/* * * (c) 2004-2007 Laurent Vivier * */ #define __NO_INLINE__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #if defined(USE_CLI) && defined(__LINUX__) #include "console.h" #endif #include "arch.h" #include "misc.h" #include "bank.h" #include "vga.h" #include "serial.h" #define MSG_STATE_0 console_set_cursor_position(win.l + win.h + 1, 1); \ printf(" Press 'b' or [RETURN] to boot or 'e' to edit\n"); #define MSG_STATE_1 console_set_cursor_position(win.l + win.h + 1, 1); \ printf(" Press 'b' to boot, 'e' or [RETURN] to edit \n" \ " Press 'd' to delete, 'n' to create \n" \ " Press [ESC] to go back \n"); #define MSG_CLEAN console_set_cursor_position(win.l + win.h + 1, 1); \ printf(" \n" \ " \n" \ " \n"); #define MAX_KERNELS 20 #define MAX_KERNEL_PARAMS 5 #define COMMAND_LINE_LENGTH 256 #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 5 static int8_t *open_config(emile_l2_header_t *info) { stream_t *stream; struct stream_stat stat; int8_t *configuration; char property[COMMAND_LINE_LENGTH]; int ret; configuration = (int8_t*)malloc(info->conf_size); if (configuration == NULL) { printf("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for " "configuration file %s\n", (int)stat.st_size, property); return NULL; } memcpy(configuration, info->configuration, info->conf_size); if (config_get_property(configuration, "configuration", property) != -1) { stream = stream_open(property); if (stream == NULL) { printf("ERROR: cannot open configuration file %s\n", property); return NULL; } stream_fstat(stream, &stat); free(configuration); configuration = (int8_t*)malloc(stat.st_size); if (configuration == NULL) { printf("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for " "configuration file %s\n", (int)stat.st_size, property); return NULL; } ret = stream_read(stream, configuration, stat.st_size); if (ret != stat.st_size) { printf("ERROR: cannot read %d bytes from " "configuration file %s (%d)\n", (int)stat.st_size, property, ret); return NULL; } stream_close(stream); } return configuration; } static void close_config(int8_t *configuration) { free(configuration); } static char *decode_serial(char* s, int *baudrate, int *parity, int *datasize, int *stopbits) { *baudrate = strtol(s, &s, 0); switch(*s) { case 'n': case 'N': *parity = 0; break; case 'o': case 'O': *parity = 1; break; case 'e': case 'E': *parity = 2; break; default: *parity = -1; break; } s++; *datasize = strtol(s, &s, 0); if (*s != '+') { *stopbits = 0; return s; } s++; *stopbits = strtol(s, &s, 0); return s; } int read_config(emile_l2_header_t* info, char **kernel_path, char **command_line, char **ramdisk_path) { char property[COMMAND_LINE_LENGTH]; int8_t *configuration; int index; char* title[MAX_KERNELS]; char* properties[MAX_KERNELS][MAX_KERNEL_PARAMS]; int prop_nb[MAX_KERNELS]; char *known_properties[] = { "kernel", "parameters", "initrd", NULL }; int i; int choice; int timeout; int current; int res; int bitrate, parity, datasize, stopbits; #if defined(USE_CLI) && defined(__LINUX__) int l, c; emile_window_t win; emile_list_t list; int state; #endif if (!EMILE_COMPAT(EMILE_07_SIGNATURE, info->signature)) { vga_init("default"); printf("Bad header signature !\n"); return -1; } configuration = open_config(info); if (config_get_property(configuration, "vga", property) != -1) vga_init(property); if (config_get_property(configuration, "modem", property) != -1) { decode_serial(property, &bitrate, &parity, &datasize, &stopbits); serial_enable(SERIAL_MODEM_PORT, bitrate, parity, datasize, stopbits); } if (config_get_property(configuration, "printer", property) != -1) { decode_serial(property, &bitrate, &parity, &datasize, &stopbits); serial_enable(SERIAL_PRINTER_PORT, bitrate, parity, datasize, stopbits); } if (config_get_property(configuration, "gestaltID", property) != -1) { machine_id = strtol(property, NULL, 0); printf("User forces gestalt ID to %ld\n", machine_id); } choice = 0; if (config_get_property(configuration, "default", property) != -1) choice = strtol(property, NULL, 0); timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; if (config_get_property(configuration, "timeout", property) != -1) timeout = strtol(property, NULL, 0); current = 0; for (index = 0; index < MAX_KERNELS; index++) { int prop; title[index] = NULL; res = config_get_property(configuration + current, "title", property); if (res == -1) { if (index) break; title[index] = strdup("Linux"); } else { title[index] = strdup(property); if (title[index] == NULL) { close_config(configuration); return -1; } current += res; current = config_get_next_property(configuration, current, NULL, NULL); } prop = 0; for(i = 0; known_properties[i] != NULL; i++) { if (config_get_indexed_property(configuration, (res == -1) ? NULL :"title", title[index], known_properties[i], property) == -1) continue; properties[index][prop] = malloc(strlen(known_properties[i]) + strlen(property) + 2); if (properties[index][prop] == NULL) { close_config(configuration); return -1; } sprintf(properties[index][prop], "%s %s", known_properties[i], property); prop++; } prop_nb[index] = prop; } if (choice > index - 1) choice = index - 1; #if defined(USE_CLI) && defined(__LINUX__) timeout = console_select(timeout); console_get_size(&l, &c); console_clear(); console_set_cursor_position(1,1); #endif printf( " EMILE v"VERSION " (c) 2004-2007 Laurent Vivier (%ld kB)\n", bank_mem_avail() / 1024); #if defined(USE_CLI) && defined(__LINUX__) state = 0; win.l = 4; win.c = 4; win.h = l - 16; win.w = c - 8; MSG_STATE_0 while(state != -1) { switch(state) { case 0: /* select entry */ list.item = title; list.nb = index; list.current = choice; res = emile_scrolllist(&win, &list, timeout); choice = list.current; timeout = 0; switch(res) { case '\r': case 'b': case 'B': state = -1; MSG_CLEAN break; case 'e': case 'E': list.current = 0; state = 1; MSG_STATE_1 break; } break; case 1: /* select parameter */ list.item = properties[choice]; list.nb = prop_nb[choice]; res = emile_scrolllist(&win, &list, 0); switch(res) { case 'd': case 'D': free(properties[choice][list.current]); prop_nb[choice]--; for(i = list.current; i < prop_nb[choice]; i++) properties[choice][i] = properties[choice][i + 1]; if (list.current >= prop_nb[choice]) list.current--; break; case 'n': case 'N': properties[choice][prop_nb[choice]] = strdup(""); list.current = prop_nb[choice]; prop_nb[choice]++; state = 2; MSG_CLEAN break; case '\033': /* ESC */ list.current = choice; state = 0; MSG_CLEAN MSG_STATE_0 break; case 'b': case 'B': MSG_CLEAN state = -1; break; case '\r': case 'e': MSG_CLEAN state = 2; break; } break; case 2: /* edit parameter */ memset(property, 0, COMMAND_LINE_LENGTH); strncpy(property, properties[choice][list.current], COMMAND_LINE_LENGTH); free(properties[choice][list.current]); console_set_cursor_position(win.l + win.h + 1, 3); console_cursor_on(); emile_edit(property, COMMAND_LINE_LENGTH); console_cursor_off(); properties[choice][list.current] = strdup(property); console_set_cursor_position(win.l + win.h + 2, 3); memset(property, ' ', strlen(property)); printf("%s", property); console_set_cursor_position(win.l + win.h + 1, 3); for(i = 0; i < strlen(property); i++) console_putchar(' '); state = 1; MSG_STATE_1 break; } } #endif *kernel_path = NULL; *command_line = NULL; *ramdisk_path = NULL; for (i = 0; i < prop_nb[choice]; i++) { char *id, *next; id = config_read_word(properties[choice][i], &next); *next = 0; next++; if (strcmp("kernel", id) == 0) *kernel_path = strdup(next); else if (strcmp("parameters", id) == 0) *command_line = strdup(next); else if (strcmp("initrd", id) == 0) *ramdisk_path = strdup(next); } for (index--; index >= 0; index--) { free(title[index]); for (i = 0; i < prop_nb[i]; i++) free(properties[index][i]); } close_config(configuration); return 0; }