2018-05-21 15:04:40 -07:00

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// BitmapFont.h
// Copyright © 2018 Ben Zotto. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "CharacterImage.h"
@interface BitmapFont : NSObject
@property (readonly) NSString * name; // Text name of font if known, derived from ID.
@property (readonly) NSInteger size; // Point size (pixels), derived from ID.
@property (readonly) BOOL isProportional; // YES if proportional; NO if fixed-width.
@property (readonly) NSInteger firstChar; // ASCII code of first character
@property (readonly) NSInteger lastChar; // ASCII code of last character
@property (readonly) NSInteger widMax; // maximum character width
@property (readonly) NSInteger kernMax; // negative of maximum character kern
@property (readonly) NSInteger nDescent; // negative of descent
@property (readonly) NSInteger fRectWidth; // width of font rectangle
@property (readonly) NSInteger fRectHeight; // height of font rectangle
@property (readonly) NSInteger ascent; // ascent
@property (readonly) NSInteger descent; // descent
@property (readonly) NSInteger leading; // leading
// Data is assumed to be an original Macintosh FONT resource in its original packed,
// big-endian format, as documented in Inside Macintosh. The resource ID is assumed
// to be a string containing only numeric digits. This routine does basic sanity
// checking on input data but is NOT exhaustively hardened against e.g. corrupt or
// maliciously-crafted data.
+ (instancetype)fontFromResourceData:(NSData *)data withResourceIdString:(NSString *)resourceId;
- (NSUInteger)countOfPresentCharacters;
- (BOOL)characterIsPresent:(NSUInteger)character;
- (CharacterImage *)imageForCharacter:(NSUInteger)character;
- (CharacterImage *)missingCharacterImage;