/* * adb.c * quack * * Created by Michel DEPEIGE on 7/01/2020. * Copyright (c) 2020 Michel DEPEIGE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * */ #include #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_spi_flash.h" #include "driver/rmt.h" #include "driver/periph_ctrl.h" #include "soc/periph_defs.h" #include "soc/rmt_reg.h" #include "adb.h" #include "led.h" #include "gpio.h" /* defines */ #define TAG "ADB" /* globals */ rmt_config_t adb_rmt_rx = RMT_DEFAULT_CONFIG_RX(GPIO_ADB, RMT_RX_CHANNEL); extern TaskHandle_t t_green, t_blue, t_yellow, t_red; extern TaskHandle_t t_click, t_qx, t_qy; /* static defines */ static void adb_handle_button(bool action); static void adb_rmt_reset(void); static bool adb_rx_isone(rmt_item32_t cell); static bool adb_rx_isstop(rmt_item32_t cell); static bool adb_rx_iszero(rmt_item32_t cell); static uint16_t IRAM_ATTR adb_rx_mouse(); static void adb_rx_setup(void); static void adb_tx_as(void); static void adb_tx_one(void); static void adb_tx_setup(void); static void adb_tx_zero(void); /* functions */ static void adb_handle_button(bool action) { static bool status = ADB_B_UP; // Keep state. Click is active low if (status == ADB_B_UP && action == ADB_B_UP) return ; if (status == ADB_B_DOWN && action == ADB_B_DOWN) return ; /* release button */ if (status == ADB_B_DOWN && action == ADB_B_UP) { xTaskNotify(t_click, 0, eSetValueWithOverwrite); status = ADB_B_UP; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "button released"); return ; } /* press button */ if (status == ADB_B_UP && action == ADB_B_DOWN) { xTaskNotify(t_click, 1, eSetValueWithOverwrite); status = ADB_B_DOWN; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "button pressed"); return ; } } void adb_init(void) { /* initialise */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 1); adb_tx_reset(); /* avoid console flood when installing/uninstalling RMT driver */ esp_log_level_set("intr_alloc", ESP_LOG_INFO); /* init RMT RX driver with default values for ADB */ adb_rmt_rx.mem_block_num = 4; adb_rmt_rx.rx_config.filter_en = true; adb_rmt_rx.rx_config.filter_ticks_thresh = 10; adb_rmt_rx.rx_config.idle_threshold = 100; rmt_config(&adb_rmt_rx); /* If jumper is set, switch to ADB host mode */ if (gpio_get_level(GPIO_ADBSRC) == 0) xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(adb_task_host, "ADB_HOST", 6 * 1024, NULL, tskADB_PRIORITY, NULL, 1); else xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(adb_task_mouse, "ADB_MOUSE", 6 * 1024, NULL, tskADB_PRIORITY, NULL, 1); } /* * Probe ADB mouse. Also switch the mouse to a better mode if avaible * * 1. check if there is someting at address $3, if not: retry * 2. try to switch to CLASSIC2 protocol at temporary address $9 * 3. if CLASSIC2 is successfull, move device back to $3 */ void adb_probe(void) { uint16_t register3; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Probing for mouse..."); xTaskNotify(t_yellow, LED_SLOW, eSetValueWithOverwrite); /* for some reason, RMT misses the first exchange sometimes. Flush the device should give it time */ adb_tx_cmd(ADB_MOUSE|ADB_FLUSH); adb_rx_mouse(); vTaskDelay(12 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); while (true) { adb_tx_cmd(ADB_MOUSE|ADB_TALK|ADB_REG3); register3 = adb_rx_mouse(); ESP_LOGD("ADB", "Device $3 register3: %x", register3); if ((register3 & ADB_H_ALL) == ADB_H_C100) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "... detected mouse at $3"); break; } vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } /* try to switch to 200cpi mode. (0x6000) == Exceptional event + Service request enable */ vTaskDelay(7 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); if ((register3 & ADB_H_ALL) == ADB_H_C100) { adb_tx_listen(ADB_MOUSE|ADB_LISTEN|ADB_REG3, 0x6000|(ADB_MOUSE<<4)|ADB_H_C200); vTaskDelay(7 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); adb_tx_cmd(ADB_MOUSE|ADB_TALK|ADB_REG3); register3 = adb_rx_mouse(); } switch (register3 & ADB_H_ALL) { case ADB_H_C100: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Mouse running at 100cpi"); break; case ADB_H_C200: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Mouse running at 200cpi"); break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Mouse running with unknow handler: %x", register3 & ADB_H_ALL); } xTaskNotify(t_yellow, LED_OFF, eSetValueWithOverwrite); } /* * sometimes the RMT device get stuck with a full RX buffer. On the Quack Mouse adapter, * it prevends reading from the ADB if the receive buffer has been filled * * Somewhat a hack, but resetting the module sometimes help. */ static void adb_rmt_reset() { periph_module_reset(PERIPH_RMT_MODULE); rmt_config(&adb_rmt_rx); xTaskNotify(t_red, LED_ONCE, eSetValueWithOverwrite); gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 1); adb_tx_reset(); } void adb_task_host(void *pvParameters) { /* Classic Apple Mouse Protocol is 16 bits long */ uint16_t data; uint8_t last = 0; int8_t move = 0; uint8_t state = ADB_S_PROBE; /* put green led to steady if BT is disabled. Otherwise BT init will do it */ if (gpio_get_level(GPIO_BTOFF) == 0) xTaskNotify(t_green, LED_ON, eSetValueWithOverwrite); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "host started on core %d", xPortGetCoreID()); /* poll the mouse like a maniac. It will answer only if there is user input */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(rmt_driver_install(RMT_RX_CHANNEL, 256, 0)); while (true) { /* Should give us a polling rate between 80-90 Hz */ vTaskDelay(7 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); if (state == ADB_S_PROBE) { adb_probe(); state = ADM_S_POLL; continue; } adb_tx_cmd(ADB_MOUSE|ADB_TALK|ADB_REG0); data = adb_rx_mouse(); if (data) { last = 0; /* click is active low */ if (! (data & ADB_CMP_B1) || (! (data & ADB_CMP_B2))) adb_handle_button(ADB_B_DOWN); else adb_handle_button(ADB_B_UP); /* cast negative signed 7 bits to signed 8 bits */ move = (data & ADB_CMP_MX) >> 0; if (move & 0x40) { move &= ~0x40; move |= 0x80; move += 64; } if (move) xTaskNotify(t_qx, move, eSetValueWithOverwrite); move = (data & ADB_CMP_MY) >> 8; if (move & 0x40) { move &= ~0x40; move |= 0x80; move += 64; } if (move) xTaskNotify(t_qy, move, eSetValueWithOverwrite); } else { last++; if (last == 0xff) { adb_tx_cmd(ADB_MOUSE|ADB_TALK|ADB_REG3); data = adb_rx_mouse(); if (!data) { if (state == ADB_S_KEEP) state = ADB_S_PROBE; else state = ADB_S_KEEP; } ESP_LOGD("ADB", "Check mouse presence %x", data); } } } } void adb_task_mouse(void *pvParameters) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "mouse started on core %d", xPortGetCoreID()); vTaskSuspend(NULL); } /* * some ADB mouses are using cells as short as 24µs+49µs, try to get that... * spec allow ±30% variance * * units are in µs */ static bool adb_rx_isone(rmt_item32_t cell) { if (cell.level0 == 0 && (cell.duration0 >= 22 && cell.duration0 <= 44) && cell.level1 == 1 && (cell.duration1 >= 46 && cell.duration1 <= 86)) return true; return false; } static bool adb_rx_isstop(rmt_item32_t cell) { /* high part of the well is lengh 0 because of RMT timeout (100µs+) */ if (cell.level0 == 0 && (cell.duration0 >= 46 && cell.duration0 <= 86) && cell.level1 == 1 && cell.duration1 == 0) return true; return false; } static bool adb_rx_iszero(rmt_item32_t cell) { if (cell.level0 == 0 && (cell.duration0 >= 46 && cell.duration0 <= 86) && cell.level1 == 1 && (cell.duration1 >= 22 && cell.duration1 <= 44)) return true; return false; } static uint16_t IRAM_ATTR adb_rx_mouse() { uint32_t rmt_status; uint16_t data = 0; RingbufHandle_t rb = NULL; rmt_item32_t* items = NULL; size_t rx_size = 0; size_t i; rmt_get_ringbuf_handle(RMT_RX_CHANNEL, &rb); configASSERT(rb != NULL); rmt_rx_start(RMT_RX_CHANNEL, true); items = (rmt_item32_t*)xRingbufferReceive(rb, &rx_size, pdMS_TO_TICKS(8)); rmt_get_status(RMT_RX_CHANNEL, &rmt_status); if (((rmt_status >> RMT_STATE_CH0_S) & RMT_STATE_CH0_V) == 4) adb_rmt_reset(); rmt_rx_stop(RMT_RX_CHANNEL); if (items == NULL) return 0; /* * Mouse response size in bits is events / sizeof(rmt_item32_t) (4) * start bit + 16 data bits + stop bit = 72 bytes in RMT buffer (18 bits received) * * Check start / stop bits and size. * On real Macintoshes, ADB Manager does something similar */ switch (rx_size) { case 0: /* RMT giving back a buffer with a rx_size of 0… */ case 4: /* single glitch or service request (keyboard), timeout/ignore */ vRingbufferReturnItem(rb, (void*) items); return 0; case 72: xTaskNotify(t_yellow, LED_ONCE, eSetValueWithOverwrite); break; default: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wrong size of %i bit(s)", rx_size / sizeof(rmt_item32_t)); xTaskNotify(t_red, LED_ONCE, eSetValueWithOverwrite); } /* check start and stop bits */ if (! adb_rx_isone(*(items+0)) && (! adb_rx_isstop(*(items+(rx_size / sizeof(rmt_item32_t) - 1))))) { xTaskNotify(t_red, LED_ONCE, eSetValueWithOverwrite); return 0; } /* rebuild our data with RMT buffer */ for (i = 1; i < ((rx_size / sizeof(rmt_item32_t)) - 1); i++) { data <<= 1; /* check that every data is either one or zero */ if ((! adb_rx_isone(*(items+i))) && (! adb_rx_iszero(*(items+i)))) { xTaskNotify(t_red, LED_ONCE, eSetValueWithOverwrite); return 0; } if (adb_rx_isone(*(items+i))) data |= 1; //printf("%d:%dus %d:%dus ", (items+i)->level0, (items+i)->duration0, (items+i)->level1, (items+i)->duration1); } //printf("\n"); vRingbufferReturnItem(rb, (void*) items); return data; } static inline void adb_rx_setup() { gpio_set_level(GPIO_DIR, 0); gpio_set_direction(GPIO_ADB, GPIO_MODE_INPUT); gpio_pullup_dis(GPIO_ADB); gpio_pulldown_dis(GPIO_ADB); } static inline void adb_tx_as() { /* send attention (800 µs low) + sync (70 µs high) */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 0); ets_delay_us(800-1); gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 1); ets_delay_us(70-1); } void IRAM_ATTR adb_tx_cmd(unsigned char cmd) { adb_tx_setup(); adb_tx_as(); /* send command byte (unrolled loop) */ cmd & 0x80 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); cmd & 0x40 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); cmd & 0x20 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); cmd & 0x10 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); cmd & 0x08 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); cmd & 0x04 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); cmd & 0x02 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); cmd & 0x01 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); /* stop bit */ adb_tx_zero(); adb_rx_setup(); } void IRAM_ATTR adb_tx_data(uint16_t data) { adb_tx_setup(); adb_tx_one(); /* send data 2 bytes (unrolled loop) */ data & 0x8000 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x4000 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x2000 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x1000 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x800 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x400 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x200 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x100 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x80 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x40 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x20 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x10 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x08 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x04 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x02 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); data & 0x01 ? adb_tx_one() : adb_tx_zero(); /* stop bit */ adb_tx_zero(); adb_rx_setup(); } void adb_tx_listen(unsigned char cmd, uint16_t data) { adb_tx_cmd(cmd); /* Stop to start is between 160-240µS. Go for around 160 + time for GPIO setup */ ets_delay_us(160); adb_tx_data(data); } static inline void adb_tx_one() { /* values from AN591 Datasheet minus the estimated call to ets_delay_us */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 0); ets_delay_us(ADB_1_LOW - 1); gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 1); ets_delay_us(ADB_1_HIGH - 1); } void adb_tx_reset() { /* * ADB spec says reset signal low for 3ms ±30% * Note that the ADB Desktop Bus Mouse G5431 uses 4ms when plugged * ADB mouse init in <70ms, but lets wait 500ms to be sure */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 0); ets_delay_us(ADB_RESET); gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 1); ets_delay_us(500); } static inline void adb_tx_setup() { gpio_set_direction(GPIO_ADB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT); gpio_set_level(GPIO_DIR, 1); } static inline void adb_tx_zero() { /* values from AN591 Datasheet minus the estimated call to ets_delay_us */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 0); ets_delay_us(ADB_0_LOW - 1); gpio_set_level(GPIO_ADB, 1); ets_delay_us(ADB_0_HIGH - 1); }