
164 lines
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2014-07-10 01:52:36 +00:00
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 15:13:07 11/30/2011
// Design Name: floppyemu
// Module Name: C:/Users/steve/Documents/floppyemu/CPLD-Xilinx/testbench.v
// Project Name: floppyemu
// Target Device:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Verilog Test Fixture created by ISE for module: floppyemu
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module testbench;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg wr;
// Outputs
wire [7:0] wrData;
wire rdAckWrByte;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
floppyemu uut (
initial begin
clk = 0;
always begin
#70 clk = 1;
#70 clk = 0;
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
wr = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// send 10-bit sync byte
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 ;
// send 10-bit sync byte
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 ;
// send 10-bit sync byte
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 ;
// send 10-bit sync byte
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 ;
// send 10-bit sync byte
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 ;
// D5 = 1101 0101
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
// AA = 1010 1010
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
// 96 = 1001 0110
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
// 96 = 1001 0110
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 wr = ~wr;
#2000 ;