lampmerchant 3af5df9274 20220621
2022-06-21 20:22:42 -06:00

2301 lines
80 KiB

;;; 80 characters wide please ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 8-space tabs please ;;;
;;;;; TashTwenty: Single-Chip DCD Interface
;;; Connections ;;;
;;; ;;;
; .--------. ;
; Supply -|01 \/ 14|- Ground ;
; !ENBL ---> RA5 -|02 13|- RA0 ---> Next !ENBL ;
; PH3 ---> RA4 -|03 12|- RA1 <--- PH0 ;
; PH2 ---> RA3 -|04 11|- RA2 <--- PH1 ;
; WR ---> RC5 -|05 10|- RC0 ---> MMC SCK ;
; RD <--- RC4 -|06 09|- RC1 <--- MMC MISO ;
; MMC !CS <--- RC3 -|07 08|- RC2 ---> MMC MOSI ;
; '--------' ;
;;; ;;;
;;; Assembler Directives ;;;
list P=PIC16F1704, F=INHX32, ST=OFF, MM=OFF, R=DEC, X=ON
#include P16F1704.inc
;_FOSC_INTOSC Internal oscillator, I/O on RA5
;_WDTE_OFF Watchdog timer disabled
;_PWRTE_ON Keep in reset for 64 ms on start
;_CP_OFF Code protection off
;_BOREN_OFF Brownout reset off
;_CLKOUTEN_OFF CLKOUT disabled, I/O on RA4
;_IESO_OFF Internal/External switch not needed
;_FCMEN_OFF Fail-safe clock monitor not needed
;_WRT_OFF Write protection off
;_PPS1WAY_OFF PPS can change more than once
;_ZCDDIS_ON Zero crossing detector disabled
;_PLLEN_ON 4x PLL on
;_STVREN_ON Stack over/underflow causes reset
;_LVP_OFF High-voltage on Vpp to program
;;; Macros ;;;
DELAY macro value ;Delay 3*W cycles, set W to 0
movlw value
decfsz WREG,F
bra $-1
DNOP macro ;Double-NOP
bra $+1
;;; Constants ;;;
EN_PIN equ RA5
NE_PIN equ RA0
PH0_PIN equ RA1
PH1_PIN equ RA2
PH2_PIN equ RA3
PH3_PIN equ RA4
WR_PIN equ RC5
CS_PIN equ RC3
ERRCODE equ 0x80 ;Code returned in "stat" field when there's an error
IWMBYTE equ 7 ;Cleared when a byte has been received from IWM
IWMOVER equ 6 ;Set on transition to state 2 or 3 while IWM receiving
IWMTEMP equ 5 ;Used as temporary storage by ISR
IWMCNT1 equ 1 ;Counter for how many times the ISR was called
IWMCNT0 equ 0 ; "
M_FAIL equ 7 ;Set when there's been a failure on the MMC interface
M_RDCMD equ 6 ;Set when state machine should do a read command
M_ONGWR equ 5 ;Set when state machine shouldn't stop tran on a write
M_BKADR equ 4 ;Set when block (rather than byte) addressing is in use
M_CDVER equ 3 ;Set when dealing with a V2.0+ card, clear for 1.0
;;; Variable Storage ;;;
cblock 0x20 ;Bank 0 registers
DEVNUM ;Selected device number
DEVMAX ;Maximum device number
IWMFLAG ;IWM receiver flags
IWMFSAP ;IWM post-processing FSA pointer
IWMLSBS ;LSB shift register for received or transmitted IWM bytes
IWMREXP ;Size in groups of expected response to command
CHKSUM ;Checksum
CMDNUM ;Command number
CMDCNT ;Command block count
CMDHIGH ;Command high address byte
CMDMED ;Command middle address byte
CMDLOW ;Command low address byte
RESPERR ;Command response status byte
cblock 0x70 ;Bank-common registers
IWMSR ;Shift register for incoming data from IWM
M_FLAGS ;MMC flags
M_CMDN ;The MMC command to be sent, later the R1 response byte
M_ADR3 ;First (high) byte of the address, first byte of R3/R7 response
M_ADR2 ;Second byte of the address, second byte of R3/R7 response
M_ADR1 ;Third byte of the address, third byte of R3/R7 response
M_ADR0 ;Fourth (low) byte of the address, last byte of R3/R7 response
M_CRCH ;CRC16 high byte
M_CRCL ;CRC16 low byte
M_STATE ;State of card state machine
X5 ;Various purposes
X4 ;Various purposes
X3 ;Various purposes
X2 ;Various purposes
X1 ;Various purposes
X0 ;Various purposes
;;; Vectors ;;;
org 0x0 ;Reset vector
movlp high Init
goto Init
org 0x4 ;Interrupt vector
;fall through
;;; Interrupt Handler ;;;
btfsc INTCON,INTF ;If we're here because of a rising edge on
bra IntDisable ; !ENBL, go take care of that
lslf IWMSR,W ;Make space for three new bits in the IWM shift
lslf WREG,W ; register
lslf WREG,W ; "
movlb 30 ;Grab the bits off the two-bit shift register
iorwf CLCDATA,W ; and put them into the IWM shift register (we
movwf IWMSR ; know the LSB of CLCDATA will be low because
movlb 0 ; !HSHK is low whenever we're receiving)
incf IWMFLAG,F ;Increment the counter of times the interrupt
btfss IWMFLAG,1 ; handler was called; if this is the first of
bra IntFirst ; two, skip ahead
movlb 7 ;Clear any triggered edge on WR so we can spin
bcf WR_IOC,WR_PIN ; and wait for one later
movlb 0 ; "
btfsc WR_PORT,WR_PIN ;Grab the current state of WR and put that into
bsf IWMSR,0 ; bit 0 of the IWM shift register
btfss INTCON,IOCIF ;Spin until we get an edge on WR or a rising
bra $-1 ; edge on PH1 (a transition to state 2 or 3)
nop ;Delay
clrf IWMFLAG ;Signal we have a byte and reset call counter
movlw high LutInv|0x80;Point to inversion LUT for translation ahead
movwf FSR0H ; "
btfsc WR_PORT,WR_PIN ;Grab the current state of WR (first bit of a
bsf IWMFLAG,IWMTEMP ; new cell) and put that into our temp bit
clrf TMR2 ;Re-calibrate Timer2
movf IWMSR,W ;Use the inversion LUT to change the high/low
movwf FSR0L ; levels into transitions or non-transitions
movf INDF0,W ; and turn it into an IWM byte and write that
movwf INDF1 ; to the IWM queue
btfss PH_PORT,PH0_PIN ;If PH0 is clear, clear the MSB of the byte we
bcf INDF1,7 ; just write to indicate a suspend is on
clrf IWMSR ;Clear the IWM shift register and put the first
btfsc IWMFLAG,IWMTEMP ; bit of the new cell that we saved in the temp
bsf IWMSR,1 ; bit into bit 1 of it
movlw -33 ;Set Timer0 to interrupt again after 33 cycles
movwf TMR0 ; and clear its interrupt flag
DNOP ;Delay to get the read at a better position
btfsc WR_PORT,WR_PIN ;Grab the current state of WR and put that into
bsf IWMSR,0 ; bit 0 of the IWM shift register
movlb 7 ;If we were released from the loop by a
btfsc PH_IOC,PH1_PIN ; transition to state 2 or 3, we're done
bra IntDataOver ; receiving data and must set flags accordingly
movlb 0 ;Otherwise, post process this byte
bra IntPostProc ; "
btfsc WR_PORT,WR_PIN ;Grab the current state of WR and put that into
bsf IWMSR,0 ; bit 0 of the IWM shift register
movlw -27 ;Set Timer0 to interrupt again after 27 cycles
movwf TMR0 ; "
bcf INTCON,TMR0IF ;Clear Timer0 interrupt flag
movlb 0 ;Clear the IWM byte-received bit and set the
clrf IWMFLAG ; IWM data over flag to communicate the
bsf IWMFLAG,IWMOVER ; transition to state 2 or 3
bcf INTCON,TMR0IE ;Disable the Timer0 interrupt
;fall through
IPPJunk movlw IPPSync - IPP ;The first byte 'received' is junk, proceed to
movwf IWMFSAP ; expect a sync byte
IPPSync movlw 0xAA ;If the byte received was a sync byte (0xAA),
xorwf INDF1,W ; advance to expect the group count, otherwise
movlw IPPTCnt - IPP ; remain in this state
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
movwf IWMFSAP ; "
IPPTCnt movlw IPPRCnt - IPP ;The byte received is the transmit group count,
movwf IWMFSAP ; throw it away as we don't use it
IPPRCnt movf INDF1,W ;The byte received is the expected response
andlw B'01111111' ; size count, save it in case it's needed
movwf IWMREXP ; "
movlw IPPLsbs - IPP ;Next byte will be the LSBs of the following
movwf IWMFSAP ; seven bytes
IPPLsbs movf INDF1,W ;The byte received is the LSBs of the following
movwf IWMLSBS ; seven bytes, keep it to shift out later
movlw IPPByt1 - IPP ;Next byte will be first data byte in group
movwf IWMFSAP ; "
IPPByt1 lsrf IWMLSBS,F ;Shift out the first LSB and rotate it into the
rlf INDF1,F ; received byte
movlw IPPByt2 - IPP ;Next byte will be second data byte in group
movwf IWMFSAP ; "
movlb 31 ;Increment and wrap pointer
incf FSR1L_SHAD,F ; "
bcf FSR1L_SHAD,7 ; "
IPPByt2 lsrf IWMLSBS,F ;Shift out the next LSB and rotate it into the
rlf INDF1,F ; received byte
movlw IPPByt3 - IPP ;Next byte will be third data byte in group
movwf IWMFSAP ; "
movlb 31 ;Increment and wrap pointer
incf FSR1L_SHAD,F ; "
bcf FSR1L_SHAD,7 ; "
IPPByt3 lsrf IWMLSBS,F ;Shift out the next LSB and rotate it into the
rlf INDF1,F ; received byte
movlw IPPByt4 - IPP ;Next byte will be fourth data byte in group
movwf IWMFSAP ; "
movlb 31 ;Increment and wrap pointer
incf FSR1L_SHAD,F ; "
bcf FSR1L_SHAD,7 ; "
IPPByt4 lsrf IWMLSBS,F ;Shift out the next LSB and rotate it into the
rlf INDF1,F ; received byte
movlw IPPByt5 - IPP ;Next byte will be fifth data byte in group
movwf IWMFSAP ; "
movlb 31 ;Increment and wrap pointer
incf FSR1L_SHAD,F ; "
bcf FSR1L_SHAD,7 ; "
IPPByt5 lsrf IWMLSBS,F ;Shift out the next LSB and rotate it into the
rlf INDF1,F ; received byte
movlw IPPByt6 - IPP ;Next byte will be sixth data byte in group
movwf IWMFSAP ; "
movlb 31 ;Increment and wrap pointer
incf FSR1L_SHAD,F ; "
bcf FSR1L_SHAD,7 ; "
IPPByt6 lsrf IWMLSBS,F ;Shift out the next LSB and rotate it into the
rlf INDF1,F ; received byte
movlw IPPByt7 - IPP ;Next byte will be seventh data byte in group
btfss STATUS,C ; but if we're in a suspend at this point, make
movlw IPPSus7 - IPP ; sure the byte after the seventh is treated
movwf IWMFSAP ; as a restart sync byte
movlb 31 ;Increment and wrap pointer
incf FSR1L_SHAD,F ; "
bcf FSR1L_SHAD,7 ; "
IPPByt7 lsrf IWMLSBS,F ;Shift out the last LSB and rotate it into the
rlf INDF1,F ; received byte
movlw IPPLsbs - IPP ;Next byte will be LSBs of the next group
btfss STATUS,C ; unless we're in a suspend, in which case it
movlw IPPRSyn - IPP ; will be a restart sync byte
movwf IWMFSAP ; "
movlb 31 ;Increment and wrap pointer
incf FSR1L_SHAD,F ; "
bcf FSR1L_SHAD,7 ; "
IPPSus7 lsrf IWMLSBS,F ;Shift out the last LSB and rotate it into the
rlf INDF1,F ; received byte
movlw IPPRSyn - IPP ;A suspend was detected at the end of the sixth
movwf IWMFSAP ; byte, so next byte is a restart sync byte
movlb 31 ;Increment and wrap pointer
incf FSR1L_SHAD,F ; "
bcf FSR1L_SHAD,7 ; "
IPPRSyn movlw 0xAA ;If the byte received was a sync byte (0xAA),
xorwf INDF1,W ; advance to expect the LSBs of the next group,
movlw IPPLsbs - IPP ; otherwise remain in this state
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
movwf IWMFSAP ; "
movlw B'00110010' ;Tristate RD
tris 7 ; "
movlb 0 ;Deassert !ENBL for the next external device
bsf NE_PORT,NE_PIN ; "
bcf INTCON,INTF ;Clear the rising !ENBL interrupt
;;; Peripheral Initialization ;;;
banksel OSCCON ;32 MHz (w/PLL) high-freq internal oscillator
movlw B'11110000'
movwf OSCCON
banksel SSPCON1 ;SSP SPI master mode, clock set by baud rate
movlw B'00101010' ; generator to 400 kHz, clock idles low, data
movwf SSPCON1 ; lines change on falling edge, data sampled on
movlw B'01000000' ; rising edge (CKP=0, CKE=1, SMP=0)
movwf SSP1STAT
movlw 19
movwf SSP1ADD
banksel BAUDCON ;USART in synchronous mode, data clocked on
movlw B'01011000' ; rising edge, baud rate 500 kHz for IWM, and
movwf BAUDCON ; transmit all zeroes so RD line starts high
movlw 15
movwf SPBRGL
movlw B'10110110'
movwf TXSTA
movlw B'10000000'
movwf RCSTA
clrf TXREG
banksel CLC1CON
movlw 0x15 ;DT ; ____
movwf CLC1SEL0 ; DT --| \ ____
movlw 0x14 ;CK ; | O---------| \__
movwf CLC1SEL1 ; CK --|____/ !PH2 --|____/ | ____
movlw 0x01 ;CLCIN1/PH1; `--\ \___ RD
movwf CLC1SEL2 ; ____ ,--/___/
movlw 0x02 ;CLCIN2/PH2; PH1 --| \__|
movwf CLC1SEL3 ; PH2 --|____/
movlw B'00000101'
movwf CLC1GLS0
movlw B'01000000'
movwf CLC1GLS1
movlw B'00100000'
movwf CLC1GLS2
movlw B'10000000'
movwf CLC1GLS3
clrf CLC1POL
movlw B'10000000'
movwf CLC1CON
movlw 0x1A ;T2_match ; 0__ 0__
movwf CLC2SEL0 ; __|__ __|__
movlw 0x03 ;CLCIN3/WR ; | S | | S |
movwf CLC2SEL1 ; WR --|D Q|-------------|D Q|
movlw B'00000010' ; | | | |
movwf CLC2GLS0 ; T2_match --|> | T2_match --|> |
movlw B'00001000' ; |__R__| |__R__|
movwf CLC2GLS1 ; __| __|
clrf CLC2GLS2 ; 0 0
clrf CLC2GLS3 ; CLC2 CLC3
clrf CLC2POL
movlw B'10000100'
movwf CLC2CON
movlw 0x1A ;T2_match
movwf CLC3SEL0
movlw 0x05 ;LC2_out
movwf CLC3SEL1
movlw B'00000010'
movwf CLC3GLS0
movlw B'00001000'
movwf CLC3GLS1
clrf CLC3GLS2
clrf CLC3GLS3
clrf CLC3POL
movlw B'10000100'
movwf CLC3CON
banksel T2CON ;Timer2 1:1 with instruction clock and matches
movlw 15 ; every 16 cycles
movwf PR2
movlw B'00000100'
movwf T2CON
banksel OPTION_REG ;Timer0 1:1 with instruction clock, INT reacts
movlw B'11011111' ; to rising edges
movlw B'00000010' ;MISO=RC1, SCK=RC0, INT=RA5=!ENBL
movlw B'00000011'
movlw B'00010101'
movlw B'00010001'
movlw B'00010000'
movlw B'00000101'
movwf INTPPS
movlw B'00000100'
movwf RC4PPS
movlw B'00010010'
movwf RC2PPS
movlw B'00010000'
movwf RC0PPS
banksel ANSELA ;All pins digital, not analog
banksel LATA ;Next !ENBL and !CS high
movlw B'00111111'
movwf LATA
movwf LATC
banksel TRISA ;Next !ENBL, !CS, SCK, MOSI outputs, RD output
movlw B'00111110' ; but tristated for now, MISO, WR, PH3-0, !ENBL
movwf TRISA ; inputs
movlw B'00110010'
movwf TRISC
banksel INLVLA ;TTL instead of Schmitt trigger for input ports
movlw 12 ;Delay approximately 2 ms at an instruction
movwf X0 ; clock of 2 MHz until the PLL kicks in and the
PllWait DELAY 110 ; instruction clock gears up to 8 MHz
decfsz X0,F
bra PllWait
movlw B'00010000' ;INT interrupts on
movwf INTCON
movlp 8
goto SysInit
;;; Error Handler ;;;
movwf X0 ;Save the error code that brought us here
bcf INTCON,GIE ;Make sure interrupts are off
movlw B'00110010' ;Tristate RD (this is probably not necessary,
tris 7 ; but.. belt and suspenders)
movlb 29 ;Return RD and SCK to be driven by latches and
clrf RC4PPS ; drive them high; RD doesn't really matter but
clrf RC0PPS ; driving SCK high means that, when using the
movlb 0 ; Adafruit SD level shifter, the activity LED
bsf PORTC,RC4 ; blinks out the error code
bsf PORTC,RC0 ; "
banksel CLCIN0PPS ;Reconfigure CLC1 to pass through !ENBL to the
movlw B'00000101' ; next device in the chain so we don't have
movwf CLCIN0PPS ; to do this in software
banksel CLC1CON ; "
clrf CLC1SEL0 ; "
movlw B'00000010' ; "
movwf CLC1GLS0 ; "
clrf CLC1GLS1 ; "
clrf CLC1GLS2 ; "
clrf CLC1GLS3 ; "
movlw B'10000001' ; "
movwf CLC1CON ; "
banksel RA0PPS ; "
movlw B'00000100' ; "
movwf RA0PPS ; "
movlb 0 ; "
ErrHan0 movlw 10 ;Delay five seconds between bursts of blinking
movwf X1 ; "
ErrHan1 call OneHalfSecond ; "
decfsz X1,F ; "
bra ErrHan1 ; "
movf X0,W ;Move the error code into the shift register
movwf X1 ; and shift the MSB into carry while setting
lslf X1,F ; the LSB as an end sentinel
bsf X1,0 ; "
ErrHan2 bcf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Lower !CS for 0.5s for a 1 or 1.5s for a 0,
call OneHalfSecond ; in either case making the bit cell 2s
btfsc STATUS,C ; "
bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ; "
call OneHalfSecond ; "
call OneHalfSecond ; "
bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ; "
call OneHalfSecond ; "
lslf X1,F ;Shift the next bit into carry; if the bit we
btfsc STATUS,Z ; just blinked out was the last, go back to
bra ErrHan0 ; delay and start over, else blink out the next
bra ErrHan2 ; bit
movlw 20 ;Delay 3947587 cycles (including call), which
movwf X3 ; is a little less than a half second
clrf X2 ; "
OneHal0 DELAY 0 ; "
decfsz X2,F ; "
bra OneHal0 ; "
decfsz X3,F ; "
bra OneHal0 ; "
return ; "
;;; Mainline ;;;
movlw B'00110010' ;Tristate RD (the interrupt handler will have
tris 7 ; done this already, but.. belt and suspenders)
movlb 3 ;Deassert !HSHK
clrf TXREG ; "
movlb 0 ;Deassert next !ENBL (the interrupt handler
movlw B'00111111' ; will have deasserted next !ENBL already,
movwf PORTA ; but.. belt and suspenders)
clrf DEVNUM ;Reset selected device number to zero
btfsc EN_PORT,EN_PIN ;Wait for Mac to drive !ENBL low
bra $-1 ; "
movlw B'00100010' ;Drive RD
tris 7 ; "
;fall through
movf PORTA,W
bra IdleLoop ;HOFF asserted, but there's nothing to holdoff
nop ; from, so wait for a state change
bra IdleLoop ;Data mode, but we haven't done a handshake, so
nop ; wait for a state change
bra IdleLoop ;Idle state, we can do that
nop ; "
movlp 8 ;HOST asserted, Mac wants to talk, so let's go
goto Receiver ; make that happen
bra IdleLoop ;RESET asserted, we're already idling, so how
nop ; much more reset can we get
bra IdleLoop ;Mac wants us to drive RD low, the CLC will
nop ; take care of that, so wait for state change
bra IdleLoop ;Mac wants us to drive RD high, the CLC will
nop ; take care of that, so wait for state change
bra IdleLoop ;Mac wants us to drive RD high, the CLC will
nop ; take care of that, so wait for state change
bra NextDevice ;Mac wants to select the next device
nop ; "
bra NextDevice ;Mac wants to select the next device
nop ; "
bra NextDevice ;Mac wants to select the next device
nop ; "
bra NextDevice ;Mac wants to select the next device
nop ; "
bra NextDevice ;Mac wants to select the next device
nop ; "
bra NextDevice ;Mac wants to select the next device
nop ; "
bra NextDevice ;Mac wants to select the next device
nop ; "
bra NextDevice ;Mac wants to select the next device
nop ; "
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
bra Unselected ;Mac has unselected us, do necessary things
nop ; and wait to be selected again
movf DEVNUM,W ;If we've already selected the maximum device
xorwf DEVMAX,W ; number, select the daisy chained device
btfsc STATUS,Z ; downstream from us
bra NoMoreDevices ; "
incf DEVNUM,F ;Select the next emulated device number
btfsc PH_PORT,PH3_PIN ;Wait until the PH3 pin pulse has ended
bra $-1 ; "
bra IdleLoop ;Return to idle loop
movlw B'00110010' ;Tristate RD
tris 7 ; "
bcf NE_PORT,NE_PIN ;Drive the next !ENBL low
btfss EN_PORT,EN_PIN ;Wait for !ENBL to go high
bra $-1 ; "
bra Unselected ;We've been unselected, take care of that
;;; Lookup Tables ;;;
org 0x200
;The TashTwenty logo in the form of a 32x32 bitmap icon with mask
#include icon.inc
org 0x300
;LUT for translating IWM inversions into IWM bytes
#include inv.inc
org 0x400
;LUT for flipping bytes left to right for use with USART as IWM transmitter
#include flip.inc
org 0x500
;LUT for high byte of CCITT CRC16
#include crc7.inc
org 0x600
;LUT for high byte of CCITT CRC16
#include crc16hi.inc
org 0x700
;LUT for low byte of CCITT CRC16
#include crc16lo.inc
org 0x800
;;; System Initialization ;;;
movlp 0 ;Something went wrong, so pass !ENBL through
goto ErrorHandler ; and try to let the user know what happened
call MmcInit ;Try to initialize the card
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If card initialization failed, pass the error
bra GoError ; code to the error handler
movlb 4 ;Since initialization succeeded, crank the
movlw B'00100001' ; speed of the SPI interface up to 2 MHz
movwf SSPCON1 ; "
movlb 0 ; "
movlw 4 ;Try to read the MBR up to four times which is,
movwf X2 ; frankly, excessive
SysIni0 bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Deassert !CS
movlw 0x51 ;Set up a read command for the card (R1-type
movwf M_CMDN ; response)
clrf M_ADR3 ;Point the card address to the master boot
clrf M_ADR2 ; record
clrf M_ADR1 ; "
clrf M_ADR0 ; "
bcf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Assert !CS
call MmcCmd ;Send the read command
andlw B'11111110' ;Treat any error flag as a failed command
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; "
movlw 10 ;If the operation failed, give up and pass a
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; code to the error handler
bra GoError ; "
call MmcGetData ;Get the card ready to read out data
movlw 11 ;If the operation failed, give up and pass a
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; code to the error handler
bra GoError ; "
clrf M_CRCH ;Clear the CRC registers for our read of the
clrf M_CRCL ; MBR
movlw 0x22 ;Point the push pointer off into space and read
movwf FSR1H ; 446 bytes to get us past the bootstrap area;
movlw 0 ; we want to update the CRC registers with this
call MmcReadData ; data but we don't use it for anything
movlw 190 ; "
call MmcReadData ; "
movlw 0x21 ;Read the remaining 66 bytes of the MBR (the
movwf FSR0H ; partition table and the 0x55 0xAA signature,
movwf FSR1H ; hopefully) into memory
movlw 0x80 ; "
movwf FSR0L ; "
movwf FSR1L ; "
movlw 66 ; "
call MmcReadData ; "
call MmcCheckCrc ;Check the CRC of the data read against what
btfsc STATUS,Z ; we calculated; if they don't match, try
bra SysIni1 ; again, if we already tried four times, give
decfsz X2,F ; up and pass a code to the error handler
bra SysIni0 ; "
movlw 12 ; "
bra GoError ; "
SysIni1 bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Deassert !CS
moviw -2[FSR1] ;Check that the MBR signature matches, if it
xorlw 0x55 ; doesn't, this isn't an MBR and we can't do
movlw 13 ; anything, so pass a code to the error handler
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
bra GoError ; "
moviw -1[FSR1] ; "
xorlw 0xAA ; "
movlw 13 ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
bra GoError ; "
movlw 4 ;Iterate through the four primary MBR
movwf X3 ; partitions
SysIni2 movlw 4 ;Try loading the block four times which is,
movwf X2 ; frankly, excessive
SysIni3 bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Deassert !CS
movlw 1 ;Set the first byte of the partition entry as
movwf INDF0 ; a flag for later use
moviw 4[FSR0] ;Interpret the type field of this partition as
movwf M_ADR0 ; a block number and set up to read that block
btfsc STATUS,Z ;If it's zero, skip doing this
bra SysIni4 ; "
xorlw 0xAF ;If it's 0xAF (HFS partition), skip doing this
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra SysIni4 ; "
movlw 0x51 ;Set up a read command for the card (R1-type
movwf M_CMDN ; response)
clrf M_ADR3 ;The rest of the address is all zeroes
clrf M_ADR2 ; "
clrf M_ADR1 ; "
call MmcConvAddr ;Convert address to bytes if necessary
bcf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Assert !CS
call MmcCmd ;Send the read command
andlw B'11111110' ;Treat any error flag as a failed command
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; "
movlw 14 ;If the operation failed, give up and pass a
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; code to the error handler
bra GoError ; "
call MmcGetData ;Get the card ready to read out data
movlw 15 ;If the operation failed, give up and pass a
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; code to the error handler
bra GoError ; "
clrf M_CRCH ;Clear the CRC registers for our read of the
clrf M_CRCL ; icon block
movlw 0x22 ;Point the push pointer off into space and read
movwf FSR1H ; 256 bytes to read what we hope is the word
movlw 0 ; 'ICON' repeated 64 times and check this by
call MmcReadData ; means of checking that the CRC is 0xBEF6
movf M_CRCH,W ;If the CRC doesn't match, clear that flag we
xorlw 0xBE ; set earlier
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
clrf INDF0 ; "
movf M_CRCL,W ; "
xorlw 0xF6 ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
clrf INDF0 ; "
movlw 0 ;Read the rest of the block and throw it away
call MmcReadData ; "
call MmcCheckCrc ;Check the CRC of the data read against what
btfsc STATUS,Z ; we calculated; if they don't match, try
bra SysIni4 ; again, if we already tried four times, give
decfsz X2,F ; up and pass a code to the error handler
bra SysIni3 ; "
movlw 16 ; "
bra GoError ; "
SysIni4 bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Deassert !CS
movlw 0 ;If the CRC of the icon block didn't match,
btfss INDF0,0 ; clear the partition type to zero so we don't
movwi 4[FSR0] ; present it as a drive
addfsr FSR0,16 ;Move on to the next partition until we've
decfsz X3,F ; done all four
bra SysIni2 ; "
movlw 0x21 ;Point both pointers at the partition table in
movwf FSR0H ; memory
movwf FSR1H ; "
movlw 0x80 ; "
movwf FSR0L ; "
movwf FSR1L ; "
movlw 4 ;Iterate through all four partition entries
movwf X0 ; "
movlw -1 ;Start off with zero devices and increment from
movwf DEVMAX ; there
SysIni5 moviw 4[FSR0] ;If this partition's type is zero or was made
btfsc STATUS,Z ; zero because it pointed to an invalid icon,
bra SysIni6 ; skip over it
moviw 15[FSR0] ;If this partition's size is greater than
btfss STATUS,Z ; 0x7FFFFF blocks, skip over it
bra SysIni6 ; "
moviw 14[FSR0] ; "
andlw B'10000000' ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
bra SysIni6 ; "
moviw 8[FSR0] ;Copy the starting block number and block
movwi 3[FSR1] ; count from the MBR partition entry into a
moviw 9[FSR0] ; smaller partition entry for our use
movwi 2[FSR1] ; "
moviw 10[FSR0] ; "
movwi 1[FSR1] ; "
moviw 11[FSR0] ; "
movwi 0[FSR1] ; "
moviw 12[FSR0] ; "
movwi 7[FSR1] ; "
moviw 13[FSR0] ; "
movwi 6[FSR1] ; "
moviw 14[FSR0] ; "
movwi 5[FSR1] ; "
moviw 4[FSR0] ; "
movwi 4[FSR1] ; "
incf DEVMAX,F ;Increment the number of valid devices
addfsr FSR1,8 ;Move push pointer ahead to next entry
SysIni6 addfsr FSR0,16 ;Move pop pointer ahead to next entry
decfsz X0,F ;Decrement entry count and go to process the
bra SysIni5 ; next if applicable
incf DEVMAX,W ;If there are no valid partitions, that's an
movlw 17 ; error too
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra GoError ; "
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Setup is all done, enable interrupts and
movlp 0 ; wait for some drive activity to respond to
goto Unselected ; "
;;; Receiver ;;;
movlw 4 ;Spend about 262.144 ms waiting for the state
movwf X1 ; machine to try and get the card back to
Receiv0 clrf TMR1H ; waiting for a command or a write token, which
clrf TMR1L ; is about how long we have before Mac tires of
movlw MSSWrEtTok - MSS; waiting for us to acknowledge a command (we
btfss M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ; actually have ~350 ms, but be cautious);
movlw MSSWaitCmd - MSS; hopefully this will be enough, spec says that
call MmcWaitState ; writes may take up to 200 ms
decfsz X1,F ; "
bra Receiv0 ; "
movlb 3 ;Assert !HSHK to signal to Mac that we're
btfss TXSTA,TRMT ; ready to receive
bra $-1 ; "
movlw 0x80 ; "
movwf TXREG ; "
movlb 7 ;Set the IOC peripheral up as required by the
movlw B'00000100' ; interrupt handler, catching rising edges on
movwf IOCAP ; PH1 (signalling the end of a transmission)
clrf IOCAN ; and both rising and falling edges on WR (to
movlw B'00100000' ; catch the start of a new byte)
movwf IOCCP ; "
movwf IOCCN ; "
clrf IOCAF ; "
clrf IOCCF ; "
movlb 0 ; "
movlw 0x21 ;Move pointers to the beginning of the queue
movwf FSR0H ; in linear memory from 0x2100-0x217F
movwf FSR1H ; "
clrf FSR0L ; "
clrf FSR1L ; "
clrf IWMFSAP ;Point IWM FSA pointer at starting state
clrf IWMFLAG ;Clear IWM flags before we start interrupts
bsf INTCON,TMR0IE ;Enable interrupt on Timer0, starting receive
;fall through
movlw 0x05 ;Check if we've gotten five bytes yet, which is
subwf FSR1L,W ; most of the header of a command, enough to
btfsc STATUS,C ; tell what it is; if we have, skip ahead to
goto ProcessCmd ; process it
btfss IWMFLAG,IWMOVER ;If the transmission hasn't ended yet, loop
bra WaitForCmd ; until it does or it reaches five bytes
call ReturnToIdle ;If the transmission ended before it reached
movlp 0 ; five bytes, wait until Mac returns to the
goto IdleLoop ; idle state and go back to the idle loop
clrf CHKSUM ;Start checksum off at zero
clrf RESPERR ;Response error is zero by default
moviw FSR0++ ;Store the first five bytes of the command
movwf CMDNUM ; outside the queue so they don't get
subwf CHKSUM,F ; overwritten, updating the checksum as we go
moviw FSR0++ ; "
movwf CMDCNT ; "
subwf CHKSUM,F ; "
moviw FSR0++ ; "
movwf CMDHIGH ; "
subwf CHKSUM,F ; "
moviw FSR0++ ; "
movwf CMDMED ; "
subwf CHKSUM,F ; "
moviw FSR0++ ; "
movwf CMDLOW ; "
subwf CHKSUM,F ; "
decf CMDNUM,W ;If command byte is 1 or 65 (write or continued
btfsc STATUS,Z ; write) we can't afford to wait for the end of
goto CmdWrite ; the command, so start processing immediately;
addlw -64 ; fall through to wait for other commands to
btfsc STATUS,Z ; finish before responding to them
goto CmdWriteCont ; "
;fall through
btfsc IWMFLAG,IWMOVER ;Check if the last byte's been received and
bra WaitFn0 ; skip ahead if it has
movf FSR0L,W ;If we haven't yet received a byte, loop until
xorwf FSR1L,W ; we have
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra WaitToFinish ; "
moviw FSR0++ ;Update the checksum with the byte and loop
bcf FSR0L,7 ; again - besides writes, which don't use this
subwf CHKSUM,F ; loop, all the commands we care about have
bra WaitToFinish ; the important info in the first five bytes
WaitFn0 movf FSR0L,W ;If we've updated the checksum with all the
xorwf FSR1L,W ; bytes in this command, skip ahead
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
goto ReceiveDone ; "
moviw FSR0++ ;Update the checksum with this byte and loop
bcf FSR0L,7 ; to process the next, if there is one
subwf CHKSUM,F ; "
bra WaitFn0 ; "
call ReturnToIdle ;Return to the idle state (or the idle loop)
movf CHKSUM,W ;If checksum didn't match the data (that is,
btfss STATUS,Z ; make it sum to zero), we send a NAK so
goto BadChecksum ; hopefully Mac will send the command again
movf CMDNUM,W ;If the command number is 0, this is a read
btfsc STATUS,Z ; command
goto CmdRead ; "
addlw -3 ;If the command number is 3, this is a status
btfsc STATUS,Z ; command; if it's anything else, we don't know
goto CmdStatus ; how to handle it, so fake a response
clrf CMDCNT ; "
;fall through
call RequestToSend ;Assert !HSHK and wait to be in state 1; if
btfss STATUS,Z ; we ended up in an unexpected state, bail out
bra CmdPla3 ; to idle loop
movlw 0x80 ;Initialize the state used by the WriteByte
movwf IWMLSBS ; subprogram
clrf CHKSUM ; "
movlw 0xAA ;Send the sync byte
call WriteIwmByte ; "
movf CMDNUM,W ;Form a response code from the command number
andlw B'00111111' ; by setting the MSB (and clearing byte 6,
iorlw B'10000000' ; which seems to indicate a continued command)
call WriteByte ; and send that byte
movf CMDCNT,W ;Write byte count, command error byte (in case
call WriteByte ; this routine is being used for an error
movf RESPERR,W ; response), and pad bytes
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 0 ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 0 ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 0 ; "
call WriteByte ; "
decf IWMREXP,F ;If the expected response length was only one
btfsc STATUS,Z ; group, skip ahead to send the checksum and
bra CmdPla2 ; finish
CmdPla0 movlw 7 ;Pad out the response with groups of zeroes
movwf X0 ; until it reaches the size the command called
CmdPla1 movlw 0 ; for
call WriteByte ; "
decfsz X0,F ; "
bra CmdPla1 ; "
decfsz IWMREXP,F ; "
bra CmdPla0 ; "
CmdPla2 movf CHKSUM,W ;Write the checksum to finish out the last
call WriteByte ; group
call ReturnToIdle ;Deassert !HSHK and wait to be in state 2
CmdPla3 movlp 0 ;Return to the idle loop
goto IdleLoop ; "
call RequestToSend ;Assert !HSHK and wait to be in state 1; if
btfss STATUS,Z ; we ended up in an unexpected state, bail out
bra BadChk1 ; to idle loop
movlw 0x80 ;Initialize the state used by the WriteByte
movwf IWMLSBS ; subprogram
clrf CHKSUM ; "
movlw 0xAA ;Send the sync byte
call WriteIwmByte ; "
movlw 0x7F ;Send the response code 0x7F, which is used to
call WriteByte ; mean NAK, a prompt for Mac to resend
movlw 5 ;Pad out the rest of the group
movwf X0 ; "
BadChk0 movlw 0 ; "
call WriteByte ; "
decfsz X0,F ; "
bra BadChk0 ; "
movf CHKSUM,W ;Write the checksum to finish out the group
call WriteByte ; "
call ReturnToIdle ;Deassert !HSHK and wait to be in state 2
BadChk1 movlp 0 ;Return to the idle loop
goto IdleLoop ; "
movlw ERRCODE ;Ready an error code in case we need to jump
movwf RESPERR ; into the placeholder response routine
call SetupCmdAddr ;Set up the card address for this command
btfsc STATUS,C ;If the read is out of bounds, send an error
goto CmdPlaceholder ; response
CmdRea0 bsf M_FLAGS,M_RDCMD ;Set the state machine to do a read for us
bcf M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ;Cancel any ongoing write
movlw 4 ;Spend about 262.144 ms waiting for the state
movwf X1 ; machine to prepare the card to read out the
CmdRea5 clrf TMR1H ; data, which is about how long we have before
clrf TMR1L ; Mac tires of waiting for a response from us
movlw MSSRdData - MSS ; (we actually have ~350 ms, but be cautious)
call MmcWaitState ; "
decfsz X1,F ; "
bra CmdRea5 ; "
btfsc PIR1,TMR1IF ;If there was any failure, respond with a
goto CmdPlaceholder ; placeholder with an error code
clrf M_CRCH ;Clear the CRC registers for our read of the
clrf M_CRCL ; block
movlw 0x21 ;Point both pointers to the 128-byte queue and
movwf FSR0H ; read the first two bytes of the sector out of
movwf FSR1H ; the card - we need to do this so we stay two
clrf FSR0L ; bytes ahead while writing the sector to the
clrf FSR1L ; USART so we know immediately if the CRC has
movlw 2 ; been matched or not and can mangle the
call MmcReadData ; checksum if it doesn't match
movlw 0x80 ;Initialize the state used by the WriteByte
movwf IWMLSBS ; subprogram
clrf CHKSUM ; "
call RequestToSend ;Assert !HSHK and wait to be in state 1; if
btfss STATUS,Z ; we ended up in an unexpected state, skip
clrf IWMLSBS ; writes so card stays in a good state
movlw 0xAA ;Send the sync byte
call WriteIwmByte ; "
movlw 0x80 ;Write the response code for a read command
call WriteByte ; "
movf CMDCNT,W ;Write out the count of remaining blocks to
call WriteByte ; send
movlw 24 ;Pad out the rest of the group and send 20
movwf X0 ; empty tag bytes before sector data
CmdRea1 movlw 0 ; "
call WriteByte ; "
decfsz X0,F ; "
bra CmdRea1 ; "
movlw 2 ;Set up to copy 512 bytes from card to Mac
movwf X3 ; "
clrf X2 ; "
CmdRea2 moviw FSR0++ ;Pick up the next byte to write from the queue
call WriteByte ; and write it
movlw 1 ;Read a byte out of the card
call MmcReadData ; "
bcf FSR0L,7 ;Wrap both pointers in the queue
bcf FSR1L,7 ; "
decfsz X2,F ;Decrement the counter and loop if bytes remain
bra CmdRea2 ; "
decfsz X3,F ; "
bra CmdRea2 ; "
movlw MSSWaitCmd - MSS;Finished with read, so set state back to
movwf M_STATE ; WaitCmd
movf M_CRCH,W ;Feeding the CRC through the CRC registers
iorwf M_CRCL,W ; should leave it at zero if the CRC is right;
btfss STATUS,Z ; if it's not, send the wrong checksum so Mac
bra CmdRea4 ; knows something is wrong
movf CHKSUM,W ;Finish the block off with the (right) checksum
call WriteByte ; "
call MmcIncAddr ;Increment the block address for next time
call ReturnToIdle ;Return to the idle state
movf IWMLSBS,F ;If we got into an unexpected state somewhere,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; don't try to send the next block, just hurry
bra CmdRea3 ; back to the idle loop
decfsz CMDCNT,F ;Decrement the block count and go to send the
bra CmdRea0 ; next block if any are left
CmdRea3 bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Deassert !CS
movlp 0 ;Return to the idle loop
goto IdleLoop ; "
CmdRea4 comf CHKSUM,W ;CRC failed, so write what we know is the wrong
call WriteByte ; checksum to finish the transmission
call ReturnToIdle ;Return to the idle state quickly
bra CmdRea3
movlw 0x21 ;Point to the partition information block for
movwf FSR0H ; the selected device
swapf DEVNUM,W ; "
lsrf WREG,W ; "
iorlw B'10000000' ; "
movwf FSR0L ; "
moviw 4[FSR0] ;If the partition type is 0xAF, we're using a
xorlw 0xAF ; built-in icon, not one loaded from the card,
btfsc STATUS,Z ; so skip setting up the read
bra CmdSta0 ; "
bsf M_FLAGS,M_RDCMD ;Set the state machine to do a read for us
bcf M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ;Cancel any ongoing write
clrf M_ADR3 ;Point to the address of the icon to be loaded
clrf M_ADR2 ; "
clrf M_ADR1 ; "
moviw 4[FSR0] ; "
movwf M_ADR0 ; "
call MmcConvAddr ;Convert address to bytes if necessary
movlw 4 ;Spend about 262.144 ms waiting for the state
movwf X1 ; machine to prepare the card to read out the
CmdSta8 clrf TMR1H ; icon, which is about how long we have before
clrf TMR1L ; Mac tires of waiting for a response from us
movlw MSSRdData - MSS ; (we actually have ~350 ms, but be cautious)
call MmcWaitState ; "
decfsz X1,F ; "
bra CmdSta8 ; "
btfsc PIR1,TMR1IF ;If it timed out, use the built in icon instead
bra CmdSta0 ; "
movlw 0x22 ;Point the push pointer off into space and
movwf FSR1H ; read and throw away the first 256 bytes of
movlw 0 ; the icon sector
call MmcReadData ; "
CmdSta0 movlw 0x80 ;Initialize the state used by the WriteByte
movwf IWMLSBS ; subprogram
clrf CHKSUM ; "
call RequestToSend ;Assert !HSHK and wait to be in state 1; if
btfss STATUS,Z ; we ended up in an unexpected state, skip
clrf IWMLSBS ; writes so card stays in a good state
movlw 0xAA ;Send the sync byte
call WriteIwmByte ; "
movlw 0x83 ;Write the response code for a status command
call WriteByte ; "
movlw B'00000101' ;Write out nine bytes that happen to all be
movwf X0 ; 0x01 or 0x00 - pad byte, status byte, three
bcf STATUS,C ; pad bytes, device type word (0x0001), device
CmdSta1 movlw 0 ; manufacturer word (0x0001)
rlf WREG,W ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movf X0,W ; "
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra CmdSta2 ; "
lslf X0,F ; "
bra CmdSta1 ; "
CmdSta2 movlw 0xE6 ;Write the device characteristics: mount, read,
call WriteByte ; write, icon included, disk in place
moviw 5[FSR0] ;Write the device size
call WriteByte ; "
moviw 6[FSR0] ; "
call WriteByte ; "
moviw 7[FSR0] ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 56 ;Write the spare count word, the bad block
movwf X0 ; count word, and the manufacturer reserved
CmdSta3 movlw 0 ; area (52 bytes), all as zeroes
call WriteByte ; "
decfsz X0,F ; "
bra CmdSta3 ; "
clrf X2 ;Clear the did-we-use-the-built-in-icon flag
moviw 4[FSR0] ;If the partition type is 0xAF or we had a fail
xorlw 0xAF ; while reading from the card, we're using the
btfss STATUS,Z ; built-in icon, so skip ahead to do that
btfsc PIR1,TMR1IF ; "
bra CmdSta4 ; "
movlw 0 ;Copy 256 bytes from the card to the Mac
call MmcCopyData ; "
bra CmdSta6 ;Skip ahead to finish the status block
CmdSta4 movlw high LutIcon|128;Copy the built-in icon from flash to the Mac
movwf FSR0H ; "
clrf FSR0L ; "
clrf X0 ; "
CmdSta5 moviw FSR0++ ; "
call WriteByte ; "
decfsz X0,F ; "
bra CmdSta5 ; "
bsf X2,0 ;Set the did-we-use-the-built-in-icon flag
CmdSta6 movlw 10 ;The credits
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 'T' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 'a' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 's' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 'h' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 'T' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 'w' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 'e' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 'n' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 't' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 'y' ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlw 5 ;Write the spare count word, the bad block
movwf X0 ; count word, and the manufacturer reserved
CmdSta7 movlw 0 ; area (52 bytes), all as zeroes
call WriteByte ; "
decfsz X0,F ; "
bra CmdSta7 ; "
movf CHKSUM,W ;Finish the block off with the checksum
call WriteByte ; "
btfss X2,0 ;If we didn't use the built-in icon, finish up
call MmcCheckCrc ; with the card by ignoring the CRC and setting
movlw MSSWaitCmd - MSS; the state back to WaitCmd and deasserting !CS
btfss X2,0 ; "
movwf M_STATE ; "
btfss X2,0 ; "
bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ; "
call ReturnToIdle ;Return to the idle state
movlp 0 ;Return to the idle loop
goto IdleLoop ; "
movlw ERRCODE ;Ready an error code in case we need to jump
movwf RESPERR ; into the placeholder response routine
call SetupCmdAddr ;Set up the card address for this command
btfsc STATUS,C ;If the write is out of bounds, send an error
goto WaitToFinish ; response after we've received the command
movf M_STATE,W ;If we're not in the await-command state, we
xorlw MSSWaitCmd - MSS; won't be able to do this write, so send an
btfss STATUS,Z ; error response
goto WaitToFinish ; "
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ;If we're starting a new write even though a
bra CmdWri6 ; multiblock write is ongoing, handle it
movlw 0x59 ;Set up a multiblock write command for the card
movwf M_CMDN ; (R1-type response)
bcf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Assert !CS
call MmcCmd ;Send the command
andlw B'11111110' ;Treat any error flag as a failed command
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; "
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If there was any failure, respond with a
goto WaitToFinish ; placeholder with an error code
bsf M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ;Flag that a multiblock write is in progress
CmdWri0 movlb 4 ;Clock a dummy byte while keeping MOSI high
movlw 0xFF ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movlw 0xFC ;Clock the multiblock data token into the card
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movlb 0 ; "
clrf M_CRCH ;Clear the CRC registers for our write of the
clrf M_CRCL ; block
movlw 21 ;Skip over the command pad byte plus the 20 tag
movwf X0 ; bytes
CmdWri1 btfsc IWMFLAG,IWMOVER ;It shouldn't happen, but we do need to be
bra CmdWri2 ; ready in case transmission ends prematurely
movf FSR0L,W ;If we haven't yet received a byte, loop until
xorwf FSR1L,W ; we have
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra CmdWri1 ; "
moviw FSR0++ ;Update the checksum with the byte and loop
bcf FSR0L,7 ; again until we've done all the necessary
subwf CHKSUM,F ; byte-skipping
CmdWri2 decfsz X0,F ; "
bra CmdWri1 ; "
movlw 2 ;Copy 512 data bytes from Mac
movwf X1 ; "
CmdWri3 btfsc IWMFLAG,IWMOVER ;It shouldn't happen, but we do need to be
bra CmdWri4 ; ready in case transmission ends prematurely
movf FSR0L,W ;If we haven't yet received a byte, loop until
xorwf FSR1L,W ; we have
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra CmdWri3 ; "
moviw FSR0++ ;Grab the byte from the queue and wrap the
bcf FSR0L,7 ; pointer
subwf CHKSUM,F ;Update the checksum
CmdWri4 movlb 4 ;Clock the byte out to the card
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,W ;Update the CRC with the byte while it's
movwf M_CRCH ; clocking out
movlp high LutCrc16H ; "
callw ; "
xorwf M_CRCL,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
movlp high LutCrc16L ; "
callw ; "
movwf M_CRCL ; "
movlp 8 ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ;Wait until the byte is done transmitting
bra $-1 ; "
movlb 0 ; "
decfsz X0,F ;Loop again until we've copied 512 bytes
bra CmdWri3 ; "
decfsz X1,F ; "
bra CmdWri3 ; "
;TODO wreck the CRC in case the transmission ended prematurely
btfss IWMFLAG,IWMOVER ;Wait for the transmission to be over
bra $-1 ; "
moviw FSR0++ ;Grab the last byte from the queue and wrap the
bcf FSR0L,7 ; pointer
subwf CHKSUM,F ;Update the checksum
btfss STATUS,Z ;If the checksum is not zero, wreck the CRC so
comf M_CRCL,F ; the card doesn't store the bad data
movlb 4 ;Clock the high byte of the CRC out to the card
movf M_CRCH,W ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ;Wait until the byte is done transmitting
bra $-1 ; "
movf M_CRCL,W ;Clock the low byte of the CRC out to the card
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ;Wait until the byte is done transmitting
bra $-1 ; "
movlw 0xFF ;Clock data response byte out of the MMC card
movwf SSP1BUF ; while keeping MOSI high
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;Save data response to check later
movwf X2 ; "
movlw 0xFF ;Start clocking the first is-still-busy? byte
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlb 0 ; "
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ;Clear SSP int flag so it knows when not busy
movlw MSSWrBusy - MSS ;Set the card state to WrBusy so state machine
movwf M_STATE ; knows
decf CMDCNT,W ;If this was the last block, clear the ongoing
btfsc STATUS,Z ; write flag so state machine knows not to stop
bcf M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ; waiting on a write or stop tran token
movf X2,W ;Check if the write succeeded
andlw B'00011111' ; "
xorlw B'00000101' ; "
btfsc STATUS,Z ;If it did, clear the error flag so we send a
clrf RESPERR ; success response
btfss STATUS,Z ;If it didn't, clear the ongoing write flag so
bcf M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ; the write ends here
CmdWri5 btfss IWMFLAG,IWMOVER ;Wait until the Mac's transmission is over
bra $-1 ; "
movf CHKSUM,W ;If the checksum didn't match, clear the
btfss STATUS,Z ; ongoing write flag because the write stops
bcf M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ; here
clrf TMR1H ;Spend about 65.536 ms, which is about how long
clrf TMR1L ; we have before Mac timeouts waiting for us to
movlw MSSWrEtTok - MSS; return to idle, waiting for the state machine
btfss M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ; to try and get the card back to waiting for
movlw MSSWaitCmd - MSS; a command or a write token (we actually have
call MmcWaitState ; ~90 ms, but let's be cautious)
call ReturnToIdle ;That's long enough, return us to idle
movf CHKSUM,W ;If the checksum was wrong, send a NAK, else
btfss STATUS,Z ; send either a failure or success depending
goto BadChecksum ; on RESPERR
goto CmdPlaceholder ; "
CmdWri6 movlw 1 ;In the unlikely event Mac tried to start a new
movwf CHKSUM ; write while one was ongoing, pretend there
bra CmdWri5 ; was a bad checksum so it tries again
movlw ERRCODE ;Ready an error code in case we need to jump
movwf RESPERR ; into the placeholder response routine
btfss M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ;If a write isn't ongoing as it should be,
bra CmdWrC0 ; handle this
movf M_STATE,W ;If we're not in the await-token state, we
xorlw MSSWrEtTok - MSS; won't be able to do this write, handle this
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
bra CmdWrC0 ; "
bra CmdWri0 ;Else jump into the middle of CmdWrite
CmdWrC0 bcf M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ;If something went wrong, end the ongoing write
goto WaitToFinish ; and send an error response
;;; Subprograms ;;;
;Use the address and block count from the received command along with the
; partition start block to to populate the card address registers, also
; checking whether the address and block count stay within the partition.
; Returns with carry bit set on failure, clear on success. Trashes X0 and X1.
movf FSR0H,W ;Save FSR0 because we're going to use it for
movwf X1 ; looking up the partition information
movf FSR0L,W ; "
movwf X0 ; "
movlw 0x21 ;Point to the partition information block for
movwf FSR0H ; the selected device
swapf DEVNUM,W ; "
lsrf WREG,W ; "
iorlw B'10000000' ; "
movwf FSR0L ; "
decf CMDCNT,W ;Reckon the maximum block number accessed by
addwf CMDLOW,W ; this command
movwf M_ADR0 ; "
movlw 0 ; "
addwfc CMDMED,W ; "
movwf M_ADR1 ; "
movlw 0 ; "
addwfc CMDHIGH,W ; "
movwf M_ADR2 ; "
moviw 7[FSR0] ;If the partition size is less than or equal to
subwf M_ADR0,W ; the maximum block number accessed, return
moviw 6[FSR0] ; with carry set
subwfb M_ADR1,W ; "
moviw 5[FSR0] ; "
subwfb M_ADR2,W ; "
btfsc STATUS,C ; "
bra SetCmA0 ; "
movf INDF0,W ;Move the starting block of the partition into
movwf M_ADR3 ; the card address registers
moviw 1[FSR0] ; "
movwf M_ADR2 ; "
moviw 2[FSR0] ; "
movwf M_ADR1 ; "
moviw 3[FSR0] ; "
addwf CMDLOW,W ;Add the block address from the command to it
movwf M_ADR0 ; "
movf CMDMED,W ; "
addwfc M_ADR1,F ; "
movf CMDHIGH,W ; "
addwfc M_ADR2,F ; "
movlw 0 ; "
addwfc M_ADR3,F ; "
call MmcConvAddr ;Convert address to bytes if necessary
bcf STATUS,C ;Make sure carry is clear before returning
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;But set carry if the address conversion failed
bsf STATUS,C ; "
SetCmA0 movf X1,W ;Restore FSR0
movwf FSR0H ; "
movf X0,W ; "
movwf FSR0L ; "
;Write the byte in W to the Mac, taking care of LSBs and holdoff. Note that
; IWMLSBS should be set to 0x80 and CHKSUM should be set to 0 before calling
; this function for the first time in a transmission.
movf IWMLSBS,F ;If the command has been aborted, return
btfsc STATUS,Z ; without sending anything, hopefully to finish
return ; up quickly
subwf CHKSUM,F ;Adjust checksum with the byte to be written
bsf STATUS,C ;Shift out the byte's LSB, shifting a 1 into
rrf WREG,W ; the MSB and catching the LSB in the LSBs
rrf IWMLSBS,F ; shift register
call WriteIwmByte ;Write the IWM byte out on the USART
btfss IWMLSBS,0 ;If the LSB shift register isn't full yet,
return ; we're done here
bsf STATUS,C ;Shift a 1 into the MSB of the LSB shift
rrf IWMLSBS,W ; register and write that out on the USART
call WriteIwmByte ; "
movlw 0x80 ;Prepare the LSB shift register for next group
movwf IWMLSBS ; "
WriteB0 lsrf PORTA,W ;Take a quick look at the current state
xorlw B'00000001' ;If we're still in state 1 (data transfer), all
btfsc STATUS,Z ; is normal, return to the caller
return ; "
WriteB1 lsrf PORTA,W ;Take another quick look at the current state
btfsc STATUS,Z ;If we're in the holdoff state, spin until
bra WriteB1 ; we aren't
xorlw B'00000001' ;If the state we're in is state 1 (data
btfsc STATUS,Z ; transfer), we've exited holdoff and must send
bra WriteB2 ; a sync byte before resuming
movlb 3 ;If we're in some other state, the command has
clrf TXREG ; been aborted or something is awry, but we may
movlb 0 ; be in the middle of something that has to
clrf IWMLSBS ; finish, so set RD and clear the LSBs SR as an
return ; indicator that future calls exit immediately
WriteB2 movlw 0xAA ;Write a sync byte over the USART to signal
call WriteIwmByte ; that we're resuming transmission
;Write the raw IWM byte in W to the USART.
movf IWMLSBS,F ;If the command has been aborted, return
btfsc STATUS,Z ; without sending anything, hopefully to finish
return ; up quickly
movlp high LutFlip ;Use the LUT to flip the byte left to right so
callw ; it goes out correctly on the USART
btfss PIR1,TXIF ;Wait until the USART is ready to accept a byte
bra $-1 ; "
movlb 3 ;Write the byte to the USART
movwf TXREG ; "
movlb 0 ; "
movlp 8 ;Restore PCLATH
;Wait until Mac returns to the idle state (PH2-0 = 2), allowing it to make its
; way through states 0 (holdoff), 1 (data), and 3 (data request), but bailing
; out to the idle loop if it enters any other state, if PH3 is high, or if
; !ENBL is high.
btfss PIR1,TXIF ;In case we're coming here from post-transmit,
bra $-1 ; make sure we don't stomp a waiting byte
movlb 3 ;Raise !HSHK to confirm to Mac that we're
clrf TXREG ; ready to return to idle state
movlb 31 ;Prepare for a possible return to the idle loop
decf STKPTR,F ; by (possibly temporarily) swallowing the
movlb 0 ; return address and pointing PCLATH to the
movlp 0 ; first half of program memory
RetIdl0 lsrf PORTA,W ;Switch based on current state
brw ; "
bra RetIdl0 ;In holdoff state (why?), keep checking
bra RetIdl0 ;Still in data state, keep checking
bra RetIdl1 ;In idle state, we're done here
bra RetIdl0 ;Transitioning through negotiation state
goto IdleLoop ;Anything else is cause to bail out
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto IdleLoop ; "
goto Unselected ;!ENBL has been deasserted, bail WAY out
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
goto Unselected ; "
RetIdl1 movlb 31 ;We've successfully transitioned to the idle
incf STKPTR,F ; state, so restore the stack pointer and
movlb 0 ; PCLATH and return to the caller
movlp 8 ; "
return ; "
movlb 3 ;Assert !HSHK to tell Mac we want to send some
btfss TXSTA,TRMT ; data
bra $-1 ; "
movlw 0x80 ; "
movwf TXREG ; "
movlb 0 ; "
ReqSnd0 lsrf PORTA,W ;Switch based on current state
brw ; "
bra ReqSnd0 ;In holdoff state (why?), keep checking
bra ReqSnd1 ;In data state, we're done here
bra ReqSnd0 ;In idle state, keep checking
bra ReqSnd0 ;Transitioning through negotiation state
return ;Anything else is cause to bail out with Z
return ; clear, indicating to caller that they should
return ; get back to the idle loop, stat
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
return ; "
ReqSnd1 bsf STATUS,Z ;We've successfully requested to send, set the
return ; Z bit and return
;;; MMC Subprograms ;;;
;Initialize MMC card. Sets M_FAIL on fail. Trashes X0 through X3.
clrf M_FLAGS ;Make sure flags are all clear to begin with
clrf M_STATE ;Make sure state starts at awaiting command
call MmcIni0 ;Call into the function below
bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ;Always deassert !CS
movf WREG,W ;If the init function returned a code other
btfss STATUS,Z ; than 0, set the fail flag
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; "
return ;Pass return code to caller
MmcIni0 movlb 4 ;This is where all the SSP registers are
movlw 10 ;Send 80 clocks on SPI interface to ensure MMC
movwf X0 ; card is started up and in native command mode
MmcIni1 movlw 0xFF ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
decfsz X0,F ; "
bra MmcIni1 ; "
movlb 0 ;Assert !CS
bcf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ; "
movlw 0x40 ;Send command 0 (expect R1-type response)
movwf M_CMDN ; which, with !CS asserted, signals to the card
clrf M_ADR3 ; that we want to enter SPI mode
clrf M_ADR2 ; "
clrf M_ADR1 ; "
clrf M_ADR0 ; "
call MmcCmd ; "
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If this command failed, unrecognized or
retlw 1 ; missing MMC card, fail the init operation
xorlw 0x01 ;If this command returned any response other
btfss STATUS,Z ; than 0x01 ('in idle state'), unrecognized MMC
retlw 2 ; card, fail the init operation
bsf M_FLAGS,M_CDVER ;Assume version 2.0+ to begin with
clrf X2 ;Set retry counter to 0 (65536) for later use
clrf X3 ; "
movlw 0x48 ;Send command 8 (expect R7-type response) to
movwf M_CMDN ; check if we're dealing with a V2.0+ card
clrf M_ADR3 ; "
clrf M_ADR2 ; "
movlw 0x01 ; "
movwf M_ADR1 ; "
movlw 0xAA ; "
movwf M_ADR0 ; "
call MmcCmd ; "
andlw B'11111110' ;If the command set any error flags or there
btfsc STATUS,Z ; was no response, switch assumptions and guess
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; that we're dealing with a Version 1 card and
bcf M_FLAGS,M_CDVER ; jump ahead to initialize it
btfss M_FLAGS,M_CDVER ; "
bra MmcIni2 ; "
call MmcExtResponse ;Command didn't error, so get the R7 response
movf M_ADR1,W ;If the command didn't error, but the lower 12
andlw B'00001111' ; bits of the R7 response are something besides
xorlw 0x01 ; 0x1AA, we're dealing with an unknown card, so
btfss STATUS,Z ; raise the fail flag and return to caller
retlw 3 ; "
movf M_ADR0,W ; "
xorlw 0xAA ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ; "
retlw 3 ; "
MmcIni2 movlw 0x77 ;Send command 55 (expect R1-type response),
movwf M_CMDN ; which is a prelude to an 'app' command
clrf M_ADR3 ; "
clrf M_ADR2 ; "
clrf M_ADR1 ; "
clrf M_ADR0 ; "
call MmcCmd ; "
andlw B'11111110' ;If we got a status with any error bits set,
btfss STATUS,Z ; treat as a command failure
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; "
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If this command fails, this is an unknown card
retlw 4 ; so return the failure to caller
movlw 0x69 ;Send app command 41 (expect R1-type response)
movwf M_CMDN ; to initialize the card, setting the HCS
clrf M_ADR3 ; (high-capacity support) bit if we're dealing
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_CDVER ; with a V2.0+ card to let the card know that
bsf M_ADR3,6 ; we support cards bigger than 4 GB (up to 2
clrf M_ADR2 ; TB)
clrf M_ADR1 ; "
clrf M_ADR0 ; "
call MmcCmd ; "
btfsc STATUS,Z ;If it returned an 0x00 status, initialization
bra MmcIni3 ; is finished
andlw B'11111110' ;If we got a status with any error bits set,
btfss STATUS,Z ; treat as a command failure
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; "
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If this command fails, this is an unknown card
retlw 5 ; so return the failure to caller
DELAY 40 ;If it returned an 0x01 status, delay for 120
decfsz X2,F ; cycles (15 us), decrement the retry counter,
bra MmcIni2 ; and try again
decfsz X3,F ; "
bra MmcIni2 ; "
retlw 6 ;If card still not ready, report failure
MmcIni3 movlw 0x7A ;Send command 58 (expect R3-type response) to
movwf M_CMDN ; read the operating condition register (OCR)
clrf M_ADR3 ; "
clrf M_ADR2 ; "
clrf M_ADR1 ; "
clrf M_ADR0 ; "
call MmcCmd ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ;If we got a status with any error bits set,
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; treat as a command failure
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If this command fails, something is wrong, so
retlw 7 ; return the failure to caller
call MmcExtResponse ;Command didn't fail, so get R3 response
bsf M_FLAGS,M_BKADR ;If the card capacity status (CCS) bit of the
btfsc M_ADR3,6 ; OCR is set, we're using block addressing, so
bra MmcIni4 ; skip ahead
bcf M_FLAGS,M_BKADR ;We're dealing with byte, not block addressing
movlw 0x50 ;Send command 16 (expect R1-type response) to
movwf M_CMDN ; tell the card we want to deal in 512-byte
clrf M_ADR3 ; sectors
clrf M_ADR2 ; "
movlw 0x02 ; "
movwf M_ADR1 ; "
clrf M_ADR0 ; "
call MmcCmd ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ;If this command returned any nonzero response,
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; something is wrong, fail the init operation
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If this command failed, something is wrong,
retlw 8 ; fail the init operation
MmcIni4 movlw 0x7B ;Send command 59 (expect R1-type response) to
movwf M_CMDN ; tell the card we want to make life hard on
clrf M_ADR3 ; ourselves and have our CRCs checked by the
clrf M_ADR2 ; card
clrf M_ADR1 ; "
movlw 0x01 ; "
movwf M_ADR0 ; "
call MmcCmd ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ;If this command returned any nonzero response,
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; something is wrong, fail the init operation
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If this command failed, something is wrong,
retlw 9 ; fail the init operation
retlw 0 ;Congratulations, card is initialized!
;Convert a block address to a byte address if byte addressing is in effect.
; Sets M_FAIL if the block address is above 0x7FFFFF (and thus can't fit as a
; byte address).
bcf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;Assume no failure to start with
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_BKADR ;If block addressing is in effect, the address
return ; does not need to be converted
movf M_ADR3,F ;Make sure that the top 9 bits of the block
btfss STATUS,Z ; address are clear; if they are not, set the
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; fail flag
btfsc M_ADR2,7 ; "
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; "
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If the fail flag is set, we're done
return ; "
lslf M_ADR0,F ;Multiply the block address by 2 and then by
rlf M_ADR1,F ; 256
rlf M_ADR2,W ; "
movwf M_ADR3 ; "
movf M_ADR1,W ; "
movwf M_ADR2 ; "
movf M_ADR0,W ; "
movwf M_ADR1 ; "
clrf M_ADR0 ; "
;Increment the address by one block according to the block/byte addressing
; mode. No protection is provided against the address wrapping around.
movlw 0x01 ;Add 1 to the address if we're in block mode,
btfss M_FLAGS,M_BKADR ; add 512 to the address if we're in byte mode,
movlw 0 ; in either case carrying the remainder through
addwf M_ADR0,F ; "
movlw 0 ; "
btfss M_FLAGS,M_BKADR ; "
movlw 0x02 ; "
addwfc M_ADR1,F ; "
movlw 0 ; "
addwfc M_ADR2,F ; "
addwfc M_ADR3,F ; "
;Send the command contained in M_CMDN and M_ADR3-0 to MMC card. Sets M_FAIL on
; fail. Trashes X0.
bcf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;Assume no failure to start with
movlb 4 ;Switch to the bank with the SSP registers
movf M_CMDN,W ;If this is a CMD0, skip over the ready check
xorlw 0x40 ; as card is not in SPI mode and may not be
btfsc STATUS,Z ; driving the MISO pin
bra MmcCmd1 ; "
movlw 8 ;Make sure the MMC card is ready for a command
movwf X0 ; by clocking up to 8 bytes to get an 0xFF
MmcCmd0 movlw 0xFF ;Clock a byte out of the MMC card while keeping
movwf SSP1BUF ; MOSI high
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
xorwf SSP1BUF,W ;If we got an 0xFF back from the MMC card, it
btfsc STATUS,Z ; is ready to accept a command
bra MmcCmd1 ; "
decfsz X0,F ;Decrement the attempt counter until we've
bra MmcCmd0 ; tried eight times; if card hasn't responded
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; 0xFF by the eighth attempt, signal failure
movlb 0 ;Restore BSR to 0 and return
return ; "
MmcCmd1 clrf X0 ;Start the CRC7 register out at 0
movlp high LutCrc7 ;Point PCLATH to the CRC7 lookup table
movf M_CMDN,W ;Clock out all six MMC buffer bytes as command,
movwf SSP1BUF ; calculating the CRC7 along the way
xorwf X0,W ; "
callw ; "
movwf X0 ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf M_ADR3,W ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
xorwf X0,W ; "
callw ; "
movwf X0 ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf M_ADR2,W ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
xorwf X0,W ; "
callw ; "
movwf X0 ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf M_ADR1,W ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
xorwf X0,W ; "
callw ; "
movwf X0 ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf M_ADR0,W ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
xorwf X0,W ; "
callw ; "
movlp 8 ; "
movwf X0 ; "
bsf X0,0 ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf X0,W ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
;TODO for CMD12, it is necessary to clock and throw away a stuff byte?
movlw 8 ;Try to get status as many as eight times
movwf X0 ; "
movf M_CMDN,W ;If this is a CMD0, the bus may not be driven
xorlw 0x40 ; until the first clock, so we may get an all-
btfsc STATUS,Z ; ones response where the MSB reads as 0; set a
bsf X0,7 ; flag so we can respond to that
MmcCmd2 movlw 0xFF ;Clock a byte out of the MMC card while keeping
movwf SSP1BUF ; MOSI high
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
xorwf SSP1BUF,W ;Set Z flag if the received byte is all ones
btfsc X0,7 ;If this is the first byte from a CMD0, ignore
andlw 0x7F ; the MSB when checking for all ones
btfss STATUS,Z ;If the byte read is not all ones, it's a
bra MmcCmd3 ; result, so skip ahead
bcf X0,7 ;Clear the special CMD0 flag if it was set
decfsz X0,F ;Decrement attempt counter; if card hasn't
bra MmcCmd2 ; responded by eighth attempt, signal failure
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ; "
MmcCmd3 xorlw 0xFF ;Complement W so it reflects the last byte read
btfsc X0,7 ;If we're returning the first byte from a CMD0,
andlw 0x7F ; we should assume that the first bit was a 0
movlb 0 ;Restore BSR to 0 and return
return ; "
;Read the extended response of a command returning an R3 or R7 type response
; into M_ADR3-0.
movlb 4 ;Switch to the bank with the SSP registers
movlw 0xFF ;Clock first extended response byte out of the
movwf SSP1BUF ; MMC card while keeping MOSI high and store it
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; in the buffer
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ; "
movwf M_ADR3 ; "
movlw 0xFF ;Clock second extended response byte out of the
movwf SSP1BUF ; MMC card while keeping MOSI high and store it
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; in the buffer
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ; "
movwf M_ADR2 ; "
movlw 0xFF ;Clock third extended response byte out of the
movwf SSP1BUF ; MMC card while keeping MOSI high and store it
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; in the buffer
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ; "
movwf M_ADR1 ; "
movlw 0xFF ;Clock fourth extended response byte out of the
movwf SSP1BUF ; MMC card while keeping MOSI high and store it
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; in the buffer
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ; "
movwf M_ADR0 ; "
movlb 0 ;Restore BSR to 0 and return
return ; "
;Waits for the card not to be busy anymore. Sets M_FAIL on fail. Trashes X0
; and X1. Expects BSR to be 4 and does not set or reset this.
clrf X0 ;Check 65536 times to see if the card is busy
clrf X1 ; "
MmcWai0 movlw 0xFF ;Clock a byte out of the MMC card while keeping
movwf SSP1BUF ; MOSI high
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;Check if MISO is still low, if it's not, the
btfss STATUS,Z ; card is no longer busy and we can return
return ; "
decfsz X0,F ;If it's not done, try again
bra MmcWai0 ; "
decfsz X1,F ; "
bra MmcWai0 ; "
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If out of tries, fail the operation
;Try to get the data token for a read from the card. Sets M_FAIL on fail.
; Trashes X0 and X1.
bcf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;Assume no failure to start with
movlb 4 ;Switch to the bank with the SSP registers
clrf X0 ;Try 65536 times to get the data token
clrf X1 ; "
MmcGet0 movlw 0xFF ;Clock a byte out of the MMC card while keeping
movwf SSP1BUF ; MOSI high
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;If we've received the data token, return
xorlw 0xFE ; "
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra MmcGet1 ; "
decfsz X0,F ;If not, decrement the retry count and try
bra MmcGet0 ; again
decfsz X1,F ; "
bra MmcGet0 ; "
bsf M_FLAGS,M_FAIL ;If we didn't get the data token after 65536
MmcGet1 movlb 0 ; tries, give up and fail the operation
return ; "
;Read the number of bytes in W from the card into memory where FSR1 is pointed,
; updating CRC registers. Trashes X0 and X1.
movwf X0 ;Store the count of bytes to read
movlb 4 ;Clock the first byte out of the card
movlw 0xFF ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ;Wait until the transfer is done
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;Store the received byte in the buffer and also
movwf X1 ; keep it to update the CRC with
movwi FSR1++ ; "
decf X0,F ;If for some reason the caller only wanted to
btfsc STATUS,Z ; read one byte, skip the next loop
bra MmcRea1 ; "
MmcRea0 movlw 0xFF ;Clock the next byte out of the card
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movf X1,W ;Update the CRC with the previous byte while
xorwf M_CRCH,W ; the next one is clocking out of the card
movwf M_CRCH ; "
movlp high LutCrc16H ; "
callw ; "
xorwf M_CRCL,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
movlp high LutCrc16L ; "
callw ; "
movwf M_CRCL ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ;Wait until the transfer is done
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;Store the received byte in the buffer and also
movwf X1 ; keep it to update the CRC with
movwi FSR1++ ; "
decfsz X0,F ;Decrement the byte counter and loop around if
bra MmcRea0 ; there are bytes left to clock out
MmcRea1 movf X1,W ;Update the CRC with the last byte
xorwf M_CRCH,W ; "
movwf M_CRCH ; "
movlp high LutCrc16H ; "
callw ; "
xorwf M_CRCL,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
movlp high LutCrc16L ; "
callw ; "
movwf M_CRCL ; "
movlb 0 ;Restore BSR
movlp 8 ;Restore PCLATH
;Read the number of bytes in W from the card into WriteByte, updating CRC
; registers. Trashes X0 and X1.
movwf X0 ;Store the count of bytes to read
movlb 4 ;Clock the first byte out of the card
movlw 0xFF ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ;Wait until the transfer is done
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;Store the received byte to update the CRC with
movwf X1 ; and also call WriteByte
movlb 0 ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlb 4 ; "
decf X0,F ;If for some reason the caller only wanted to
btfsc STATUS,Z ; read one byte, skip the next loop
bra MmcCop1 ; "
MmcCop0 movlw 0xFF ;Clock the next byte out of the card
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movf X1,W ;Update the CRC with the previous byte while
xorwf M_CRCH,W ; the next one is clocking out of the card
movwf M_CRCH ; "
movlp high LutCrc16H ; "
callw ; "
xorwf M_CRCL,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
movlp high LutCrc16L ; "
callw ; "
movwf M_CRCL ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ;Wait until the transfer is done
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;Store the received byte to update the CRC with
movwf X1 ; and also call WriteByte
movlb 0 ; "
movlp 8 ; "
call WriteByte ; "
movlb 4 ; "
decfsz X0,F ;Decrement the byte counter and loop around if
bra MmcCop0 ; there are bytes left to clock out
MmcCop1 movf X1,W ;Update the CRC with the last byte
xorwf M_CRCH,W ; "
movwf M_CRCH ; "
movlp high LutCrc16H ; "
callw ; "
xorwf M_CRCL,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,F ; "
movlp high LutCrc16L ; "
callw ; "
movwf M_CRCL ; "
movlb 0 ;Restore BSR
movlp 8 ;Restore PCLATH
;Read the CRC out of the card and check it against the calculated CRC. Sets Z
; if they match, clears it if not.
movlb 4 ;Clock the high CRC byte out of the card
movlw 0xFF ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCH,W ;If it doesn't match what we calculated, we've
btfss STATUS,Z ; failed but still need to clock out the low
bra MmcChe0 ; byte so skip ahead
movlw 0xFF ;Clock the low CRC byte out of the card
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ; "
xorwf M_CRCL,W ;The high byte matched, so whether the whole
movlb 0 ; thing matches or not hinges on the low byte,
return ; so compare them and return with result in Z
MmcChe0 movlw 0xFF ;Clock the low CRC byte out of the card
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
btfss SSP1STAT,BF ; "
bra $-1 ; "
bcf STATUS,Z ;Clear Z because high byte didn't match and
movlb 0 ; return
return ; "
;Try to advance to the state requested in W, timing out if Timer1 overflows.
; Trashes X0.
movwf X0 ;Save the state caller wants to get to
movlw B'00110001' ;Turn on Timer1
movwf T1CON ; "
bcf PIR1,TMR1IF ;Clear the Timer1 interrupt flag if it was set
movf M_STATE,W ;If we're already in the state caller wants to
xorwf X0,W ; be in, skip ahead
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra MmcWaS1 ; "
MmcWaS0 call MmcStepState ;Step the state
movf M_STATE,W ;If we're now in the state caller wants to be
xorwf X0,W ; in, skip ahead
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
bra MmcWaS1 ; "
btfsc PIR1,TMR1IF ;If Timer1 overflowed, skip ahead
bra MmcWaS2 ; "
bra MmcWaS0 ;Loop until something happens
MmcWaS1 bcf T1CON,TMR1ON ;Stop Timer1 and clear its interrupt flag so
bcf PIR1,TMR1IF ; caller knows we're in the state requested and
return ; did not time out
MmcWaS2 bcf T1CON,TMR1ON ;Stop Timer1 and leave its interrupt flag set
return ; so caller knows a timeout occurred
;State machine to ensure that the card stays in a good state.
btfss PIR1,SSP1IF ;If the SSP is busy, we can't do anything, so
return ; return
movlb 4 ;Switch depending on the current state
movf M_STATE,W ; "
call MSSCall ; "
movwf M_STATE ;Save the returned value in W as the new state
movlb 0 ; and return
movlp 8 ; "
return ; "
MSSCall brw
btfss M_FLAGS,M_RDCMD ;If we're not set to do a read command, cycle
retlw MSSWaitCmd - MSS; back to this state doing nothing
movlb 0 ;Assert !CS
bcf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ; "
movlb 4 ; "
movlw 0xFF ;Clock first ready-for-command? byte out of the
movwf SSP1BUF ; card
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSRdCmd1 - MSS ;Transition to the next read command state
incf SSP1BUF,W ;If card clocked back anything but 0xFF, it's
btfsc STATUS,Z ; not ready for a command, so clock out another
bra $+6 ; byte and try again
movlw 0xFF ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlb 0 ; "
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; "
retlw MSSRdCmd1 - MSS ; "
movlw 0x51 ;Clock out the command byte for a read
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlw 0xE8 ;Set up the CRC register with the CRC7 of the
movwf M_CRCL ; read command byte
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSRdCmd2 - MSS ;Transition to the next read command state
movf M_ADR3,W ;Clock out the high byte of the address
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlp high LutCrc7 ;Update the CRC for the command
xorwf M_CRCL,W ; "
callw ; "
movwf M_CRCL ; "
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSRdCmd3 - MSS ;Transition to the next read command state
movf M_ADR2,W ;Clock out the next byte of the address
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlp high LutCrc7 ;Update the CRC for the command
xorwf M_CRCL,W ; "
callw ; "
movwf M_CRCL ; "
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSRdCmd4 - MSS ;Transition to the next read command state
movf M_ADR1,W ;Clock out the next byte of the address
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlp high LutCrc7 ;Update the CRC for the command
xorwf M_CRCL,W ; "
callw ; "
movwf M_CRCL ; "
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSRdCmd5 - MSS ;Transition to the next read command state
movf M_ADR0,W ;Clock out the low byte of the address
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlp high LutCrc7 ;Update the CRC for the command
xorwf M_CRCL,W ; "
callw ; "
movwf M_CRCL ; "
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSRdCmd6 - MSS ;Transition to the next read command state
movf M_CRCL,W ;Clock out the CRC for the command
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
bcf M_FLAGS,M_RDCMD ;Read command complete, M_ADR* are free
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSRdCmd7 - MSS ;Transition to the next read command state
movlw 0xFF ;Clock first is-still-busy? byte out of the
movwf SSP1BUF ; card
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSRdCmd8 - MSS ; "
btfss SSP1BUF,7 ;If MSB is set, this isn't an R1 response byte,
bra $+6 ; so clock out another byte and try again
movlw 0xFF ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlb 0 ; "
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; "
retlw MSSRdCmd8 - MSS ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;If MSB is clear but an error bit is set, the
andlw B'11111110' ; command was not processed, so go back to the
btfsc STATUS,Z ; WaitCmd state after deasserting !CS
bra $+4 ; "
movlb 0 ; "
bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ; "
retlw MSSWaitCmd - MSS; "
movlw 0xFF ;If all error bits are clear in the response
movwf SSP1BUF ; byte, clock out the first is-read-token? byte
movlb 0 ; "
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; "
retlw MSSRdTok - MSS ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;Check if the byte read from the card is the
xorlw 0xFE ; read token
btfsc STATUS,Z ;If the byte read was not the read token, start
bra $+6 ; the next byte clocking out and remain in this
movlw 0xFF ; state for next call
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlb 0 ; "
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; "
retlw MSSRdTok - MSS ; "
movlw 0xFD ;If byte read was the read token, transition
movwf M_CRCH ; to RdData using CRC register as an up counter
movwf M_CRCL ; set to -515 (512 bytes + 2 CRC bytes + 1),
retlw MSSRdData - MSS ; assuming we have to throw away the read data
incf M_CRCL,F ;Step the up counter
btfsc STATUS,Z ; "
incf M_CRCH,F ; "
btfss STATUS,Z ;If the up counter overflowed, deassert !CS
bra $+4 ; and reset the state to WaitCmd without
movlb 0 ; starting a byte clocking
bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ; "
retlw MSSWaitCmd - MSS; "
movlw 0xFF ;Start the next byte to read clocking out and
movwf SSP1BUF ; stay in this state for next time
movlb 0 ; "
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; "
retlw MSSRdData - MSS ; "
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ;If there's an ongoing write, don't proceed in
retlw MSSWrEtTok - MSS; sending an end tran token
movlw 0xFD ;Start an end tran token clocking
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSEtJnk1 - MSS ;Transition to EtJnk1
movlw 0xFF ;Byte we got in when we clocked out the end
movwf SSP1BUF ; tran token is junk, so is the next one
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSEtJnk2 - MSS ;Transition to EtJnk2
movlw 0xFF ;Byte we got in from previous state is junk,
movwf SSP1BUF ; the one we're clocking now is legit
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSEtBusy - MSS ;Transition to EtBusy
movf SSP1BUF,W ;If the byte we read out of the card is not all
btfsc STATUS,Z ; zeroes, deassert !CS and transition to
bra $+4 ; WaitCmd
movlb 0 ; "
bsf CS_PORT,CS_PIN ; "
retlw MSSWaitCmd - MSS; "
movlw 0xFF ;If the byte we read out of the card is all
movwf SSP1BUF ; zeroes, clock the next one out while keeping
movlb 0 ; MOSI high and stay in this state
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; "
retlw MSSEtBusy - MSS ; "
movf SSP1BUF,W ;If the byte clocked in is 0x00, clock another
btfss STATUS,Z ; byte out and return to this state
bra $+6 ; "
movlw 0xFF ; "
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlb 0 ; "
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; "
retlw MSSWrBusy - MSS ; "
btfsc M_FLAGS,M_ONGWR ;If there's an ongoing write, transition to let
retlw MSSWrEtTok - MSS; the caller send a data token if it wants to
movlw 0xFD ;Else, start an end tran token clocking
movwf SSP1BUF ; "
movlb 0 ;Clear the SSP interrupt flag because it's in
bcf PIR1,SSP1IF ; use now
retlw MSSEtJnk1 - MSS ;Transition to EtJnk1
;;; End of Program ;;;