import logging from settings import * import rascsi_interface_pb2 as proto def get_server_info(): command = proto.PbCommand() command.operation = proto.PbOperation.SERVER_INFO data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString()) result = proto.PbResult() result.ParseFromString(data) version = str(result.server_info.major_version) + "." +\ str(result.server_info.minor_version) + "." +\ str(result.server_info.patch_version) log_levels = result.server_info.log_levels current_log_level = result.server_info.current_log_level reserved_ids = list(result.server_info.reserved_ids) return {"status": result.status, "version": version, "log_levels": log_levels, "current_log_level": current_log_level, "reserved_ids": reserved_ids} def get_network_info(): command = proto.PbCommand() command.operation = proto.PbOperation.NETWORK_INTERFACES_INFO data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString()) result = proto.PbResult() result.ParseFromString(data) ifs = return {"status": result.status, "ifs": ifs} def validate_scsi_id(scsi_id): from re import match if match("[0-7]", str(scsi_id)) != None: return {"status": True, "msg": "Valid SCSI ID."} else: return {"status": False, "msg": "Invalid SCSI ID. Should be a number between 0-7"} def get_valid_scsi_ids(devices, reserved_ids): occupied_ids = [] for d in devices: # Make it possible to insert images on top of a # removable media device currently without an image attached if d["device_type"] != "-" and "No Media" not in d["status"]: occupied_ids.append(d["id"]) # Combine lists and remove duplicates invalid_ids = list(set(reserved_ids + occupied_ids)) valid_ids = list(range(8)) for id in invalid_ids: try: valid_ids.remove(int(id)) except: # May reach this state if the RaSCSI Web UI thinks an ID # is reserved but RaSCSI has not actually reserved it. logging.warning(f"SCSI ID {id} flagged as both valid and invalid. Try restarting the RaSCSI Web UI.") valid_ids.reverse() return valid_ids # TODO: This can probably be deprecated and use list_devices instead def get_type(scsi_id): device = proto.PbDeviceDefinition() = int(scsi_id) command = proto.PbCommand() command.operation = proto.PbOperation.DEVICES_INFO command.devices.append(device) data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString()) result = proto.PbResult() result.ParseFromString(data) # Assuming that only one PbDevice object is present in the response try: result_type = proto.PbDeviceType.Name(result.device_info.devices[0].type) return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg, "device_type": result_type} except: return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg, "device_type": None} def attach_image(scsi_id, **kwargs): command = proto.PbCommand() devices = proto.PbDeviceDefinition() = int(scsi_id) if "device_type" in kwargs.keys(): devices.type = proto.PbDeviceType.Value(str(kwargs["device_type"])) if "unit" in kwargs.keys(): devices.unit = kwargs["unit"] if "image" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["image"] not in [None, ""]: devices.params["file"] = kwargs["image"] # Handling the inserting of media into an attached removable type device currently_attached = get_type(scsi_id)["device_type"] device_type = kwargs.get("device_type", None) if device_type in REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES and currently_attached in REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES: if currently_attached != device_type: return {"status": False, "msg": f"Cannot insert an image for {device_type} into a {currently_attached} device."} else: command.operation = proto.PbOperation.INSERT # Handling attaching a new device else: command.operation = proto.PbOperation.ATTACH if "interfaces" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["interfaces"] not in [None, ""]: devices.params["interfaces"] = kwargs["interfaces"] if "vendor" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["vendor"] not in [None, ""]: devices.vendor = kwargs["vendor"] if "product" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["product"] not in [None, ""]: devices.product = kwargs["product"] if "revision" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["revision"] not in [None, ""]: devices.revision = kwargs["revision"] if "block_size" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["block_size"] not in [None, ""]: devices.block_size = int(kwargs["block_size"]) command.devices.append(devices) data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString()) result = proto.PbResult() result.ParseFromString(data) return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg} def detach_by_id(scsi_id): devices = proto.PbDeviceDefinition() = int(scsi_id) command = proto.PbCommand() command.operation = proto.PbOperation.DETACH command.devices.append(devices) data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString()) result = proto.PbResult() result.ParseFromString(data) return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg} def detach_all(): command = proto.PbCommand() command.operation = proto.PbOperation.DETACH_ALL data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString()) result = proto.PbResult() result.ParseFromString(data) return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg} def eject_by_id(scsi_id): devices = proto.PbDeviceDefinition() = int(scsi_id) command = proto.PbCommand() command.operation = proto.PbOperation.EJECT command.devices.append(devices) data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString()) result = proto.PbResult() result.ParseFromString(data) return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg} def list_devices(scsi_id=None): from os import path command = proto.PbCommand() command.operation = proto.PbOperation.DEVICES_INFO # If method is called with scsi_id parameter, return the info on those devices # Otherwise, return the info on all attached devices if scsi_id != None: device = proto.PbDeviceDefinition() = int(scsi_id) command.devices.append(device) data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString()) result = proto.PbResult() result.ParseFromString(data) device_list = [] n = 0 if len(result.device_info.devices) == 0: return {"status": False, "device_list": []} while n < len(result.device_info.devices): did = result.device_info.devices[n].id dun = result.device_info.devices[n].unit dtype = proto.PbDeviceType.Name(result.device_info.devices[n].type) dstat = result.device_info.devices[n].status dprop = result.device_info.devices[n].properties # Building the status string # TODO: This formatting should probably be moved elsewhere dstat_msg = [] if dprop.read_only == True: dstat_msg.append("Read-Only") if dstat.protected == True and dprop.protectable == True: dstat_msg.append("Write-Protected") if dstat.removed == True and dprop.removable == True: dstat_msg.append("No Media") if dstat.locked == True and dprop.lockable == True: dstat_msg.append("Locked") dpath = result.device_info.devices[n] dfile = path.basename(dpath) dparam = result.device_info.devices[n].params dven = result.device_info.devices[n].vendor dprod = result.device_info.devices[n].product drev = result.device_info.devices[n].revision dblock = result.device_info.devices[n].block_size device_list.append({"id": did, "un": dun, "device_type": dtype, \ "status": ", ".join(dstat_msg), "image": dpath, "file": dfile, "params": dparam,\ "vendor": dven, "product": dprod, "revision": drev, "block_size": dblock}) n += 1 return {"status": True, "device_list": device_list} def sort_and_format_devices(devices): occupied_ids = [] for d in devices: occupied_ids.append(d["id"]) formatted_devices = devices # Add padding devices and sort the list for id in range(8): if id not in occupied_ids: formatted_devices.append({"id": id, "device_type": "-", \ "status": "-", "file": "-", "product": "-"}) # Sort list of devices by id formatted_devices.sort(key=lambda dic: str(dic["id"])) return formatted_devices def set_log_level(log_level): '''Sends a command to the server to change the log level. Takes target log level as an argument.''' command = proto.PbCommand() command.operation = proto.PbOperation.LOG_LEVEL command.params["level"] = str(log_level) data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString()) result = proto.PbResult() result.ParseFromString(data) return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg} def send_pb_command(payload): # Host and port number where rascsi is listening for socket connections HOST = 'localhost' PORT = 6868 counter = 0 tries = 100 error_msg = "" import socket while counter < tries: try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.connect((HOST, PORT)) return send_over_socket(s, payload) except socket.error as error: counter += 1 logging.warning("The RaSCSI service is not responding - attempt " + \ str(counter) + "/" + str(tries)) error_msg = str(error) logging.error(error_msg) # After failing all attempts, throw a 404 error from flask import abort abort(404, "Failed to connect to RaSCSI at " + str(HOST) + ":" + str(PORT) + \ " with error: " + error_msg + ". Is the RaSCSI service running?") def send_over_socket(s, payload): from struct import pack, unpack # Prepending a little endian 32bit header with the message size s.send(pack("= 4: # Extracting the response header to get the length of the response message response_length = unpack("