", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def change_theme(): if request.method == "GET": theme = request.args.get("name") else: theme = request.form.get("name") if theme not in TEMPLATE_THEMES: return response(error=True, message=_("The requested theme does not exist.")) session["theme"] = theme return response(message=_("Theme changed to '%(theme)s'.", theme=theme)) @APP.route("/healthcheck", methods=["GET"]) def healthcheck(): return "", 200 @APP.before_first_request def detect_locale(): """ Get the detected locale to use for UI string translations. This requires the Flask app to have started first. """ session["language"] = get_locale() piscsi_cmd.locale = session["language"] file_cmd.locale = session["language"] @APP.before_request def log_http_request(): if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): message = f"HTTP request: {request.method} {request.path}" if request.method == "POST": if request.path == "/login": message += " ()" elif len(request.get_data()) > 100: message += f" (payload: {request.get_data()[:100]} )" else: message += f" (payload: {request.get_data()})" logging.debug(message) if __name__ == "__main__": APP.secret_key = "piscsi_is_awesome_insecure_secret_key" APP.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem" APP.config["MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = int(MAX_FILE_SIZE) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PiSCSI Web Interface command line arguments") parser.add_argument( "--port", type=int, default=8080, action="store", help="Port number the web server will run on", ) parser.add_argument( "--password", type=str, default="", action="store", help="Token password string for authenticating with PiSCSI", ) parser.add_argument( "--backend-host", type=str, default="localhost", action="store", help="PiSCSI backend hostname. Default: localhost", ) parser.add_argument( "--backend-port", type=int, default=6868, action="store", help="PiSCSI backend port number. Default: 6868", ) parser.add_argument( "--log-level", type=str, default="warning", action="store", help="Log level for Web UI. Default: warning", choices=["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"], ) parser.add_argument( "--dev-mode", action="store_true", help="Run in development mode", ) arguments = parser.parse_args() APP.config["PISCSI_TOKEN"] = arguments.password logging.config.dictConfig( { "version": 1, "formatters": { "default": { "format": "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s", } }, "handlers": { "wsgi": { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "default", } }, "root": { "level": arguments.log_level.upper(), "handlers": ["wsgi"], }, } ) sock_cmd = SocketCmdsFlask(host=arguments.backend_host, port=arguments.backend_port) piscsi_cmd = PiscsiCmds(sock_cmd=sock_cmd, token=APP.config["PISCSI_TOKEN"]) file_cmd = FileCmds(sock_cmd=sock_cmd, piscsi=piscsi_cmd, token=APP.config["PISCSI_TOKEN"]) sys_cmd = SysCmds() if Path(f"{CFG_DIR}/{DEFAULT_CONFIG}").is_file(): file_cmd.read_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG) if Path(f"{DRIVE_PROPERTIES_FILE}").is_file(): process = file_cmd.read_drive_properties(DRIVE_PROPERTIES_FILE) if process["status"]: APP.config["PISCSI_DRIVE_PROPERTIES"] = process["conf"] else: APP.config["PISCSI_DRIVE_PROPERTIES"] = [] logging.error(process["msg"]) else: APP.config["PISCSI_DRIVE_PROPERTIES"] = [] logging.warning("Could not read drive properties from %s", DRIVE_PROPERTIES_FILE) logging.info("Starting WSGI server...") if arguments.dev_mode: logging.info("Dev mode enabled") APP.debug = True from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication try: bjoern.run(DebuggedApplication(APP, evalex=False), "", arguments.port) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass else: bjoern.run(APP, "", arguments.port)