This commit is contained in:
lampmerchant 2021-10-02 14:40:56 -06:00
parent 9218430e99
commit 712d537ff3

View File

@ -97,14 +97,16 @@ TX_SIZ2 equ 2 ;Number of bytes to be transmitted minus one
TX_SIZ1 equ 1 ; "
TX_SIZ0 equ 0 ; "
COL_KBD equ 7 ;Set when there was a collision on keyboard's address
COL_MSE equ 6 ;Set when there was a collision on mouse's address
DV_KBDC equ 7 ;Set when there was a collision on keyboard's address
DV_MSEC equ 6 ;Set when there was a collision on mouse's address
DV_MSES equ 4 ;Set when the mouse needs service
U_HEADR equ 7 ;Set when we've received and are working a header byte
U_FWD equ 6 ;Set when we're just forwarding (not queuing) bytes
U_CNTR3 equ 3 ;Counter of bytes to forward or queue
U_ISMSE equ 5 ;Set to receive for the mouse, clear for keyboard
U_CNTR3 equ 3 ;Counter of bytes to forward or act on
U_CNTR2 equ 2 ; "
U_CNTR1 equ 1 ; "
U_CNTR0 equ 0 ; "
@ -137,20 +139,20 @@ KMD_ROP equ 2 ;Right Option
RX_FLAGS ;Receiver flags
TX_FLAGS ;Transmitter flags
COLLISN ;Collision flags
DV_FLAGS ;Device flags
RX_TDOWN ;Time spent down in the last down-up transition
RX_TUP ;Time spent up in the last down-up transition
ADB_PTR ;Receiver/transmitter state machine pointer
ADB_CMD ;Receiver command buffer
ADB_BUF ;Receiver/transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF2 ;2nd byte of transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF3 ;3rd byte of transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF4 ;4th byte of transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF5 ;5th byte of transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF6 ;6th byte of transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF7 ;7th byte of transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF8 ;8th byte of transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF2 ;2nd byte of receiver/transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF3 ;3rd byte of receiver/transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF4 ;4th byte of receiver/transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF5 ;5th byte of receiver/transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF6 ;6th byte of receiver/transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF7 ;7th byte of receiver/transmitter buffer
ADB_BUF8 ;8th byte of receiver/transmitter buffer
@ -161,6 +163,15 @@ KMD_ROP equ 2 ;Right Option
KBD_MODS ;Keyboard modifier key state
KBD_3_H ;Keyboard register 3 high byte
KBD_3_L ;Keyboard register 3 low byte
MSE_DXH ;Mouse with handler 1 delta X high byte
MSE_DXL ;Mouse with handler 1 delta X low byte
MSE_DYH ;Mouse with handler 1 delta Y high byte
MSE_DYL ;Mouse with handler 1 delta Y low byte
MS4_0_1 ;Mouse with handler 4 register 0 first byte
MS4_0_2 ;Mouse with handler 4 register 0 second byte
MS4_0_3 ;Mouse with handler 4 register 0 third byte
MS4_0_4 ;Mouse with handler 4 register 0 fourth byte
MS4_0_5 ;Mouse with handler 4 register 0 fifth byte
MSE_3_H ;Mouse register 3 high byte
MSE_3_L ;Mouse register 3 low byte
@ -339,7 +350,7 @@ Init
movlw B'11110000'
movwf OSCCON
banksel IOCAN ;RA5 sets IOCAN[5] on negative edge
banksel IOCAN ;RA5 sets IOCAF[5] on negative edge
movlw B'00100000'
movwf IOCAN
@ -383,15 +394,15 @@ Init
movlw 0x01
movwf MSE_3_L
movlw 0x20 ;Set up UART receiver queue (0x2000-0x207F),
movwf FSR0H ; for which FSRs are push (FSR0) and pop (FSR1)
movlw 0x20 ;Set up keyboard queue (0x2000-0x207F), for
movwf FSR0H ; which FSRs are push (FSR0) and pop (FSR1)
movwf FSR1H ; pointers
clrf FSR0L
clrf FSR1L
clrf TX_FLAGS ;Particularly important that these are zero
clrf U_FLAGS
clrf ADB_PTR
@ -405,18 +416,110 @@ GotUartByte
bra GUNewHeader ; "
btfsc U_FLAGS,U_FWD ;If we're forwarding bytes, forward this one,
bra GUForwardByte ; else queue it
btfsc U_FLAGS,U_ISMSE ;If this byte is for the mouse, interpret it
bra GUMouseByte ; as such, otherwise interpret for keyboard
;fall through
movlb 3 ;Push the byte that came in over the UART onto
movf RCREG,W ; the receiver queue
movf RCREG,W ; the keyboard queue
movwi FSR0++ ; "
bcf FSR0L,7 ; "
decf U_FLAGS,F ;Decrement the counter in the UART flags
movf U_FLAGS,W ;If the counter has reached zero, lower all
andlw B'00001111' ; flags and await a new header byte
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
clrf U_FLAGS ; "
clrf U_FLAGS ;Keyboard packet done, await new header
bra Main
bcf DV_FLAGS,DV_MSES;Don't signal for service, data may not be done
movf U_FLAGS,W ;Branch into one of the following depending on
andlw B'00000111' ; the remaining-bytes counter to determine how
brw ; to interpret this one for the mouse:
nop ;(0) This shouldn't happen, fall through to...
bra GUMouseH4_5 ;(1) Finish with fifth byte of handler 4 reg 0
bra GUMouseH4_4 ;(2) Store as fourth byte of handler 4 reg 0
bra GUMouseH4_3 ;(3) Store as third byte of handler 4 reg 0
bra GUMouseH4_2 ;(4) Store as second byte of handler 4 reg 0
bra GUMouseH4_1 ;(5) Store as first byte of handler 4 reg 0
bra GUMouseDeltaX ;(6) Add to the X delta for handler 1 reg 0
bra GUMouseDeltaY ;(7) Add to the Y delta for handler 1 reg 0
movlw B'01110111' ;Set the mouse position bits to 1s so we can
movlb 1 ; overwrite them using AND and leave the mouse
iorwf MS4_0_5,F ; buttons down if they were ever down
movlb 3 ;Store the byte that came in over the UART as
movf RCREG,W ; the fifth byte of the reply to a talk reg 0
movlb 1 ; for a mouse with handler set to 4
andwf MS4_0_5,F ; "
bsf DV_FLAGS,DV_MSES;Signal that the mouse needs service
clrf U_FLAGS ;Mouse packet done, await new header
bra Main
movlw B'01110111' ;Set the mouse position bits to 1s so we can
movlb 1 ; overwrite them using AND and leave the mouse
iorwf MS4_0_4,F ; buttons down if they were ever down
movlb 3 ;Store the byte that came in over the UART as
movf RCREG,W ; the fourth byte of the reply to a talk reg 0
movlb 1 ; for a mouse with handler set to 4
andwf MS4_0_4,F ; "
decf U_FLAGS,F ;Decrement remaining-bytes counter
bra Main
movlw B'01110111' ;Set the mouse position bits to 1s so we can
movlb 1 ; overwrite them using AND and leave the mouse
iorwf MS4_0_3,F ; buttons down if they were ever down
movlb 3 ;Store the byte that came in over the UART as
movf RCREG,W ; the third byte of the reply to a talk reg 0
movlb 1 ; for a mouse with handler set to 4
andwf MS4_0_3,F ; "
decf U_FLAGS,F ;Decrement remaining-bytes counter
bra Main
movlw B'01111111' ;Set the mouse position bits to 1s so we can
movlb 1 ; overwrite them using AND and leave the mouse
iorwf MS4_0_2,F ; buttons down if they were ever down
movlb 3 ;Store the byte that came in over the UART as
movf RCREG,W ; the second byte of the reply to a talk reg 0
movlb 1 ; for a mouse with handler set to 4
andwf MS4_0_2,F ; "
decf U_FLAGS,F ;Decrement remaining-bytes counter
bra Main
movlw B'01111111' ;Set the mouse position bits to 1s so we can
movlb 1 ; overwrite them using AND and leave the mouse
iorwf MS4_0_1,F ; buttons down if they were ever down
movlb 3 ;Store the byte that came in over the UART as
movf RCREG,W ; the first byte of the reply to a talk reg 0
movlb 1 ; for a mouse with handler set to 4
andwf MS4_0_1,F ; "
decf U_FLAGS,F ;Decrement remaining-bytes counter
bra Main
movlb 3 ;Grab the byte that came in over the UART
movf RCREG,W ; "
movlb 1 ;Add it to the low byte of the 16-bit delta X
addwf MSE_DXL,F ; counter
iorlw B'01111111' ;Sign-extend the byte and add this to the high
btfss WREG,7 ; byte of the 16-bit delta X counter
movlw 0 ; "
addwfc MSE_DXH,F ; "
decf U_FLAGS,F ;Decrement remaining-bytes counter
bra Main
movlb 3 ;Grab the byte that came in over the UART
movf RCREG,W ; "
movlb 1 ;Add it to the low byte of the 16-bit delta Y
addwf MSE_DYL,F ; counter
iorlw B'01111111' ;Sign-extend the byte and add this to the high
btfss WREG,7 ; byte of the 16-bit delta Y counter
movlw 0 ; "
addwfc MSE_DYH,F ; "
decf U_FLAGS,F ;Decrement remaining-bytes counter
bra Main
@ -433,32 +536,34 @@ GUForwardByte
movlb 3 ;Grab the byte that came in over the UART
movf RCREG,W ; "
btfsc WREG,7 ;If any of its address bits are set, then we
bra GUForwardHeader ; need to forward it
btfsc WREG,6 ; "
bra GUForwardHeader ; "
btfsc WREG,5 ; "
bra GUForwardHeader ; "
btfss WREG,7 ;All header bytes have MSB set; if it's clear,
clrf TXREG ; relay a zero; this way the host can send a
btfss WREG,7 ; string of zero bytes to get all units to a
bra Main ; known state
bsf U_FLAGS,U_HEADR ;Raise the flag that we have a header byte
bsf U_FLAGS,U_CNTR0 ;We'll be receiving at least one byte
btfsc WREG,6 ;If bit 6 of the header byte is set, this is a
bsf U_FLAGS,U_ISMSE ; mouse packet, so raise that flag
btfsc WREG,6 ;If we're receiving a mouse packet, it has
bsf U_FLAGS,U_CNTR1 ; seven bytes, so add six to the counter in the
btfsc WREG,6 ; flags register
bsf U_FLAGS,U_CNTR2 ; "
btfsc WREG,5 ;If any of the incoming byte's address bits are
bsf U_FLAGS,U_FWD ; set, then we need to forward it
btfsc WREG,4 ; "
bra GUForwardHeader ; "
movwi FSR0++ ;Its address counter is zero, so push it onto
bcf FSR0L,7 ; the receiver queue as is
andlw B'00000111' ;Mask off its counter, increment it by one to
incf WREG,W ; adjust it to be a normal countdown of bytes,
iorlw B'10000000' ; set the have-header flag, and store this as
movwf U_FLAGS ; the new value of UART flags register
bra Main
swapf WREG,W ;Decrement the address counter so we can send
decf WREG,W ; this packet forward to its intended
swapf WREG,W ; recipient
movlb 3 ;Send the header byte forward with decremented
movwf TXREG ; address counter
andlw B'00000111' ;Mask off its counter, increment it by one to
incf WREG,W ; adjust it to be a normal countdown of bytes,
iorlw B'11000000' ; set the have-header and forward flags, and
movwf U_FLAGS ; store this as the new value of UART flags reg
bsf U_FLAGS,U_FWD ; "
btfsc WREG,3 ; "
bsf U_FLAGS,U_FWD ; "
btfsc WREG,2 ; "
bsf U_FLAGS,U_FWD ; "
btfsc WREG,1 ; "
bsf U_FLAGS,U_FWD ; "
btfsc WREG,0 ; "
bsf U_FLAGS,U_FWD ; "
btfss U_FLAGS,U_FWD ;If we're not forwarding, we're done here
bra Main ; "
decf WREG,W ;Decrement the address and then pass the header
movwf TXREG ; byte forward to the next device
bra Main
@ -501,22 +606,6 @@ GotCmd
call ServiceRequest ; "
bra Main
movlb 0
btfsc PIR1,RCIF
bra GotUartByte
bra GotReset
bra GotCmd
bra GotData
bra GotDataEnd
bra GotCollision
bra Main
movf ADB_CMD,W ;If this is a talk register 0, handle that
andlw B'00000011' ; "
@ -531,71 +620,27 @@ KeyboardTalk
bra KeyboardTalk3 ;Else it's a talk register 3, handle that
movf FSR0L,W ;If the UART receiver queue is empty, we have
xorwf FSR1L,W ; no data for either mouse or keyboard, so bail
btfsc DV_FLAGS,DV_MSES;If the mouse needs service, effect a service
call ServiceRequest ; request condition so the computer polls it
movf FSR0L,W ;If the keyboard queue is empty, we have no
xorwf FSR1L,W ; data, so bail
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra Main ; "
btfsc INDF1,3 ;If the byte on the top of the queue has bit 3
call ServiceRequest ; set (mouse data) effect a service request
btfsc INDF1,3 ; condition and send no data so the computer
bra Main ; polls the mouse instead
;fall through
movlw B'11111000' ;Zero the counter of bytes to transmit
andwf TX_FLAGS,F ; "
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the control byte off the top of the queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; and keep only its bottom three bits (length
andlw B'00000111' ; of transmission minus one)
iorwf TX_FLAGS,F ;Copy its length field into the transmit count
movwf ADB_BUF8 ; and use the last buffer byte as a counter
moviw FSR1++ ;Move the first data byte from the queue into
bcf FSR1L,7 ; the ADB buffer
movwf ADB_BUF ; "
bsf TX_FLAGS,TX_RDY ;Signal that we're ready to transmit
movf ADB_BUF8,F ;If the byte counter is zero, then we only had
btfsc STATUS,Z ; one byte of data (this shouldn't happen) to
bra Main ; transmit and we're done
moviw FSR1++ ;Move the second data byte from the queue into
bcf FSR1L,7 ; the ADB buffer
movwf ADB_BUF2 ; "
decf ADB_BUF8,F ;Decrement the byte counter; if it is now zero,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; we had two bytes of data to transmit and
bra Main ; we're done
moviw FSR1++ ;Move the third data byte from the queue into
bcf FSR1L,7 ; the ADB buffer
movwf ADB_BUF3 ; "
decf ADB_BUF8,F ;Decrement the byte counter; if it is now zero,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; we had three bytes of data to transmit and
bra Main ; we're done
moviw FSR1++ ;Move the fourth data byte from the queue into
bcf FSR1L,7 ; the ADB buffer
movwf ADB_BUF4 ; "
decf ADB_BUF8,F ;Decrement the byte counter; if it is now zero,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; we had four bytes of data to transmit and
bra Main ; we're done
moviw FSR1++ ;Move the fifth data byte from the queue into
bcf FSR1L,7 ; the ADB buffer
movwf ADB_BUF5 ; "
decf ADB_BUF8,F ;Decrement the byte counter; if it is now zero,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; we had five bytes of data to transmit and
bra Main ; we're done
moviw FSR1++ ;Move the sixth data byte from the queue into
bcf FSR1L,7 ; the ADB buffer
movwf ADB_BUF6 ; "
decf ADB_BUF8,F ;Decrement the byte counter; if it is now zero,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; we had six bytes of data to transmit and
bra Main ; we're done
moviw FSR1++ ;Move the seventh data byte from the queue into
bcf FSR1L,7 ; the ADB buffer
movwf ADB_BUF7 ; "
decf ADB_BUF8,F ;Decrement the byte counter; if it is now zero,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; we had seven bytes of data to transmit and
bra Main ; we're done
moviw FSR1++ ;Move the eighth data byte from the queue into
bcf FSR1L,7 ; the ADB buffer
movwf ADB_BUF8 ; "
bra Main ;Can't have more than eight, so we're done
moviw FSR1++ ;Pop the next keyboard code off the queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
movwf ADB_BUF ;Copy it into the ADB buffer
clrf ADB_BUF2 ;Put the customary 0xFF into the second byte of
decf ADB_BUF2,F ; the ADB buffer
xorlw 0x7F ;If the keyboard code was 0x7F, the reset key,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; we need to put it in both bytes of what we
bcf ADB_BUF2,7 ; send to the computer
xorlw 0x7F ;Update keyboard register 2 according to this
call UpdateKeyboard2 ; key press or release
bsf TX_FLAGS,TX_RDY ;Set up the transmitter flags so we signal that
bcf TX_FLAGS,TX_SIZ2; we're ready to transmit two bytes
bra Main
movlb 1 ;Move the contents of keyboard register 2 into
@ -633,24 +678,171 @@ MouseTalk
andlw B'00000011' ; "
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra MouseTalk0 ; "
addlw -1 ;If this is a talk register 1, we have no
btfsc STATUS,Z ; handler for that, so done
bra Main ; "
addlw -1 ;If this is a talk register 1, handle that
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra MouseTalk1 ; "
addlw -1 ;If this is a talk register 2, we have no
btfsc STATUS,Z ; handler for that, so done
bra Main ; "
bra MouseTalk3 ;Else it's a talk register 3, handle that
movlb 0
btfsc PIR1,RCIF
bra GotUartByte
bra GotReset
bra GotCmd
bra GotData
bra GotCollision
bra Main
movf FSR0L,W ;If the UART receiver queue is empty, we have
xorwf FSR1L,W ; no data for either mouse or keyboard, so bail
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
movf FSR0L,W ;If the keyboard queue is not empty, we have
xorwf FSR1L,W ; data for the keyboard, so effect a service
btfss STATUS,Z ; request so the computer knows to poll the
call ServiceRequest ; keyboard
btfss DV_FLAGS,DV_MSES;If the mouse doesn't need service, we're done
bra Main ; "
btfss INDF1,3 ;If the byte on the top of the queue has bit 3
call ServiceRequest ; clear (keyboard data) effect a service
btfss INDF1,3 ; request condition and send no data so the
bra Main ; computer polls the keyboard instead
bra Talk0FromQueue
bcf DV_FLAGS,DV_MSES;Clear the mouse-needs-service flag
movlb 1 ;If our handler ID is set to 4, reply using the
movf MSE_3_L,W ; literal bytes last handed to us by the host,
xorlw 4 ; else use the classic mouse protocol to hand
btfsc STATUS,Z ; over a delta Y and a delta X
bra MouseTalk0_H4 ; "
;fall through
MT0Y movlb 1 ;We handle the Y delta differently depending on
btfsc MSE_DYH,7 ; whether it's negative or positive
bra MT0YNeg ; "
MT0YPos movlw 0xC1 ;If it's positive, subtract 63 from it
addwf MSE_DYL,F ; "
movlw 0xFF ; "
addwfc MSE_DYH,F ; "
btfsc STATUS,C ;If it didn't borrow, leave the difference,
bra MT0YPMo ; it's more than we can convey in one delta
movlw B'00111111' ;If it borrowed, add 63 to the difference and
addwf MSE_DYL,W ; that's our final delta
movwf ADB_BUF ; "
clrf MSE_DYH ; "
clrf MSE_DYL ; "
bra MT0X ;Go to handle the X delta
MT0YPMo movlw B'00111111' ;If it didn't borrow, send the delta 63 and
movwf ADB_BUF ; signal that we need to be serviced again to
bsf DV_FLAGS,DV_MSES; convey the rest of it
bra MT0X ;Go to handle the X delta
MT0YNeg movlw 0x40 ;If it's negative, add 64 to it
addwf MSE_DYL,F ; "
movlw 0 ; "
addwfc MSE_DYH,F ; "
btfss STATUS,C ;If it didn't overflow, leave the sum, it's
bra MT0YNMo ; more than we can convey in one delta
movlw B'01000000' ;If it overflowed, add -64 to the sum and
addwf MSE_DYL,W ; that's our final delta
movwf ADB_BUF ; "
clrf MSE_DYL ; "
bra MT0X ;Go to handle the X delta
MT0YNMo movlw B'01000000' ;If it didn't overflow, send the delta -64 and
movwf ADB_BUF ; signal that we need to be serviced again to
bsf DV_FLAGS,DV_MSES; convey the rest of it
MT0X btfsc MSE_DXH,7 ;We handle the X delta differently depending on
bra MT0XNeg ; whether it's negative or positive
MT0XPos movlw 0xC1 ;If it's positive, subtract 63 from it
addwf MSE_DXL,F ; "
movlw 0xFF ; "
addwfc MSE_DXH,F ; "
btfsc STATUS,C ;If it didn't borrow, leave the difference,
bra MT0XPMo ; it's more than we can convey in one delta
movlw B'00111111' ;If it borrowed, add 63 to the difference and
addwf MSE_DXL,W ; that's our final delta
movwf ADB_BUF2 ; "
clrf MSE_DXH ; "
clrf MSE_DXL ; "
bra MT0Btns ;Go to handle the X delta
MT0XPMo movlw B'00111111' ;If it didn't borrow, send the delta 63 and
movwf ADB_BUF2 ; signal that we need to be serviced again to
bsf DV_FLAGS,DV_MSES; convey the rest of it
bra MT0Btns ;Go to handle the X delta
MT0XNeg movlw 0x40 ;If it's negative, add 64 to it
addwf MSE_DXL,F ; "
movlw 0 ; "
addwfc MSE_DXH,F ; "
btfss STATUS,C ;If it didn't overflow, leave the sum, it's
bra MT0XNMo ; more than we can convey in one delta
movlw B'01000000' ;If it overflowed, add -64 to the sum and
addwf MSE_DXL,W ; that's our final delta
movwf ADB_BUF2 ; "
clrf MSE_DXL ; "
bra MT0Btns ;Go to handle the X delta
MT0XNMo movlw B'01000000' ;If it didn't overflow, send the delta -64 and
movwf ADB_BUF2 ; signal that we need to be serviced again to
bsf DV_FLAGS,DV_MSES; convey the rest of it
MT0Btns btfsc MS4_0_1,7 ;Copy the mouse button bits from the handler 4
bsf ADB_BUF,7 ; data
btfsc MS4_0_2,7 ; "
bsf ADB_BUF2,7 ; "
bsf TX_FLAGS,TX_RDY ;Signal the transmitter that we're ready to
bcf TX_FLAGS,TX_SIZ2; transmit two bytes
movlw B'11111111' ;Overwrite the bytes for handler 4 register 0
movwf MS4_0_1 ; with ones so the mouse buttons can be
movwf MS4_0_2 ; released
movwf MS4_0_3 ; "
movwf MS4_0_4 ; "
movwf MS4_0_5 ; "
bra Main
movf MS4_0_1,W ;Copy the bytes for register 0 last handed to
movwf ADB_BUF ; us by the host into the ADB buffer
movf MS4_0_2,W ; "
movwf ADB_BUF2 ; "
movf MS4_0_3,W ; "
movwf ADB_BUF3 ; "
movf MS4_0_4,W ; "
movwf ADB_BUF4 ; "
movf MS4_0_5,W ; "
movwf ADB_BUF5 ; "
movlw B'11111111' ;Overwrite the bytes for register 0 with ones
movwf MS4_0_1 ; so the mouse buttons can be released
movwf MS4_0_2 ; "
movwf MS4_0_3 ; "
movwf MS4_0_4 ; "
movwf MS4_0_5 ; "
bsf TX_FLAGS,TX_RDY ;Signal the transmitter that we're ready to
bsf TX_FLAGS,TX_SIZ2; transmit five bytes
bra Main
movlb 1 ;If our handler ID is not set to 4, we have no
movf MSE_3_L,W ; register 1 to talk, so we're done
xorlw 4 ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
bra Main ; "
movlw 0 ;We have no unique identifier as assigned by
movwf ADB_BUF ; Apple, so give all zeroes instead
movwf ADB_BUF2 ; "
movwf ADB_BUF3 ; "
movwf ADB_BUF4 ; "
movwf ADB_BUF5 ;Our device resolution is nominally 96 units
movlw 96 ; per inch, pretend we are a graphics tablet
movwf ADB_BUF6 ; the exact size of the mac's monitor
movlw 0 ;We are a graphics tablet, absolute positioned
movwf ADB_BUF7 ; "
movlw 8 ;And we have 8 buttons
movwf ADB_BUF8 ; "
movlw B'10000111' ;Signal that we're ready to transmit 8 bytes
iorwf TX_FLAGS,F ; "
bra Main
movlb 1 ;Move the high byte of mouse register 3 into
@ -718,7 +910,7 @@ KeyboardL3_00
bra Main
btfsc COLLISN,COL_KBD ;If there was a collision, do not change the
btfsc DV_FLAGS,DV_KBDC;If there was a collision, do not change the
bra KL3FENo ; address
movlw B'00001111' ;Snuff the top nibble of the first data byte,
andwf ADB_BUF,F ; we don't care about those bits
@ -727,7 +919,7 @@ KeyboardL3_FE
andlw B'11110000' ; "
iorwf ADB_BUF,W ; "
movwf KBD_3_H ; "
KL3FENo bcf COLLISN,COL_KBD ;Clear the collision flag if it was set
KL3FENo bcf DV_FLAGS,DV_KBDC;Clear the collision flag if it was set
bra Main
@ -748,6 +940,12 @@ MouseListen
addlw 2 ;If the low byte of the listen register 3 data
btfsc STATUS,Z ; is 0xFE, handle this
bra MouseL3_FE ; "
addlw 250 ;If the low byte of the listen register 3 data
btfsc STATUS,Z ; is 0x01 or 0x04, these are handler IDs that
bra MouseL3ChgH ; we (as an extended mouse) understand, so
addlw 3 ; change our handler ID accordingly
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra MouseL3ChgH ; "
bra Main
@ -757,7 +955,7 @@ MouseL3_00
bra Main
btfsc COLLISN,COL_MSE ;If there was a collision, do not change the
btfsc DV_FLAGS,DV_MSEC;If there was a collision, do not change the
bra ML3FENo ; address
movlw B'00001111' ;Snuff the top nibble of the first data byte,
andwf ADB_BUF,F ; we don't care about those bits
@ -766,7 +964,13 @@ MouseL3_FE
andlw B'11110000' ; "
iorwf ADB_BUF,W ; "
movwf MSE_3_H ; "
ML3FENo bcf COLLISN,COL_MSE ;Clear the collision flag if it was set
ML3FENo bcf DV_FLAGS,DV_MSEC;Clear the collision flag if it was set
bra Main
movf ADB_BUF2,W ;Change our handler ID (the low byte of
movlb 1 ; register 3) to the byte given in the listen
movwf MSE_3_L ; register 3 command
bra Main
@ -776,17 +980,13 @@ GotCollision
xorwf KBD_3_H,W ; match, this is a collision on the keyboard's
andlw B'00001111' ; address
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
swapf ADB_CMD,W ;Compare the address of the last command with
xorwf MSE_3_H,W ; the stored address for the mouse; if they
andlw B'00001111' ; match, this is a collision on the mouse's
btfsc STATUS,Z ; address
bra Main
bra Main
goto Main
;;; Subprograms ;;;
@ -803,6 +1003,11 @@ ServiceRequest
andwf TRISA,F ; "
btfsc WREG,7 ;If MSB is set, a key has been released, else
bra Update2KeyUp ; one has been pressed
;fall through
addlw -51 ;0x33 Delete/Backspace
btfsc STATUS,Z ; if keycode matches,
@ -840,7 +1045,7 @@ Update2KeyDown
addlw -2 ;0x7F Reset
btfsc STATUS,Z ; if keycode matches,
bcf KBD_2_H,K2H_RST ; mark key as down
bra Update2Mods
andlw B'01111111' ;Clear MSB so we can check released key's code
@ -880,7 +1085,7 @@ Update2KeyUp
addlw -2 ;0x7F Reset
btfsc STATUS,Z ; if keycode matches,
bsf KBD_2_H,K2H_RST ; mark key as up
;fall through
bsf KBD_2_H,K2H_CTL ;If either control key is down, reflect that in