Eric Helgeson ea4486d1c0
Speed up web uploads and various fixes (#158)
* Move to bjoern

* Stream upload

* wip

* Streams

* check for filename

* Allow easyinstall to be scripted

* Tell user we're done

* show help

* ignore hfdisk

* fix var

* Allow override of remote by setting GIT_REMOTE, default to origin

* Better handling of local changes

* Give user more info

* Fix #156 - show all supported types in web interface

* *.mos does not seem to be valid - ractl throws error

* Try some minor optomizations
Error handling
2021-07-31 10:52:09 -05:00

165 lines
4.6 KiB

import fnmatch
import subprocess
import re
from settings import *
valid_file_suffix = ["*.hda", "*.hdn", "*.hdi", "*.nhd", "*.hdf", "*.hds", "*.iso", "*.cdr", "*.zip"]
valid_file_types = r"|".join([fnmatch.translate(x) for x in valid_file_suffix])
# List of SCSI ID's you'd like to exclude - eg if you are on a Mac, the System is usually 7
def is_active():
process = subprocess.run(["systemctl", "is-active", "rascsi"], capture_output=True)
return process.stdout.decode("utf-8").strip() == "active"
def list_files():
files_list = []
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir):
# Only list valid file types
files = [f for f in files if re.match(valid_file_types, f)]
os.path.join(path, file),
# TODO: move formatting to template
os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, file)) / float(1 << 20)
+ " MB",
for file in files
return files_list
def list_config_files():
files_list = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".csv"):
return files_list
def get_valid_scsi_ids(devices):
invalid_list = EXCLUDE_SCSI_IDS.copy()
for device in devices:
if device["file"] != "NO MEDIA" and device["file"] != "-":
valid_list = list(range(8))
for id in invalid_list:
return valid_list
def get_type(scsi_id):
return list_devices()[int(scsi_id)]["type"]
def attach_image(scsi_id, image, device_type):
if device_type == "SCCD" and get_type(scsi_id) == "SCCD":
return insert(scsi_id, image)
elif device_type == "SCDP":
if device_type == "SCCD":
device_type = "cd"
return subprocess.run(
["rasctl", "-c", "attach", "-t", device_type, "-i", scsi_id, "-f", image],
def detach_by_id(scsi_id):
return subprocess.run(["rasctl", "-c" "detach", "-i", scsi_id], capture_output=True)
def detach_all():
for scsi_id in range(0, 7):
subprocess.run(["rasctl", "-c" "detach", "-i", str(scsi_id)])
def disconnect_by_id(scsi_id):
return subprocess.run(
["rasctl", "-c", "disconnect", "-i", scsi_id], capture_output=True
def eject_by_id(scsi_id):
return subprocess.run(["rasctl", "-i", scsi_id, "-c", "eject"])
def insert(scsi_id, image):
return subprocess.run(
["rasctl", "-i", scsi_id, "-c", "insert", "-f", image], capture_output=True
def attach_daynaport(scsi_id):
return subprocess.run(
["rasctl", "-i", scsi_id, "-c", "attach", "-t", "daynaport"],
def is_bridge_setup(interface):
process = subprocess.run(["brctl", "show"], capture_output=True)
output = process.stdout.decode("utf-8")
if "rascsi_bridge" in output and interface in output:
return True
return False
def daynaport_setup_bridge(interface):
return subprocess.run(
[f"{base_dir}../RASCSI/src/raspberrypi/setup_bridge.sh", interface],
def rascsi_service(action):
# start/stop/restart
return (
subprocess.run(["sudo", "/bin/systemctl", action, "rascsi.service"]).returncode
== 0
def list_devices():
device_list = []
for id in range(8):
device_list.append({"id": str(id), "un": "-", "type": "-", "file": "-"})
output = subprocess.run(["rasctl", "-l"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode(
for line in output.splitlines():
# Valid line to process, continue
if (
not line.startswith("+")
and not line.startswith("| ID |")
and (
not line.startswith("No device is installed.")
or line.startswith("No images currently attached.")
and len(line) > 0
device = {}
segments = line.split("|")
if len(segments) > 4:
idx = int(segments[1].strip())
device_list[idx]["id"] = str(idx)
device_list[idx]["un"] = segments[2].strip()
device_list[idx]["type"] = segments[3].strip()
device_list[idx]["file"] = segments[4].strip()
return device_list