/******************************************************************************* * File Name: SD_Clk_Ctl.c * Version 1.70 * * Description: * This file contains API to enable firmware control of a Control Register. * * Note: * ******************************************************************************** * Copyright 2008-2012, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved. * You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions, * disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying * the software package with which this file was provided. *******************************************************************************/ #include "SD_Clk_Ctl.h" #if !defined(SD_Clk_Ctl_Sync_ctrl_reg__REMOVED) /* Check for removal by optimization */ /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: SD_Clk_Ctl_Write ******************************************************************************** * * Summary: * Write a byte to the Control Register. * * Parameters: * control: The value to be assigned to the Control Register. * * Return: * None. * *******************************************************************************/ void SD_Clk_Ctl_Write(uint8 control) { SD_Clk_Ctl_Control = control; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: SD_Clk_Ctl_Read ******************************************************************************** * * Summary: * Reads the current value assigned to the Control Register. * * Parameters: * None. * * Return: * Returns the current value in the Control Register. * *******************************************************************************/ uint8 SD_Clk_Ctl_Read(void) { return SD_Clk_Ctl_Control; } #endif /* End check for removal by optimization */ /* [] END OF FILE */