{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}
{{ _("Current RaSCSI Configuration") }}

{% if units %} {% endif %} {% for device in devices %} {% if device["id"] not in reserved_scsi_ids %} {% if units %} {% endif %} {% if device.vendor == "RaSCSI" %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if units %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ _("ID") }}{{ _("LUN") }}{{ _("Type") }} {{ _("Status") }} {{ _("File") }} {{ _("Product") }} {{ _("Actions") }}
{{ device.id }}{{ device.unit }}{{ device.device_type }} {{ device.status }} {% if "No Media" in device.status %}
{% else %} {{ device.file }} {% endif %}
{{ device.product }}{{ device.vendor }} {{ device.product }} {% if device.device_type != "-" %} {% if device.device_type in REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES and "No Media" not in device.status %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{{ device.id }} {{ _("Reserved ID") }} {{ RESERVATIONS[device.id] }}

{{ _("Image File Management") }}
{% for file in files %} {% if file["prop"] %} {% elif file["zip_members"] %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ _("File") }} {{ _("Size") }} {{ _("Actions") }}
{{ file["name"] }}
    {% for key in file["prop"] %}
  • {{ key }}: {{ file['prop'][key] }}
  • {% endfor %}
{{ file["name"] }}
    {% for member in file["zip_members"] %} {% if not member.lower().endswith(PROPERTIES_SUFFIX) %}
  • {% if member + "." + PROPERTIES_SUFFIX in file["zip_members"] %}
    {{ member }}
    • {{ member + "." + PROPERTIES_SUFFIX }}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
  • {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ file["name"] }}
{% if file["name"] in attached_images %}
{{ _("Attached!") }}
{% else %} {% if file["name"].lower().endswith(ARCHIVE_FILE_SUFFIX) %}
{% else %}
{% if file["detected_type"] != "UNDEFINED" %} {% for device in device_types %} {% for key, value in device.items() %} {% if file["detected_type"] == key %} {{ value }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{{ _("%(disk_space)s MB disk space remaining on the Pi", disk_space=free_disk) }}

{{ _("Attach Network Adapter") }}
{% if macproxy_configured %}

{{ _("Macproxy is running at %(ip_addr)s (default port 5000)", ip_addr=ip_addr) }}

{% else %}

{{ _("Install Macproxy to browse the Web with any vintage browser. It's not just for Macs!", url="https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/wiki/Vintage-Web-Proxy#macproxy") }}

{% endif %}
{{ _("Upload File") }}

{{ _("Download File to Images") }}

{{ _("Download File to AppleShare") }}
{% if netatalk_configured %}
{% if netatalk_configured == 1 %}

{{ _("The AppleShare server is running. No active connections.") }}

{% elif netatalk_configured == 2 %}

{{ _("%(value)d active AFP connection", value=(netatalk_configured - 1)) }}

{% elif netatalk_configured > 2 %}

{{ _("%(value)d active AFP connections", value=(netatalk_configured - 1)) }}

{% endif %} {% else %}

{{ _("Install Netatalk to use the AppleShare File Server.", url="https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/wiki/AFP-File-Sharing") }}

{% endif %}
{{ _("Download File and Create CD-ROM image") }}

{{ _("Create Empty Disk Image File") }}

{{ _("Create Named Drive") }}

{{ _("Create a named disk image that mimics real-life drives") }}

{{ _("Logging") }}

{{ _("Server Log Level") }}

{{ _("Language") }}

{{ _("Raspberry Pi Operations") }}
{% endblock content %}