BuildCubeE/BootableMPW/AutoQuit Info/AutoQuit.c
2018-11-06 08:11:48 +08:00

279 lines
6.2 KiB

Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Pratt
You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms
of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy
of the license along with this file; see the file COPYING.
This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
license for more details.
#include <types.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <SegLoad.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <TextEdit.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <ShutDown.h>
#include <Traps.h>
#include <Scrap.h>
typedef unsigned long ui5b;
typedef unsigned short ui4b;
typedef unsigned char ui3b;
typedef long si5b;
typedef short si4b;
typedef char si3b;
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#define kdCtlPosition 16
#define kDSK_Block_Base 0x00F40000
#define kDSK_QuitOnEject 3
#define SonyVarsPtr 0x0134
#define kcom_checkval 0x841339E2
#define kcom_callcheck 0x5B17
#define kDiskDriverExtension 0x4C9219E6
struct MyDriverDat_R {
ui5b zeroes[4];
ui5b checkval;
ui5b pokeaddr;
typedef struct MyDriverDat_R MyDriverDat_R;
#define DSKDat_checkval 0
#define DSKDat_extension 2
#define DSKDat_commnd 4
#define DSKDat_result 6
#define DSKDat_params 8
#define DSKDat_TotSize 32
#define kCmndFindExtnFind 1
#define kCmndFindExtnId2Code 2
#define kCmndFindExtnCount 3
#define kCmndDiskNDrives 1
#define kCmndDiskRead 2
#define kCmndDiskWrite 3
#define kCmndDiskEject 4
#define kCmndDiskGetSize 5
#define kCmndDiskGetCallBack 6
#define kCmndDiskSetCallBack 7
#define kCmndDiskQuitOnEject 8
#define kParamVersion 8
#define kParamFindExtnTheExtn 8
#define kParamFindExtnTheId 12
#define ROMBase 0x02AE
#define UTableBase 0x011C
#define UnitTableEntryCount 0x01D2
#define VCBQHead 0x358
#define get_long(x) (*((ui5b *)(x)))
#define get_word(x) (*((ui4b *)(x)))
#define get_byte(x) (*((ui3b *)(x)))
#define put_long(x, v) (*((ui5b *)(x))) = (v)
#define put_word(x, v) (*((ui4b *)(x))) = (v)
#define put_byte(x, v) (*((ui3b *)(x))) = (v)
QDGlobals qd;
static TrapType GetTrapType(short theTrap)
if ((theTrap & 0x0800) != 0) {
return ToolTrap;
} else {
return OSTrap;
static short NumToolboxTraps(void)
if (NGetTrapAddress(_InitGraf, ToolTrap)
== NGetTrapAddress(0xAA6E, ToolTrap))
return 0x200;
} else {
return 0x400;
static Boolean TrapAvailable(short trap_num)
TrapType type;
type = GetTrapType(trap_num);
if (type == ToolTrap) {
trap_num &= 0x07ff;
if (trap_num > NumToolboxTraps()) {
return false;
} else {
return NGetTrapAddress(trap_num, type)
!= NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented, ToolTrap);
#define MKC_Shift 0x38
Don't have 'main', and instead have a bit of assembly
language call 'MyStart', to avoid the glue code of
a development environment that doesn't really support
Macintosh 128K
void MyStart(void);
void MyStart(void)
ui3b theKeys[16];
MyDriverDat_R *SonyVars;
GetKeys(*(KeyMap *)theKeys);
if ((theKeys[MKC_Shift / 8] & (1 << (MKC_Shift & 7))) == 0) {
/* shift key not pressed */
SonyVars = (MyDriverDat_R *)get_long(SonyVarsPtr);
if ((SonyVars != NULL)
&& ((1 & (ui5b)SonyVars) == 0)
/* for emulators like sheepshaver */
&& (SonyVars->zeroes[0] == 0)
&& (SonyVars->zeroes[1] == 0)
&& (SonyVars->zeroes[2] == 0)
/* && (SonyVars->zeroes[3] == 0) */
ui5b pokeaddr = SonyVars->pokeaddr;
if ((SonyVars->checkval == kcom_checkval)
&& (pokeaddr != 0))
/* have new Mini vMac extension mechanism */
ui3b DskDatV[DSKDat_TotSize];
ui4b DistExtnId;
put_word(DskDatV + DSKDat_checkval, kcom_callcheck);
put_word(DskDatV + DSKDat_extension, 0);
put_word(DskDatV + DSKDat_commnd, kCmndFindExtnFind);
put_long(DskDatV + kParamFindExtnTheExtn,
put_long(pokeaddr, (ui5b)&DskDatV);
if (get_word(DskDatV + DSKDat_checkval) == 0) {
DistExtnId =
get_word(DskDatV + kParamFindExtnTheId);
put_word(DskDatV + DSKDat_checkval, kcom_callcheck);
put_word(DskDatV + DSKDat_extension, DistExtnId);
put_word(DskDatV + DSKDat_commnd,
put_long(pokeaddr, (ui5b)&DskDatV);
} else {
/* see if this is old Mini vMac */
Ptr StartAddr = *(Ptr *)ROMBase;
if (StartAddr == (Ptr)0x00400000) {
ui5b CheckSum = get_long(StartAddr);
if ((CheckSum == 0x4D1EEEE1)
|| (CheckSum == 0x4D1EEAE1)
|| (CheckSum == 0x4D1F8172))
/* this is a Mac Plus, now check for patches */
if ((get_word(StartAddr + 3450) == 0x6022)
&& (get_word(StartAddr + 3752) == 0x4E71)
&& (get_word(StartAddr + 3728) == 0x4E71))
/* yes, this is old Mini vMac */
((short *)kDSK_Block_Base)[kDSK_QuitOnEject]
= 1;
if (TrapAvailable(_ShutDown)) {
} else {
manual shutdown, following description of Shutdown
manager in Inside Mac Vol V.
int i;
ParamBlockRec r;
ui5b *UTable = (ui5b *)get_long(UTableBase);
ui4b UCount = get_word(UnitTableEntryCount);
VCBPtr vcbp;
VCBPtr nextvcbp;
for (i = 0; i < UCount; ++i) {
DCtlHandle h = (DCtlHandle)UTable[i];
if (h != NULL) {
if (((*h)->dCtlFlags & (1 << dNeedGoodBye)) != 0) {
r.cntrlParam.ioCompletion = NULL;
r.cntrlParam.ioVRefNum = 0;
r.cntrlParam.ioCRefNum = (*h)->dCtlRefNum;
r.cntrlParam.csCode = -1;
(void) UnloadScrap();
vcbp = (VCBPtr)get_long(VCBQHead);
while (vcbp != NULL) {
nextvcbp = (VCBPtr)vcbp->qLink;
r.ioParam.ioCompletion = NULL;
r.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
r.ioParam.ioVRefNum = vcbp->vcbVRefNum;
(void) PBEject(&r);
(void) PBUnmountVol(&r);
vcbp = nextvcbp;
in case haven't actually quit by now.
documentation mentions something about
async component of PBEject.
while (1) {
EventRecord theEvent;
(void)GetNextEvent(everyEvent, &theEvent);