""" Module for the Flask app rendering and endpoints """ import logging import argparse from pathlib import Path from functools import wraps from flask import ( Flask, render_template, request, flash, url_for, redirect, send_file, send_from_directory, make_response, session, abort, ) from flask_babel import Babel, Locale, refresh, _ from file_cmds import ( list_images, list_config_files, create_new_image, download_file_to_iso, delete_image, rename_image, delete_file, rename_file, unzip_file, download_to_dir, write_config, read_config, write_drive_properties, read_drive_properties, ) from pi_cmds import ( running_env, running_proc, is_bridge_setup, disk_space, get_ip_address, introspect_file, auth_active, ) from ractl_cmds import ( attach_image, list_devices, detach_by_id, eject_by_id, detach_all, get_server_info, get_reserved_ids, get_network_info, get_device_types, reserve_scsi_ids, set_log_level, shutdown_pi, is_token_auth, ) from device_utils import ( sort_and_format_devices, get_valid_scsi_ids, ) from settings import ( CFG_DIR, AFP_DIR, MAX_FILE_SIZE, ARCHIVE_FILE_SUFFIX, CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX, PROPERTIES_SUFFIX, DEFAULT_CONFIG, DRIVE_PROPERTIES_FILE, REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES, RESERVATIONS, AUTH_GROUP, LANGUAGES, ) APP = Flask(__name__) BABEL = Babel(APP) @BABEL.localeselector def get_locale(): """ Uses the session language, or tries to detect based on accept-languages header """ try: language = session["language"] except KeyError: language = "" logging.warning("The default locale could not be detected. Falling back to English.") if language: return language # Hardcoded fallback to "en" when the user agent does not send an accept-language header language = request.accept_languages.best_match(LANGUAGES) or "en" return language def get_supported_locales(): """ Returns a list of Locale objects that the Web Interfaces supports """ locales = BABEL.list_translations() locales.append(Locale("en")) sorted_locales = sorted(locales, key=lambda x: x.language) return sorted_locales @APP.route("/") def index(): """ Sets up data structures for and renders the index page """ if not is_token_auth()["status"] and not APP.config["TOKEN"]: abort( 403, _( u"RaSCSI is password protected. " u"Start the Web Interface with the --password parameter." ), ) locales = get_supported_locales() server_info = get_server_info() disk = disk_space() devices = list_devices() device_types = get_device_types() image_files = list_images() config_files = list_config_files() sorted_image_files = sorted(image_files["files"], key=lambda x: x["name"].lower()) sorted_config_files = sorted(config_files, key=lambda x: x.lower()) attached_images = [] units = 0 # If there are more than 0 logical unit numbers, display in the Web UI for device in devices["device_list"]: attached_images.append(device["image"].replace(server_info["image_dir"] + "/", "")) units += int(device["unit"]) reserved_scsi_ids = server_info["reserved_ids"] scsi_ids, recommended_id = get_valid_scsi_ids(devices["device_list"], reserved_scsi_ids) formatted_devices = sort_and_format_devices(devices["device_list"]) valid_file_suffix = "."+", .".join( server_info["sahd"] + server_info["schd"] + server_info["scrm"] + server_info["scmo"] + server_info["sccd"] + [ARCHIVE_FILE_SUFFIX] ) if "username" in session: username = session["username"] else: username = None return render_template( "index.html", locales=locales, bridge_configured=is_bridge_setup(), netatalk_configured=running_proc("afpd"), macproxy_configured=running_proc("macproxy"), ip_addr=get_ip_address(), devices=formatted_devices, files=sorted_image_files, config_files=sorted_config_files, base_dir=server_info["image_dir"], scan_depth=server_info["scan_depth"], CFG_DIR=CFG_DIR, AFP_DIR=AFP_DIR, scsi_ids=scsi_ids, recommended_id=recommended_id, attached_images=attached_images, units=units, reserved_scsi_ids=reserved_scsi_ids, RESERVATIONS=RESERVATIONS, max_file_size=int(int(MAX_FILE_SIZE) / 1024 / 1024), running_env=running_env(), version=server_info["version"], log_levels=server_info["log_levels"], current_log_level=server_info["current_log_level"], netinfo=get_network_info(), device_types=device_types["device_types"], free_disk=int(disk["free"] / 1024 / 1024), valid_file_suffix=valid_file_suffix, cdrom_file_suffix=tuple(server_info["sccd"]), removable_file_suffix=tuple(server_info["scrm"]), mo_file_suffix=tuple(server_info["scmo"]), username=username, auth_active=auth_active()["status"], ARCHIVE_FILE_SUFFIX=ARCHIVE_FILE_SUFFIX, PROPERTIES_SUFFIX=PROPERTIES_SUFFIX, REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES=REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES, ) @APP.route("/drive/list", methods=["GET"]) def drive_list(): """ Sets up the data structures and kicks off the rendering of the drive list page """ server_info = get_server_info() disk = disk_space() # Reads the canonical drive properties into a dict # The file resides in the current dir of the web ui process drive_properties = Path(DRIVE_PROPERTIES_FILE) if drive_properties.is_file(): process = read_drive_properties(str(drive_properties)) if not process["status"]: flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) conf = process["conf"] else: flash( _( "Could not read drive properties from %(properties_file)s", properties_file=drive_properties, ), "error", ) return redirect(url_for("index")) hd_conf = [] cd_conf = [] rm_conf = [] from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename for device in conf: if device["device_type"] == "SCHD": device["secure_name"] = secure_filename(device["name"]) device["size_mb"] = "{:,.2f}".format(device["size"] / 1024 / 1024) hd_conf.append(device) elif device["device_type"] == "SCCD": device["size_mb"] = "N/A" cd_conf.append(device) elif device["device_type"] == "SCRM": device["secure_name"] = secure_filename(device["name"]) device["size_mb"] = "{:,.2f}".format(device["size"] / 1024 / 1024) rm_conf.append(device) files = list_images() sorted_image_files = sorted(files["files"], key=lambda x: x["name"].lower()) hd_conf = sorted(hd_conf, key=lambda x: x["name"].lower()) cd_conf = sorted(cd_conf, key=lambda x: x["name"].lower()) rm_conf = sorted(rm_conf, key=lambda x: x["name"].lower()) if "username" in session: username = session["username"] else: username = None return render_template( "drives.html", files=sorted_image_files, base_dir=server_info["image_dir"], hd_conf=hd_conf, cd_conf=cd_conf, rm_conf=rm_conf, running_env=running_env(), version=server_info["version"], free_disk=int(disk["free"] / 1024 / 1024), cdrom_file_suffix=tuple(server_info["sccd"]), username=username, auth_active=auth_active()["status"], ) @APP.route("/login", methods=["POST"]) def login(): """ Uses simplepam to authenticate against Linux users """ username = request.form["username"] password = request.form["password"] from simplepam import authenticate from grp import getgrall groups = [g.gr_name for g in getgrall() if username in g.gr_mem] if AUTH_GROUP in groups: if authenticate(str(username), str(password)): session["username"] = request.form["username"] return redirect(url_for("index")) flash( _( u"You must log in with credentials for a user in the '%(group)s' group", group=AUTH_GROUP, ), "error", ) return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/logout") def logout(): """ Removes the logged in user from the session """ session.pop("username", None) return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/pwa/") def send_pwa_files(path): """ Sets up mobile web resources """ return send_from_directory("pwa", path) def login_required(func): """ Wrapper method for enabling authentication for an endpoint """ @wraps(func) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): auth = auth_active() if auth["status"] and "username" not in session: flash(auth["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) return func(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function @APP.route("/drive/create", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def drive_create(): """ Creates the image and properties file pair """ vendor = request.form.get("vendor") product = request.form.get("product") revision = request.form.get("revision") block_size = request.form.get("block_size") size = request.form.get("size") file_type = request.form.get("file_type") file_name = request.form.get("file_name") full_file_name = file_name + "." + file_type # Creating the image file process = create_new_image(file_name, file_type, size) if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Image file created: %(file_name)s", file_name=full_file_name)) else: flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) # Creating the drive properties file prop_file_name = f"{file_name}.{file_type}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" properties = { "vendor": vendor, "product": product, "revision": revision, "block_size": block_size, } process = write_drive_properties(prop_file_name, properties) if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process['msg'], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/drive/cdrom", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def drive_cdrom(): """ Creates a properties file for a CD-ROM image """ vendor = request.form.get("vendor") product = request.form.get("product") revision = request.form.get("revision") block_size = request.form.get("block_size") file_name = request.form.get("file_name") # Creating the drive properties file file_name = f"{file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" properties = { "vendor": vendor, "product": product, "revision": revision, "block_size": block_size, } process = write_drive_properties(file_name, properties) if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process['msg'], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/config/save", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def config_save(): """ Saves a config file to disk """ file_name = request.form.get("name") or "default" file_name = f"{file_name}.{CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX}" process = write_config(file_name) if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process['msg'], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/config/load", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def config_load(): """ Loads a config file from disk """ file_name = request.form.get("name") if "load" in request.form: process = read_config(file_name) if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process['msg'], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) if "delete" in request.form: process = delete_file(f"{CFG_DIR}/{file_name}") if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process['msg'], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) # The only reason we would reach here would be a Web UI bug. Will not localize. flash("Got an unhandled request (needs to be either load or delete)", "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/logs/show", methods=["POST"]) def show_logs(): """ Displays system logs """ lines = request.form.get("lines") or "200" scope = request.form.get("scope") or "default" from subprocess import run if scope != "default": process = run( ["journalctl", "-n", lines, "-u", scope], capture_output=True, check=True, ) else: process = run( ["journalctl", "-n", lines], capture_output=True, check=True, ) if process.returncode == 0: headers = {"content-type": "text/plain"} return process.stdout.decode("utf-8"), int(lines), headers flash(_(u"An error occurred when fetching logs.")) flash(process.stderr.decode("utf-8"), "stderr") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/logs/level", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def log_level(): """ Sets RaSCSI backend log level """ level = request.form.get("level") or "info" process = set_log_level(level) if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Log level set to %(value)s", value=level)) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/daynaport/attach", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def daynaport_attach(): """ Attaches a DaynaPORT ethernet adapter device """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") interface = request.form.get("if") ip_addr = request.form.get("ip") mask = request.form.get("mask") error_url = "https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/wiki/Dayna-Port-SCSI-Link" error_msg = _(u"Please follow the instructions at %(url)s", url=error_url) if interface.startswith("wlan"): if not introspect_file("/etc/sysctl.conf", r"^net\.ipv4\.ip_forward=1$"): flash(_(u"Configure IPv4 forwarding before using a wireless network device."), "error") flash(error_msg, "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) if not Path("/etc/iptables/rules.v4").is_file(): flash(_(u"Configure NAT before using a wireless network device."), "error") flash(error_msg, "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) else: if not introspect_file("/etc/dhcpcd.conf", r"^denyinterfaces " + interface + r"$"): flash(_(u"Configure the network bridge before using a wired network device."), "error") flash(error_msg, "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) if not Path("/etc/network/interfaces.d/rascsi_bridge").is_file(): flash(_(u"Configure the network bridge before using a wired network device."), "error") flash(error_msg, "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) kwargs = {"device_type": "SCDP"} if interface != "": arg = interface if "" not in (ip_addr, mask): arg += (":" + ip_addr + "/" + mask) kwargs["interfaces"] = arg process = attach_image(scsi_id, **kwargs) if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Attached DaynaPORT to SCSI ID %(id_number)s", id_number=scsi_id)) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/scsi/attach", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def attach(): """ Attaches a file image as a device """ file_name = request.form.get("file_name") file_size = request.form.get("file_size") scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") unit = request.form.get("unit") device_type = request.form.get("type") kwargs = {"unit": int(unit), "image": file_name} # The most common block size is 512 bytes expected_block_size = 512 if device_type != "": kwargs["device_type"] = device_type if device_type == "SCCD": expected_block_size = 2048 elif device_type == "SAHD": expected_block_size = 256 # Attempt to load the device properties file: # same file name with PROPERTIES_SUFFIX appended drive_properties = f"{CFG_DIR}/{file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" if Path(drive_properties).is_file(): process = read_drive_properties(drive_properties) if not process["status"]: flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) conf = process["conf"] kwargs["vendor"] = conf["vendor"] kwargs["product"] = conf["product"] kwargs["revision"] = conf["revision"] kwargs["block_size"] = conf["block_size"] expected_block_size = conf["block_size"] process = attach_image(scsi_id, **kwargs) if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Attached %(file_name)s to SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", file_name=file_name, id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit)) if int(file_size) % int(expected_block_size): flash(_(u"The image file size %(file_size)s bytes is not a multiple of " u"%(block_size)s. RaSCSI will ignore the trailing data. " u"The image may be corrupted, so proceed with caution.", file_size=file_size, block_size=expected_block_size), "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Failed to attach %(file_name)s to SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", file_name=file_name, id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit), "error") flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/scsi/detach_all", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def detach_all_devices(): """ Detaches all currently attached devices """ process = detach_all() if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Detached all SCSI devices")) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/scsi/detach", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def detach(): """ Detaches a specified device """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") unit = request.form.get("unit") process = detach_by_id(scsi_id, unit) if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Detached SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit)) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Failed to detach SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit), "error") flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/scsi/eject", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def eject(): """ Ejects a specified removable device image, but keeps the device attached """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") unit = request.form.get("unit") process = eject_by_id(scsi_id, unit) if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Ejected SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit)) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Failed to eject SCSI ID %(id_number)s LUN %(unit_number)s", id_number=scsi_id, unit_number=unit), "error") flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/scsi/info", methods=["POST"]) def device_info(): """ Displays detailed info for a specific device """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") unit = request.form.get("unit") devices = list_devices(scsi_id, unit) # First check if any device at all was returned if not devices["status"]: flash(devices["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) # Looking at the first dict in list to get # the one and only device that should have been returned device = devices["device_list"][0] if str(device["id"]) == scsi_id: flash(_(u"DEVICE INFO")) flash("===========") flash(_(u"SCSI ID: %(id_number)s", id_number=device["id"])) flash(_(u"LUN: %(unit_number)s", unit_number=device["unit"])) flash(_(u"Type: %(device_type)s", device_type=device["device_type"])) flash(_(u"Status: %(device_status)s", device_status=device["status"])) flash(_(u"File: %(image_file)s", image_file=device["image"])) flash(_(u"Parameters: %(value)s", value=device["params"])) flash(_(u"Vendor: %(value)s", value=device["vendor"])) flash(_(u"Product: %(value)s", value=device["product"])) flash(_(u"Revision: %(revision_number)s", revision_number=device["revision"])) flash(_(u"Block Size: %(value)s bytes", value=device["block_size"])) flash(_(u"Image Size: %(value)s bytes", value=device["size"])) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(devices["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/scsi/reserve", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def reserve_id(): """ Reserves a SCSI ID and stores the memo for that reservation """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") memo = request.form.get("memo") reserved_ids = get_reserved_ids()["ids"] reserved_ids.extend(scsi_id) process = reserve_scsi_ids(reserved_ids) if process["status"]: RESERVATIONS[int(scsi_id)] = memo flash(_(u"Reserved SCSI ID %(id_number)s", id_number=scsi_id)) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Failed to reserve SCSI ID %(id_number)s", id_number=scsi_id)) flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/scsi/unreserve", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def unreserve_id(): """ Removes the reservation of a SCSI ID as well as the memo for the reservation """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") reserved_ids = get_reserved_ids()["ids"] reserved_ids.remove(scsi_id) process = reserve_scsi_ids(reserved_ids) if process["status"]: RESERVATIONS[int(scsi_id)] = "" flash(_(u"Released the reservation for SCSI ID %(id_number)s", id_number=scsi_id)) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Failed to release the reservation for SCSI ID %(id_number)s", id_number=scsi_id)) flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/pi/reboot", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def restart(): """ Restarts the Pi """ shutdown_pi("reboot") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/pi/shutdown", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def shutdown(): """ Shuts down the Pi """ shutdown_pi("system") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/files/download_to_iso", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def download_to_iso(): """ Downloads a remote file and creates a CD-ROM image formatted with HFS that contains the file """ scsi_id = request.form.get("scsi_id") url = request.form.get("url") iso_args = request.form.get("type").split() process = download_file_to_iso(url, *iso_args) if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) flash(_(u"Saved image as: %(file_name)s", file_name=process['file_name'])) else: flash(_(u"Failed to create CD-ROM image from %(url)s", url), "error") flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) process_attach = attach_image(scsi_id, device_type="SCCD", image=process["file_name"]) if process_attach["status"]: flash(_(u"Attached to SCSI ID %(id_number)s", id_number=scsi_id)) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Failed to attach image to SCSI ID %(id_number)s. Try attaching it manually.", id_number=scsi_id), "error") flash(process_attach["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/files/download_to_images", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def download_img(): """ Downloads a remote file onto the images dir on the Pi """ url = request.form.get("url") server_info = get_server_info() process = download_to_dir(url, server_info["image_dir"]) if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Failed to download file from %(url)s", url), "error") flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/files/download_to_afp", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def download_afp(): """ Downloads a remote file onto the AFP shared dir on the Pi """ url = request.form.get("url") process = download_to_dir(url, AFP_DIR) if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Failed to download file from %(url)s", url), "error") flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/files/upload", methods=["POST"]) def upload_file(): """ Uploads a file from the local computer to the images dir on the Pi Depending on the Dropzone.js JavaScript library """ # Due to the embedded javascript library, we cannot use the @login_required decorator auth = auth_active() if auth["status"] and "username" not in session: return make_response(auth["msg"], 403) from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from os import path log = logging.getLogger("pydrop") file_object = request.files["file"] file_name = secure_filename(file_object.filename) server_info = get_server_info() save_path = path.join(server_info["image_dir"], file_name) current_chunk = int(request.form['dzchunkindex']) # Makes sure not to overwrite an existing file, # but continues writing to a file transfer in progress if path.exists(save_path) and current_chunk == 0: return make_response(_(u"The file already exists!"), 400) try: with open(save_path, "ab") as save: save.seek(int(request.form["dzchunkbyteoffset"])) save.write(file_object.stream.read()) except OSError: log.exception("Could not write to file") return make_response(_(u"Unable to write the file to disk!"), 500) total_chunks = int(request.form["dztotalchunkcount"]) if current_chunk + 1 == total_chunks: # Validate the resulting file size after writing the last chunk if path.getsize(save_path) != int(request.form["dztotalfilesize"]): log.error( "Finished transferring %s, " "but it has a size mismatch with the original file. " "Got %s but we expected %s.", file_object.filename, path.getsize(save_path), request.form['dztotalfilesize'], ) return make_response(_(u"Transferred file corrupted!"), 500) log.info("File %s has been uploaded successfully", file_object.filename) log.debug("Chunk %s of %s for file %s completed.", current_chunk + 1, total_chunks, file_object.filename) return make_response(_(u"File upload successful!"), 200) @APP.route("/files/create", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def create_file(): """ Creates an empty image file in the images dir """ file_name = request.form.get("file_name") size = (int(request.form.get("size")) * 1024 * 1024) file_type = request.form.get("type") full_file_name = file_name + "." + file_type process = create_new_image(file_name, file_type, size) if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Image file created: %(file_name)s", file_name=full_file_name)) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/files/download", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def download(): """ Downloads a file from the Pi to the local computer """ image = request.form.get("file") return send_file(image, as_attachment=True) @APP.route("/files/delete", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def delete(): """ Deletes a specified file in the images dir """ file_name = request.form.get("file_name") process = delete_image(file_name) if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Image file deleted: %(file_name)s", file_name=file_name)) else: flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) # Delete the drive properties file, if it exists prop_file_path = f"{CFG_DIR}/{file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" if Path(prop_file_path).is_file(): process = delete_file(prop_file_path) if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/files/rename", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def rename(): """ Renames a specified file in the images dir """ file_name = request.form.get("file_name") new_file_name = request.form.get("new_file_name") process = rename_image(file_name, new_file_name) if process["status"]: flash(_(u"Image file renamed to: %(file_name)s", file_name=new_file_name)) else: flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) # Rename the drive properties file, if it exists prop_file_path = f"{CFG_DIR}/{file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" new_prop_file_path = f"{CFG_DIR}/{new_file_name}.{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}" if Path(prop_file_path).is_file(): process = rename_file(prop_file_path, new_prop_file_path) if process["status"]: flash(process["msg"]) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/files/unzip", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def unzip(): """ Unzips all files in a specified zip archive, or a single file in the zip archive """ zip_file = request.form.get("zip_file") zip_member = request.form.get("zip_member") or False zip_members = request.form.get("zip_members") or False from ast import literal_eval if zip_members: zip_members = literal_eval(zip_members) process = unzip_file(zip_file, zip_member, zip_members) if process["status"]: if not process["msg"]: flash(_(u"Aborted unzip: File(s) with the same name already exists."), "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Unzipped the following files:")) for msg in process["msg"]: flash(msg) if process["prop_flag"]: flash(_(u"Properties file(s) have been moved to %(directory)s", directory=CFG_DIR)) return redirect(url_for("index")) flash(_(u"Failed to unzip %(zip_file)s", zip_file=zip_file), "error") flash(process["msg"], "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.route("/language", methods=["POST"]) def change_language(): """ Changes the session language locale and refreshes the Flask app context """ locale = request.form.get("locale") session["language"] = locale refresh() flash(_(u"Changed Web Interface language to %(locale)s", locale=locale)) return redirect(url_for("index")) @APP.before_first_request def load_default_config(): """ Webapp initialization steps that require the Flask app to have started: - Get the detected locale to use for localizations - Load the default configuration file, if found """ session["language"] = get_locale() if Path(f"{CFG_DIR}/{DEFAULT_CONFIG}").is_file(): read_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG) if __name__ == "__main__": APP.secret_key = "rascsi_is_awesome_insecure_secret_key" APP.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem" APP.config["MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = int(MAX_FILE_SIZE) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="RaSCSI Web Interface command line arguments") parser.add_argument( "--port", type=int, default=8080, action="store", help="Port number the web server will run on", ) parser.add_argument( "--password", type=str, default="", action="store", help="Token password string for authenticating with RaSCSI", ) arguments = parser.parse_args() APP.config["TOKEN"] = arguments.password import bjoern print("Serving rascsi-web...") bjoern.run(APP, "", arguments.port)