all: @echo "You didn't read NOTES and doc/ did you?" @echo @echo "First two steps are: Configure and gen.makes" include: . (cd netat; make install) libsmade: (cd lib/cap; make) (cd lib/afp; make) (cd lib/afpc; make) touch libsmade libinstall: libsmade (cd lib/cap; make install) (cd lib/afp; make install) (cd lib/afpc; make install) touch libinstall programs: libinstall -(cd etc; make) -(cd samples; make) -(cd contrib; make) -(cd applications; make) -(cd support/uab; make) -(cd support/capd; make) -(cd support/ethertalk; make) touch programs install: libinstall programs -(cd etc; make install) -(cd samples; make install) -(cd contrib; make install) -(cd applications; make install) -(cd support/uab; make install) -(cd support/capd; make install) -(cd support/ethertalk; make install) cap.shar: listtodist cap.dist shar cap.tar: listtodist cap.dist tar dist: @cat todist @(cd netat; make dist) @(cd lib; make dist) @(cd etc; make dist) @(cd samples; make dist) @(cd contrib; make dist) @(cd extras; make dist) @(cd doc; make dist) @(cd man; make dist) @(cd applications; make dist) clean: -rm -f m4.tmp -rm -f libsmade -rm -f programs -rm -f libinstall -(cd netat; make clean) -(cd man; make clean) -(cd doc; make clean) -(cd lib; make clean) -(cd etc; make clean) -(cd samples; make clean) -(cd contrib; make clean) -(cd extras; make clean) -(cd applications; make clean) -(cd support/uab; make clean) -(cd support/capd; make clean) -(cd support/ethertalk; make clean) spotless: -rm -f *.orig -rm -f m4.tmp -rm -f libsmade -rm -f programs -rm -f libinstall -(cd netat; make spotless) -(cd man; make spotless) -(cd doc; make spotless) -(cd lib; make spotless) -(cd etc; make spotless) -(cd samples; make spotless) -(cd contrib; make spotless) -(cd extras; make spotless) -(cd applications; make spotless) -(cd support/uab; make spotless) -(cd support/capd; make spotless) -(cd support/ethertalk; make spotless)