
211 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2013 Michael McMaster <>
// This file is part of SCSI2SD.
// SCSI2SD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// SCSI2SD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with SCSI2SD. If not, see <>.
$fa = 3; // 4-times as many angles per circle.
$fs = 0.1; // 0.1mm accuracy
// A* taken from SFF-8301 Specification for Form Factor of 3.5" Disk Drives
A3 = 101.6; // width
A5 = 3.19; // Distance from side to bottom hole.
A6 = 44.45; // Distance from A7 to second bottom hole.
A7 = 41.28; // Distance from front to bottom holes.
A8 = 28.5; // Distance from front to side holes
A9 = 101.60; // Distance between side holes.
A10 = 6.35; // Height from base to site holes.
A13 = 76.2; // Distance from A7 to third bottom hole.
m3HoleRadius=2.667/2; // M3x0.50 minimum hole size (aluminium or softer material)
holeBulk=4; // Extra around holes
tmp = 10;
// NOTE: PCB width (3860mils) must be less than 101.6 - (2 * wall width)
// Max width is about 1.5mm.
wallWidth = 1.3;
screwWidth = 3;
foo = 6;
bar = 4; // PSOC MOUNT
PCB_DIFF=90.42; // Clearance line of "fat" via is 10mil from edge.
PCB_off = (A3 - PCB_DIFF) / 2;
// from front = A7 + foo = 47.28
// second = 47.28 + A6 = 91.73. Perfect!
// Height between board and screw:
// screwWidth + 1.6mm pcb only = 3 + 1.6 =4.6. Not a problem!
// Width of PCB vs side hole bulk: 101.6 - 97.5360 = 4.064
// only 2mm to spare on either side.
// TODO Made a NOTCH in the PCB to handle this!
// notch: A8 +- holeBulk = 28.5 - 4, 28.5 + 4 = 24 -> 33mm. 3mm in.
module hdd_side()
cube([A8 + A9 + tmp, wallWidth, A10 + holeBulk]);
// Bottom mount 1
translate([A7 - (foo / 2), 0, 0])
cube([foo, foo, screwWidth]);
// Bottom mount 2
translate([A6 + A7 - (foo / 2), 0, 0])
cube([foo, foo, screwWidth]);
// Bottom mount 3
translate([A13 + A7 - (foo / 2), 0, 0])
cube([foo, foo, screwWidth]);
// psoc mount 1
translate([A7 - (foo / 2) + foo, 0, 0])
cube([foo, foo + bar, screwWidth]);
// psoc mount 2
translate([A6 + A7 - (foo / 2) + foo, 0, 0])
cube([foo, foo + bar, screwWidth]);
// Extra bulk behind side holes
translate([A8, 0, A10])
rotate([270, 0, 0])
cylinder(h=screwWidth, r=holeBulk);
translate([A8 + A9, 0, A10])
rotate([270, 0, 0])
cylinder(h=screwWidth, r=holeBulk);
// Remove excess material from the side
translate([-0.5, -0.5,screwWidth + wallWidth])
cube([A8 - tmp + 0.5, wallWidth + 1, A10 + holeBulk]);
translate([A8 + tmp, -0.5, screwWidth + wallWidth])
cube([A9 - (tmp * 2), wallWidth + 1, A10 + holeBulk]);
translate([A8, -0.5, A10])
rotate([270, 0, 0])
cylinder(h=screwWidth + 1, r=m3HoleRadius);
translate([A8 + A9, -0.5, A10])
rotate([270, 0, 0])
cylinder(h=screwWidth + 1, r=m3HoleRadius);
// Bottom hole 1
translate([A7, A5, -0.5])
cylinder(h=screwWidth + 1, r = m3HoleRadius);
// Bottom hole 2
translate([A6 + A7, A5, -0.5])
cylinder(h=screwWidth + 1, r = m3HoleRadius);
// Bottom hole 3
translate([A13 + A7, A5, -0.5])
cylinder(h=screwWidth + 1, r = m3HoleRadius);
// PSOC hole1
translate([A7 + foo, PCB_off, -0.5])
cylinder(h=screwWidth + 1, r = m3HoleRadius);
// PSOC hole2
translate([A6 + A7 + foo, PCB_off, -0.5])
cylinder(h=screwWidth + 1, r = m3HoleRadius);
translate([0, A3, 0])
mirror([0, 1, 0])
cube([wallWidth * 2, A3, wallWidth]);
translate([A8 + A9 + tmp - wallWidth * 2, 0, 0])
cube([wallWidth * 2, A3, wallWidth]);
// Bottom hole 1
translate([A7 + foo, foo + bar, 0])
cube([wallWidth * 2, A3 - ((foo + bar) * 2), wallWidth]);
// Bottom hole 2
translate([A6 + A7 + foo, foo + bar, 0])
cube([wallWidth * 2, A3 - ((foo + bar) * 2), wallWidth]);
for (i = [0:3])
translate([0, (i * (A3 - wallWidth) / 3), 0])
cube([A8 + A9 + tmp, wallWidth, wallWidth]);