
137 lines
3.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer

// Each rascsi remote interface message is preceded by a little endian 32 bit header,
// which contains the protobuf message size.
syntax = "proto3";
package rascsi_interface;
// The available device types
enum PbDeviceType {
// Non-removable SASI drive
SAHD = 1;
// Non-removable SCSI drive
SCHD = 2;
// Removable SCSI drive
SCRM = 3;
// Magnoto-Optical drive
SCMO = 4;
// CD-ROM drive
SCCD = 5;
// Network bridge
SCBR = 6;
// DaynaPort network adapter
SCDP = 7;
// rascsi remote operations
enum PbOperation {
NONE = 0;
// Returns the server information
// Set the default folder for image files, PbCommand.params contains the folder name
// Set server log level, PbCommand.params contains the log level
// Attach new device
// Detach device. Detach all devices if PbCommand.params == "all". In this case ID and unit are ignored.
// Insert media
// Eject media
EJECT = 7;
// Write-protect media (not possible for read-only media)
// Make media writable (not possible for read-only media)
// The image file data
message PbImageFile {
string name = 1;
bool read_only = 2;
int64 size = 3;
// The device definition, sent from the client to the server
message PbDeviceDefinition {
int32 id = 1;
int32 unit = 2;
PbDeviceType type = 3;
// The optional SCSI hard disk drive block size in bytes per sector, must be 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096
int32 block_size = 4;
// The optional name of the image file
string file = 5;
// The device name, format is VENDOR:PRODUCT:REVISION
string name = 6;
bool protected = 7;
message PbDeviceDefinitions {
repeated PbDeviceDefinition devices = 1;
// The device data, sent from the server to the client
message PbDevice {
int32 id = 1;
int32 unit = 2;
PbDeviceType type = 3;
PbImageFile file = 4;
string vendor = 5;
string product = 6;
string revision = 7;
int32 block_size = 8;
// Read-only media (e.g. CD-ROMs) are not protectable but read-only all the time
bool read_only = 9;
// Media can be write-protected
bool protectable = 10;
// Media is write-protected
bool protected = 11;
// Media can be removed
bool removable = 12;
// Media is removed
bool removed = 13;
// Media can be locked
bool lockable = 14;
// Media is locked
bool locked = 15;
// Device supports image file
bool supports_file = 16;
message PbDevices {
repeated PbDevice devices = 1;
// Commands rascsi can execute and their parameters
message PbCommand {
PbOperation cmd = 1;
// The optional device list
PbDeviceDefinitions devices = 2;
// The optional parameters, depending on the operation
string params = 3;
// The result of a command
message PbResult {
// false means that an error occurred
bool status = 1;
// The (error) message
string msg = 2;
// The rascsi server information
message PbServerInfo {
string rascsi_version = 1;
// Sorted by severity
repeated string available_log_levels = 2;
string current_log_level = 3;
string default_image_folder = 4;
// Files in the default folder
repeated PbImageFile available_image_files = 5;
// The attached devices
PbDevices devices = 6;