To use the laserwriters, you must have a login name on one of the Unix machines. You must set the name of your Macintosh to your Unix login name. If you are running System version 6.0.7 or earlier in your Macintosh, select "Chooser" from the Apple menu and change the name to your Unix login name. If you are using System version 7.0 or later, start "Sharing Setup" from the "Control Panels" folder and fill in your login name under "Owner Name". If you really like to have a special name, you can ask the systems group to have your special name registered. OzTeX users: In order to print properly you must add one line to the and files. Be sure that they start with these two lines: %! %%For: username The first line should already be there. Replace username by the name you have in the Chooser, subject to the same restrictions as above. The SystemsGroup.