2020-10-10 10:30:13 +10:00

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* File Name: Debug_Timer_PM.c
* Version 2.70
* Description:
* This file provides the power management source code to API for the
* Timer.
* Note:
* None
* Copyright 2008-2014, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#include "Debug_Timer.h"
static Debug_Timer_backupStruct Debug_Timer_backup;
* Function Name: Debug_Timer_SaveConfig
* Summary:
* Save the current user configuration
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
* Global variables:
* Debug_Timer_backup: Variables of this global structure are modified to
* store the values of non retention configuration registers when Sleep() API is
* called.
void Debug_Timer_SaveConfig(void)
#if (!Debug_Timer_UsingFixedFunction)
Debug_Timer_backup.TimerUdb = Debug_Timer_ReadCounter();
Debug_Timer_backup.InterruptMaskValue = Debug_Timer_STATUS_MASK;
#if (Debug_Timer_UsingHWCaptureCounter)
Debug_Timer_backup.TimerCaptureCounter = Debug_Timer_ReadCaptureCount();
#endif /* Back Up capture counter register */
Debug_Timer_backup.TimerControlRegister = Debug_Timer_ReadControlRegister();
#endif /* Backup the enable state of the Timer component */
#endif /* Backup non retention registers in UDB implementation. All fixed function registers are retention */
* Function Name: Debug_Timer_RestoreConfig
* Summary:
* Restores the current user configuration.
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
* Global variables:
* Debug_Timer_backup: Variables of this global structure are used to
* restore the values of non retention registers on wakeup from sleep mode.
void Debug_Timer_RestoreConfig(void)
#if (!Debug_Timer_UsingFixedFunction)
Debug_Timer_STATUS_MASK =Debug_Timer_backup.InterruptMaskValue;
#if (Debug_Timer_UsingHWCaptureCounter)
#endif /* Restore Capture counter register*/
#endif /* Restore the enable state of the Timer component */
#endif /* Restore non retention registers in the UDB implementation only */
* Function Name: Debug_Timer_Sleep
* Summary:
* Stop and Save the user configuration
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
* Global variables:
* Debug_Timer_backup.TimerEnableState: Is modified depending on the
* enable state of the block before entering sleep mode.
void Debug_Timer_Sleep(void)
/* Save Counter's enable state */
if(Debug_Timer_CTRL_ENABLE == (Debug_Timer_CONTROL & Debug_Timer_CTRL_ENABLE))
/* Timer is enabled */
Debug_Timer_backup.TimerEnableState = 1u;
/* Timer is disabled */
Debug_Timer_backup.TimerEnableState = 0u;
#endif /* Back up enable state from the Timer control register */
* Function Name: Debug_Timer_Wakeup
* Summary:
* Restores and enables the user configuration
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
* Global variables:
* Debug_Timer_backup.enableState: Is used to restore the enable state of
* block on wakeup from sleep mode.
void Debug_Timer_Wakeup(void)
if(Debug_Timer_backup.TimerEnableState == 1u)
{ /* Enable Timer's operation */
} /* Do nothing if Timer was disabled before */
#endif /* Remove this code section if Control register is removed */
/* [] END OF FILE */