.DEFAULT_GOAL: all ## Optional build flags: ## CROSS_COMPILE : Specify which compiler toolchain to use. ## To cross compile set this accordingly, e.g. to: ## arm-linux-gnueabihf- CROSS_COMPILE = CXX = $(CROSS_COMPILE)g++ AR = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ar RANLIB = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ranlib ## DEBUG=1 : A Debug build includes the debugger symbols ## and disables compiler optimization. Typically, ## this is only used by developers. DEBUG ?= 0 ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) # Debug compiler flags CXXFLAGS += -O0 -g -Wall -Wextra -DDEBUG BUILD_TYPE = Debug else # Release compiler flags CXXFLAGS += -O3 -Wall -Werror -Wextra -DNDEBUG BUILD_TYPE = Release endif ifeq ("$(shell uname -s)","Linux") # -Wno-psabi might not work on non-Linux platforms CXXFLAGS += -Wno-psabi endif # Depending on the GCC version the compilation flags differ GCCVERSION10 := $(shell expr `$(CXX) -dumpversion` \>= 10) CXXFLAGS += -std=c++17 -iquote . -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -MD -MP ## EXTRA_FLAGS : Can be used to pass special purpose flags CXXFLAGS += $(EXTRA_FLAGS) ifeq "$(GCCVERSION10)" "1" CXXFLAGS += -DFMT_HEADER_ONLY endif ## CONNECT_TYPE=FULLSPEC : Specify the type of RaSCSI board type ## that you are using. The typical options are ## STANDARD or FULLSPEC. The default is FULLSPEC ## * THIS IS TYPICALLY THE ONLY COMPILE OPTION YOU ## * NEED TO SPECIFY # If its not specified, build for FULLSPEC configuration CONNECT_TYPE ?= FULLSPEC ifdef CONNECT_TYPE CXXFLAGS += -DCONNECT_TYPE_$(CONNECT_TYPE) endif RASCSI = rascsi RASCTL = rasctl RASDUMP = rasdump SCSIMON = scsimon RASCSI_TEST = rascsi_test SYSTEMD_CONF = /etc/systemd/system/rascsi.service RSYSLOG_CONF = /etc/rsyslog.d/rascsi.conf RSYSLOG_LOG = /var/log/rascsi.log USR_LOCAL_BIN = /usr/local/bin MAN_PAGE_DIR = /usr/local/man/man1 DOC_DIR = ../../doc COVERAGE_DIR = ./coverage COVERAGE_FILE = rascsi.dat OS_FILES = ./os_integration OBJDIR := ./obj/$(shell echo $(CONNECT_TYPE) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') BINDIR := ./bin/$(shell echo $(CONNECT_TYPE) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') BIN_ALL = \ $(BINDIR)/$(RASCSI) \ $(BINDIR)/$(RASCTL) \ $(BINDIR)/$(SCSIMON) \ $(BINDIR)/$(RASDUMP) SRC_PROTOC = \ rascsi_interface.proto SRC_PROTOBUF = \ rascsi_interface.pb.cpp SRC_SHARED = \ rascsi_version.cpp \ rasutil.cpp \ protobuf_util.cpp \ protobuf_serializer.cpp SRC_RASCSI_CORE = \ bus.cpp SRC_RASCSI_CORE += $(shell find ./rascsi -name '*.cpp') SRC_RASCSI_CORE += $(shell find ./controllers -name '*.cpp') SRC_RASCSI_CORE += $(shell find ./devices -name '*.cpp') SRC_RASCSI_CORE += $(shell find ./hal -name '*.cpp') SRC_RASCSI = rascsi.cpp SRC_SCSIMON = \ scsimon.cpp \ bus.cpp \ rascsi_version.cpp SRC_SCSIMON += $(shell find ./monitor -name '*.cpp') SRC_SCSIMON += $(shell find ./hal -name '*.cpp') SRC_RASCTL_CORE = $(shell find ./rasctl -name '*.cpp') SRC_RASCTL = rasctl.cpp SRC_RASDUMP = \ rasdump.cpp \ bus.cpp \ rasdump_fileio.cpp \ rascsi_version.cpp SRC_RASDUMP += $(shell find ./hal -name '*.cpp') SRC_RASCSI_TEST = $(shell find ./test -name '*.cpp') vpath %.h ./ ./controllers ./devices ./monitor ./hal ./rascsi ./rasctl vpath %.cpp ./ ./controllers ./devices ./monitor ./test ./hal ./rascsi ./rasctl vpath %.o ./$(OBJDIR) vpath ./$(BINDIR) OBJ_RASCSI_CORE := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SRC_RASCSI_CORE:%.cpp=%.o))) OBJ_RASCSI := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SRC_RASCSI:%.cpp=%.o))) OBJ_RASCTL_CORE := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SRC_RASCTL_CORE:%.cpp=%.o))) OBJ_RASCTL := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SRC_RASCTL:%.cpp=%.o))) OBJ_RASDUMP := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SRC_RASDUMP:%.cpp=%.o))) OBJ_SCSIMON := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SRC_SCSIMON:%.cpp=%.o))) OBJ_RASCSI_TEST := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SRC_RASCSI_TEST:%.cpp=%.o))) OBJ_SHARED := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SRC_SHARED:%.cpp=%.o))) OBJ_PROTOBUF := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SRC_PROTOBUF:%.cpp=%.o))) GEN_PROTOBUF := $(SRC_PROTOBUF) rascsi_interface.pb.h # The following will include all of the auto-generated dependency files (*.d) # if they exist. This will trigger a rebuild of a source file if a header changes ALL_DEPS := $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJ_RASCSI_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCTL_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCSI) $(OBJ_RASCTL) $(OBJ_SCSIMON) $(OBJ_RASCSI_TEST)) -include $(ALL_DEPS) $(OBJDIR) $(BINDIR): echo "-- Creating directory $@" mkdir -p $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp | $(OBJDIR) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(SRC_PROTOBUF): $(SRC_PROTOC) echo "-- Generating protobuf-based source files" protoc --cpp_out=. $(SRC_PROTOC) mv rascsi_interface.pb.cc $@ ## Build Targets: ## all : Rebuild all of the executable files and re-generate ## the text versions of the manpages ## docs : Re-generate the text versions of the man pages ## test : Build and run unit tests ## coverage : Build and run unit tests and create coverage SonarQube files. ## lcov : Build and run unit tests and create coverage HTML files. ## Note that you have to run 'make clean' before switching ## between coverage and non-coverage builds. .DEFAULT_GOAL := all .PHONY: all ALL docs test coverage lcov all: $(BIN_ALL) docs test: $(BINDIR)/$(RASCSI_TEST) $(BINDIR)/$(RASCSI_TEST) coverage: CXXFLAGS += --coverage coverage: test lcov: CXXFLAGS += --coverage lcov: test lcov -q -c -d . --include '*/raspberrypi/*' -o $(COVERAGE_FILE) --exclude '*/test/*' --exclude '*/interfaces/*' --exclude '*/rascsi_interface.pb*' genhtml -q -o $(COVERAGE_DIR) --legend $(COVERAGE_FILE) docs: $(DOC_DIR)/rascsi_man_page.txt $(DOC_DIR)/rasctl_man_page.txt $(DOC_DIR)/scsimon_man_page.txt $(SRC_SHARED) $(SRC_RASCSI_CORE) $(SRC_RASCTL_CORE): $(OBJ_PROTOBUF) $(BINDIR)/$(RASCSI): $(SRC_PROTOBUF) $(OBJ_RASCSI_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCSI) $(OBJ_SHARED) $(OBJ_PROTOBUF) | $(BINDIR) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ_RASCSI_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCSI) $(OBJ_SHARED) $(OBJ_PROTOBUF) -lpthread -lpcap -lprotobuf -lstdc++fs $(BINDIR)/$(RASCTL): $(SRC_PROTOBUF) $(OBJ_RASCTL_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCTL) $(OBJ_SHARED) $(OBJ_PROTOBUF) | $(BINDIR) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ_RASCTL_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCTL) $(OBJ_SHARED) $(OBJ_PROTOBUF) -lpthread -lprotobuf $(BINDIR)/$(RASDUMP): $(OBJ_RASDUMP) | $(BINDIR) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ_RASDUMP) $(BINDIR)/$(SCSIMON): $(OBJ_SCSIMON) | $(BINDIR) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ_SCSIMON) -lpthread $(BINDIR)/$(RASCSI_TEST): $(SRC_PROTOBUF) $(OBJ_RASCSI_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCTL_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCSI_TEST) $(OBJ_RASCTL_TEST) $(OBJ_SHARED) $(OBJ_PROTOBUF) | $(BINDIR) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ_RASCSI_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCTL_CORE) $(OBJ_RASCSI_TEST) $(OBJ_SHARED) $(OBJ_PROTOBUF) -lpthread -lpcap -lprotobuf -lstdc++fs -lgmock -lgtest # Phony rules for building individual utilities .PHONY: $(RASCSI) $(RASCTL) $(RASDUMP) $(SCSIMON) $(RASCSI) : $(BINDIR)/$(RASCSI) $(RASCTL) : $(BINDIR)/$(RASCTL) $(RASDUMP) : $(BINDIR)/$(RASDUMP) $(SCSIMON) : $(BINDIR)/$(SCSIMON) ## clean : Remove all of the object files, intermediate ## compiler files and executable files .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf $(OBJDIR) $(BINDIR) $(GEN_PROTOBUF) $(COVERAGE_DIR) $(COVERAGE_FILE) ## install : Copies all of the man pages to the correct location ## Copies the binaries to a global install location ## Configures the Systemd and RSyslog services to auto-run RaSCSI ## * This target needs to be run with sudo (ex: sudo make install) ## * Before running this, you need to stop the rascsi service if ## * it is already running: ## * sudo systemctl stop rascsi ## * After running this, you will need to reboot or run: ## * sudo systemctl daemon-reload ## * sudo systemctl restart rsyslog ## * sudo systemctl enable rascsi ## * sudo systemctl start rascsi .PHONY: install install: \ $(MAN_PAGE_DIR)/rascsi.1 \ $(MAN_PAGE_DIR)/rasctl.1 \ $(MAN_PAGE_DIR)/scsimon.1 \ $(MAN_PAGE_DIR)/rasdump.1 \ $(USR_LOCAL_BIN)/$(RASCTL) \ $(USR_LOCAL_BIN)/$(RASCSI) \ $(USR_LOCAL_BIN)/$(SCSIMON) \ $(USR_LOCAL_BIN)/$(RASDUMP) \ $(SYSTEMD_CONF) \ $(RSYSLOG_CONF) \ $(RSYSLOG_LOG) @echo "-- Done installing!" $(USR_LOCAL_BIN)% : $(BINDIR)/% @echo "-- Copying $@" cp $< $@ $(MAN_PAGE_DIR)/%.1 : $(DOC_DIR)/%.1 | $(MAN_PAGE_DIR)/ @echo "-- Copying $@" cp $< $@ $(DOC_DIR)/%_man_page.txt : $(DOC_DIR)/%.1 @echo "!! ------ THIS FILE IS AUTO_GENERATED! DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE!!!" > $@ @echo "!! ------ The native file is $(notdir $<). Re-run 'make docs' after updating\n\n" >> $@ man -l $< | col -bx >> $@ $(SYSTEMD_CONF) : $(OS_FILES)/$(notdir $(SYSTEMD_CONF)) @echo "-- Copying $@" cp $< $@ $(RSYSLOG_CONF) : $(OS_FILES)/$(notdir $(RSYSLOG_CONF)) @echo "-- Copying $@" cp $< $@ $(RSYSLOG_LOG) : @echo "-- Creating $@" touch /var/log/rascsi.log chown root:adm /var/log/rascsi.log $(MAN_PAGE_DIR)/: echo "-- Creating directory $@" mkdir -p $@ ## help : Lists information about how to use the makefile # The help rule is based upon the approach from: # https://swcarpentry.github.io/make-novice/08-self-doc/index.html .PHONY: help help : Makefile @sed -n 's/^##//p' $< ## Debug : Same as 'all'. Useful when using a debugger. .PHONY: Debug Debug: all