/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * Jeroen Domburg wrote this file. As long as you retain * this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, * and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include "emu.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tmeconfig.h" #include "m68k.h" #include "disp.h" #include "iwm.h" #include "via.h" #include "scc.h" #include "rtc.h" #include "ncr.h" #include "hd.h" #include "snd.h" #include "mouse.h" #include #include "esp_heap_caps.h" #include #include "esp_spiram.h" #include "network/localtalk.h" unsigned char *macRom; #if (TME_CACHESIZE!=0) #define USE_EXTERNAL_RAM 1 #else #define USE_EXTERNAL_RAM 0 unsigned char *macRam; #endif #define MEMADDR_DUMMY_CACHE (void*)1 int rom_remap, video_remap=0, audio_remap=0, audio_volume=0, audio_en=0; void m68k_instruction() { unsigned int pc=m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_PC); printf("Mon: %x\n", pc); int ok=0; if (pc < 0x400000) { if (rom_remap) { ok=1; } } else if (pc >= 0x400000 && pc<0x500000) { ok=1; } if (!ok) return; pc&=0x1FFFF; if (pc==0x7DCC) printf("Mon: SCSIReadSectors\n"); if (pc==0x7E4C) printf("Mon: SCSIReadSectors exit OK\n"); if (pc==0x7E56) printf("Mon: SCSIReadSectors exit FAIL\n"); } typedef uint8_t (*PeripAccessCb)(unsigned int address, int data, int isWrite); uint8_t unhandledAccessCb(unsigned int address, int data, int isWrite) { unsigned int pc=m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_PC); printf("Unhandled %s @ 0x%X! PC=0x%X\n", isWrite?"write":"read", address, pc); return 0xff; } uint8_t bogusReadCb(unsigned int address, int data, int isWrite) { if (isWrite) return 0; return address^(address>>8)^(address>>16); } uint8_t ncrAccessCb(unsigned int address, int data, int isWrite) { if (isWrite) { ncrWrite((address>>4)&0x7, (address>>9)&1, data); return 0; } else { return ncrRead((address>>4)&0x7, (address>>9)&1); } } uint8_t sscAccessCb(unsigned int address, int data, int isWrite) { if (isWrite) { sccWrite(address, data); return 0; } else { return sccRead(address); } } uint8_t iwmAccessCb(unsigned int address, int data, int isWrite) { if (isWrite) { iwmWrite((address>>9)&0xf, data); return 0; } else { return iwmRead((address>>9)&0xf);; } } uint8_t viaAccessCb(unsigned int address, int data, int isWrite) { if (isWrite) { viaWrite((address>>9)&0xf, data); return 0; } else { return viaRead((address>>9)&0xf); } } #define FLAG_RO (1<<0); typedef struct { uint8_t *memAddr; union { PeripAccessCb cb; int flags; }; } MemmapEnt; #define MEMMAP_ES 0x20000 //entry size #define MEMMAP_MAX_ADDR 0x1000000 //Memmap describing 128 128K blocks of memory, from 0 to 0x1000000 (16MiB). MemmapEnt memmap[MEMMAP_MAX_ADDR/MEMMAP_ES]; static void regenMemmap(int remapRom) { int i; //Default handler for (i=0; imemAddr==MEMADDR_DUMMY_CACHE)?getRamPtr(addr&(TME_RAMSIZE-1)):&ent->memAddr[addr&(MEMMAP_ES-1)]) /* Warning: This malfunctions if e.g. a 32-bit val starting at an address [1-3] from the end of the region is requested. Luckily, on the 68000 itself this leads to an exception and should never happen. */ static inline uint8_t *getRamPtr(const unsigned int address) { assert(address=CACHESLOTCNT) cacheSwapPos=0; slot=cacheSwapPos; //Write old data. int oldaddr=cacheSlot[slot].ent*CACHEITEMSIZE; esp_spiram_write(oldaddr, cacheSlot[slot].mem, CACHEITEMSIZE); cacheEnt[cacheSlot[slot].ent]=NO_ENT; //Read new data. cacheSlot[slot].ent=address/CACHEITEMSIZE; int newaddr=cacheSlot[slot].ent*CACHEITEMSIZE;; esp_spiram_read(newaddr, cacheSlot[slot].mem, CACHEITEMSIZE); cacheEnt[address/CACHEITEMSIZE]=slot; // printf("CACHE SWAPOUT: slot %d address %x -> address %x\n", slot, oldaddr, newaddr); } return cacheSlot[slot].mem+(address&(CACHEITEMSIZE-1)); } static void ramInit() { printf("Using external SPI memory as Mac RAM\n"); #if 1 char obuf[128], ibuf[128]; for (int i=0; i<128; i++) obuf[i]=rand(); esp_spiram_write(0, obuf, 128); esp_spiram_read(0, ibuf, 128); if (memcmp(obuf, ibuf, 128)!=0) { printf("Error: External SPI ram is not stable.\n"); abort(); } #endif for (int x=0; xmemAddr[addr&(MEMMAP_ES-1)] static void ramInit() { printf("Using internal (or hw cached) memory as Mac RAM\n"); #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MEMMAP macRam=(void*)0x3F800000; #else macRam=malloc(TME_RAMSIZE); #endif assert(macRam); macFb[0]=&macRam[TME_SCREENBUF]; macFb[1]=&macRam[TME_SCREENBUF_ALT]; macSnd[0]=&macRam[TME_SNDBUF]; macSnd[1]=&macRam[TME_SNDBUF_ALT]; printf("Clearing ram...\n"); for (int x=0; x=MEMMAP_MAX_ADDR) return &memmap[127]; return &memmap[address/MEMMAP_ES]; } unsigned int m68k_read_memory_8(unsigned int address) { const MemmapEnt *mmEnt=getMmmapEnt(address); if (mmEnt->memAddr) { uint8_t *p; p=(uint8_t*)MMAP_RAM_PTR(mmEnt, address); return *p; } else { return mmEnt->cb(address, 0, 0); } } unsigned int m68k_read_memory_16(unsigned int address) { const MemmapEnt *mmEnt=getMmmapEnt(address); if ((address&1)!=0) printf("%s: Unaligned access to %x!\n", __FUNCTION__, address); if (mmEnt->memAddr) { uint16_t *p; p=(uint16_t*)MMAP_RAM_PTR(mmEnt, address); return __bswap_16(*p); } else { unsigned int ret; ret=mmEnt->cb(address, 0, 0)<<8; ret|=mmEnt->cb(address+1, 0, 0); return ret; } } #if 0 unsigned int m68k_read_memory_32(unsigned int address) { const MemmapEnt *mmEnt=getMmmapEnt(address); if ((address&3)!=0) printf("%s: Unaligned access to %x!\n", __FUNCTION__, address); if (mmEnt->memAddr) { uint32_t *p; p=(uint32_t*)MMAP_RAM_PTR(mmEnt, address); return __bswap_32(*p); } else { unsigned int ret; ret=mmEnt->cb(address, 0, 0)<<24; ret|=mmEnt->cb(address+1, 0, 0)<<16; ret|=mmEnt->cb(address+2, 0, 0)<<8; ret|=mmEnt->cb(address+3, 0, 0)<<0; return ret; } } #else unsigned int m68k_read_memory_32(unsigned int address) { uint16_t a=m68k_read_memory_16(address); uint16_t b=m68k_read_memory_16(address+2); return (a<<16)|b; } #endif void m68k_write_memory_8(unsigned int address, unsigned int value) { const MemmapEnt *mmEnt=getMmmapEnt(address); if (mmEnt->memAddr) { uint8_t *p; p=(uint8_t*)MMAP_RAM_PTR(mmEnt, address); *p=value; } else { mmEnt->cb(address, value, 1); } } void m68k_write_memory_16(unsigned int address, unsigned int value) { const MemmapEnt *mmEnt=getMmmapEnt(address); if ((address&1)!=0) printf("%s: Unaligned access to %x!\n", __FUNCTION__, address); if (mmEnt->memAddr) { uint16_t *p; p=(uint16_t*)MMAP_RAM_PTR(mmEnt, address); *p=__bswap_16(value); } else { mmEnt->cb(address, (value>>8)&0xff, 1); mmEnt->cb(address+1, (value>>0)&0xff, 1); } } #if 0 void m68k_write_memory_32(unsigned int address, unsigned int value) { const MemmapEnt *mmEnt=getMmmapEnt(address); if ((address&3)!=0) printf("%s: Unaligned access to %x!\n", __FUNCTION__, address); if (mmEnt->memAddr) { uint32_t *p; p=(uint32_t*)MMAP_RAM_PTR(mmEnt, address); *p=__bswap_32(value); } else { mmEnt->cb(address, (value>>24)&0xff, 1); mmEnt->cb(address+1, (value>>16)&0xff, 1); mmEnt->cb(address+2, (value>>8)&0xff, 1); mmEnt->cb(address+3, (value>>0)&0xff, 1); } } #else void m68k_write_memory_32(unsigned int address, unsigned int value) { m68k_write_memory_16(address, value>>16); m68k_write_memory_16(address+2, value); } #endif unsigned char *m68k_pcbase=NULL; void m68k_pc_changed_handler_function(unsigned int address) { // printf("m68k_pc_changed_handler_function %x\n", address); const MemmapEnt *mmEnt=getMmmapEnt(address); if (mmEnt->memAddr) { uint8_t *p; p=(uint8_t*)MMAP_RAM_PTR(mmEnt, address); m68k_pcbase=p-address; } else { printf("PC not in mem!\n"); abort(); } } //Should be called every second. void printFps() { struct timeval tv; static struct timeval oldtv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (oldtv.tv_sec!=0) { long msec=(tv.tv_sec-oldtv.tv_sec)*1000; msec+=(tv.tv_usec-oldtv.tv_usec)/1000; printf("Speed: %d%%\n", (int)(100000/msec)); // printf("Mem free: %dKiB 8-bit, %dKiB 32-bit\n", xPortGetFreeHeapSizeCaps(MALLOC_CAP_8BIT)/1024, xPortGetFreeHeapSizeCaps(MALLOC_CAP_32BIT)/1024); } oldtv.tv_sec=tv.tv_sec; oldtv.tv_usec=tv.tv_usec; } void tmeStartEmu(void *rom) { int ca1=0, ca2=0; int x, frame=0; int cyclesPerSec=0; macRom=rom; ramInit(); rom_remap=1; regenMemmap(1); printf("Creating HD and registering it...\n"); SCSIDevice *hd=hdCreate("hd.img"); ncrRegisterDevice(6, hd); viaClear(VIA_PORTA, 0x7F); viaSet(VIA_PORTA, 0x80); viaClear(VIA_PORTA, 0xFF); viaSet(VIA_PORTB, (1<<3)); sccInit(); printf("Initializing m68k...\n"); m68k_pc_changed_handler_function(0x0); m68k_init(); printf("Setting CPU type and resetting..."); m68k_set_cpu_type(M68K_CPU_TYPE_68000); m68k_pulse_reset(); printf("Display init...\n"); sndInit(); dispInit(); localtalkInit(); printf("Done! Running.\n"); while(1) { for (x=0; x<8000000/60; x+=1000) { m68k_execute(1000); viaStep(100); //should run at 783.36KHz sccTick(100); int r=mouseTick(); if (r&MOUSE_BTN) viaClear(VIA_PORTB, (1<<3)); else viaSet(VIA_PORTB, (1<<3)); if (r&MOUSE_QXB) viaClear(VIA_PORTB, (1<<4)); else viaSet(VIA_PORTB, (1<<4)); if (r&MOUSE_QYB) viaClear(VIA_PORTB, (1<<5)); else viaSet(VIA_PORTB, (1<<5)); sccSetDcd(SCC_CHANA, r&MOUSE_QXA); sccSetDcd(SCC_CHANB, r&MOUSE_QYA); //Sound handler keeps track of real time, if its buffer is empty we should be done with the video frame. if (x>(8000000/120) && sndDone()) break; } cyclesPerSec+=x; dispDraw(macFb[video_remap?1:0]); sndPush(macSnd[audio_remap?1:0], audio_en?audio_volume:0); // localtalkTick(); frame++; ca1^=1; viaControlWrite(VIA_CA1, ca1); if (frame==59) { ca2^=1; viaControlWrite(VIA_CA2, ca2); } if (frame>=60) { ca2^=1; viaControlWrite(VIA_CA2, ca2); rtcTick(); frame=0; printFps(); printf("%d Hz\n", cyclesPerSec); cyclesPerSec=0; } } } void viaIrq(int req) { // printf("IRQ %d\n", req); m68k_set_irq(req?1:0); } void sccIrq(int req) { // printf("IRQ %d\n", req); m68k_set_irq(req?2:0); } void viaCbPortAWrite(unsigned int val) { static int writes=0; if ((writes++)==0) val=0x67; // printf("VIA PORTA WRITE %x\n", val); video_remap=(val&(1<<6))?1:0; rom_remap=(val&(1<<4))?1:0; audio_remap=(val&(1<<3))?1:0; audio_volume=(val&7); iwmSetHeadSel(val&(1<<5)); regenMemmap(rom_remap); } void viaCbPortBWrite(unsigned int val) { // printf("VIA PORTB WRITE %x\n", val); int b; b=rtcCom(val&4, val&1, val&2); if (b) viaSet(VIA_PORTB, 1); else viaClear(VIA_PORTB, 1); audio_en=!(val&(1<<7)); }