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synced 2025-02-27 15:30:06 +00:00
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// SCSI Target Emulator RaSCSI Reloaded
// for Raspberry Pi
// Powered by XM6 TypeG Technology.
// Copyright (C) 2016-2020 GIMONS
// [ GPIO-SCSI bus ]
#pragma once
#include "shared/config.h"
#include "shared/scsi.h"
#include "bus.h"
#include <array>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <linux/gpio.h>
// Connection method definitions
//#define CONNECT_TYPE_STANDARD // Standard (SCSI logic, standard pin assignment)
//#define CONNECT_TYPE_FULLSPEC // Full spec (SCSI logic, standard pin assignment)
//#define CONNECT_TYPE_AIBOM // AIBOM version (positive logic, unique pin assignment)
//#define CONNECT_TYPE_GAMERNIUM // GAMERnium.com version (standard logic, unique pin assignment)
#include "hal/gpiobus_standard.h"
#include "hal/gpiobus_fullspec.h"
#elif defined CONNECT_TYPE_AIBOM
#include "hal/gpiobus_aibom.h"
#include "hal/gpiobus_gamernium.h"
#error Invalid connection type or none specified
using namespace std; //NOSONAR Not relevant for rascsi
// Signal control logic and pin assignment customization
// SIGNAL_CONTROL_MODE: Signal control mode selection
// You can customize the signal control logic from Version 1.22
// 0:SCSI logical specification
// Conversion board using 74LS641-1 etc. directly connected or published on HP
// True : 0V
// False : Open collector output (disconnect from bus)
// 1:Negative logic specification (when using conversion board for negative logic -> SCSI logic)
// There is no conversion board with this specification at this time
// True : 0V -> (CONVERT) -> 0V
// False : 3.3V -> (CONVERT) -> Open collector output
// 2:Positive logic specification (when using the conversion board for positive logic -> SCSI logic)
// RaSCSI Adapter Rev.C @132sync etc.
// True : 3.3V -> (CONVERT) -> 0V
// False : 0V -> (CONVERT) -> Open collector output
// Control signal pin assignment setting
// GPIO pin mapping table for control signals.
// Control signal:
// Signal that indicates the status of processing SCSI command.
// Signal that indicates the valid signal from start to finish.
// Signal that indicates the input/output direction of the target signal (BSY,IO,CD,MSG,REG).
// Signal that indicates the input/output direction of the initiator signal (SEL, ATN, RST, ACK).
// Signal that indicates the input/output direction of the data lines (DT0...DT7,DP).
// Control signal output logic
// PIN_ACT signal
// PIN_ENB signal
// PIN_TAD This is the logic when inputting.
// PIN_ENB This is the logic when inputting.
// PIN_ENB This is the logic when inputting.
// SCSI signal pin assignment setting
// GPIO pin mapping table for SCSI signals.
#define ALL_SCSI_PINS \
// Constant declarations (GPIO)
const static uint32_t SYST_OFFSET = 0x00003000;
const static uint32_t IRPT_OFFSET = 0x0000B200;
const static uint32_t ARMT_OFFSET = 0x0000B400;
const static uint32_t PADS_OFFSET = 0x00100000;
const static uint32_t GPIO_OFFSET = 0x00200000;
const static uint32_t QA7_OFFSET = 0x01000000;
const static int GPIO_INPUT = 0;
const static int GPIO_OUTPUT = 1;
const static int GPIO_PULLNONE = 0;
const static int GPIO_PULLDOWN = 1;
const static int GPIO_PULLUP = 2;
const static int GPIO_FSEL_0 = 0;
const static int GPIO_FSEL_1 = 1;
const static int GPIO_FSEL_2 = 2;
const static int GPIO_FSEL_3 = 3;
const static int GPIO_SET_0 = 7;
const static int GPIO_CLR_0 = 10;
const static int GPIO_LEV_0 = 13;
const static int GPIO_EDS_0 = 16;
const static int GPIO_REN_0 = 19;
const static int GPIO_FEN_0 = 22;
const static int GPIO_HEN_0 = 25;
const static int GPIO_LEN_0 = 28;
const static int GPIO_AREN_0 = 31;
const static int GPIO_AFEN_0 = 34;
const static int GPIO_PUD = 37;
const static int GPIO_CLK_0 = 38;
const static int GPIO_GPPINMUXSD = 52;
const static int GPIO_PUPPDN0 = 57;
const static int GPIO_PUPPDN1 = 58;
const static int GPIO_PUPPDN3 = 59;
const static int GPIO_PUPPDN4 = 60;
const static int PAD_0_27 = 11;
const static int SYST_CS = 0;
const static int SYST_CLO = 1;
const static int SYST_CHI = 2;
const static int SYST_C0 = 3;
const static int SYST_C1 = 4;
const static int SYST_C2 = 5;
const static int SYST_C3 = 6;
const static int ARMT_LOAD = 0;
const static int ARMT_VALUE = 1;
const static int ARMT_CTRL = 2;
const static int ARMT_CLRIRQ = 3;
const static int ARMT_RAWIRQ = 4;
const static int ARMT_MSKIRQ = 5;
const static int ARMT_RELOAD = 6;
const static int ARMT_PREDIV = 7;
const static int ARMT_FREERUN = 8;
const static int IRPT_PND_IRQ_B = 0;
const static int IRPT_PND_IRQ_1 = 1;
const static int IRPT_PND_IRQ_2 = 2;
const static int IRPT_FIQ_CNTL = 3;
const static int IRPT_ENB_IRQ_1 = 4;
const static int IRPT_ENB_IRQ_2 = 5;
const static int IRPT_ENB_IRQ_B = 6;
const static int IRPT_DIS_IRQ_1 = 7;
const static int IRPT_DIS_IRQ_2 = 8;
const static int IRPT_DIS_IRQ_B = 9;
const static int QA7_CORE0_TINTC = 16;
const static int GPIO_IRQ = (32 + 20); // GPIO3
#define GPIO_INEDGE ((1 << PIN_BSY) | \
(1 << PIN_SEL) | \
(1 << PIN_ATN) | \
(1 << PIN_ACK) | \
(1 << PIN_RST))
#define GPIO_MCI ((1 << PIN_MSG) | \
(1 << PIN_CD) | \
(1 << PIN_IO))
// Constant declarations (GIC)
const static uint32_t ARM_GICD_BASE = 0xFF841000;
const static uint32_t ARM_GICC_BASE = 0xFF842000;
const static uint32_t ARM_GIC_END = 0xFF847FFF;
const static int GICD_CTLR = 0x000;
const static int GICD_IGROUPR0 = 0x020;
const static int GICD_ISENABLER0 = 0x040;
const static int GICD_ICENABLER0 = 0x060;
const static int GICD_ISPENDR0 = 0x080;
const static int GICD_ICPENDR0 = 0x0A0;
const static int GICD_ISACTIVER0 = 0x0C0;
const static int GICD_ICACTIVER0 = 0x0E0;
const static int GICD_IPRIORITYR0 = 0x100;
const static int GICD_ITARGETSR0 = 0x200;
const static int GICD_ICFGR0 = 0x300;
const static int GICD_SGIR = 0x3C0;
const static int GICC_CTLR = 0x000;
const static int GICC_PMR = 0x001;
const static int GICC_IAR = 0x003;
const static int GICC_EOIR = 0x004;
// Constant declarations (GIC IRQ)
const static int GIC_IRQLOCAL0 = (16 + 14);
const static int GIC_GPIO_IRQ = (32 + 116); // GPIO3
// Constant declarations (Control signals)
#define ACT_OFF !ACT_ON
#define ENB_OFF !ENB_ON
#define TAD_OUT !TAD_IN
#define IND_OUT !IND_IN
#define DTD_OUT !DTD_IN
// Constant declarations (SCSI)
const static int ON = 1;
const static int OFF = 0;
// Constant declarations (bus control timing)
// SCSI Bus timings taken from:
// https://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/tacke/scsi/SCSI2-05.html
const static int SCSI_DELAY_ARBITRATION_DELAY_NS = 2400;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_ASSERTION_PERIOD_NS = 90;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_BUS_CLEAR_DELAY_NS = 800;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_BUS_FREE_DELAY_NS = 800;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_BUS_SET_DELAY_NS = 1800;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_BUS_SETTLE_DELAY_NS = 400;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_CABLE_SKEW_DELAY_NS = 10;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_DATA_RELEASE_DELAY_NS = 400;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_DESKEW_DELAY_NS = 45;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_HOLD_TIME_NS = 45;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_NEGATION_PERIOD_NS = 90;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_POWER_ON_TO_SELECTION_TIME_S = 10; // (recommended)
const static int SCSI_DELAY_RESET_TO_SELECTION_TIME_US = 250*1000; // (recommended)
const static int SCSI_DELAY_RESET_HOLD_TIME_US = 25;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_SELECTION_ABORT_TIME_US = 200;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_SELECTION_TIMEOUT_DELAY_NS = 250*1000; // (recommended)
const static int SCSI_DELAY_FAST_DESKEW_DELAY_NS = 20;
const static int SCSI_DELAY_FAST_HOLD_TIME_NS = 10;
// The DaynaPort SCSI Link do a short delay in the middle of transfering
// a packet. This is the number of uS that will be delayed between the
// header and the actual data.
const static int SCSI_DELAY_SEND_DATA_DAYNAPORT_US = 100;
// Class definition
class GPIOBUS final : public BUS
// Basic Functions
GPIOBUS()= default;
~GPIOBUS() override = default;
// Destructor
bool Init(mode_e mode = mode_e::TARGET) override;
// Initialization
void Reset() override;
// Reset
void Cleanup() override;
// Cleanup
// Bus signal acquisition
inline uint32_t Acquire() override
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__X86__)
// Only used for development/debugging purposes. Isn't really applicable
// to any real-world RaSCSI application
return 0;
signals = *level;
// Invert if negative logic (internal processing is unified to positive logic)
signals = ~signals;
return signals;
#endif // ifdef __x86_64__ || __X86__
void SetENB(bool ast);
// Set ENB signal
bool GetBSY() const override;
// Get BSY signal
void SetBSY(bool ast) override;
// Set BSY signal
bool GetSEL() const override;
// Get SEL signal
void SetSEL(bool ast) override;
// Set SEL signal
bool GetATN() const override;
// Get ATN signal
void SetATN(bool ast) override;
// Set ATN signal
bool GetACK() const override;
// Get ACK signal
void SetACK(bool ast) override;
// Set ACK signal
bool GetACT() const;
// Get ACT signal
void SetACT(bool ast);
// Set ACT signal
bool GetRST() const override;
// Get RST signal
void SetRST(bool ast) override;
// Set RST signal
bool GetMSG() const override;
// Get MSG signal
void SetMSG(bool ast) override;
// Set MSG signal
bool GetCD() const override;
// Get CD signal
void SetCD(bool ast) override;
// Set CD signal
bool GetIO() override;
// Get IO signal
void SetIO(bool ast) override;
// Set IO signal
bool GetREQ() const override;
// Get REQ signal
void SetREQ(bool ast) override;
// Set REQ signal
uint8_t GetDAT() override;
// Get DAT signal
void SetDAT(uint8_t dat) override;
// Set DAT signal
bool GetDP() const override;
// Get Data parity signal
int CommandHandShake(vector<uint8_t>&) override;
// Command receive handshake
int ReceiveHandShake(uint8_t *buf, int count) override;
// Data receive handshake
int SendHandShake(uint8_t *buf, int count, int delay_after_bytes) override;
// Data transmission handshake
static BUS::phase_t GetPhaseRaw(uint32_t raw_data);
// Get the phase based on raw data
// SEL signal interrupt
bool PollSelectEvent() override;
// SEL signal event polling
void ClearSelectEvent() override;
// Clear SEL signal event
// SCSI I/O signal control
void MakeTable();
// Create work data
void SetControl(int pin, bool ast);
// Set Control Signal
void SetMode(int pin, int mode);
// Set SCSI I/O mode
bool GetSignal(int pin) const override;
// Get SCSI input signal value
void SetSignal(int pin, bool ast) override;
// Set SCSI output signal value
bool WaitSignal(int pin, int ast);
// Wait for a signal to change
// Interrupt control
void DisableIRQ();
// IRQ Disabled
void EnableIRQ();
// IRQ Enabled
// GPIO pin functionality settings
void PinConfig(int pin, int mode);
// GPIO pin direction setting
void PullConfig(int pin, int mode);
// GPIO pin pull up/down resistor setting
void PinSetSignal(int pin, bool ast);
// Set GPIO output signal
void DrvConfig(uint32_t drive);
// Set GPIO drive strength
mode_e actmode = mode_e::TARGET; // Operation mode
#if !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__X86__)
uint32_t baseaddr = 0; // Base address
int rpitype = 0; // Type of Raspberry Pi
volatile uint32_t *gpio = nullptr; // GPIO register
volatile uint32_t *pads = nullptr; // PADS register
#if !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__X86__)
volatile uint32_t *level = nullptr; // GPIO input level
volatile uint32_t *irpctl = nullptr; // Interrupt control register
volatile uint32_t irptenb; // Interrupt enabled state
volatile uint32_t *qa7regs = nullptr; // QA7 register
volatile int tintcore; // Interupt control target CPU.
volatile uint32_t tintctl; // Interupt control
volatile uint32_t giccpmr; // GICC priority setting
#if !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__X86__)
volatile uint32_t *gicd = nullptr; // GIC Interrupt distributor register
volatile uint32_t *gicc = nullptr; // GIC CPU interface register
array<uint32_t, 4> gpfsel; // GPFSEL0-4 backup values
uint32_t signals = 0; // All bus signals
struct gpioevent_request selevreq = {}; // SEL signal event request
int epfd; // epoll file descriptor
array<array<uint32_t, 256>, 3> tblDatMsk; // Data mask table
array<array<uint32_t, 256>, 3> tblDatSet; // Data setting table
array<uint32_t, 256> tblDatMsk = {}; // Data mask table
array<uint32_t, 256> tblDatSet = {}; // Table setting table
static const array<int, 19> SignalTable; // signal table