/* * Append a line to a file - demo of pathnames and streams */ #include // SD chip select pin const uint8_t chipSelect = SS_PIN; // file system object SdFat sd; // define a serial output stream ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Append a line to LOGFILE.TXT */ void logEvent(const char *msg) { // create dir if needed sd.mkdir("LOGS/2011/JAN"); // create or open a file for append ofstream sdlog("LOGS/2011/JAN/LOGFILE.TXT", ios::out | ios::app); // append a line to the file sdlog << msg << endl; // check for errors if (!sdlog) sd.errorHalt("append failed"); // file will be closed when sdlog goes out of scope } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n"); while (Serial.read() < 0) {} // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with // breadboards. use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance. if (!sd.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED, chipSelect)) sd.initErrorHalt(); // append a line to the logfile logEvent("Another line for the logfile"); cout << "Done - check /LOGS/2011/JAN/LOGFILE.TXT on the SD" << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void loop() {}