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- void cpyc2pstr(char *ps,*cs)
Copy a C style string to an Apple Pascal style string. Restrictions:
sizeof(*ps) must be >= 1+sizeof(*cs).
- void cpyp2cstr(char *cs,*ps)
Copy a Apple Pascal style string to C string
- pstrcpy(byte *d,s)
like strcpy, but for pascal strings
- pstrncpy(byte *s,*d; int n)
like strncpy, but for pascal strings
- int pstrlen(byte *s)
like strlen, but for pascal strings
- pstrcmp(bytes1,s2)
like strcmp, but for pascal strings
- int cmptime (struct timeval *t1,*t2)
cmptime compares two time values and returns an integer greater than,
equal to, or less than zero according to whether the time represented
in t1 is greater than, equal to, or less than t2.
- abstoreltime(struct timeval *at,*rt)
convert absolute time in at to relative time by subtracting the
current time as returned by gettimeofday.
struct TimerEntry {
struct TimerEntryt_next; pointer to next/
struct timeval t_time; timeout internal form/
ProcPtr t_fun; function to call/
caddr_t t_arg; argument for function/
- void apptoabstime(struct timval *tv,int t)
Construct actual time of timeout given unit tick 1/4 of a second.
- void Timeout(ProcPtr fun,caddr_t arg,int t)
Call "fun" with "arg" after elapsed time "t" has expired. "t" is in
internal tick units of 1/4 seconds. This unit conforms to LAP and PAP
timeout units.
- void remTimeout(ProcPtr fun, caddr_t arg);
Given the function and function arg of a pending timeout remove that
timeout from the q. Question: should we remove all instances? Should
timeout enforce a single (fun, arg) pair?
- void doTimeout()
doTimeout expires entries on the timeout queue. The timeout function
is called with the function argument, the timeout entry is unlinked
from the q and memory is returned.
doTimeout can be called at any time, if the q is empty, or no timers
have expired then no action is taken.
- boolean minTimeout(struct timeval *mt)
minTimeout returns the minimum timeout of all entries on the timeout
q. The timer records are ordered earliest first so this routine only
needs to check on the first one.
- dbugarg(char *chars)
Process the -d argument from the command line, setting debug options
in global dbug structure. a - db_atp; l - db_lap; d - db_ddp; n -
db_nbp; i - db_ini; p - db_pap;
- int setup_bds(BDS bds[]; int numbds, segsize; charbuf; int bufsiz;
atpUserDataType userdata)
Establish a bds (of size most numbds) with buffer buf of size bufsiz
set all bds userdata fields to userdata return count of bds's. More
buffer than bds is okay.
- int sizeof_bds(BDS bds[]; int numbds)
return size of BDS dataSize fields
** routines to deal with "Indexed" strings
- void IniIndStr(byte *istr)
Initialize an Indexed string for calls to AddIndStr
- void AddIndStr(char *src,byte *istr)
Add a c string to a Indexed string. The c string always is added to
the end of the indexed string.
- void GetIndStr(char *dest,byte *istr,int index)
Copy from an indexed string into a c string. Use index to select
the string entry within the indexed string type.
- int IndStrCnt(byte *istr)
Return the count of entries in an indexed string.
- int IndStrLen(byte *istr)
Return the length of the indexed string istr including the count byte.
- PrtIndStr(byte *istr)
For debugging, dump the content indexed string.
- int strcmpci(char *s, *t)
Case insensitive version of strcmp.
- int strncmpci(char *s, *t,int n)
Case insensitive version of strcmp.
- char *strdup(char *p)
duplicates the pointed to by p. returns pointer to copy or null if no
space. returns pointer to emtpy string if p is null.