/* Implementation of Macintosh 128k/512k PALs in Verilog, mainly to assist verification of the Macintosh SE BBU. They are not identical, of course, but this should at least be helpful is spotting significant flaws. Note that the signal names use here are the same as used in the Unitron Macintosh clone's reverse engineering documentation. Many of the signals are active low but not indicated here, for now. Written in 2020 by Andrew Makousky Public Domain Dedication: To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see . */ /* Note: All arguments are listed in the order of the pinout of each PAL chip. Another point, our cheap and easy way to hand self-referential PAL logic equations is to simply treat them as registered sequential logic equations and use enough simulation sub-cycles on them for them to reach settle time. `simclk` controls these sub-cycles. Also note, PAL registers do not have a deterministic initialization, hence the absence of a RESET signal. */ `ifndef MAC128PAL_V `define MAC128PAL_V `include "common.vh" // PAL0-16R4: Timing State Machine module tsm(simclk, n_res, clk, sysclk, pclk, s1, ramen, romen, as, uds, lds, gnd, oe1, casl, cash, ras, vclk, q2, q1, s0, dtack, vcc); input `virtwire simclk, n_res; input wire clk; input wire sysclk, pclk, s1, ramen, romen, as, uds, lds; `power wire gnd; input wire oe1; output wire casl, cash; output reg ras, vclk, q2, q1; output wire s0, dtack; `power wire vcc; // We must implement RESET for simulation or else this will never // stabilize. always @(negedge n_res) begin // casl = 1; cash = 1; s0 = 1; dtack = 1; ras <= 1; vclk <= 1; q2 <= 1; q1 <= 1; end // Simulate combinatorial logic. assign casl = ~(~s0 & s1 & sysclk // video | ~s0 & ~ramen & ~lds // processor | ~s0 & ~casl & sysclk | pclk & ~casl); assign cash = ~(~s0 & s1 & sysclk // video | ~s0 & ~ramen & ~uds // processor | ~s0 & ~cash & sysclk | pclk & ~cash); assign s0 = ~(~ras & ~sysclk // 0 for `cas` and 1 for `ras` (counting with the delay of the PAL) | ~ras & ~s0); assign dtack = ~(~romen // if the ROM is 250 nS or SCC or IWM | ~ras & ~ramen & ~s1 // guarantees that it will be recognized on the falling edge of `pclk` in state `s5` | ~as & ~dtack & ramen // expects `as` to rise for disable | ~as & ~dtack & ~s1); // but avoid video cycles (WE) // Simulate registered logic. always @(posedge clk) begin if (n_res) begin ras <= ~(~pclk & q1 & s1 // video cycle | ~pclk & q1 & ~ramen & dtack // processor cycle | pclk & ~ras); // any other cycle vclk <= ~(~q1 & pclk & q2 & vclk // divide by 8 (1MHz) | ~vclk & q1 | ~vclk & ~pclk | ~vclk & ~q2); q1 <= ~(~pclk & q1 | pclk & ~q1); // divide `pclk` by 2 (4MHz) q2 <= ~(~q1 & pclk & q2 // divide by 4 (2MHz) | ~q2 & q1 | ~q2 & ~pclk); end end endmodule // ras of processor: a16| a8| a7| a6| a5| a4| a3| a2| a1 // cas of processor: a17|a16|a15|a14|a13|a12|a11|a10| a9 // ras of video: pup| v8| v7| v6| v5| v4| v3| v2| v1 // cas of video: pup|pup|vpg|3q1|3q4|v12|v11|v10| v9 // ras of sound: pup|3q4|v12|v11|v10|?v8|?v9| v7| v6 // cas of sound: pup|pup|pup|spg|pup|spg|spg|spg|3q1 // PAL1-16R8: Linear Address Generator module lag(simclk, n_res, sysclk, p2io1, l28, va4, p0q2, vclk, va3, va2, va1, gnd, oe2, vshft, vsync, hsync, s1, viapb6, snddma, reslin, resnyb, vcc); input `virtwire simclk, n_res; input wire sysclk; input wire p2io1, l28, va4, p0q2, vclk, va3, va2, va1; `power wire gnd; input wire oe2; output reg vshft, vsync, hsync, s1, viapb6, snddma, reslin, resnyb; `power wire vcc; // We must implement RESET for simulation or else this will never // stabilize. always @(negedge n_res) begin vshft <= 1; vsync <= 1; hsync <= 1; s1 <= 1; viapb6 <= 1; snddma <= 1; reslin <= 1; resnyb <= 1; end // Simulate registered logic. always @(posedge sysclk) begin if (n_res) begin vshft <= ~(s1 & ~vclk & snddma); // one pulse on the falling edge of `vclk` vsync <= ~(reslin | ~vsync & ~l28); // hsync <= // ~(viapb6 & va4 & ~va3 & ~va2 & va1 // begins in 29 (VA5) // | /*~ ???*/resnyb // | ~hsync & viapb6); // ends in 0F // hsync <= // ~(~viapb6 & ~va4 & ~va3 & va2 & va1 // begins in 29 (VA5) // | ~hsync & ~va4 // | ~hsync & ~viapb6); // ends in 0F // TODO FIXME: This is incorrect, temporary equations in order // to get at least partial behavior for analysis. // TODO FIXME: We trigger hsync a bit too soon at the end of the // scanline. And, we release it too soon at the beginning. // HACKED ~vclk inserted hsync <= ~(viapb6 & ~vclk & va1 & va2 & va3 & va4 /* FIXME & va4 & ~va3 & ~va2 & va1 */ | ~hsync & ~va4 | ~hsync & ~va3 | ~hsync & va2 | ~hsync & va1); // TODO TEST NEATER REWRITES: // viapb6 <= // ~(~hsync & ~va4 & ~va3 & va2 & va1 // | ~viapb6 & snddma // | ~viapb6 & vclk); // hsync <= // ~(~viapb6 & ~va4 & ~va3 & va2 & ~va1 // | ~hsync & ~viapb6 // | ~hsync & ~va4); s1 <= ~(~p0q2 // 0 for processor and 1 for video | ~vclk | ~vsync & hsync | ~vsync & viapb6 // vertical retrace only has sound cycles // Next line HACKED, was: ~viapb6 & hsync & ~va4 & ~va3 & ~va2 | ~vsync & ~viapb6 & ~hsync & va4 & va3 & va2 & va1 | ~viapb6 & ~hsync & ~va4 | ~viapb6 & ~hsync & va4 & ~va3 & ~va2 | ~viapb6 & ~hsync & va4 & ~va3 & va2 & ~va1); // viapb6 <= // ~(~hsync & resnyb // 1 indicates horizontal retrace (pseudo VA6) // | va1 & ~viapb6 // | va2 & ~viapb6 // | ~hsync & ~viapb6 // | resnyb & ~viapb6 // | vshft & ~viapb6); // viapb6 <= // ~(hsync & ~va4 & ~va3 & va2 & va1 // 1 indicates horizontal retrace (pseudo VA6) // | ~viapb6 & snddma // | ~viapb6 & vclk); // TODO FIXME: This is incorrect, temporary equations in order // to get at least partial behavior for analysis. // TODO FIXME: Why this latches up and is broken, we should not // use memory access to clock this to one sensitivity cycle. // TODO FIXME: Okay, this is how to do it. The trick is within // "self-latching" logic equations. When another clock period // remains the same, we use self-latching logic equations, but // they loose effect... okay, I don't know what I'm talking // about. viapb6 <= ~(~hsync // 1 indicates horizontal retrace (pseudo VA6) /* | ~viapb6 & p0q2 | ~viapb6 & ~s1 */ | ~viapb6 & ~vclk | ~viapb6 & ~va1 // TODO FIXME wrong phase | ~viapb6 & ~va2 | ~viapb6 & ~va3 | ~viapb6 & ~va4); snddma <= ~(~viapb6 & va4 & ~va3 & va2 & va1 & p0q2 & vclk & ~hsync // 0 in this output | ~snddma & vclk); // ... indicates sound cycle reslin <= // try to generate line 370 ~(l28 | ~vsync | ~hsync // HACKED previously hsync, but negated for testing. | viapb6 // HACKED previously ~viapb6 but negated for testing. | ~vclk); // N.B. Primary conceptual equation: // resnyb <= // ((~viapb6 & hsync & ~va4 & ~va3 & ~va2 & ~va1) // | (~viapb6 & ~hsync & va4 & va3 & ~va2 & ~va1)); // TODO FIXME HACK: Possibly incorrect interpretation of viapb6 // with hsync. resnyb <= ~(vclk // increment VA5:VA14 in 0F and 2B | // viapb6 // TODO FIXME HACK PHASE | va1 | va2 | hsync & va4 | hsync & va3 | ~hsync & ~va4 | ~hsync & ~va3 | ~va4 & va3 | va4 & ~va3); // TODO TEST NEATER REWRITES: // ??? = /SOM . /VCLK + HS . P6 . /4 . /3 . /2 . /1 // /RN = P2 . P6 . /4 . /3 . /2 . /1 + /RN . P2 + /RN . SOM . 4 + /RN . SOM . 3 + /RN . SOM . 2 + /RN . SOM . 1 + /RN . /P6 . HS + VCLK // ??? = P6 . /VCLK . /P2 . /HS . 4 . 3 . /2 . /1 + /VCLK . /P2 . /P6 . /4 . /3 . /2 . /1 // N.B. P2 maybe shorthand for P0Q2? // POSSIBLY SIMPLIFIED EQUATIONS? // ??? = HS . 4 + HS . 3 + /HS . /4 + /4 . 3 + /HS . /3 + 4 . /3 // ??? = [/P6 VCLK P2 2 1] + (HS + /4 + /3)(/HS + 4 . // ??? = /VA4 * /VA3 * /HSYNC * /V // ... VA4 * VA3 * /HSYNC * V end end endmodule /* This LAG doesn't work correctly, here's how it is supposed to work. 1. Count video addresses to 32. During this count, generate resnyb every time we need a carry. 2. Once we reach 32, that's 512 pixels, one scanline. Now, we assert the *HSYNC signal. But please note, at this point we do **not** generate resnyb for the carry at 32, instead we let that counter wrap around to zero without a carry. 3. When the *HSYNC signal is asserted, we only count to 12. That's 192 pixels for horizontal blanking. Just when we're about to reach the end, we assert the *SNDDMA signal. That's when we fetch the sound sample, at the very end of horizontal blanking, not the very beginning. Finally, we assert resnyb to clear the counter and finally propagate the carry to the next video address. At the very end of vertical blanking, we assert *RESLIN to clear the video address counter back to zero. Until then, we keep counting positive to keep track of the vertical blanking time. But, to implement this... it's tricky because va5 and va6 are not connected to any PAL. How do we generate the signals then? We can otherwise only count to 16, we need to get to 32. Okay, I think I've got it figured out. VIAPB6 is a little white lie, it's not the actual horizontal blanking signal, it's a prep signal before the horizontal blanking actually occurs. But, nevertheless, it is almost the same thing, 16 cycles at 16MHz rather than 12 cycles. For the 8 MHz CPU, it pretty much looks like the same thing. And that's where we hide the additional bit of memory we need. */ // 32 active cycles for line - UA6..UA1 = 0 to 1F // 1 cycle for sound/PWM = 2B // 11 cycles for retrace = 20 to 2A // 342 active lines - VA6..VA14 = 010011100 to 111110001 // 28 retrace lines = 010000000 to 010011011 // PAL2-16L8: Bus Management Unit 1 module bmu1(simclk, n_res, va9, va8, va7, l15, va14, ovlay, a23, a22, a21, gnd, as, csiwm, rd, cescc, vpa, romen, ramen, io1, l28, vcc); input `virtwire simclk, n_res; input wire va9, va8, va7, l15, va14, ovlay, a23, a22, a21; `power wire gnd; input wire as; output wire csiwm, rd, cescc, vpa, romen, ramen, io1, l28; `power wire vcc; // We must implement RESET for simulation or else this will never // stabilize. always @(negedge n_res) begin // csiwm = 1; rd = 1; cescc = 1; vpa = 1; romen = 1; // ramen = 1; io1 = 1; l28 = 1; end // Simulate combinatorial logic. assign csiwm = ~(a23 & a22 & ~a21 & ~as); // DFE1FF assign rd = ~(a23 & ~a22 & ~a21 & ~as); // 9FFFF8 assign cescc = ~(a23 & ~a22 & ~as); // 9FFFF8(R) or BFFFF9(W) assign vpa = ~(a23 & a22 & a21 & ~as); // above E00000 is synchronous assign romen = ~(~a23 & a22 & ~a21 & ~as // 400000 | ~a23 & ~a22 & ~a21 & ~as & ovlay // (and 000000 with `ovlay`) | a23 & ~a22 & ~as | a23 & ~a21 & ~as); // for generating DTACK (not accessing ROM: A20) assign ramen = ~(~a23 & ~a22 & ~a21 & ~as & ~ovlay // 000000 | ~a23 & a22 & a21 & ~as & ovlay); // (600000 with `ovlay`) assign io1 = ~(~l15 & ~va9 & va8 & ~va7 // reached 368 or we don't pass line 26 | ~l28 & ~l15 | ~l28 & ~va9 | ~l28 & va8 | ~l28 & ~va7 | ~n_res); // SIMULATION ONLY: Else we never settle. assign l28 = ~(~l15 & ~va9 & ~va8 & va7 // reached 370 or we don't pass line 28 | ~l28 & ~l15 | ~l28 & ~va9 | ~l28 & ~va8 | ~l28 & va7 | ~n_res); // SIMULATION ONLY: Else we never settle. endmodule // PAL3-16R4: Bus Management Unit 0 module bmu0(simclk, n_res, sysclk, ramen, romen, va10, va11, va12, va13, va14, rw, gnd, oe1, g244, we, ava14, l15, vid, ava13, servid, dtack, vcc); input `virtwire simclk, n_res; input wire sysclk; input wire ramen, romen, va10, va11, va12, va13, va14, rw; `power wire gnd; input wire oe1; output wire g244, we; output reg ava14, l15, vid, ava13; // N.B. Although this is nominally an output we can treat it as an // input? input wire servid, dtack; `power wire vcc; // We must implement RESET for simulation or else this will never // stabilize. always @(negedge n_res) begin // g244 = 1; we = 1; ava14 <= 1; l15 <= 1; vid <= 1; ava13 <= 1; end // Simulate combinatorial logic. assign g244 = ~(~ramen & rw | ~g244 & ~ramen); assign we = ~(~ramen & ~rw | ~we & ~dtack); // or `dtack` is shorter before the video cycle // Simulate registered logic. always @(posedge sysclk) begin if (n_res) begin ava14 <= ~(~va14 & ~va13); // + 1 l15 <= ~(~va14 & ~va13 & ~va12 & ~va11 & ~va10 // we haven't passed line 15 | va14 & ~va13 & va12 & va11 & va10); // passed by 368 vid <= ~(servid); // here we invert: blanking is in `vshft` ava13 <= ~(va13); // + 1 end end endmodule // PAL4-16R6: Timing Signal Generator module tsg(simclk, n_res, sysclk, vpa, a19, vclk, p0q1, e, keyclk, intscc, intvia, gnd, oe3, d0, q6, clkscc, q4, q3, viacb1, pclk, ipl0, vcc); input `virtwire simclk, n_res; input wire sysclk; input wire vpa, a19, vclk, p0q1, e, keyclk, intscc, intvia; `power wire gnd; input wire oe3; output wire d0; output reg q6, clkscc, q4, q3, viacb1, pclk; output wire ipl0; `power wire vcc; // We must implement RESET for simulation or else this will never // stabilize. always @(negedge n_res) begin // d0 = 1; ipl0 = 1; q6 <= 1; clkscc <= 1; q4 <= 1; q3 <= 1; viacb1 <= 1; pclk <= 1; end // Simulate combinatorial logic. assign ipl0 = ~intscc | intvia; // CORRECTION // assign ipl0 = ~(0); // ??? /M nanda assign d0 = ~(~vpa & ~a19 & e); // F00000 sample the phase with 0 /n e' + usado // Simulate registered logic. always @(posedge sysclk) begin if (n_res) begin // TODO VERIFY: q6 missing? q6 <= ~(0); clkscc <= ~(clkscc & ~pclk & ~q4 | clkscc & ~pclk & ~q3 | clkscc & ~pclk & vclk | ~clkscc & pclk | ~clkscc & q4 & q3 & ~vclk); // skip one inversion every 32 cycles viacb1 <= ~(0); // ??? /M nanda pclk <= ~(pclk); // divide SYSCLK by 2 (8MHz) q3 <= ~(~vclk); // `sysclk` / 16 q4 <= ~(q4 & q3 & ~vclk // `sysclk` / 32 | ~q4 & ~q3 // } J for generating CLKSCC | ~q4 & vclk); end end endmodule // U11E-16R8: Analog Signal Generator // N.B.: ASG as a "sound generator" is largely a misnomer, it is // primarily a PWM disk speed generator. Therefore, the Unitron // didn't need an ASG because it didn't clone Apple disk drives. // TODO FIXME: ASG not fully implemented. module asg(simclk, n_res, sysclk, rdq0, rdq1, rdq2, rdq3, rdq4, rdq5, n_snddma, vclk, gnd, tsen2, n_dmald, pwm, r5, r4, r3, r2, r1, r0, vcc); input `virtwire simclk, n_res; input wire sysclk; input wire rdq0, rdq1, rdq2, rdq3, rdq4, rdq5, n_snddma, vclk; `power wire gnd; input wire tsen2; output reg n_dmald, pwm, r5, r4, r3, r2, r1, r0; `power wire vcc; // We must implement RESET for simulation or else this will never // stabilize. always @(negedge n_res) begin n_dmald <= 1; r5 <= 1; r4 <= 1; r3 <= 1; r2 <= 1; r1 <= 1; r0 <= 1; end // Simulate registered logic. always @(posedge sysclk) begin if (n_res) begin n_dmald <= ~(~vclk & ~n_snddma); // (a ^ b) == (a | b) & ~(a & b) // ~~(a ^ b) == ~(~(a | b) | (a & b)) // ~~(a ^ b) == ~((~a & ~b) | (a & b)) // ~~(a ^ b) == ~((~a & ~(f & g & h)) | (a & (f & g & h))) // ~~(a ^ b) == ~((~a & (~f | ~g | ~h)) | (a & (f & g & h))) // ~~(a ^ b) == ~(~a & ~f | ~a & ~g | ~a & ~h | (a & (f & g & h))) // N.B.: This expansion almost exceeds the term limit of the // PAL. // TODO FIXME: Not in PAL equation format. r0 <= n_dmald & (r0 ^ ~pwm); r1 <= n_dmald & (r1 ^ (r0 & ~pwm)); r2 <= n_dmald & (r2 ^ (r1 & r0 & ~pwm)); r3 <= n_dmald & (r3 ^ (r2 & r1 & r0 & ~pwm)); r4 <= n_dmald & (r4 ^ (r3 & r2 & r1 & r0 & ~pwm)); r5 <= n_dmald & (r5 ^ (r4 & r3 & r2 & r1 & r0 & ~pwm)); pwm <= n_dmald & r5 & r4 & r3 & r2 & r1 & r0; end end endmodule /* Now in order to fully implement the Macintosh's custom board capabilities, we must as a baseline have an implementation of some standard logic chips that are found on the Macintosh Main Logic Board. This is where we implement the modules. */ `include "stdlogic.v" // Wire that PAL cluster together, along with supporting standard // logic chips. Here, we try to better indicate active high and // active low because we also need to stick in a hex inverter chip. // // Important! This is actually a board-level description of a // Macintosh Plus. module palcl(simclk, vcc, gnd, n_res, n_sysclk, sysclk, pclk, p0q1, clkscc, p0q2, vclk, q3, q4, e, keyclk, a23, a22, a21, a20, a19, a18, a17, a16, a15, a14, a13, a12, a11, a10, a9, a8, a7, a6, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, n_as, n_uds, n_lds, n_dtack, r_n_w, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14, d15, casl, cash, ras, we, ra0, ra1, ra2, ra3, ra4, ra5, ra6, ra7, ra8, ra9, rdq0, rdq1, rdq2, rdq3, rdq4, rdq5, rdq6, rdq7, rdq8, rdq9, rdq10, rdq11, rdq12, rdq13, rdq14, rdq15, n_intscc, n_intvia, n_ipl0, n_ramen, n_romen, n_csiwm, n_sccrd, n_cescc, n_vpa, viapb6, ovlay, viacb1, n_sndpg2, n_vidpg2, n_vsync, n_hsync, vid); input `virtwire simclk; `power wire vcc; `power wire gnd; input wire n_res; input wire n_sysclk; // 16MHz // Clocks // 8,4,3.686,2,1,1,0.5 MHz output wire sysclk, pclk, p0q1, clkscc, p0q2, vclk, q3, q4; input wire e; // 6800 synchronous I/O "E" clock, ~1MHz input wire keyclk; // MC68000 CPU address signals input wire a23, a22, a21, a20, a19, a18, a17, a16, a15, a14, a13, a12, a11, a10, a9, a8, a7, a6, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1; // not used: a18 input wire n_as, n_uds, n_lds; output wire n_dtack; input wire r_n_w; inout wire d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14, d15; // DRAM signals output wire casl, cash, ras, we; output wire ra0, ra1, ra2, ra3, ra4, ra5, ra6, ra7, ra8, ra9; inout wire rdq0, rdq1, rdq2, rdq3, rdq4, rdq5, rdq6, rdq7, rdq8, rdq9, rdq10, rdq11, rdq12, rdq13, rdq14, rdq15; // Interrupt signals input wire n_intscc, n_intvia; output wire n_ipl0; // Chip enable signals output wire n_ramen, n_romen, n_csiwm, n_sccrd, n_cescc, n_vpa; // VIA signals output wire viapb6; // horizontal blanking input wire ovlay; // Boot-time overlay output wire viacb1; // keyboard interrupt input wire n_sndpg2; // VIA PA3 input wire n_vidpg2; // VIA PA6 // wire d0; // Video timing phase sense signal // Video control signals output wire n_vsync, n_hsync, vid; // Internal video address signals, comes from video counter IC wire va14, va13, va12, va11, va10, va9, va8, va7, va6, va5, va4, va3, va2, va1; // Incremented high-order video address lines wire ava14, ava13; // Internal video signals wire vshft, n_snddma, n_servid; // Address multiplexer signals? wire s0, s1, l28, l15, n_245oe; // PAL chip-select and unknown "IO" signals wire tsm_oe1, lag_oe2, bmu0_oe1, tsg_oe3; // Internal PAL cluster use only, supports video wire reslin, resnyb; // video counter controllers? wire p2io1, q6; // Wires to/from standard logic chips. wire snddma, n_a20, n_sndres, sndres, n_snd, snd, wr, n_wr; // N.B.: *WR comes from IWM chip, WR goes to floppy drives. *A20 // goes to VIA.CS1. *SNDDMA comes from the LAG. *SYSCLK comes // from the 16MHz crystal oscillator. SND comes from the dual PWM // disk driver counters. // *DMALD is generated by ASG. It's very similar to how *LDPS is // generated. wire n_dmald; // u12f_tc is the carry propagation signal for the dual PWM sound // counters. wire c8mf, c16mf, c2m, u12f_tc, ram_r_n_w_f; wire vmsh; // video mid-shift, connect two register chips together // This is just a pull-up resistor, possibly connected to a RESET // circuit. wire s5; wire tsen2; // Pull-down resistor wire pwm; // L12 => va13 // L13 => va14 // va12 => ava13 // va13 => ava14 // n_ldps => vshft // VID/*u => s1 // tc => vclk // TODO FIXME! We're not using assign correctly! `assign` implies // diode isolation between separate nets. We want to merge // multiple names together for the same net. // N.B. on PCB, use c8mf for high-frequency signal // filter/conditioning, we add a resistor. assign c8mf = pclk; assign c16mf = sysclk; assign ram_r_n_w_f = we; assign c2m = p0q2; // TSEN0: 150 ohm resistor to GND for PAL for TSM and BMU0. assign tsm_oe1 = gnd; assign bmu0_oe1 = gnd; // TSEN1: 150 ohm resistor to GND for LAG. assign lag_oe2 = gnd; // Pull-down resistor shared by TSG, ASG, and CAS (if present). // TODO INVESTIGATE: Surely this is controlled by another switch // related to the RAM data bus switches, otherwise D0 is // unconditionally coerced for non-phase read accesses. assign tsg_oe3 = gnd; // S5: Pull-up resistor. TODO FIXME: Should this be controlled by // another thing too? assign s5 = vcc; // TSEN2: Pull-down resistorr. assign tsen2 = gnd; // TODO FIXME: A1 - A13 are connected to a pull-up resistors bank // RP1. /* N.B. The reason why phase calibration is required in the Macintosh 128k/512k/Plus is because the PALs do not have a RESET pin. It is the logic designer's discretion to implement one explicitly, of they could forgo it to allow for more I/O pins. Hence the motivation to use software phase correction instead. */ // Inverters and 16MHz clock buffer f04 u4d(n_sysclk, sysclk, n_snddma, snddma, a20, n_a20, gnd, n_sndres, sndres, n_snd, snd, wr, n_wr, vcc); // Dual PWM sound counters. The final carry-out is the PWM sound // signal, and it is inverted and fed back to the sound counters to // form a saturating counter. ls161 u13e(n_sndres, c8mf, rdq12, rdq13, rdq14, rdq15, n_snd, gnd, n_dmald, u12f_tc, , , , , snd, vcc); ls161 u12f(n_sndres, c8mf, rdq8, rdq9, rdq10, rdq11, n_snd, gnd, n_dmald, n_sndres, , , , , u12f_tc, vcc); // Dual video shift registers ls166 u10f(vmsh, rdq8, rdq9, rdq10, rdq11, 1'b0, c16mf, gnd, s5, rdq12, rdq13, rdq14, n_servid, rdq15, vshft, vcc); ls166 u11f(s5, rdq0, rdq1, rdq2, rdq3, 1'b0, c16mf, gnd, s5, rdq4, rdq5, rdq6, vmsh, rdq7, vshft, vcc); // Dual RAM data bus transceivers ls245 u9e(ram_r_n_w_f, rdq0, rdq1, rdq2, rdq3, rdq4, rdq5, rdq6, rdq7, gnd, d7, d6, d5, d4, d3, d2, d1, d0, n_245oe, vcc); ls245 u10e(ram_r_n_w_f, rdq8, rdq9, rdq10, rdq11, rdq12, rdq13, rdq14, rdq15, gnd, d15, d14, d13, d12, d11, d10, d9, d8, n_245oe, vcc); // RAM RA8/RA9 row/column video/CPU address multiplexer f253 u10g(snddma, s1, va9, s5, a9, a17, ra8, gnd, ra9, a20, a19, s5, s5, c2m, 1'b0, vcc); // Dual video address counters ls393 u1f(vclk, resnyb, va1, va2, va3, va4, gnd, va8, va7, va6, va5, reslin, resnyb, vcc); ls393 u1g(va8, reslin, va9, va10, va11, va12, gnd, , , va14, va13, reslin, va12, vcc); // RAM row/column video/CPU address multiplexers f257 u2f(c2m, s5, va6, ra0, n_snd, va7, ra1, gnd, ra3/*???*/, va9, n_sndpg2, ra2, va8, n_sndpg2, n_snddma, vcc); f257 u2g(c2m, s5, va10, ra4, n_sndpg2, va11, ra5, gnd, ra7, va13, s5, ra6, va12, s5, n_snddma, vcc); f253 u3f(snddma, s1, va3, va11, a3, a11, ra2, gnd, ra3, a12, a4, va12, va4, c2m, snddma, vcc); f253 u3g(snddma, s1, va5, va13, a5, a13, ra4, gnd, ra5, a14, a6, va14, va6, c2m, snddma, vcc); f253 u4f(snddma, s1, va1, s5, a1, a9, ra0, gnd, ra1, a10, a2, va10, va2, c2m, snddma, vcc); f253 u4g(snddma, s1, va7, n_vidpg2, a7, a15, ra6, gnd, ra7, a16, a8, s5, va8, c2m, snddma, vcc); tsm pal0(simclk, n_res, sysclk, sysclk, pclk, s1, n_ramen, n_romen, n_as, n_uds, n_lds, gnd, tsm_oe1, casl, cash, ras, vclk, p0q2, p0q1, s0, n_dtack, vcc); lag pal1(simclk, n_res, sysclk, p2io1, l28, va4, p0q2, vclk, va3, va2, va1, gnd, lag_oe2, vshft, n_vsync, n_hsync, s1, viapb6, n_snddma, reslin, resnyb, vcc); bmu1 pal2(simclk, n_res, va9, va8, va7, l15, va14, ovlay, a23, a22, a21, gnd, n_as, n_csiwm, n_sccrd, n_cescc, n_vpa, n_romen, n_ramen, p2io1, l28, vcc); bmu0 pal3(simclk, n_res, sysclk, n_ramen, n_romen, va10, va11, va12, va13, va14, r_n_w, gnd, bmu0_oe1, n_245oe, we, ava14, l15, vid, ava13, n_servid, n_dtack, vcc); tsg pal4(simclk, n_res, sysclk, n_vpa, a19, vclk, p0q1, e, keyclk, n_intscc, n_intvia, gnd, tsg_oe3, d0, q6, clkscc, q4, q3, viacb1, pclk, n_ipl0, vcc); asg u11e(simclk, n_res, c16mf, rdq0, rdq1, rdq2, rdq3, rdq4, rdq5, n_snddma, vclk, gnd, tsen2, n_dmald, pwm, , , , , , , vcc); endmodule `endif // not MAC128PAL_V