Daniel Markstedt 0e4d42f04c
Use man2html to generate man pages in the Web UI (#887)
* Use man2html to generate man pages in the web UI

* Fix tests
2022-10-04 06:38:15 -07:00

775 lines
34 KiB

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Current RaSCSI Configuration") }}
<li>{{ _("Displays the currently attached devices for each available SCSI ID.") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("Save and load device configurations, stored as json files in <tt>%(config_dir)s</tt>", config_dir=CFG_DIR) }}</tt></li>
<li>{{ _("To have a particular device configuration load when RaSCSI starts, save it as <em>default</em>.") }}</li>
<p><form action="/config/load" method="post">
<select name="name" required="" width="14">
{% if config_files %}
{% for config in config_files|sort %}
<option value="{{ config }}">
{{ config.replace(".json", '') }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<option disabled>
{{ _("No saved configurations") }}
{% endif %}
<input name="load" type="submit" value="{{ _("Load") }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ _("Detach all current device and Load configuration?") }}')">
<input name="delete" type="submit" value="{{ _("Delete") }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ _("Delete configuration file?") }}')">
<p><form action="/config/save" method="post">
<input name="name" placeholder="default" size="20">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Save") }}">
<table border="black" cellpadding="3">
<td><b>{{ _("ID") }}</b></td>
{% if units %}
<td><b>{{ _("LUN") }}</b></td>
{% endif %}
<td><b>{{ _("Device") }}</b></td>
<td><b>{{ _("Parameters") }}</b></td>
<td><b>{{ _("Product") }}</b></td>
<td><b>{{ _("Actions") }}</b></td>
{% for device in devices | sort(attribute='id') %}
{% if device["id"] not in reserved_scsi_ids %}
<td style="text-align:center">{{ device.id }}</td>
{% if units %}
<td style="text-align:center">{{ device.unit }}</td>
{% endif %}
<td style="text-align:center">{{ device.device_name }}</td>
<td style="text-align:left">
{% if "No Media" in device.status %}
<form action="/scsi/attach" method="post">
<input name="scsi_id" type="hidden" value="{{ device.id }}">
<input name="unit" type="hidden" value="{{ device.unit }}">
<input name="type" type="hidden" value="{{ device.device_type }}">
<input name="file_size" type="hidden" value="{{ device.size }}">
<select type="select" name="file_name">
{% for f in files|sort(attribute='name') %}
{% if device.device_type == "SCCD" %}
{% if f["name"].lower().endswith(cdrom_file_suffix) %}
<option value="{{ f["name"] }}">{{ f["name"].replace(base_dir, '') }}</option>
{% endif %}
{% elif device.device_type == "SCRM" %}
{% if f["name"].lower().endswith(removable_file_suffix) %}
<option value="{{ f["name"] }}">{{ f["name"].replace(base_dir, '') }}</option>
{% endif %}
{% elif device.device_type == "SCMO" %}
{% if f["name"].lower().endswith(mo_file_suffix) %}
<option value="{{ f["name"] }}">{{ f["name"].replace(base_dir, '') }}</option>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Attach") }}">
{% else %}
{% if device.params %}
{% for key in device.params %}
{% if key == "interface" %}
{% elif key == "timeout" %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% elif device.file %}
{{ device.file }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<td style="text-align:center">
{% if device.vendor != "RaSCSI" %}
{{ device.vendor }}
{% endif %}
{{ device.product }}
{% if device.vendor != "RaSCSI" %}
{{ device.revision }}
{% endif %}
<td style="text-align:center">
{% if device.device_type != "-" %}
{% if device.device_type in REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES and "No Media" not in device.status %}
<form action="/scsi/eject" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm('{{ _("Eject Disk? WARNING: On Mac OS, eject the Disk in the Finder instead!") }}')">
<input name="scsi_id" type="hidden" value="{{ device.id }}">
<input name="unit" type="hidden" value="{{ device.unit }}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Eject") }}">
{% endif %}
<form action="/scsi/detach" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm('{{ _("Detach Device?") }}')">
<input name="scsi_id" type="hidden" value="{{ device.id }}">
<input name="unit" type="hidden" value="{{ device.unit }}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Detach") }}">
{% else %}
<form action="/scsi/reserve" method="post" onsubmit="var memo = prompt('{{ _("Enter a memo for this reservation") }}'); if (memo === null) event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('memo_{{ device.id }}').value = memo;">
<input name="scsi_id" type="hidden" value="{{ device.id }}">
<input name="memo" id="memo_{{ device.id }}" type="hidden" value="">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Reserve") }}">
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<td class="inactive">{{ device.id }}</td>
{% if units %}
<td class="inactive"></td>
{% endif %}
<td class="inactive">{{ _("Reserved ID") }}</td>
<td class="inactive">{{ RESERVATIONS[device.id] }}</td>
<td class="inactive"></td>
<td class="inactive">
<form action="/scsi/release" method="post">
<input name="scsi_id" type="hidden" value="{{ device.id }}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Release") }}">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<table style="border: none;" cellpadding="3">
<tr style="border: none;">
<td style="border: none;">
<form action="/scsi/detach_all" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm('{{ _("Detach all SCSI Devices?") }}')">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Detach All Devices") }}">
<td style="border: none;">
<form action="/scsi/info" method="post">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Show Device Info") }}">
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Image File Management") }}
<li>{{ _("Manage image files in the active RaSCSI image directory: <tt>%(directory)s</tt> with a scan depth of %(scan_depth)s.", directory=base_dir, scan_depth=scan_depth) }}</li>
<li>{{ _("Select a valid SCSI ID and <a href=\"%(url)s\" target=\"_blank\">LUN</a> to attach to. Unless you know what you're doing, always use LUN 0.", url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_unit_number") }}
<li>{{ _("If RaSCSI was unable to detect the media type associated with the image, you get to choose the type from the dropdown.") }}</li>
{{ _("Recognized image file types:") }}
{% set comma = joiner(", ") %}
{% for extension in valid_image_suffixes %}{{ comma() }}.{{ extension}}{% endfor %}
{{ _("Recognized archive file types:") }}
{% set comma = joiner(", ") %}
{% for extension in ARCHIVE_FILE_SUFFIXES %}{{ comma() }}.{{ extension}}{% endfor %}
<table border="black" cellpadding="3">
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td>{{ _("File") }}</td>
<td>{{ _("Size") }}</td>
<td>{{ _("Actions") }}</td>
{% for file in files|sort(attribute='name') %}
{% if file["prop"] %}
{{ file["name"] }}
<ul style="list-style: none;">
{% for key in file["prop"] %}
<li>{{ key }}: {{ file['prop'][key] }}</li>
{% endfor %}
<form action="/files/download" method="post">
<input name="file" type="hidden" value="{{ CFG_DIR }}/{{ file['name'].replace(base_dir, '') }}.{{ PROPERTIES_SUFFIX }}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Properties File") }} &#8595;">
{% elif file["archive_contents"] %}
{{ file["name"] }}
<ul style="list-style: none;">
{% for member in file["archive_contents"] %}
{% if not member["is_properties_file"] %}
{% if member["related_properties_file"] %}
<label>{{ member["path"] }}</label>
<form action="/files/extract_image" method="post">
<input name="archive_file" type="hidden" value="{{ file['name'] }}">
<input name="archive_members" type="hidden" value="{{ member["path"] }}|{{ member["related_properties_file"] }}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Extract") }}" onclick="processNotify('{{ _("Extracting a single file...") }}')">
<ul style="list-style: none;">
<li>{{ member["related_properties_file"] }}</li>
{% else %}
<label>{{ member["path"] }}</label>
<form action="/files/extract_image" method="post">
<input name="archive_file" type="hidden" value="{{ file["name"] }}">
<input name="archive_members" type="hidden" value="{{ member["path"] }}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Extract") }}" onclick="processNotify('{{ _("Extracting a single file...") }}')">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<td>{{ file["name"] }}</td>
{% endif %}
<td style="text-align:center">
<form action="/files/download" method="post">
<input name="file" type="hidden" value="{{ base_dir }}/{{ file['name'] }}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ file['size_mb'] }} {{ _("MiB") }} &#8595;">
{% if file["name"] in attached_images %}
{{ _("In use") }}
{% else %}
{% if file["archive_contents"] %}
<form action="/files/extract_image" method="post">
<input name="archive_file" type="hidden" value="{{ file['name'] }}">
{% set pipe = joiner("|") %}
<input name="archive_members" type="hidden" value="{% for member in file["archive_contents"] %}{{ pipe() }}{{ member["path"] }}{% endfor %}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Extract All") }}" onclick="processNotify('{{ _("Extracting all files...") }}')">
{% else %}
<form action="/scsi/attach" method="post">
<input name="file_name" type="hidden" value="{{ file['name'] }}">
<input name="file_size" type="hidden" value="{{ file['size'] }}">
<label for="id">{{ _("ID") }}</label>
<select name="scsi_id">
{% for id in scsi_ids %}
<option name="id" value="{{id}}"{% if id == recommended_id %} selected{% endif %}>
{{ id }}
{% endfor %}
<label for="unit">{{ _("LUN") }}</label>
<input name="unit" type="number" value="0" min="0" max="31" step="1">
{% if file["detected_type"] != "UNDEFINED" %}
<input name="type" type="hidden" value="{{ file['detected_type'] }}">
{{ file['detected_type_name'] }}
{% else %}
<select name="type">
<option selected disabled value="">
{{ _("Select media type") }}
{% for key, value in device_types.items() %}
{% if key in DISK_DEVICE_TYPES %}
<option value="{{ key }}">
{{ value["name"] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Attach") }}">
{% endif %}
<form action="/files/rename" method="post" onsubmit="var new_file_name = prompt('{{ _("Enter new file name for: %(file_name)s", file_name=file["name"]) }}', '{{ file['name'] }}'); if (new_file_name === null) event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('new_file_name_{{ loop.index }}').value = new_file_name;">
<input name="file_name" type="hidden" value="{{ file['name'] }}">
<input name="new_file_name" id="new_file_name_{{ loop.index }}" type="hidden" value="">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Rename") }}">
<form action="/files/copy" method="post" onsubmit="var copy_file_name = prompt('{{ _("Save copy of %(file_name)s as:", file_name=file["name"]) }}', '{{ file['name'] }}'); if (copy_file_name === null) event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('copy_file_name_{{ loop.index }}').value = copy_file_name;">
<input name="file_name" type="hidden" value="{{ file['name'] }}">
<input name="copy_file_name" id="copy_file_name_{{ loop.index }}" type="hidden" value="">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Copy") }}">
<form action="/files/delete" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm('{{ _("Delete file: %(file_name)s?", file_name=file["name"]) }}')">
<input name="file_name" type="hidden" value="{{ file['name'] }}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Delete") }}">
{% endif %}
{% if not file["archive_contents"] %}
<form action="/files/diskinfo" method="post">
<input name="file_name" type="hidden" value="{{ file['name'] }}">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("?") }}">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<p><small>{{ _("%(disk_space)s MiB disk space remaining on the Pi", disk_space=env["free_disk_space"]) }}</small></p>
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Attach Peripheral Device") }}
<li>{{ _("Before using a networking device, it is recommended to run easyinstall.sh from the command line to configure your Raspberry Pi.") }}
{% if bridge_configured %}
<li>{{ _("The <tt>rascsi_bridge</tt> network bridge is active and ready to be used by an emulated network adapter!") }}</li>
{% else %}
<li>{{ _("Please configure the <tt>rascsi_bridge</tt> network bridge before attaching an emulated network adapter!") }}</li>
{% endif %}
<li>{{ _("If you have a DHCP setup, choose only the interface you have configured the bridge with. You can ignore the inet field when attaching.") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("To browse the modern web, install a vintage web proxy such as <a href=\"%(url)s\" target=\"_blank\">Macproxy</a>.", url="https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/wiki/Vintage-Web-Proxy#macproxy") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("Read more about <a href=\"%(url)s\" target=\"_blank\">supported device types</a> on the wiki.", url="https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/wiki/Supported-Device-Types") }}
<table border="black" cellpadding="3">
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td>{{ _("Device") }}</td>
<td>{{ _("Key") }}</td>
<td>{{ _("Parameters and Actions") }}</td>
<div>{{ device_types[type]["name"] }}</div>
<div>{{ type }}</div>
<form action="/scsi/attach_device" method="post">
<input name="type" type="hidden" value="{{ type }}">
{% for key, value in device_types[type]["params"] | dictsort %}
<label for="{{ key }}">{{ key }}:</label>
{% if value.isnumeric() %}
<input name="{{ key }}" type="number" value="{{ value }}">
{% elif key == "interface" %}
<select name="interface">
{% for if in netinfo["ifs"] %}
<option value="{{ if }}">
{{ if }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<input name="{{ key }}" type="text" size="{{ value|length }}" placeholder="{{ value }}">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<label for="drive_name">{{ _("Masquerade as:") }}</label>
<select name="drive_name">
<option value="">
{{ _("None") }}
{% if type == "SCCD" %}
{% for drive in drive_properties["cd_conf"] | sort(attribute='name') %}
<option value="{{ drive.name }}">
{{ drive.name }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if type == "SCRM" %}
{% for drive in drive_properties["rm_conf"] | sort(attribute='name') %}
<option value="{{ drive.name }}">
{{ drive.name }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if type == "SCMO" %}
{% for drive in drive_properties["mo_conf"] | sort(attribute='name') %}
<option value="{{ drive.name }}">
{{ drive.name }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<label for="scsi_id">{{ _("SCSI ID:") }}</label>
<select name="scsi_id">
{% for id in scsi_ids %}
<option value="{{ id }}"{% if id == recommended_id %} selected{% endif %}>
{{ id }}
{% endfor %}
<label for="unit">{{ _("LUN") }}</label>
<input name="unit" type="number" value="0" min="0" max="31" step="1">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Attach") }}">
{% endfor %}
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Upload File from Local Computer") }}
<li>{{ _("The largest file size accepted in this form is %(max_file_size)s MiB. Use other file transfer means for larger files.", max_file_size=max_file_size) }}</li>
<li>{{ _("File uploads will progress only if you stay on this page. If you navigate away before the transfer is completed, you will end up with an incomplete file.") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("Install <a href=\"%(url)s\" target=\"_blank\">Netatalk</a> to use the AFP File Server.", url="https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/wiki/AFP-File-Sharing") }}</li>
<table style="border: none;">
<tr style="border: none;">
<td style="border: none; vertical-align:top;">
<form name="dropper" action="/files/upload" method="post" class="dropzone dz-clickable" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="dropper">
<label for="destination">{{ _("Target directory:") }}</label>
<select name="destination">
<option value="images">{{ base_dir }}</option>
<option value="afp">{{ AFP_DIR }}</option>
<script type="application/javascript">
Dropzone.options.dropper = {
paramName: 'file',
chunking: true,
forceChunking: true,
url: '/files/upload',
maxFilesize: {{ max_file_size }}, // MiB
chunkSize: 1000000, // bytes
dictDefaultMessage: "{{ _("Drop files here to upload") }}",
dictFallbackMessage: "{{ _("Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.") }}",
dictFallbackText: "{{ _("Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.") }}",
dictFileTooBig: "{{ _("File is too big: {{filesize}}MiB. Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.") }}",
dictInvalidFileType: "{{ _("You can't upload files of this type.") }}",
dictResponseError: "{{ _("Server responded with code: {{statusCode}}") }}",
dictCancelUpload:" {{ _("Cancel upload") }}",
dictUploadCanceled: "{{ _("Upload canceled.") }}",
dictCancelUploadConfirmation: "{{ _("Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?") }}",
dictRemoveFile: "{{ _("Remove file") }}",
dictMaxFilesExceeded: "{{ _("You can not upload any more files.") }}",
dictFileSizeUnits: {
tb: "{{ _("TiB") }}",
gb: "{{ _("GiB") }}",
mb: "{{ _("MiB") }}",
kb: "{{ _("KiB") }}",
b: "{{ _("B") }}"
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Download File from the Web") }}
<li>{{ _("Choose the desination directory and download a file from the Web to your Raspberry Pi.") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("Install <a href=\"%(url)s\" target=\"_blank\">Netatalk</a> to use the AFP File Server.", url="https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/wiki/AFP-File-Sharing") }}</li>
<table style="border: none">
<tr style="border: none">
<td style="border: none; vertical-align:top;">
<form action="/files/download_url" method="post">
<label for="destination">{{ _("Target directory:") }}</label>
<select name="destination">
<option value="images">{{ base_dir }}</option>
<option value="afp">{{ AFP_DIR }}</option>
<label for="url">{{ _("URL:") }}</label>
<input name="url" placeholder="{{ _("URL") }}" required="" type="url">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Download") }}" onclick="processNotify('{{ _("Downloading File...") }}')">
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Download File and Create CD-ROM image") }}
<li>{{ _("Create an ISO file system CD-ROM image with the downloaded file, and mount it on the given SCSI ID.") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("HFS is for Mac OS, Joliet for Windows, and Rock Ridge for POSIX.") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("If the downloaded file is a zip archive, we will attempt to unzip it and store the resulting files.") }}</li>
<table style="border: none">
<tr style="border: none">
<td style="border: none; vertical-align:top;">
<label for="scsi_id">{{ _("SCSI ID:") }}</label>
<form action="/files/download_to_iso" method="post">
<select name="scsi_id">
{% for id in scsi_ids %}
<option value="{{ id }}"{% if id == recommended_id %} selected{% endif %}>
{{ id }}
{% endfor %}
<label for="url">{{ _("URL:") }}</label>
<input name="url" placeholder="{{ _("URL") }}" required="" type="url">
<label for="type">{{ _("Type:") }}</label>
<select name="type">
<option value="-hfs">
<option value="-iso-level 1">
ISO-9660 Level 1
<option value="-iso-level 2">
ISO-9660 Level 2
<option value="-iso-level 3">
ISO-9660 Level 3
<option value="-J">
<option value="-r">
Rock Ridge
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Download and Mount CD-ROM image") }}" onclick="processNotify('{{ _("Downloading File and generating CD-ROM image...") }}')">
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Create Empty Disk Image File") }}
<li>{{ _("Please refer to <a href=\"%(url)s\" target=\"_blank\">wiki documentation</a> to learn more about the supported image file types.", url="https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/wiki/Supported-Device-Types#image-types") }}</li>
<table style="border: none">
<tr style="border: none">
<td style="border: none; vertical-align:top;">
<form action="/files/create" method="post">
<label for="file_name">{{ _("File Name:") }}</label>
<input name="file_name" placeholder="{{ _("File Name") }}" required="" type="text">
<label for="type">{{ _("Type:") }}</label>
<select name="type">
{% for key, value in image_suffixes_to_create.items() %}
<option value="{{ key }}">
{{ value }} [.{{ key }}]
{% endfor %}
<label for="size">{{ _("Size:") }}</label>
<input name="size" type="number" placeholder="{{ _("MiB") }}" min="1" max="262144" required>
<label for="drive_name">{{ _("Masquerade as:") }}</label>
<select name="drive_name">
<option value="">
{{ _("None") }}
{% for drive in drive_properties["hd_conf"] | sort(attribute='name') %}
<option value="{{ drive.name }}">
{{ drive.name }}
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Create") }}">
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Create Named Drive") }}
<li>{{ _("Create pairs of images and properties files from a list of real-life drives.") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("This will make RaSCSI use certain vendor strings and block sizes that may improve compatibility with certain systems.") }}</li>
<p><a href="/drive/list">{{ _("Create a named disk image that mimics real-life drives") }}</a></p>
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Logging") }}
<li>{{ _("Fetch a certain number of lines of system logs with the given scope.") }}</li>
<table style="border: none">
<tr style="border: none">
<td style="border: none; vertical-align:top;">
<form action="/logs/show" method="post">
<label for="lines">{{ _("Log Lines:") }}</label>
<input name="lines" type="number" value="200" min="0" max="99999" step="100">
<label for="scope">{{ _("Scope:") }}</label>
<select name="scope">
<option value="">
{{ _("All logs") }}
<option value="rascsi">
<option value="rascsi-web">
<option value="rascsi-oled">
<option value="rascsi-ctrlboard">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Show Logs") }}">
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Server Log Level") }}
<li>{{ _("Change the log level of the RaSCSI backend process.") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("The current dropdown selection indicates the active log level.") }}</li>
<table style="border: none">
<tr style="border: none">
<td style="border: none; vertical-align:top;">
<form action="/logs/level" method="post">
<label for="level">{{ _("Log Level:") }}</label>
<select name="level">
{% for level in log_levels %}
<option value="{{ level }}"{% if level == current_log_level %} selected{% endif %}>
{{ level }}
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Set Log Level") }}">
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Language") }}
<li>{{ _("Change the Web Interface language.") }}</li>
<table style="border: none">
<tr style="border: none">
<td style="border: none; vertical-align:top;">
<form action="/language" method="post">
<label for="language">{{ _("Language:") }}</label>
<select name="locale">
{% for locale in locales %}
<option value="{{ locale.language }}">
{{ locale.language }} - {{ locale.display_name }}
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Change Language") }}">
<summary class="heading">
{{ _("Raspberry Pi Operations") }}
<li>{{ _("Reboot or shut down the Raspberry Pi that RaSCSI is running on.") }}</li>
<li>{{ _("IMPORTANT: Always shut down the Pi before turning off the power. Failing to do so may lead to data loss.") }}</li>
<table style="border: none">
<tr style="border: none">
<td style="border: none; vertical-align:top;">
<form action="/pi/reboot" method="post" onclick="if (confirm('{{ _("Reboot the Raspberry Pi?") }}')) shutdownNotify('{{ _("Rebooting the Raspberry Pi...") }}'); else event.preventDefault();">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Reboot Raspberry Pi") }}">
<td style="border: none; vertical-align:top;">
<form action="/pi/shutdown" method="post" onclick="if (confirm('{{ _("Shut down the Raspberry Pi?") }}')) shutdownNotify('{{ _("Shutting down the Raspberry Pi...") }}'); else event.preventDefault();">
<input type="submit" value="{{ _("Shut Down Raspberry Pi") }}">
<a href="/sys/manpage?app=rascsi"><p>{{ _("Read the RaSCSI Manual") }}</p></a>
{% if netatalk_configured == 1 %}
{{ _("The AppleShare server is running. No active connections.") }}
{% endif %}
{% if netatalk_configured == 2 %}
{{ _("%(value)d active AFP connection", value=(netatalk_configured - 1)) }}
{% elif netatalk_configured > 2 %}
{{ _("%(value)d active AFP connections", value=(netatalk_configured - 1)) }}
{% endif %}
{% if macproxy_configured %}
<center><tt>{{ _("Macproxy is running at %(ip_addr)s (default port 5000)", ip_addr=env['ip_addr']) }}</tt></center>
{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}