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2014-07-10 16:07:07 +00:00
* Print a table with various formatting options
* Format dates
#include <SdFat.h>
// create Serial stream
ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
// print a table to demonstrate format manipulators
void example(void) {
const int max = 10;
const int width = 4;
for (int row = 1; row <= max; row++) {
for (int col = 1; col <= max; col++) {
cout << setw(width) << row * col << (col == max ? '\n' : ' ');
cout << endl;
// print a date as mm/dd/yyyy with zero fill in mm and dd
// shows how to set and restore the fill character
void showDate(int m, int d, int y) {
// convert two digit year
if (y < 100) y += 2000;
// set new fill to '0' save old fill character
char old = cout.fill('0');
// print date
cout << setw(2) << m << '/' << setw(2) << d << '/' << y << endl;
// restore old fill character
void setup(void) {
cout << endl << "default formatting" << endl;
cout << showpos << "showpos" << endl;
cout << hex << left << showbase << "hex left showbase" << endl;
cout << internal << setfill('0') << uppercase;
cout << "uppercase hex internal showbase fill('0')" <<endl;
// restore default format flags and fill character
cout.flags(ios::dec | ios::right | ios::skipws);
cout.fill(' ');
cout << "showDate example" <<endl;
showDate(7, 4, 11);
showDate(12, 25, 11);
void loop(void) {}