0.51 ~= 19 inches 0.39 => 15 inches 0.19 => 7 inches Camera height: 1.56 => 58 inches => 5 feet, height = 6 feet Nikon D7000, Nikon DX format sensor size (i.e. APS-C format). The EXIF data claims there was a 50mm prime lens (>>DATA<<) attached. HOWEVER, because we're not at infinity focus, the close focus effect approximately halves the field of view. Otherwise I can't get the unproject perspective to work out correctly from the photos for the foam blocks. That calculates to a horizontal field of view of 14 degrees, and using the box dimensions to scale the proportions, the lens aperture was about 5 feet from the ground, which means that you must be about 6 feet tall standing up straight. That all sounds like sane values.