/* * * (c) 2004-2007 Laurent Vivier * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libemile.h" #include "libmap.h" #include "emile_config.h" int verbose = 0; extern void scanbus(void); static enum { ACTION_NONE = 0x00000000, ACTION_SCANBUS = 0x00000001, ACTION_SET_HFS = 0x00000002, ACTION_RESTORE = 0x00000004, ACTION_BACKUP = 0x00000008, ACTION_TEST = 0x00000010, ACTION_CONFIG = 0x00000020, } action = ACTION_NONE; enum { ARG_NONE = 0, ARG_SCANBUS, ARG_SET_HFS, ARG_RESTORE, ARG_BACKUP, ARG_VERBOSE ='v', ARG_TEST = 't', ARG_HELP = 'h', ARG_CONFIG = 'c', }; static struct option long_options[] = { {"scanbus", 0, NULL, ARG_SCANBUS }, {"set-hfs", 0, NULL, ARG_SET_HFS }, {"restore", 2, NULL, ARG_RESTORE }, {"backup", 2, NULL, ARG_BACKUP }, {"verbose", 0, NULL, ARG_VERBOSE }, {"help", 0, NULL, ARG_HELP }, {"test", 0, NULL, ARG_TEST }, {"config", 1, NULL, ARG_CONFIG }, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static void usage(int argc, char** argv) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTION]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Update and install EMILE stuff on your SCSI disk.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "EMILE allows to boot linux directly from linux partition\n"); fprintf(stderr," -h, --help display this text\n"); fprintf(stderr," -v, --verbose active verbose mode\n"); fprintf(stderr," -t, --test active test mode (don't write to disk)\n"); fprintf(stderr," --scanbus display information about all disks and partitions\n"); fprintf(stderr," --restore[=FILE] save current boot block from FILE\n"); fprintf(stderr," --backup[=FILE] save current boot block to FILE\n"); fprintf(stderr," --set-hfs set type of partition DEV to Apple_HFS (needed to be bootable)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -c, --config FILE use config file FILE\n"); fprintf(stderr, "!!! USE WITH CAUTION AND AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\nbuild: \n%s\n", SIGNATURE); } static int open_map_of( char *dev_name, int flags, map_t **map, int *partition) { int ret; int disk; char disk_name[16]; int driver; ret = emile_scsi_get_rdev(dev_name, &driver, &disk, partition); if (ret == -1) return -2; emile_get_dev_name(disk_name, driver, disk, 0); *map = map_open(disk_name, flags); if (*map == NULL) return -1; return 0; } static int check_has_apple_driver(char *dev_name) { map_t *map; int partition; int ret; ret = open_map_of(dev_name, O_RDONLY, &map, &partition); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = map_has_apple_driver(map); map_close(map); return ret; } static int check_is_hfs(char *dev_name) { map_t *map; int ret; int partition; char *part_type; ret = open_map_of(dev_name, O_RDONLY, &map, &partition); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = map_read(map, partition - 1); if (ret == -1) return -1; part_type = map_get_partition_type(map); ret = (strcmp("Apple_HFS", part_type) == 0); map_close(map); return ret; } static int check_is_EMILE_bootblock(char *dev_name) { map_t *map; int ret; int partition; char bootblock[BOOTBLOCK_SIZE]; int bootblock_type; ret = open_map_of(dev_name, O_RDONLY, &map, &partition); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = map_read(map, partition - 1); if (ret == -1) return -1; ret = map_bootblock_read(map, bootblock); if (ret == -1) return -1; bootblock_type = map_bootblock_get_type(bootblock); map_close(map); return EMILE_BOOTBLOCK == bootblock_type; } static int backup_bootblock(char *dev_name, char *filename) { map_t *map; int ret; int partition; char bootblock[BOOTBLOCK_SIZE]; int fd; ret = open_map_of(dev_name, O_RDONLY, &map, &partition); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = map_read(map, partition - 1); if (ret == -1) return -1; ret = map_bootblock_read(map, bootblock); if (ret == -1) return -1; map_close(map); /* save bootblock */ fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd == -1) { if (errno == EEXIST) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: \"%s\" already exists.\n", filename); } return -1; } ret = write(fd, bootblock, BOOTBLOCK_SIZE); if (ret != BOOTBLOCK_SIZE) return -1; close(fd); return 0; } static int restore_bootblock(char *dev_name, char *filename) { map_t *map; int ret; int partition; char bootblock[BOOTBLOCK_SIZE]; int fd; if (!check_is_EMILE_bootblock(dev_name)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot restore bootblock over non-EMILE bootblock\n"); return -1; } /* read bootblock */ fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return -1; ret = read(fd, bootblock, BOOTBLOCK_SIZE); if (ret != BOOTBLOCK_SIZE) return -1; close(fd); /* write bootblock */ ret = open_map_of(dev_name, O_RDWR, &map, &partition); if (ret < 0) return -1; ret = map_read(map, partition - 1); if (ret == -1) return -1; ret = map_bootblock_write(map, bootblock); if (ret == -1) return -1; map_close(map); return 0; } static int copy_file_to_bootblock(char* first_path, char* dev_name) { map_t *map; int ret; int partition; char bootblock[BOOTBLOCK_SIZE]; int fd; /* read first level */ fd = open(first_path, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return -1; ret = read(fd, bootblock, BOOTBLOCK_SIZE); if (ret != BOOTBLOCK_SIZE) return -1; close(fd); /* write bootblock to partition */ ret = open_map_of(dev_name, O_RDWR, &map, &partition); if (ret < 0) return -1; ret = map_read(map, partition - 1); if (ret == -1) return -1; ret = map_bootblock_write(map, bootblock); if (ret == -1) return -1; map_close(map); return 0; } static int set_HFS(char *dev_name) { map_t *map; int ret; int partition; ret = open_map_of(dev_name, O_RDWR, &map, &partition); if (ret < 0) return -1; ret = map_read(map, partition - 1); if (ret == -1) return -1; ret = map_set_partition_type(map, "Apple_HFS"); if (ret == -1) return -1; ret = map_partition_set_bootable(map, 1); if (ret == -1) return -1; ret = map_write(map, partition - 1); if (ret == -1) return -1; map_close(map); return 0; } static char *get_map_name(char *filename) { char *a, *b; char *base, *dir; char *map_name; a = strdup(filename); base = basename(a); b = strdup(filename); dir = dirname(b); map_name = (char*)malloc(strlen(filename) + 6); if (map_name == NULL) return NULL; sprintf(map_name, "%s/.%s.map", dir, base); free(a); free(b); return map_name; } static int add_file(int8_t *configuration, char *index, char *property, char *path, char *map_path) { struct emile_container *container; unsigned short unit_id; char map_info[64]; if (emile_is_url(path)) { if (verbose) printf(" %s %s\n", property, path); config_set_indexed_property(configuration, "title", index, property, path); return 0; } if ((action & ACTION_TEST) != 0) { map_path = tempnam(NULL, "emile-map_path-"); } else if (map_path == NULL) { map_path = get_map_name(path); if (map_path == NULL) return -1; } else map_path = strdup(map_path); /* get block mapping of kernel in filesystem */ container = emile_second_create_mapfile(&unit_id, map_path, path); if (container == NULL) { free(map_path); return -1; } sprintf(map_info, "container:(sd%d)0x%x,0x%x", unit_id, container->blocks[0].offset, container->blocks[0].count); free(container); if (verbose) printf(" kernel %s (%s = %s)\n", path, map_path, map_info); config_set_indexed_property(configuration, "title", index, property, map_info); if ((action & ACTION_TEST) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: test mode, you must remove manually %s\n", map_path); free(map_path); return 0; } static int8_t *set_config(emile_config *config, int drive) { int default_entry; int gestaltid; int timeout; char *kernel_path; char *initrd_path; char *kernel_map_path; char *initrd_map_path; char *output; char *append_string; char *title; char buf[16]; int ret; int8_t *configuration; char *chainloader; configuration = malloc(65536); if (configuration == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot allocate memory for configuration\n"); return NULL; } configuration[0] = 0; if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_GESTALTID, &gestaltid)) { sprintf(buf, "%d", gestaltid); config_set_property(configuration, "gestaltID", buf); } if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_DEFAULT, &default_entry)) { sprintf(buf, "%d", default_entry); config_set_property(configuration, "default", buf); } if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, &timeout)) { sprintf(buf, "%d", timeout); config_set_property(configuration, "timeout", buf); } if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_VGA, &output)) config_set_property(configuration, "vga", output); if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_MODEM, &output)) config_set_property(configuration, "modem", output); if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_PRINTER, &output)) config_set_property(configuration, "printer", output); emile_config_read_first_entry(config); do { if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_TITLE, &title)) config_add_property(configuration, "title", title); if (verbose) printf("title %s\n", title); if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_CHAINLOADER, &chainloader)) { if (emile_is_url(chainloader)) { config_set_indexed_property(configuration, "title", title, "chainloader", chainloader); } else { int fd; unsigned short unit_id; struct emile_container *container; fd = open(chainloader, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open %s\n", chainloader); return NULL; } container = malloc( sizeof(struct emile_container) + sizeof(struct emile_block)); if (container == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot malloc container" "\n"); close(fd); return NULL; } ret = emile_scsi_create_container(fd, &unit_id, container, 1); close(fd); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot create container" "\n"); free(container); return NULL; } chainloader = malloc(32); if (chainloader == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot malloc chainloader\n"); free(container); return NULL; } sprintf(chainloader, "block:(sd%d)0x%x,0x%x", unit_id, container->blocks[0].offset, container->blocks[0].count); free(container); config_set_indexed_property(configuration, "title", title, "chainloader", chainloader); free(chainloader); } } if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_KERNEL, &kernel_path)) { ret = emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_KERNEL_MAP, &kernel_map_path); ret = add_file(configuration, title, "kernel", kernel_path, ret == -1 ? NULL : kernel_map_path); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot add kernel %s\n", kernel_path); free(configuration); return NULL; } } else fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: missing kernel entry for %s\n", title); if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_INITRD, &initrd_path)) { ret = emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_INITRD_MAP, &initrd_map_path); ret = add_file(configuration, title, "initrd", initrd_path, ret == -1 ? NULL : initrd_map_path); if (ret == -1) { free(configuration); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot add initrd %s\n", initrd_path); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing kernel entry for %s\n", title); return NULL; } } if (!emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_ARGS, &append_string)) { config_set_indexed_property(configuration, "title", title, "parameters", append_string); if (verbose) printf(" parameters %s\n", append_string); } } while (!emile_config_read_next(config)); if (strlen((char*)configuration) > 1023) { int fd; char* bootconfig = "/boot/emile/.bootconfig"; /* do not fit in second paramstring */ fd = creat(bootconfig, S_IWUSR); if (fd == -1) { free(configuration); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot create /boot/emile/.bootconfig\n"); return NULL; } write(fd, configuration, strlen((char*)configuration) + 1); close(fd); free(configuration); configuration = malloc(1024); if (configuration == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot allocate memory for configuration\n"); return NULL; } ret = add_file(configuration, NULL, "configuration", bootconfig, NULL); if (ret == -1) { free(configuration); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot add %s to configuration\n", bootconfig); return NULL; } } return configuration; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *backup_path = PREFIX "/boot/emile/bootblock.backup"; char *config_path = PREFIX "/boot/emile/emile.conf"; char *first_path; char *second_path; char *partition; int ret; int c; int option_index = 0; emile_config *config; int drive, second, size; int fd; int8_t *configuration; while(1) { c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "vhtc:", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch(c) { case ARG_VERBOSE: verbose++; break; case ARG_HELP: usage(argc, argv); return 0; case ARG_SCANBUS: action |= ACTION_SCANBUS; break; case ARG_SET_HFS: action |= ACTION_SET_HFS; break; case ARG_RESTORE: action |= ACTION_RESTORE; if (optarg != NULL) backup_path = optarg; break; case ARG_BACKUP: action |= ACTION_BACKUP; if (optarg != NULL) backup_path = optarg; break; case ARG_TEST: action |= ACTION_TEST; break; case ARG_CONFIG: action |= ACTION_CONFIG; config_path = optarg; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown option %s (%d, %c)\n", argv[optind], c, c); return 1; } } if (action & ACTION_SCANBUS) { if (action & ~ACTION_SCANBUS) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: \"--scanbus\" cannot be used with other arguments\n"); return 1; } scanbus(); return 0; } /* read config file */ config = emile_config_open(config_path); if (config == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open config file %s\n", config_path); return 2; } ret = emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_PARTITION, &partition); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you must specify in %s a partition to set\n" " EMILE bootblock\n", config_path); fprintf(stderr, " you can have the list of available partitions with \"--scanbus\".\n"); emile_config_close(config); return 3; } if (action & ACTION_RESTORE) { char* new_name; if (action & ~ACTION_RESTORE) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: \"--restore\" cannot be used with other arguments\n"); emile_config_close(config); return 13; } ret = restore_bootblock(partition, backup_path); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot restore bootblock %s from %s\n", partition, backup_path); emile_config_close(config); return 14; } printf("Bootblock restore successfully done.\n"); /* rename backup file to .old */ new_name = (char*)malloc(strlen(backup_path) + 4 + 1); sprintf(new_name, "%s.old", new_name); unlink(new_name); rename(backup_path, new_name); free(new_name); emile_config_close(config); return 0; } ret = check_has_apple_driver(partition); if (ret != -2) { if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot check if Apple_Driver exists\n"); fprintf(stderr, " you should try as root\n"); if ((action & ACTION_TEST) == 0) { emile_config_close(config); return 4; } } if (ret == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: to be bootable a disk must have an Apple Driver on it\n"); fprintf(stderr, " You must partition this disk with Apple Disk utility\n"); fprintf(stderr, " or wait a release of EMILE allowing you to add this driver\n"); if ((action & ACTION_TEST) == 0) { emile_config_close(config); return 5; } } ret = check_is_hfs(partition); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot check if partition is Apple_HFS\n"); fprintf(stderr, " you should try as root\n"); if ((action & ACTION_TEST) == 0) { emile_config_close(config); return 6; } } if ( (ret == 0) && !(action & ACTION_SET_HFS) ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: to be bootable a partition must be of type Apple_HFS\n"); fprintf(stderr, " you can change it to Apple_HFS using \"--set-hfs\" argument\n"); if ((action & ACTION_TEST) == 0) { emile_config_close(config); return 7; } } ret = check_is_EMILE_bootblock(partition); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot check bootblock type\n"); fprintf(stderr, " you should try as root\n"); if ((action & ACTION_TEST) == 0) { emile_config_close(config); return 8; } } } if ( (ret == 0) && ((action & ACTION_BACKUP) == 0) ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: there is already a bootblock on \"%s\"\n", partition); fprintf(stderr, " you must use \"--backup\" to save it\n"); if ((action & ACTION_TEST) == 0) { emile_config_close(config); return 9; } } if (action & ACTION_BACKUP) { if (action & ACTION_TEST) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: \"--backup\" cannot be used with \"--test\"\n"); emile_config_close(config); return 13; } ret = backup_bootblock(partition, backup_path); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot backup bootblock %s to %s\n", partition, backup_path); emile_config_close(config); return 14; } printf("Bootblock backup successfully done.\n"); } ret = emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_FIRST_LEVEL, &first_path); if (ret == -1) return 2; ret = emile_config_get(config, CONFIG_SECOND_LEVEL, &second_path); if (ret == -1) return 2; fd = open(first_path, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open \"%s\".\n", first_path); emile_config_close(config); return 20; } ret = emile_first_get_param(fd, &drive, &second, &size); close(fd); configuration = set_config(config, drive); if (ret) return ret; if ((action & ACTION_TEST) == 0) { /* set configuration in second level */ fd = open(second_path, O_RDWR); emile_second_set_configuration(fd, configuration); close(fd); /* set second info in first level */ fd = open(first_path, O_RDWR); ret = emile_first_set_param_scsi(fd, second_path); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot set \"%s\" information into \"%s\".\n", second_path, first_path); emile_config_close(config); return 21; } close(fd); /* copy first level to boot block */ ret = copy_file_to_bootblock(first_path, partition); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot write \"%s\" to bootblock of \"%s\".\n", first_path, partition); fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", strerror(errno)); emile_config_close(config); return 22; } /* set HFS if needed */ if (action & ACTION_SET_HFS) { ret = set_HFS(partition); if (ret == -1) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: cannot set partition type of \"%s\" to Apple_HFS.\n" , partition); emile_config_close(config); return 23; } } } emile_config_close(config); return 0; }