2004-02-15 20:46:45 +00:00
* (c) 2004 Laurent Vivier <LaurentVivier@wanadoo.fr>
2004-06-18 15:37:08 +00:00
typedef int16_t OSErr;
2005-10-06 22:07:28 +00:00
typedef unsigned char Str255[256];
2004-06-21 22:42:21 +00:00
typedef const unsigned char * ConstStr255Param;
2004-06-18 15:37:08 +00:00
enum {
2004-06-21 22:42:21 +00:00
noErr = 0,
qErr = -1,
vTypErr = -2,
corErr = -3,
unimpErr = -4,
SlpTypeErr = -5,
seNoDB = -8,
controlErr = -17,
statusErr = -18,
readErr = -19,
writErr = -20,
badUnitErr = -21,
unitEmptyErr = -22,
openErr = -23,
closErr = -24,
dRemovErr = -25,
dInstErr = -26,
paramErr = -50,
userCanceledErr = -128,
noHardwareErr = -200,
notEnoughHardwareErr = -201,
2005-10-06 22:07:28 +00:00
smNoMoresRsrcs = -344,
2004-06-18 15:37:08 +00:00
enum {
false = 0,
true = 1
2004-02-26 22:53:13 +00:00
2004-02-24 22:30:14 +00:00
struct MachineLocation
2004-06-02 17:39:10 +00:00
int32_t latitude;
int32_t longitude;
2004-02-24 22:30:14 +00:00
2004-06-02 17:39:10 +00:00
int8_t dlsDelta;
int32_t gmtDelta;
2004-02-24 22:30:14 +00:00
} u;
typedef struct MachineLocation MachineLocation;
2004-05-26 21:29:16 +00:00
/* ParamBlockRec Structure: "Inside Macintosh: Files", p. 2-87 */
enum {
fsAtMark = 0,
fsFromStart = 1,
fsFromLEOF = 2,
fsFromMark = 3
2004-06-18 15:37:08 +00:00
/* access permissions : Inside Macintosh: Devices
* http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/Devices/
enum {
fsCurPerm = 0, /* retain current permission */
fsRdPerm = 1, /* allow reads only */
fsWrPerm = 2, /* allow writes only */
fsRdWrPerm = 3 /* allow reads and writes */
2004-06-21 22:42:21 +00:00
enum {
baud150 = 763,
baud300 = 380,
baud600 = 189,
baud1200 = 94,
baud1800 = 62,
baud2400 = 46,
baud3600 = 30,
baud4800 = 22,
baud7200 = 14,
baud9600 = 10,
baud14400 = 6,
baud19200 = 4,
baud28800 = 2,
baud38400 = 1,
baud57600 = 0
enum {
data5 = 0,
data6 = 2048,
data7 = 1024,
data8 = 3072
enum {
noParity = 0,
oddParity = 4096,
evenParity = 12288
enum {
stop10 = 16384,
stop15 = -32768L,
stop20 = -16384
enum {
kSERDConfiguration = 8,
kSERDInputBuffer = 9,
kSERDSerHShake = 10,
kSERDClearBreak = 11,
kSERDSetBreak = 12,
kSERDBaudRate = 13,
kSERDHandshake = 14,
kSERDClockMIDI = 15,
kSERDMiscOptions = 16,
kSERDAssertDTR = 17,
kSERDNegateDTR = 18,
kSERDSetPEChar = 19,
kSERDSetPEAltChar = 20,
kSERDSetXOffFlag = 21,
kSERDClearXOffFlag = 22,
kSERDSendXOn = 23,
kSERDSendXOnOut = 24,
kSERDSendXOff = 25,
kSERDSendXOffOut = 26,
kSERDResetChannel = 27,
kSERDHandshakeRS232 = 28,
kSERDStickParity = 29,
kSERDAssertRTS = 30,
kSERDNegateRTS = 31,
kSERD115KBaud = 115,
kSERD230KBaud = 230
2004-05-26 21:29:16 +00:00
typedef struct ParamBlockRec ParamBlockRec_t;
struct ParamBlockRec {
2004-06-02 17:39:10 +00:00
u_int32_t qLink; /* next queue entry */
u_int16_t qType; /* queue type */
u_int16_t ioTrap; /* routine trap */
u_int32_t ioCmdAddr; /* routine address */
u_int32_t ioCompletion; /* pointer to completion routine */
u_int16_t ioResult; /* result code */
u_int32_t ioNamePtr; /* pointer to pathname */
int16_t ioVRefNum; /* volume specification */
int16_t ioRefNum; /* file reference number */
int8_t ioVersNum; /* version number */
int8_t ioPermssn; /* read/write permission */
u_int32_t ioMisc; /* miscellaneaous */
u_int32_t ioBuffer; /* data buffer */
u_int32_t ioReqCount; /* requested number of bytes */
u_int32_t ioActCount; /* actual number of bytes */
u_int16_t ioPosMode; /* positioning mode and newline char */
int32_t ioPosOffset; /* positionning offset */
2004-05-26 21:29:16 +00:00
} __attribute__((packed));
2004-06-21 22:42:21 +00:00
typedef struct ParamBlockRec ParamBlockRec;
2004-06-18 15:37:08 +00:00
typedef struct ParamBlockRec* ParmBlkPtr;
2004-05-26 21:29:16 +00:00
2004-06-21 22:42:21 +00:00
struct CntrlParam {
u_int32_t qLink;
int16_t qType;
int16_t ioTrap;
u_int32_t ioCmdAddr;
u_int32_t ioCompletion;
volatile OSErr ioResult;
char* ioNamePtr;
int16_t ioVRefNum;
int16_t ioCRefNum;
int16_t csCode;
int16_t csParam[11];
typedef struct CntrlParam CntrlParam;
typedef CntrlParam* CntrlParamPtr;
2004-05-26 21:29:16 +00:00
#define ASSERT_PBR(a) if ( sizeof(ParamBlockRec_t) != 50 ) { a }
2004-02-24 22:30:14 +00:00
2005-05-23 20:11:26 +00:00
struct Rect {
int16_t top;
int16_t left;
int16_t bottom;
int16_t right;
typedef struct Rect Rect;
typedef Rect* RectPtr;
struct Point {
int16_t v;
int16_t h;
typedef struct Point Point;
typedef Point* PointPtr;
struct BitMap {
void* baseAddr;
int16_t rowBytes;
Rect bounds;
typedef struct BitMap BitMap;
typedef BitMap* BitMapPtr;
typedef BitMapPtr* BitMapHandle;
struct Bits16 {
u_int16_t elements[16];
typedef struct Bits16 Bits16;
struct Cursor {
Bits16 data;
Bits16 mask;
Point hotSpot;
typedef struct Cursor Cursor;
typedef Cursor* CursorPtr;
typedef CursorPtr* CursorHandle;
struct Pattern {
u_int8_t pat[8];
typedef struct Pattern Pattern;
typedef void* GrafPtr;
struct QDGlobals {
int8_t privates[76];
int32_t randSeed;
BitMap screenBits;
Cursor arrow;
Pattern dkGray;
Pattern ltGray;
Pattern gray;
Pattern black;
Pattern white;
GrafPtr thePort;
typedef struct QDGlobals QDGlobals;
typedef struct QDGlobals* QDGlobalsPtr;
typedef struct QDGlobalsPtr* QDGlobalsHandle;
extern void InitGraf(void * port);
extern int glue_display_properties(unsigned long *base,
2004-02-15 20:46:45 +00:00
unsigned long *row_bytes,
unsigned long *width, unsigned long *height,
2004-02-21 01:47:02 +00:00
unsigned long *depth, unsigned long *video);
2004-06-18 15:37:08 +00:00
extern OSErr Gestalt(unsigned long selector, long * response);
2004-02-24 22:30:14 +00:00
extern void ReadLocation(MachineLocation * loc);
2004-05-25 19:30:23 +00:00
extern void* NewPtr(unsigned long byteCount);
extern void DisposePtr(void* ptr);
2005-08-31 23:35:08 +00:00
enum {
kSERDInputCount = 2, /* get available characters count (SerGetBuf) */
kSERDStatus = 8, /* get status information (SerStatus) */
kSERDVersion = 9, /* get driver version */
2004-06-18 15:37:08 +00:00
extern OSErr PBReadSync(ParamBlockRec_t* paramBlock);
2004-06-21 22:42:21 +00:00
extern OSErr PBWriteSync(ParamBlockRec_t* paramBlock);
2004-06-18 15:37:08 +00:00
extern OSErr PBOpenSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock);
extern OSErr PBCloseSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock);
extern OSErr PBControlSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock);
2005-08-31 23:35:08 +00:00
extern OSErr PBStatusSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock);
2004-08-18 23:17:17 +00:00
extern void SysError(short errorCode);
2004-12-01 00:11:36 +00:00
2005-08-21 21:22:15 +00:00
typedef u_int32_t KeyMap[4];
extern void GetKeys(KeyMap);
2005-10-06 22:07:28 +00:00
enum {
sRsrcType = 1, /* Type of sResource */
sRsrcName = 2, /* Name of sResource */
sRsrcIcon = 3, /* Icon */
sRsrcDrvrDir = 4, /* Driver Directory */
sRsrcLoadDir = 5, /* Load directory */
sRsrcBootRec = 6, /* sBoot record */
sRsrcFlags = 7, /* sResourceFlags */
sRsrcHWDevId = 8, /* Hardware Device ID */
struct SpBlock {
long spResult; /*FUNCTION Result*/
char* spsPointer; /*structure pointer*/
long spSize; /*size of structure*/
long spOffsetData; /*offset/data field used by sOffsetData*/
char* spIOFileName; /*ptr to IOFile name for sDisDrvrName*/
char* spsExecPBlk; /*pointer to sExec parameter block.*/
long spParamData; /*misc parameter data (formerly spStackPtr).*/
long spMisc; /*misc field for SDM.*/
long spReserved; /*reserved for future expansion*/
short spIOReserved; /*Reserved field of Slot Resource Table*/
short spRefNum; /*RefNum*/
short spCategory; /*sType: Category*/
short spCType; /*Type*/
short spDrvrSW; /*DrvrSW*/
short spDrvrHW; /*DrvrHW*/
int8_t spTBMask; /*type bit mask bits 0..3 mask words 0..3*/
int8_t spSlot; /*slot number*/
int8_t spID; /*structure ID*/
int8_t spExtDev; /*ID of the external device*/
int8_t spHwDev; /*Id of the hardware device.*/
int8_t spByteLanes; /*bytelanes from card ROM format block*/
int8_t spFlags; /*standard flags*/
int8_t spKey; /*Internal use only*/
typedef struct SpBlock SpBlock;
typedef SpBlock * SpBlockPtr;
OSErr SGetCString(SpBlockPtr spBlkPtr);
enum {
catDisplay = 0x0003,
typeVideo = 0x0001,
drSwApple = 0x0001,
OSErr SRsrcInfo(SpBlockPtr spBlkPtr);
typedef struct VDFlagRec
char flag;
} VDFlagRec;
typedef VDFlagRec *VDFlagPtr;
typedef struct VDParamBlock
void* qLink;
short qType;
short ioTrap;
void* ioCmdAddr;
void* ioCompletion;
OSErr ioResult;
unsigned char* ioNamePtr;
short ioVRefNum;
short ioRefNum;
short csCode;
void* csParam;
} VDParamBlock;
typedef VDParamBlock *VDParamBlockPtr;
2004-12-01 00:11:36 +00:00
#if defined(SCSI_SUPPORT)
enum {
op_inc = 1, /* transfer data, increment buffer pointer */
op_no_inc = 2, /* transfer data, don't increment pointer */
op_add = 3, /* add long to address */
op_mode = 4, /* move long to address */
op_loop = 5, /* decrement counter and loop if > 0 */
op_nop = 6, /* no operation */
op_stop = 7, /* stop TIB execution */
op_comp = 8, /* compare SCSI data with memory */
typedef struct TIB { /* Transfer Instruction Block */
short opcode; /* operation code */
int param1; /* 1st parameter */
int param2; /* 2nd parameter */
} __attribute__((packed)) TIB_t;
extern OSErr SCSIReset(void);
extern OSErr SCSIGet(void);
extern OSErr SCSISelect(short targetID);
extern OSErr SCSICmd(void *buffer, short count);
extern OSErr SCSIRead(void *tibPtr);
extern OSErr SCSIComplete(short *stat, short *message, unsigned long wait);
#endif /* SCSI_SUPPORT */