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## Core Generator Run Script, generator for Project Navigator create command
proc findRtfPath { relativePath } {
set xilenv ""
if { [info exists ::env(XILINX) ] } {
if { [info exists ::env(MYXILINX)] } {
set xilenv [join [list $::env(MYXILINX) $::env(XILINX)] $::xilinx::path_sep ]
} else {
set xilenv $::env(XILINX)
foreach path [ split $xilenv $::xilinx::path_sep ] {
set fullPath [ file join $path $relativePath ]
if { [ file exists $fullPath ] } {
return $fullPath
return ""
source [ findRtfPath "data/projnav/scripts/dpm_cgUtils.tcl" ]
set result [ run_cg_create "xilinx.com:ip:clk_wiz:3.6" "CLK" "Clocking Wizard" "Clocking Wizard (xilinx.com:ip:clk_wiz:3.6) generated by Project Navigator" xc6slx9-2ftg256 Verilog ]
if { $result == 0 } {
puts "Core Generator create command completed successfully."
} elseif { $result == 1 } {
puts "Core Generator create command failed."
} elseif { $result == 3 || $result == 4 } {
# convert 'version check' result to real return range, bypassing any messages.
set result [ expr $result - 3 ]
} else {
puts "Core Generator create cancelled."
exit $result