Daniel Markstedt af4e3dfe80
Translate source code in x68k (#289)
* Translate code comments

* Remove documentation that is contained in wiki

* Translate code comments

* Remove documentation that is contained in wiki

* Translate configuration file

* Remove documentation that is covered by wiki

* Translate code comments

* Translate strings and code comments

* Cleanup
2021-10-01 15:23:53 -05:00

256 lines
9.6 KiB
Raw Blame History

// SCSI Target Emulator RaSCSI (*^..^*)
// for Raspberry Pi
// Powered by XM6 TypeG Technology.
// Copyright (C) 2016-2017 GIMONS
// [ Host Filesystem Bridge Driver ]
#ifndef bridge_h
#define bridge_h
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef int BOOL;
#if !defined(FALSE)
#define FALSE 0
#if !defined(TRUE)
#define TRUE 1
#define FASTCALL
#define ASSERT(x)
// Constant definitions
#define WINDRV_CLIPSIZE_MAX 0xC00000
// Status code definitions
#define FS_INVALIDFUNC 0xFFFFFFFF // Executed an invalid function
#define FS_FILENOTFND 0xFFFFFFFE // The selected file can not be found
#define FS_DIRNOTFND 0xFFFFFFFD // The selected directory can not be found
#define FS_OVEROPENED 0xFFFFFFFC // There are too many files open
#define FS_CANTACCESS 0xFFFFFFFB // Can not access the direcory or volume
#define FS_NOTOPENED 0xFFFFFFFA // The selected handle is not opened
#define FS_INVALIDMEM 0xFFFFFFF9 // Memory management has been destroyed
#define FS_OUTOFMEM 0xFFFFFFF8 // Insufficient memory for execution
#define FS_INVALIDPTR 0xFFFFFFF7 // Selected an invalid memory management pointer
#define FS_INVALIDENV 0xFFFFFFF6 // Selected an invalid environment
#define FS_ILLEGALFMT 0xFFFFFFF5 // The exeucted file is in an invalid format
#define FS_ILLEGALMOD 0xFFFFFFF4 // Invalid open access mode
#define FS_INVALIDPATH 0xFFFFFFF3 // Mistake in selected file name
#define FS_INVALIDPRM 0xFFFFFFF2 // Called with an invalid parameter
#define FS_INVALIDDRV 0xFFFFFFF1 // Mistake in selected drive
#define FS_DELCURDIR 0xFFFFFFF0 // Unable to delete the current directory
#define FS_NOTIOCTRL 0xFFFFFFEF // Unable to use IOCTRL with the device
#define FS_LASTFILE 0xFFFFFFEE // Can not find any more files
#define FS_CANTWRITE 0xFFFFFFED // Selected file can not be written
#define FS_DIRALREADY 0xFFFFFFEC // Selected directory is already registered
#define FS_CANTDELETE 0xFFFFFFEB // Can not delete because of a file
#define FS_CANTRENAME 0xFFFFFFEA // Can not rename because of a file
#define FS_DISKFULL 0xFFFFFFE9 // Can not create a file because the disk is full
#define FS_DIRFULL 0xFFFFFFE8 // Can not create a file because the directory is full
#define FS_CANTSEEK 0xFFFFFFE7 // Can not seek in the selected location
#define FS_SUPERVISOR 0xFFFFFFE6 // Selected supervisor in supervisor mode
#define FS_THREADNAME 0xFFFFFFE5 // A thread with this name already exists
#define FS_BUFWRITE 0xFFFFFFE4 // Writing to inter-process communication buffers is disallowed
#define FS_BACKGROUND 0xFFFFFFE3 // Unable to start a background process
#define FS_OUTOFLOCK 0xFFFFFFE0 // Insufficient lock space
#define FS_LOCKED 0xFFFFFFDF // Can not access because it is locked
#define FS_DRIVEOPENED 0xFFFFFFDE // Selected drive has an open handler
#define FS_LINKOVER 0xFFFFFFDD // The symbolic link is nested over 16 times
#define FS_FILEEXIST 0xFFFFFFB0 // The file exists
#define FS_FATAL_MEDIAOFFLINE 0xFFFFFFA3 // No media inserted
#define FS_FATAL_WRITEPROTECT 0xFFFFFFA2 // Write protected
#define FS_FATAL_INVALIDCOMMAND 0xFFFFFFA1 // Invalid command number
#define FS_FATAL_INVALIDUNIT 0xFFFFFFA0 // Invalid unit number
#define HUMAN68K_PATH_MAX 96 // Longest path allowed in Human68k
/// Human68k name space
/// File attribute bit
enum attribute_t {
AT_READONLY = 0x01, // Read only attribute
AT_HIDDEN = 0x02, // Hidden attribute
AT_SYSTEM = 0x04, // System attribute
AT_VOLUME = 0x08, // Volume label attribute
AT_DIRECTORY = 0x10, // Directory attribute
AT_ARCHIVE = 0x20, // Archive attribute
AT_ALL = 0xFF, // All attribute bits are 1
/// File open modes
enum open_t {
OP_READ = 0, // Read
OP_WRITE = 1, // Write
OP_FULL = 2, // Read/Write
OP_MASK = 0x0F, // Decision mask
OP_SHARE_NONE = 0x10, // Sharing forbidden
OP_SHARE_READ = 0x20, // Read sharing
OP_SHARE_WRITE = 0x30, // Write sharing
OP_SHARE_FULL = 0x40, // Read/Write sharing
OP_SHARE_MASK = 0x70, // Sharing decision mask
OP_SPECIAL = 0x100, // Dictionary access
/// Seek types
enum seek_t {
SK_BEGIN = 0, // From the beginning of a file
SK_CURRENT = 1, // From the current location
SK_END = 2, // From the end of the file
/// Media byte
enum media_t {
MEDIA_2DD_10 = 0xE0, // 2DD/10 sector
MEDIA_1D_9 = 0xE5, // 1D/9 sector
MEDIA_2D_9 = 0xE6, // 2D/9 sector
MEDIA_1D_8 = 0xE7, // 1D/8 sector
MEDIA_2D_8 = 0xE8, // 2D/8 sector
MEDIA_2HT = 0xEA, // 2HT
MEDIA_2HS = 0xEB, // 2HS
MEDIA_2HDE = 0xEC, // 2DDE
MEDIA_1DD_9 = 0xEE, // 1DD/9 sector
MEDIA_1DD_8 = 0xEF, // 1DD/8 sector
MEDIA_MANUAL = 0xF1, // Remote drive (manual eject)
MEDIA_REMOVABLE = 0xF2, // Remote drive (removable)
MEDIA_REMOTE = 0xF3, // Remote drive
MEDIA_RAMDISK = 0xF9, // RAM disk
MEDIA_2HQ = 0xFA, // 2HQ
MEDIA_2DD_8 = 0xFB, // 2DD/8 sector
MEDIA_2DD_9 = 0xFC, // 2DD/9 sector
MEDIA_2HC = 0xFD, // 2HC
MEDIA_2HD = 0xFE, // 2HD
/// namests struct
typedef struct {
BYTE wildcard; // Wildcard character length
BYTE drive; // Drive number
BYTE path[65]; // Path (subdirectory +/)
BYTE name[8]; // File name (PADDING 0x20)
BYTE ext[3]; // Extension (PADDING 0x20)
BYTE add[10]; // File name addition (PADDING 0x00)
} namests_t;
/// files struct
typedef struct {
BYTE fatr; // + 0 search attribute; read-only
BYTE pad1[3]; // padding
// BYTE drive; // + 1 drive number; read-only
DWORD sector; // + 2 directory sector; DOS _FILES first address substitute
// WORD cluster; // + 6 directory cluster; details unknown (unused)
WORD offset; // + 8 directory entry; write-only
// BYTE name[8]; // +10 working file name; write-only (unused)
// BYTE ext[3]; // +18 working extension; write-only (unused)
BYTE attr; // +21 file attribute; write-only
BYTE pad2; // padding
WORD time; // +22 last change time of day; write-only
WORD date; // +24 last change date; write-only
DWORD size; // +26 file size; write-only
BYTE full[23]; // +30 full name; write-only
BYTE pad3; // padding
} files_t;
/// FCB<43>\<5C><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
typedef struct {
// BYTE pad00[6]; // + 0~+ 5 (unused)
DWORD fileptr; // + 6~+ 9 file pointer
// BYTE pad01[4]; // +10~+13 (unused)
WORD mode; // +14~+15 open mode
// BYTE pad02[16]; // +16~+31 (unused)
// DWORD zero; // +32~+35 zeros are written when opened (unused)
// BYTE name[8]; // +36~+43 file name (PADDING 0x20) (unused)
// BYTE ext[3]; // +44~+46 extension (PADDING 0x20) (unused)
BYTE attr; // +47 file attribute
// BYTE add[10]; // +48~+57 file name addition (PADDING 0x00) (unused)
WORD time; // +58~+59 last change time of day
WORD date; // +60~+61 last change date
// WORD cluster; // +62~+63 cluster number (unused)
DWORD size; // +64~+67 file size
// BYTE pad03[28]; // +68~+95 FAT cache (unused)
} fcb_t;
/// capacity struct
typedef struct {
WORD freearea; // + 0 Number of available clusters
WORD clusters; // + 2 Total number of clusters
WORD sectors; // + 4 Number of sectors per cluster
WORD bytes; // + 6 Number of bytes per sector
} capacity_t;
/// ctrldrive struct
typedef struct {
BYTE status; // +13 status
BYTE pad[3]; // padding
} ctrldrive_t;
/// DPB struct
typedef struct {
WORD sector_size; // + 0 Number of bytes in one sector
BYTE cluster_size; // + 2 Number sectors in one cluster -1
BYTE shift; // + 3 Number of cluster<65><72>sector shifts
WORD fat_sector; // + 4 FAT first sector number
BYTE fat_max; // + 6 FAT storage quantity
BYTE fat_size; // + 7 FAT controlled sector number (excluding duplicates)
WORD file_max; // + 8 Number of files in the root directory
WORD data_sector; // +10 First sector number of data storage
WORD cluster_max; // +12 Total number of clusters +1
WORD root_sector; // +14 First sector number of root directory
// DWORD driverentry; // +16 Device driver pointer (unused)
BYTE media; // +20 Media identifier
// BYTE flag; // +21 Flag used by DPB (unused)
BYTE pad; // padding
} dpb_t;
/// Directory entry struct
typedef struct {
BYTE name[8]; // + 0 File name (PADDING 0x20)
BYTE ext[3]; // + 8 Extension (PADDING 0x20)
BYTE attr; // +11 File attribute
BYTE add[10]; // +12 File name addition (PADDING 0x00)
WORD time; // +22 Last change time of day
WORD date; // +24 Last change date
WORD cluster; // +26 Cluster number
DWORD size; // +28 File size
} dirent_t;
/// IOCTRL parameter union
typedef union {
BYTE buffer[8]; // Access in byte units
DWORD param; // Parameter (First 4 bytes)
WORD media; // Media byte (First 2 bytes)
} ioctrl_t;
/// Command line parameter struct
typedef struct {
BYTE buf[256]; // Command line argument
} argument_t;
#endif // bridge_h