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Raw Normal View History

unit Initialize; interface uses Balloons, Palettes, Globals, GlobalUtils, FileInNOut, IdleInput; procedure InitializeAll; procedure DoStartUp; {=================================} implementation {=================================} procedure InitializeAll; var i: Integer; ignoreStr: Str255; {------------------------} procedure InitToolBox; var ignore: Boolean; begin gliderResNum := CurResFile; SetApplLimit(Ptr(LongInt(GetApplLimit) - kStackSize)); MaxApplZone; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; InitGraf(@thePort); InitFonts; FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); InitWindows; InitMenus; TEInit; InitDialogs(nil); ignore := EventAvail(EveryEvent, theEvent); inBackground := FALSE; end; {------------------------} procedure CheckOurEnvirons; const WNETrapNum = $60; unimplTrapNum = $9F; SoundBase = $0266; ASCBase = $0CC0; Color = 1; Monochrome = 0; GDTypeFlag = 1; kPointerBase = $3F2700 - $20; var thisWorld: SysEnvRec; tempRes: Handle; theDevice: GDHandle; initsPointer: Ptr; theResponse, initData: LongInt; sheSaid: Integer; hasINIT: Boolean; {-----------} function DepthAlert: Integer; var dummyInt: Integer; alertHandle: AlertTHndl; alertRect: Rect; begin UseResFile(gliderResNum); InitCursor; alertHandle := AlertTHndl(Get1Resource('ALRT', rDepthAlertID)); if (alertHandle <> nil) then begin HNoPurge(Handle(alertHandle)); alertRect := alertHandle^^.boundsRect; OffsetRect(alertRect, -alertRect.left,; dummyInt := (screenBits.bounds.right - alertRect.right) div 2; OffsetRect(alertRect, dummyInt, 0); dummyInt := (screenBits.bounds.bottom - alertRect.bottom) div 3; OffsetRect(alertRect, 0, dummyInt); alertHandle^^.boundsRect := alertRect; HPurge(Handle(alertHandle)); end; dummyInt := Alert(rDepthAlertID, nil); DepthAlert := dummyInt; end; {-----------} function SetDepth (gd: GDHandle; newDepth, whichFlags, newFlags: Integer): Integer; inline $203C, $000A, $0013, $AAA2; {-----------} procedure ForceBlackAndWhite; begin with theDevice^^.gdPMap^^ do if (pixelSize <> 1) then if (cantSwitch) then {if we can't switch via software} begin GenericAlert(kErr2Or16Colors); {say, "Hey, set the Control Panel"} ExitToShell; end else begin {we can switch via software} theErr := SetDepth(theDevice, 1, GDTypeFlag, Color); inColor := FALSE; end; {end - we can switch via software} end; {-----------} procedure CheckAndSwitch; begin with theDevice^^.gdPMap^^ do if ((pixelSize <> 4) and (pixelSize <> 1)) then if (cantSwitch) then {if we can't switch via software} begin GenericAlert(kErr2Or16Colors); {say, "Hey, set the Control Panel"} ExitToShell; end else begin {we can switch via software} sheSaid := DepthAlert; {bring up monitor switch alert} case sheSaid of {what button did they click?} 1: {switch to 16 color} theErr := SetDepth(theDevice, 4, GDTypeFlag, Color); 2: {switch to B&W} begin theErr := SetDepth(theDevice, 1, GDTypeFlag, Color); inColor := FALSE; end; otherwise begin InitCursor; ExitToShell; end; end; end; {end - we can switch via software} end; {-----------} begin tempRes := Get1Resource('CURS', 128); if (tempRes <> nil) then begin HLock(tempRes); SetResInfo(tempRes, 128, 'oz'); if (ResError = WPrErr) or (ResError = FLckdErr) or (ResError = VLckdErr) then begin GenericAlert(kErrVolLocked); ExitToShell; end; ChangedResource(tempRes); if (ResError = WPrErr) or (ResError = FLckdErr)