//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // X68000 EMULATOR "XM6" // // Copyright (C) 2001-2006 PI.(ytanaka@ipc-tokai.or.jp) // Copyright (C) 2014-2020 GIMONS // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once // TODO Remove this include as soon as gpiobus.cpp/h is open for editing (adding the include there) again #include "bus.h" namespace scsi_defs { enum class scsi_level : int { SCSI_1_CCS = 1, SCSI_2 = 2, SPC = 3, SPC_2 = 4, SPC_3 = 5, SPC_4 = 6, SPC_5 = 7, SPC_6 = 8 }; enum class device_type : int { DIRECT_ACCESS = 0, PRINTER = 2, PROCESSOR = 3, CD_ROM = 5, OPTICAL_MEMORY = 7, COMMUNICATIONS = 9 }; // TODO Use a mapping of enum to structure with command byte count and enum name enum class scsi_command : int { eCmdTestUnitReady = 0x00, eCmdRezero = 0x01, eCmdRequestSense = 0x03, eCmdFormat = 0x04, eCmdReassign = 0x07, eCmdRead6 = 0x08, // DaynaPort specific command eCmdRetrieveStats = 0x09, eCmdWrite6 = 0x0A, eCmdPrint = 0x0A, eCmdSeek6 = 0x0B, // DaynaPort specific command eCmdSetIfaceMode = 0x0C, // DaynaPort specific command eCmdSetMcastAddr = 0x0D, // DaynaPort specific command eCmdEnableInterface = 0x0E, eCmdSynchronizeBuffer = 0x10, eCmdInquiry = 0x12, eCmdModeSelect6 = 0x15, eCmdReserve6 = 0x16, eCmdRelease6 = 0x17, eCmdModeSense6 = 0x1A, eCmdStartStop = 0x1B, eCmdStopPrint = 0x1B, eCmdSendDiag = 0x1D, eCmdRemoval = 0x1E, // ICD specific command, evaluated by the controller eCmdIcd = 0x1F, eCmdReadCapacity10 = 0x25, eCmdRead10 = 0x28, eCmdWrite10 = 0x2A, eCmdSeek10 = 0x2B, eCmdVerify10 = 0x2F, eCmdSynchronizeCache10 = 0x35, eCmdReadDefectData10 = 0x37, eCmdReadLong10 = 0x3E, eCmdWriteLong10 = 0x3F, eCmdReadToc = 0x43, eCmdGetEventStatusNotification = 0x4A, eCmdModeSelect10 = 0x55, eCmdModeSense10 = 0x5A, eCmdRead16 = 0x88, eCmdWrite16 = 0x8A, eCmdVerify16 = 0x8F, eCmdSynchronizeCache16 = 0x91, eCmdReadCapacity16_ReadLong16 = 0x9E, eCmdWriteLong16 = 0x9F, eCmdReportLuns = 0xA0 }; enum class status : int { GOOD = 0x00, CHECK_CONDITION = 0x02, RESERVATION_CONFLICT = 0x18 }; enum class sense_key : int { NO_SENSE = 0x00, NOT_READY = 0x02, MEDIUM_ERROR = 0x03, ILLEGAL_REQUEST = 0x05, UNIT_ATTENTION = 0x06, DATA_PROTECT = 0x07, ABORTED_COMMAND = 0x0b }; enum class asc : int { NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_INFORMATION = 0x00, WRITE_FAULT = 0x03, READ_FAULT = 0x11, INVALID_COMMAND_OPERATION_CODE = 0x20, LBA_OUT_OF_RANGE = 0x21, INVALID_FIELD_IN_CDB = 0x24, INVALID_LUN = 0x25, INVALID_FIELD_IN_PARAMETER_LIST = 0x26, WRITE_PROTECTED = 0x27, NOT_READY_TO_READY_CHANGE = 0x28, POWER_ON_OR_RESET = 0x29, MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT = 0x3a, LOAD_OR_EJECT_FAILED = 0x53 }; };