cap60/applications/lwsrv/README Last update: Mon Aug 28 10:08:35 EST 1995 LWSRV is a LaserWriter print spooler that runs on a UNIX workstation. In normal operation, LWSRV registers an NBP name (as specified by the -n command line argument) of NBP type 'LaserWriter' on the local AppleTalk Network. It accepts print jobs from Macintosh workstations and submits them to the standard UNIX print queue (using lpr or lp) for printing. A single LWSRV process may be used to advertise a number of LaserWriter spoolers. LWSRV is also multi-threaded in that it accepts multiple incoming print jobs. This release of LWSRV builds as two versions, 'lwsrv' for use with LaserWriter drivers version 7.N and earlier, and 'lwsrv8' for use with LaserWriter drivers version 8.N and later that support level 3 DSC queries. In some future release, 'lwsrv8' will replace the current 'lwsrv' which is currently included for backward compatibility. For more information, see: cap60/man/lwsrv.8 cap60/man/papif.8 cap60/doc/print.cookbook "Inside Appletalk, 2nd Edition", Sidhu/Andrews/Oppenheimer Chapter 14, "Print Spooling Architecture". Setting up ------- -- Before you can use LWSRV, you need to already have the ability to send UNIX print jobs to a Postcript printer using the UNIX lpr(1) or lp(1) print commands. You can do this with a serial-line connected printer, or via the CAP 'papif' program to an AppleTalk connected LaserWriter (see cap60/doc/print.cookbook or if on a Solaris host, use the script cap60/applications/papif/add_at_printer). The LWSRV program is normally started from the 'start-cap-servers' file which is run at UNIX boot time by an 'rc' startup script. An example file is provided in the CAP distribution as cap60/etc/start-cap-servers. lwsrv for LaserWriter 7.N and below ----- --- ----------- --- --- ----- To use the 'lwsrv' program, you need to provide it with at least four, usually five command-line arguments; -n nameOfPrinter -p unixPrintQueue -a dictionaryDirectory -f fontFile The "nameOfPrinter" is the name to be advertised in the Macintosh Chooser. It cannot be the same name as another LaserWriter or print spooler. The "unixPrintQueue" is the string you normally provide as the lpr -P option to send jobs to a Postscript printer. "dictionaryDirectory" is a directory where LWSRV can keep copies of any printer dictionaries (procsets) that it uploads. This would normally be "/usr/local/lib/cap/procsets". "fontFile" is the name of a file that lists the fonts available for the printer. This would normally be "/usr/local/lib/cap/LWPlusFonts" which you copy from cap60/applications/lwsrv/LWPlusFonts. When using 'lwsrv' with System 7, you should also specify the -N option which indicates to 'lwsrv' that it should not collect new Procsets. There are other possible command line options, including the -k option to prevent DDP checksums from breaking some printers, see cap60/man/lwsrv.8. lwsrv8 for LaserWriter 8.N ------ --- ----------- --- This is the version of LWSRV that supports level 3 DSC queries as used by the Macintosh LaserWriter 8.N drivers. 'lwsrv8' also supports use of a configuration file which can contain the normal command line options to LWSRV, answers for level 3 DSC queries and a pointer to a library database of templates that describe the features associated with each printer. To set up 'lwsrv8', copy the file 'DBfile' to /usr/local/lib/cap, then cd /usr/local/lib/cap lwsrvconfig -c DB DBfile mkdir procsets This creates an ndbm(3) database of the printer descriptions available in DBfile. If the printer you have is not included in DBfile, send the Postscript file '' to your printer, transcribe the printed settings to DBFile and re-run 'lwsrvconfig'. See the 'lwsrvconfig' description below. You then need to edit the file "lwsrv.conf" to add your printer NBP name, include an appropriate printer description and UNIX printer queue. The following is an example of a simple "lwsrv.conf" configuration file that contains an entry naming the library database, the 'lwsrv8' options and the specification for spooler name and name of the UNIX print queue. Library = /usr/local/lib/cap/DB; Options = ( DontCollect; ProcsetDir /usr/local/lib/cap/procsets; FontFile /usr/local/lib/cap/LW+Fonts; ); "Technical Services Spool" = ( include "LaserWriter IIf"; printerqueue lw.tsa; ); This would be run as lwsrv8 /usr/local/lib/cap/lwsrv.conf and is approximately equivalent to running 'lwsrv' as lwsrv -N -a /usr/local/lib/cap/procsets -f /usr/local/lib/cap/LW+Fonts -n "Technical Services Spool" -p lw.tsa The 'include "LaserWriter IIf"' entry includes information from the DB database that describes features associated with the printer, in this case a LaserWriter IIf. The DBfile entry for a IIf is "LaserWriter IIf" = ( include "LaserWriter Plus"; FeatureQuery *ColorDevice Unknown; FeatureQuery *LanguageLevel '"2"'; FeatureQuery *PSVersion '"(2010.113) 1"'; FeatureQuery *FreeVM '"2381689"'; FeatureQuery *TTRasterizer Type42; FeatureQuery *Product '"(LaserWriter IIf)"'; Query ADORamSize '"8388608"'; ); Note that a base set of entries, including a font list, is included from the "LaserWriter Plus" DBfile description. There are some new compile time options for 'lwsrv8'. One new option is -DJOBNOPAREN (append to CFLAGS in makefile). This option replaces any parenthesis () in the job string with square brackets []. The only reason for this if you have a spooler (like that for the DEC PrintServer 20) that doesn't handle parenthesis very intelligently when printing the job string on the banner page. Another new compile time option is -DTIMESTAMP (append to LWFLAGS in makefile). This puts a time stamp on log messages. lwsrvconfig ----------- The program 'lwsrvconfig' has two main uses. First, it is used to create databases of templates, using the ndbm routines (if you don't have ndbm, but do have the older dbm routines, use -DNONDBM). % lwsrvconfig -c DB DBfile will read the file "DBfile" and then create a set of dbm database DB.dat, DB.dir and DB.pag (where the "DB" root in the name is the argument after the -c). Secondly, 'lwsrvconfig' can be used to scan configuration files for syntax errors. 'lwsrvconfig' reads a configuration file and parses it the same way as 'lwsrv8' does and reports any errors it finds. It outputs the printer options to standard output. The -v option will, in addition, output all templates used. % lwsrvconfig lwsrv.conf % lwsrvconfig -v lwsrv.conf Terminology ----------- Options are divided into two types. Global options pertain to all printers spooled by a lwsrv process. Per-printer options usually pertain to each particular printer spooled by a lwsrv process. Refer to the lwsrv.8 manual entry for command line option details. Global Option Options Name -C LPRCommand -S Singlefork -X AUFSSecurity -d Debug -l Logfile -v Verbose Per-Printer Option Options Name -A DSC -L LPRArgument -N NoCollect -P PassThru -R NeXTResolution -T TranScriptOption -a ProcsetDir -e AllowEEXEC -f FontFile -h SuppressBanner -k NoChecksum -q QueryFile -r KeepSpoolFile -t TraceFile Each 'lwsrv8' spooler is specified by a spooler name and a lpr printer name. These correspond with the -n and -p options. Global options are those that come before the first -n and -p options. The per-printer options come after the -n and -p options, but before the next -n and -p set. A per-printer option specified before the first -n and -p options becomes global and so applies to all printers, unless overridden by on a per-printer basis. A global option specified after the first -n and -p options still has global scope. (Note: there is currently no way to turn off the effect of a per-printer option used globally on a per-printer basis.) Examples -------- % lwsrv8 -S -n "My Spooler" -p lp2 -a myprocsets -f myfonts \ -n "Another Spooler" -p lp4 -a procset3 -f morefonts The two spoolers have their own set of procset directories and font files. The -S specifies singleforking for both spoolers. % lwsrv8 -a procsets -f fonts -n "Jane's Spooler" -p janelp \ -n "John's Spooler" -p johnlp -f johnfonts -l logfile -T crtolf The two spoolers share the same procset directory and would have shared the same font file if "John's Spooler" had not overridden the font file using "johnfonts". "John's Spooler" also specifies the -T crtolf option, whereas "Jane's Spooler" does not. Even though -l logfile is specified for "John's Spooler", since it is a global option, it still applies to both spoolers. Using a Configuration File ----- - ------------- ---- You can specify a configuration file which lwsrv uses for all its options: % lwsrv lwsrv.conf [db] where db is an optional library of templates (created by lwsrvconfig). In the configuration file, statements have the following syntax: Name = Value; Statements with multiple values are included in parenthesis or curly brackets: Name = ( Value1; Value2 argument; (etc...) ); (The parser is free-form; indentation is used for readability only.) Names, values and arguments can be quoted if they contain whitespace or other special characters. Either single or double quotes can be used, especially to quote the other kind: Value '"Quoted Argument"'; Two single or double quotes in a row means a single occurrence of that character: Value John''s; The configuration file is composed of three parts, of which only the last part is required. The first (optional) part is the Library section, specified with the "Library" keyword: Library = DB; If specified, the Library option specifies a library of templates (this is overridden by the command line argument). In this example, DB is taken to be the root of the ndbm files, DB.dat, DB.dir and DB.pag. The second (option) part are the global options, specified with the "Options" keyword: Options = ( -S; LogFile logfile; ); Options can be either the commandline option (like -S) or the option name (like SingleFork, matched case-insensitively). The last part of the configuration file includes templates and printer definitions. Here is the above examples in configuration file format: Options = -S; "My Spooler" = ( -p lp2; -a myprocsets; -f myfonts; ); "Another Spooler" = ( -p lp4; -a procset3; -f morefonts; ); Using option names for the second example: Options = ( ProcsetDir procsets; FontFile fonts; ); "Jane's Spooler" = PrinterQueue janelp; "John's Spooler" = ( PrinterQueue johnlp; FontFile johnfonts; LogFile logfile; TranScriptOption crtolf; ); These examples don't use templates, nor do they include the ability to respond to LaserWriter 8.0 queries. Here is an example of both the use of templates and queries: Options = ( ProcsetDir procsets; LogFile logfile; ); "LaserWriter Plus" = ( Query ADOIsBinaryOK? True; FeatureQuery *ColorDevice False; FeatureQuery *FaxSupport None; FeatureQuery *LanguageLevel '"1"'; FeatureQuery *TTRasterizer None; Query ADOSpooler spooler; FeatureQuery *?Resolution 300dpi; FeatureQuery *PSVersion '"(42.2) 3"'; FeatureQuery *FreeVM '"172414"'; FeatureQuery *Product '"(LaserWriter Plus)"'; font ( AvantGarde-Book, AvantGarde-BookOblique, AvantGarde-Demi, AvantGarde-DemiOblique, Bookman-Demi, Bookman-DemiItalic, Bookman-Light, Bookman-LightItalic, Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-BoldOblique, Courier-Oblique, Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-BoldOblique, Helvetica-Narrow, Helvetica-Narrow-Bold, Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique, Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique, Helvetica-Oblique, NewCenturySchlbk-Bold, NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic, NewCenturySchlbk-Italic, NewCenturySchlbk-Roman, Palatino-Bold, Palatino-BoldItalic, Palatino-Italic, Palatino-Roman, Symbol, Times-Bold, Times-BoldItalic, Times-Italic, Times-Roman, ZapfChancery-MediumItalic, ZapfDingbats, ); ); "My Spooler" = ( include "LaserWriter Plus"; printerqueue lp1; ); "LaserWriter Plus" is a template, because it does not include a printerqueue (-p) option, and so does not correspond to a real printer. Templates can be included in the definition of a real printer (or another template) by the use of the include keyword. Templates can be nested to any depth, and can even be forward-referenced in the file (the scan is two pass in nature, so forward references are taken care of). Note that the "font" resource definition is used instead of the FontFile option. An important aspect of templates is that when a printer (or another template) definition includes a template, the value structures in memory are actually shared, thus saving on memory usage. When a value is overridden, a new value structure is created in memory. Note that printers can also be included, like any other template: "My Trace Spooler" = ( include "My Spooler"; TraceFile TRACE; ); The library file contains printer template definitions, which can be used by a configuration file: Library = DB; Options = ( LogFile logfile; ProcsetDir procsets; ); "My Printer" = ( include "QMS-PS 410"; printerqueue qmslp; ); "Another Printer" = ( include "LaserWriter IIg"; printerqueue lp5; FeatureQuery *FreeVM '"3579932"'; Query ADORamSize '"5242880"'; ); Note that you can override queries, as in the above example, where "Another Printer" has only 5 MB of memory instead of the 8 MB specified in the database. Creating Templates -------- --------- There is a file, "", that contains PostScript code that will print the answers to the LaserWriter 8.0 queries. Just send the file to the printer. Or you can edit the file and remove the beginning section of the file, so that the responses go to the printer's standard output and then (usually) into the log file. This is especially useful if you have lots of fonts. Edit your database file (DBfile in the above examples, and as shipped with this software), and add the next template. Then run lwsrvconfig to rebuild the database: % lwsrvconfig -c DB DBfile Future Possibilities ------ ------------- lwsrvconfig could be made to build its database from a set of files in a directory rather than a single file. This could make maintaining the database a bit easier. lwsrvconfig should have a option to dump the contents of the database into a text format that can be used to recreate the database. Summary of Changes from the Original lwsrv ------- -- ------- ---- --- -------- ----- Many existing routines, as well as all the new routines rely on a set of functions provided in list.c. The List structure is a variable length list of arbitrary objects. Normally, the order of objects in a List is significant, or it can be sorted and a binary search can be used to search through the List. The KVTree structure is an AVL (self-balancing, binary) tree of key-value pairs. This is used for binary searching and replacement of key-values. The printer_instance structure has been moved to query.h, and has been expanded to allow many more options to be specified on a per-printer basis. Now only the -X, -C, -S, -d, -v and -l options apply to all printers, while -T, -e, -N, -r, -h, -k, -a, -f, -t, -A, -L, -P and -R are per-printer flags. The -n and -p flags are used to specify a printer. When the other per-printer flags are specified before the first -n or -p, they are taken as defaults values for all subsequent printers. The per-printer options used after the -n and -p options will override the default options. lwsrv8 can be called without options as in: lwsrv8 lwsrv.config [database] where "lwsrv.config" is the name of a text file that contains configuration information. This not only includes the normal options to lwsrv, but also the answers to PostScript queries, as used in LaserWriter 8.0. For example, the line: FeatureQuery *ColorDevice False; in "lwsrv.config" for a particular printer, causes the PostScript query: %%?BeginFeatureQuery: *ColorDevice (PostScript code...) %%?EndFeatureQuery: Unknown to be answered with "False". Resources (such as fonts, patterns, but not procsets, since we still use the original lwsrv way of doing this, namely to scan a specified directory for procset resources) can also be specified: font = ( Times-Roman, Times-Italics, ... ); A template is a set of options and/or query responses, and may include other templates and override values, but can not specify a Unix printer name (-p). "LaserWriter Plus" = ( include LaserWriter; FeatureQuery *Product '"LaserWriter Plus"'; ... ); A printer is like a template, but does include the Unix printer name. "My Spooler" = ( include "LaserWriter IIg"; PrinterQueue lp; ... ); Options can be entered using the original lwsrv option (like -p) or with a case-insensitive name (like PrinterQueue). The option second argument "database" is a ndbm (or dbm) database of templates that will be used to satisfy unknown template references in the "config" file. The database can also be specified in the configuration file itself, as the first line: Database db; The reading of the configuration file and the building of the templates and printers is handled by parse.c, parsey.y (yacc) and parsel.l (lex). There is also an include file parse.h. The program lwsrvconfig is designed to do several things. First, it reads a configuration file the same way that lwsrv would, and can be used to detect syntax errors and other problems (syntax error checking is primitive, as it aborts on the first error). lwsrvconfig can also be used to create the ndbm (or dbm) database of templates. Set mode 0600 on normal temp file and 0644 on trace file. Variable "tracing" set to true if we are doing tracing. Tracing now includes responses sent back to client. These lines begin with "--lwsrv=>". scantoken() has been totally re-written, mainly to support binary data that can be sent by LaserWriter 8.0, but also to make it more modular and efficient. In addition, tokens are normally passed through (before, some were and some were not passed through) so that better post-processing of the document structure can be done. tokval() was rewritten to do binary searching of the toktbl[] (it was a linear search before). The toktbl[] has been changed to include a variable called changeecho, which tells scantoken() to either leave echoing the same (ECHO_UNCHANGED), turn off echoing before dumping out the current token (ECHO_OFF) or turn on echoing but after trying to dump out the current token (ECHO_ON). A new flag -q specifies a file in which unknown queries are written. This can show you when you haven't specified all the necessary queries for a printer, should allow more easy updates to the query responses when future LaserWriter driver come out. NewStatus() now works even multi-forked. Status is written to a shared file named .lwsrvstatusXXXXX, where XXXXX is the process id of the original server. abpaps.c has been modified to provide a callback function when a status reply or an open reply occur. The callback function for the status calls checks to see if the requesting node is one with an open connection. If so, the status is read from the shared file and returned. For all other nodes, the status is either "idle" if there are no children running for that spooler, or "processing job(s)" if it is. scantoken() was also changed so that NewStatus() is called at the beginning of each page. The open reply callback function is used for LWSRV_AUFS_SECURITY. Just as the connection is to be opened, the callback does the usual LWSRV_AUFS_SECURITY checks and returns an error message if it fails, or sets a boolean in the aufssecurity array. The array is checked in the main loop, and the connection closed if the appropriate flag is not set. (This has not been tested.) childjob() was modified to set requname if LWSRV_AUFS_SECURITY is not set and LWSRV_LPR_LOG is set (otherwise, requname is never set and the log message contains as the user). unparen() is a routine that removes the leading left and trailing right parenthesis from a string. This is used in getjob() to remove the parenthesis in the %%For: and %%Title: fields, which LaserWriter 8.0 now adds. Without this, RUN_AS_USER fails, since there isn't a user name with parenthesis. If you define JOBNOPAREN, all (remaining) parenthesis are converted to square brackets. This is useful for spooler that print the jobname on the banner page, but don't handle parenthesis well (the DEC PrintServer 20 has problems with this, so changing to square brackets fixes the problem). You can specify a printer specified denied access message (LWSRV_AUFS_SECURITY) by specifying a "DeniedMessage" line in the configuration file: printer = ( AUFSSecurity /tmp/xxx; DeniedMessage "No can do from %s"; ... ); This string is passed through fprintf, with %s being replaced by the hostname. (Note: you will need to escape percent signs by doubling %%.) Now, when a child is forked, all other PAP connections are closed. Before, one child would wait until another child was done, even if the children were for different printers. Now the children act independently, as they should.