Benjamin Zeiss cd0da558c3
Initial version of the Control Board UI (#687)
Initial version of the Control Board UI (#687)
2022-02-25 21:03:36 +01:00

186 lines
7.9 KiB

"""Module for building the control board UI specific menus"""
import logging
from menu.menu import Menu
from menu.menu_builder import MenuBuilder
from rascsi.file_cmds import FileCmds
from rascsi.ractl_cmds import RaCtlCmds
class CtrlBoardMenuBuilder(MenuBuilder):
"""Class fgor building the control board UI specific menus"""
SCSI_ID_MENU = "scsi_id_menu"
ACTION_MENU = "action_menu"
IMAGES_MENU = "images_menu"
PROFILES_MENU = "profiles_menu"
DEVICEINFO_MENU = "device_info_menu"
ACTION_OPENACTIONMENU = "openactionmenu"
ACTION_RETURN = "return"
ACTION_SLOT_ATTACHINSERT = "slot_attachinsert"
ACTION_SLOT_DETACHEJECT = "slot_detacheject"
ACTION_SLOT_INFO = "slot_info"
ACTION_SHUTDOWN = "shutdown"
ACTION_LOADPROFILE = "loadprofile"
ACTION_IMAGE_ATTACHINSERT = "image_attachinsert"
def __init__(self, ractl_cmd: RaCtlCmds):
self._rascsi_client = ractl_cmd
self.file_cmd = FileCmds(sock_cmd=ractl_cmd.sock_cmd, ractl=ractl_cmd,
token=ractl_cmd.token, locale=ractl_cmd.locale)
def build(self, name: str, context_object=None) -> Menu:
if name == CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.SCSI_ID_MENU:
return self.create_scsi_id_list_menu(context_object)
if name == CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.ACTION_MENU:
return self.create_action_menu(context_object)
if name == CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.IMAGES_MENU:
return self.create_images_menu(context_object)
if name == CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.PROFILES_MENU:
return self.create_profiles_menu(context_object)
if name == CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.DEVICEINFO_MENU:
return self.create_device_info_menu(context_object)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.warning("Provided menu name [%s] cannot be built!", name)
return self.create_scsi_id_list_menu(context_object)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def create_scsi_id_list_menu(self, context_object=None):
"""Method creates the menu displaying the 7 scsi slots"""
devices = self._rascsi_client.list_devices()
reserved_ids = self._rascsi_client.get_reserved_ids()
devices_by_id = {}
for device in devices["device_list"]:
devices_by_id[int(device["id"])] = device
menu = Menu(CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.SCSI_ID_MENU)
if reserved_ids["status"] is False:
menu.add_entry("No scsi ids reserved")
for scsi_id in range(0, 8):
device = None
if devices_by_id.get(scsi_id) is not None:
device = devices_by_id[scsi_id]
file = "-"
device_type = ""
if str(scsi_id) in reserved_ids["ids"]:
file = "[Reserved]"
elif device is not None:
file = str(device["file"])
device_type = str(device["device_type"])
menu_str = str(scsi_id) + ":"
if device_type == "SCDP":
menu_str += "Daynaport"
elif device_type == "SCBR":
menu_str += "X68000 Host Bridge"
elif device_type == "SCLP":
menu_str += "SCSI Printer"
elif device_type == "SCHS":
menu_str += "Host Services"
if file == "":
menu_str += "(empty)"
menu_str += file
if device_type != "":
menu_str += " [" + device_type + "]"
menu.add_entry(menu_str, {"context": self.SCSI_ID_MENU,
"scsi_id": scsi_id})
return menu
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def create_action_menu(self, context_object=None):
"""Method creates the action submenu with action that can be performed on a scsi slot"""
menu = Menu(CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.ACTION_MENU)
menu.add_entry("Return", {"context": self.ACTION_MENU,
"action": self.ACTION_RETURN})
menu.add_entry("Attach/Insert", {"context": self.ACTION_MENU,
menu.add_entry("Detach/Eject", {"context": self.ACTION_MENU,
menu.add_entry("Info", {"context": self.ACTION_MENU,
"action": self.ACTION_SLOT_INFO})
menu.add_entry("Load Profile", {"context": self.ACTION_MENU,
"action": self.ACTION_LOADPROFILE})
menu.add_entry("Shutdown", {"context": self.ACTION_MENU,
"action": self.ACTION_SHUTDOWN})
return menu
def create_images_menu(self, context_object=None):
"""Creates a sub menu showing all the available images"""
menu = Menu(CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.IMAGES_MENU)
images_info = self.file_cmd.list_images()
menu.add_entry("Return", {"context": self.IMAGES_MENU, "action": self.ACTION_RETURN})
images = images_info["files"]
sorted_images = sorted(images, key=lambda d: d['name'])
for image in sorted_images:
image_str = image["name"] + " [" + image["detected_type"] + "]"
image_context = {"context": self.IMAGES_MENU, "name": str(image["name"]),
"device_type": str(image["detected_type"]),
menu.add_entry(image_str, image_context)
return menu
def create_profiles_menu(self, context_object=None):
"""Creates a sub menu showing all the available profiles"""
menu = Menu(CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.PROFILES_MENU)
menu.add_entry("Return", {"context": self.IMAGES_MENU, "action": self.ACTION_RETURN})
config_files = self.file_cmd.list_config_files()
for config_file in config_files:
{"context": self.PROFILES_MENU, "name": str(config_file),
"action": self.ACTION_LOADPROFILE})
return menu
def create_device_info_menu(self, context_object=None):
"""Create a menu displaying information of an image in a scsi slot"""
menu = Menu(CtrlBoardMenuBuilder.DEVICEINFO_MENU)
menu.add_entry("Return", {"context": self.DEVICEINFO_MENU, "action": self.ACTION_RETURN})
device_info = self._rascsi_client.list_devices(context_object["scsi_id"])
if not device_info["device_list"]:
return menu
scsi_id = context_object["scsi_id"]
file = device_info["device_list"][0]["file"]
status = device_info["device_list"][0]["status"]
if not status:
status = "Read/Write"
lun = device_info["device_list"][0]["unit"]
device_type = device_info["device_list"][0]["device_type"]
if "parameters" in device_info["device_list"][0]:
parameters = device_info["device_list"][0]["parameters"]
parameters = "{}"
menu.add_entry("ID : " + str(scsi_id))
menu.add_entry("LUN : " + str(lun))
menu.add_entry("File : " + str(file))
menu.add_entry("Type : " + str(device_type))
menu.add_entry("R/RW : " + str(status))
menu.add_entry("Prms : " + str(parameters))
menu.add_entry("Vndr : " + str(device_info["device_list"][0]["vendor"]))
menu.add_entry("Prdct: " + str(device_info["device_list"][0]["product"]))
menu.add_entry("Rvisn: " + str(device_info["device_list"][0]["revision"]))
menu.add_entry("Blksz: " + str(device_info["device_list"][0]["block_size"]))
menu.add_entry("Imgsz: " + str(device_info["device_list"][0]["size"]))
return menu
def get_rascsi_client(self):
"""Returns an instance of the rascsi client"""
return self._rascsi_client