
538 lines
12 KiB
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2018-11-16 01:50:16 +00:00
Created: 2:40 PM Thu, 18 Feb 1993
C Interface to the Apple Event Registry
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1993
All rights reserved
#ifndef __AEREGISTRY__
#define __AEREGISTRY__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __APPLEEVENTS__
#include <AppleEvents.h>
enum {
cAEList = 'list',
cApplication = 'capp',
cArc = 'carc',
cBoolean = 'bool',
cCell = 'ccel',
cChar = 'cha ',
cColorTable = 'clrt',
cColumn = 'ccol',
cDocument = 'docu',
cDrawingArea = 'cdrw',
cEnumeration = 'enum',
cFile = 'file',
cFixed = 'fixd',
cFixedPoint = 'fpnt',
cFixedRectangle = 'frct',
cGraphicLine = 'glin',
cGraphicObject = 'cgob',
cGraphicShape = 'cgsh',
cGraphicText = 'cgtx',
cGroupedGraphic = 'cpic'
enum {
cInsertionLoc = 'insl',
cInsertionPoint = 'cins',
cIntlText = 'itxt',
cIntlWritingCode = 'intl',
cItem = 'citm',
cLine = 'clin',
cLongDateTime = 'ldt ',
cLongFixed = 'lfxd',
cLongFixedPoint = 'lfpt',
cLongFixedRectangle = 'lfrc',
cLongInteger = 'long',
cLongPoint = 'lpnt',
cLongRectangle = 'lrct',
cMachineLoc = 'mLoc',
cMenu = 'cmnu',
cMenuItem = 'cmen',
cObject = 'cobj',
cObjectSpecifier = 'obj ',
cOpenableObject = 'coob',
cOval = 'covl'
enum {
cParagraph = 'cpar',
cPixel = 'cpxl',
cPixelMap = 'cpix',
cPolygon = 'cpgn',
cProperty = 'prop',
cQDPoint = 'QDpt',
cQDRectangle = 'qdrt',
cRectangle = 'crec',
cRGBColor = 'cRGB',
cRotation = 'trot',
cRoundedRectangle = 'crrc',
cRow = 'crow',
cSelection = 'csel',
cShortInteger = 'shor',
cTable = 'ctbl',
cText = 'ctxt',
cTextFlow = 'cflo',
cTextStyles = 'tsty',
cType = 'type'
enum {
cVersion = 'vers',
cWindow = 'cwin',
cWord = 'cwor',
enumArrows = 'arro',
enumJustification = 'just',
enumKeyForm = 'kfrm',
enumPosition = 'posi',
enumProtection = 'prtn',
enumQuality = 'qual',
enumSaveOptions = 'savo',
enumStyle = 'styl',
enumTransferMode = 'tran',
errAEBadKeyForm = -10002,
errAECantHandleClass = -10010,
errAECantSupplyType = -10009,
errAECantUndo = -10015,
errAEEventFailed = -10000,
errAEIndexTooLarge = -10007,
errAEInTransaction = -10011,
errAELocalOnly = -10016
enum {
errAENoSuchTransaction = -10012,
errAENotAnElement = -10008,
errAENotASingleObject = -10014,
errAENotModifiable = -10003,
errAENoUserSelection = -10013,
errAEPrivilegeError = -10004,
errAEReadDenied = -10005,
errAETypeError = -10001,
errAEWriteDenied = -10006,
formUniqueID = 'ID ',
kAEAbout = 'abou',
kAEAfter = 'afte',
kAEAliasSelection = 'sali',
kAEAllCaps = 'alcp',
kAEArrowAtEnd = 'aren',
kAEArrowAtStart = 'arst',
kAEArrowBothEnds = 'arbo',
kAEAsk = 'ask ',
kAEBefore = 'befo',
kAEBeginning = 'bgng'
enum {
kAEBeginsWith = 'bgwt',
kAEBeginTransaction = 'begi',
kAEBold = 'bold',
kAECaseSensEquals = 'cseq',
kAECentered = 'cent',
kAEChangeView = 'view',
kAEClone = 'clon',
kAEClose = 'clos',
kAECondensed = 'cond',
kAEContains = 'cont',
kAECopy = 'copy',
kAECoreSuite = 'core',
kAECountElements = 'cnte',
kAECreateElement = 'crel',
kAECreatePublisher = 'cpub',
kAECut = 'cut ',
kAEDelete = 'delo',
kAEDoObjectsExist = 'doex',
kAEDoScript = 'dosc',
kAEDrag = 'drag'
enum {
kAEDuplicateSelection = 'sdup',
kAEEditGraphic = 'edit',
kAEEmptyTrash = 'empt',
kAEEnd = 'end ',
kAEEndsWith = 'ends',
kAEEndTransaction = 'endt',
kAEEquals = '= ',
kAEExpanded = 'pexp',
kAEFast = 'fast',
kAEFinderEvents = 'FNDR',
kAEFormulaProtect = 'fpro',
kAEFullyJustified = 'full',
kAEGetClassInfo = 'qobj',
kAEGetData = 'getd',
kAEGetDataSize = 'dsiz',
kAEGetEventInfo = 'gtei',
kAEGetInfoSelection = 'sinf',
kAEGetPrivilegeSelection = 'sprv',
kAEGetSuiteInfo = 'gtsi',
kAEGreaterThan = '> '
enum {
kAEGreaterThanEquals = '>= ',
kAEGrow = 'grow',
kAEHidden = 'hidn',
kAEHiQuality = 'hiqu',
kAEImageGraphic = 'imgr',
kAEInfo = 11,
kAEIsUniform = 'isun',
kAEItalic = 'ital',
kAELeftJustified = 'left',
kAELessThan = '< ',
kAELessThanEquals = '<= ',
kAELowercase = 'lowc',
kAEMain = 0,
kAEMakeObjectsVisible = 'mvis',
kAEMiscStandards = 'misc',
kAEModifiable = 'modf',
kAEMove = 'move',
kAENo = 'no ',
kAENoArrow = 'arno',
kAENonmodifiable = 'nmod'
enum {
kAEOpen = 'odoc',
kAEOpenSelection = 'sope',
kAEOutline = 'outl',
kAEPageSetup = 'pgsu',
kAEPaste = 'past',
kAEPlain = 'plan',
kAEPrint = 'pdoc',
kAEPrintSelection = 'spri',
kAEPrintWindow = 'pwin',
kAEPutAwaySelection = 'sput',
kAEQDAddOver = 'addo',
kAEQDAddPin = 'addp',
kAEQDAdMax = 'admx',
kAEQDAdMin = 'admn',
kAEQDBic = 'bic ',
kAEQDBlend = 'blnd',
kAEQDCopy = 'cpy ',
kAEQDNotBic = 'nbic',
kAEQDNotCopy = 'ncpy',
kAEQDNotOr = 'ntor'
enum {
kAEQDNotXor = 'nxor',
kAEQDOr = 'or ',
kAEQDSubOver = 'subo',
kAEQDSubPin = 'subp',
kAEQDSupplementalSuite = 'qdsp',
kAEQDXor = 'xor ',
kAEQuickdrawSuite = 'qdrw',
kAERedo = 'redo',
kAERegular = 'regl',
kAEReplace = 'rplc',
kAERequiredSuite = 'reqd',
kAERestart = 'rest',
kAERevealSelection = 'srev',
kAERevert = 'rvrt',
kAERightJustified = 'rght',
kAESave = 'save',
kAESelect = 'slct',
kAESetData = 'setd',
kAESetPosition = 'posn',
kAEShadow = 'shad'
enum {
kAESharing = 13,
kAEShowClipboard = 'shcl',
kAEShutDown = 'shut',
kAESleep = 'slep',
kAESmallCaps = 'smcp',
kAESpecialClassProperties = 'c@#!',
kAEStrikethrough = 'strk',
kAESubscript = 'sbsc',
kAESuperscript = 'spsc',
kAETableSuite = 'tbls',
kAETextSuite = 'TEXT',
kAETransactionTerminated = 'ttrm',
kAEUnderline = 'undl',
kAEUndo = 'undo',
kAEWholeWordEquals = 'wweq',
kAEYes = 'yes ',
kAEZoom = 'zoom',
kByCommentView = 6,
kByDateView = 3,
kByIconView = 1
enum {
kByKindView = 5,
kByLabelView = 7,
kByNameView = 2,
kBySizeView = 4,
kBySmallIcon = 0,
kByVersionView = 8,
keyAEAngle = 'kang',
keyAEArcAngle = 'parc',
keyAEBaseAddr = 'badd',
keyAEBestType = 'pbst',
keyAEBgndColor = 'kbcl',
keyAEBgndPattern = 'kbpt',
keyAEBounds = 'pbnd',
keyAECellList = 'kclt',
keyAEClassID = 'clID',
keyAEColor = 'colr',
keyAEColorTable = 'cltb',
keyAECurveHeight = 'kchd',
keyAECurveWidth = 'kcwd',
keyAEDashStyle = 'pdst'
enum {
keyAEData = 'data',
keyAEDefaultType = 'deft',
keyAEDefinitionRect = 'pdrt',
keyAEDescType = 'dstp',
keyAEDestination = 'dest',
keyAEDoAntiAlias = 'anta',
keyAEDoDithered = 'gdit',
keyAEDoRotate = 'kdrt',
keyAEDoScale = 'ksca',
keyAEDoTranslate = 'ktra',
keyAEEditionFileLoc = 'eloc',
keyAEElements = 'elms',
keyAEEndPoint = 'pend',
keyAEEventClass = 'evcl',
keyAEEventID = 'evti',
keyAEFile = 'kfil',
keyAEFileType = 'fltp',
keyAEFillColor = 'flcl',
keyAEFillPattern = 'flpt',
keyAEFlipHorizontal = 'kfho'
enum {
keyAEFlipVertical = 'kfvt',
keyAEFont = 'font',
keyAEFormula = 'pfor',
keyAEGraphicObjects = 'gobs',
keyAEID = 'ID ',
keyAEImageQuality = 'gqua',
keyAEInsertHere = 'insh',
keyAEKeyForms = 'keyf',
keyAEKeyword = 'kywd',
keyAELevel = 'levl',
keyAELineArrow = 'arro',
keyAEName = 'pnam',
keyAENewElementLoc = 'pnel',
keyAEObject = 'kobj',
keyAEObjectClass = 'kocl',
keyAEOffStyles = 'ofst',
keyAEOnStyles = 'onst',
keyAEParameters = 'prms',
keyAEParamFlags = 'pmfg',
keyAEPenColor = 'ppcl'
enum {
keyAEPenPattern = 'pppa',
keyAEPenWidth = 'ppwd',
keyAEPixelDepth = 'pdpt',
keyAEPixMapMinus = 'kpmm',
keyAEPMTable = 'kpmt',
keyAEPointList = 'ptlt',
keyAEPointSize = 'ptsz',
keyAEPosition = 'kpos',
keyAEPropData = 'prdt',
keyAEProperties = 'qpro',
keyAEProperty = 'kprp',
keyAEPropFlags = 'prfg',
keyAEPropID = 'prop',
keyAEProtection = 'ppro',
keyAERenderAs = 'kren',
keyAERequestedType = 'rtyp',
keyAEResult = '----',
keyAEResultInfo = 'rsin',
keyAERotation = 'prot',
keyAERotPoint = 'krtp'
enum {
keyAERowList = 'krls',
keyAESaveOptions = 'savo',
keyAEScale = 'pscl',
keyAEScriptTag = 'psct',
keyAEShowWhere = 'show',
keyAEStartAngle = 'pang',
keyAEStartPoint = 'pstp',
keyAEStyles = 'ksty',
keyAESuiteID = 'suit',
keyAEText = 'ktxt',
keyAETextColor = 'ptxc',
keyAETextFont = 'ptxf',
keyAETextPointSize = 'ptps',
keyAETextStyles = 'txst',
keyAETheText = 'thtx',
keyAETransferMode = 'pptm',
keyAETranslation = 'ptrs',
keyAETryAsStructGraf = 'toog',
keyAEUniformStyles = 'ustl',
keyAEUpdateOn = 'pupd'
enum {
keyAEUserTerm = 'utrm',
keyAEWindow = 'wndw',
keyAEWritingCode = 'wrcd',
keyMiscellaneous = 'fmsc',
keySelection = 'fsel',
keyWindow = 'kwnd',
pArcAngle = 'parc',
pBackgroundColor = 'pbcl',
pBackgroundPattern = 'pbpt',
pBestType = 'pbst',
pBounds = 'pbnd',
pClass = 'pcls',
pClipboard = 'pcli',
pColor = 'colr',
pColorTable = 'cltb',
pContents = 'pcnt',
pCornerCurveHeight = 'pchd',
pCornerCurveWidth = 'pcwd',
pDashStyle = 'pdst',
pDefaultType = 'deft'
enum {
pDefinitionRect = 'pdrt',
pEnabled = 'enbl',
pEndPoint = 'pend',
pFillColor = 'flcl',
pFillPattern = 'flpt',
pFont = 'font',
pFormula = 'pfor',
pGraphicObjects = 'gobs',
pHasCloseBox = 'hclb',
pHasTitleBar = 'ptit',
pID = 'ID ',
pIndex = 'pidx',
pInsertionLoc = 'pins',
pIsFloating = 'isfl',
pIsFrontProcess = 'pisf',
pIsModal = 'pmod',
pIsModified = 'imod',
pIsResizable = 'prsz',
pIsStationeryPad = 'pspd',
pIsZoomable = 'iszm'
enum {
pIsZoomed = 'pzum',
pItemNumber = 'itmn',
pJustification = 'pjst',
pLineArrow = 'arro',
pMenuID = 'mnid',
pName = 'pnam',
pNewElementLoc = 'pnel',
pPenColor = 'ppcl',
pPenPattern = 'pppa',
pPenWidth = 'ppwd',
pPixelDepth = 'pdpt',
pPointList = 'ptlt',
pPointSize = 'ptsz',
pProtection = 'ppro',
pRotation = 'prot',
pScale = 'pscl',
pScript = 'scpt',
pScriptTag = 'psct',
pSelected = 'selc',
pSelection = 'sele'
enum {
pStartAngle = 'pang',
pStartPoint = 'pstp',
pTextColor = 'ptxc',
pTextFont = 'ptxf',
pTextItemDelimiters = 'txdl',
pTextPointSize = 'ptps',
pTextStyles = 'txst',
pTransferMode = 'pptm',
pTranslation = 'ptrs',
pUniformStyles = 'ustl',
pUpdateOn = 'pupd',
pUserSelection = 'pusl',
pVersion = 'vers',
pVisible = 'pvis',
typeAEText = 'tTXT',
typeArc = 'carc',
typeBest = 'best',
typeCell = 'ccel',
typeClassInfo = 'gcli',
typeColorTable = 'clrt'
enum {
typeColumn = 'ccol',
typeDashStyle = 'tdas',
typeData = 'tdta',
typeDrawingArea = 'cdrw',
typeElemInfo = 'elin',
typeEnumeration = 'enum',
typeEPS = 'EPS ',
typeEventInfo = 'evin',
typeFinderWindow = 'fwin',
typeFixed = 'fixd',
typeFixedPoint = 'fpnt',
typeFixedRectangle = 'frct',
typeGraphicLine = 'glin',
typeGraphicText = 'cgtx',
typeGroupedGraphic = 'cpic',
typeInsertionLoc = 'insl',
typeIntlText = 'itxt',
typeIntlWritingCode = 'intl',
typeLongDateTime = 'ldt ',
typeLongFixed = 'lfxd'
enum {
typeLongFixedPoint = 'lfpt',
typeLongFixedRectangle = 'lfrc',
typeLongPoint = 'lpnt',
typeLongRectangle = 'lrct',
typeMachineLoc = 'mLoc',
typeOval = 'covl',
typeParamInfo = 'pmin',
typePict = 'PICT',
typePixelMap = 'cpix',
typePixMapMinus = 'tpmm',
typePolygon = 'cpgn',
typePropInfo = 'pinf',
typeQDPoint = 'QDpt',
typeQDRectangle = 'qdrt',
typeRectangle = 'crec',
typeRGB16 = 'tr16',
typeRGB96 = 'tr96',
typeRGBColor = 'cRGB',
typeRotation = 'trot',
typeRoundedRectangle = 'crrc'
enum {
typeRow = 'crow',
typeScrapStyles = 'styl',
typeScript = 'scpt',
typeStyledText = 'STXT',
typeSuiteInfo = 'suin',
typeTable = 'ctbl',
typeTextStyles = 'tsty',
typeTIFF = 'TIFF',
typeVersion = 'vers',
zoomIn = 7,
zoomOut = 8
struct WritingCode {
ScriptCode theScriptCode;
LangCode theLangCode;
typedef struct WritingCode WritingCode;
struct IntlText {
ScriptCode theScriptCode;
LangCode theLangCode;
char theText[1];
/* variable length data */
typedef struct IntlText IntlText;