Glider4/Houses/Rising Sun Read Me.txt

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9/2/92 Hello! This is the README File to accompany "House of the Rising Sun." I created this house over the course of about one month, after finally completing "The House" that came with Glider 4.0. I figured I would give creating my own house a shot, and never realized that it would be so fun thinking up ways to make a plane crash. I'm an Apple Educational Systems Engineer for a dealership in Pennsylvania, and seeing as there aren't many schools needing Macs fixed or labs installed over the summer, I had more free time than I should have. Playing Glider helped me while away the hours. I uploaded the house to America Online and, to ensure that my work was not wasted, offered $10.00 to the first person to send me a screen shot of the completed house. I also offered $20.00 to anyone who could beat my high score. (It was 1.6 million, but then again, I knew where everything was). About 3 weeks later, I was $30.00 poorer. The same day I realized I would have to part with the other $20.00, John Calhoun E-Mailed me and said that he was interested in my house being in a collection of houses to be sold commercially. I was amazed. This was such an honor. I fixed some things here, moved some things there, and thought up some more funky names for the rooms. I took great pleasure in naming the rooms such that they would either help you get through the room, make you laugh, or just go, "Huh?" I am pleased to present House of the Rising Sun. 120 Rooms, More clocks than Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon," More balloons than a Republican National Convention, Millions of points, and, hopefully, hours of gliding pleasure. Thank you and have a nice day. Steve Sullivan Comments, suggestions, etc. may be sent to: AOL:ACME Steve AppleLink: CWED.LANG2 Internet: