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unit ObjectStuff; interface uses Palettes, Globals, Utilities, Drawing, RoomStuff; procedure AutoHideShow (hiding: Boolean); procedure SetUpFields; procedure DragObject (which: Integer); procedure DragHandle; procedure DragOffPalette (whatKind: Integer); procedure CloseTools; procedure UpdateTools; procedure OpenTools; procedure DoTools; procedure BumpAPixel (hori, vert: Integer); procedure DoObjectInfo; function InsertObject: Boolean; implementation const objectInfoID = 131; {=================================} procedure AutoHideShow (hiding: Boolean); begin if (hiding) then begin if (toolWndo <> nil) then begin SetPort(GrafPtr(toolWndo)); SetPt(holdCorner, toolWndo^.portRect.left, toolWndo^; LocalToGlobal(holdCorner); DisposeWindow(GrafPtr(toolWndo)); toolWndo := nil; SetPort(GrafPtr(mainWndo)); end else SetPt(holdCorner, -1000, 0); end else {not hiding - showing} begin if (holdCorner.h <> -1000) then begin if (inColor) then toolWndo := GetNewCWindow(128, nil, WindowPtr(-1)) else toolWndo := GetNewWindow(128, nil, WindowPtr(-1)); if (toolWndo = nil) then begin GenericAlert(kErrLoadingRes); ExitToShell; end; SetPort(GrafPtr(toolWndo)); MoveWindow(toolWndo, holdCorner.h, holdCorner.v, FALSE); ShowWindow(toolWndo); SetWRefCon(toolWndo, 1); UpdateTools; end; end; end; {=================================} procedure SetUpFields; var tempBool: Boolean; tempAmount, tempExtra, what: Integer; begin what := thisRoom.theObjects[oneActive].objectIs; case (what) of flrVnt, ball, toastr, fshBwl: tempAmount := ceilingVert + 20; extRct, upStar, dnStar: tempAmount := roomAt; celVnt, celDct, drip: tempAmount := floorVert - 20; candle: begin tempAmount := thisRoom.theObjects[oneActive] - 100; if (tempAmount < ceilingVert + 50) then tempAmount := ceilingVert + 50; end; lftFan: begin tempAmount := thisRoom.theObjects[oneActive].boundRect.left - 100; if (tempAmount < 0) then tempAmount := 0; end; ritFan, grease: begin tempAmount := thisRoom.theObjects[oneActive].boundRect.right + 100; if (tempAmount > 512) then tempAmount := 512; end; clock, paper, bnsRct: tempAmount := 1000; rbrBnd: tempAmount := 10; battry: tempAmount := 40; outlet, teaKtl: tempAmount := 120; pwrSwt: tempAmount := 0; otherwise tempAmount := 0; end; case (what) of celDct, lftFan, ritFan, grease, shredr: tempBool := TRUE; otherwise tempBool := FALSE; end; case (what) of celDct: tempExtra := roomAt; drip, toastr, fshBwl: tempExtra := 120; otherwise tempExtra := 0; end; with thisRoom.theObjects[oneActive] do begin objectIs := what; amount := tempAmount; extra := tempExtra; isOn := tempBool; end; end; {=================================} procedure DragObject; var floorLockOn, ceilingLockOn, stairLockOn: Boolean; isPt, wasPt, refPt: Point; theSrc, oldRect, destRect: Rect; what, errorIs: Integer; begin SetPort(GrafPtr(mainWndo)); what := thisRoom.theObjects[which].objectIs; destRect := thisRoom.theObjects[which].boundRect; oldRect := destRect; theSrc := srcRect[what]; floorLockOn := FALSE; ceilingLockOn := FALSE; stairLockOn := FALSE; if (what = flrVnt) then floorLockOn := TRUE; if ((what = celDct) or (what = celVnt)) then ceilingLockOn := TRUE; if ((what = upStar) or (what = dnStar)) then stairLockOn := TRUE; isPt := theEvent.where; wasPt := isPt; PenPat(gray); PenMode(patXOr); FrameRect(destRect); while (WaitMouseUp) do begin GetMouse(isPt); LocalToGlobal(isPt); if ((isPt.h <> wasPt.h) or (isPt.v <> wasPt.v)) then begin FrameRect(destRect); if ((floorLockOn) or (ceilingLockOn) or (stairLockOn)) then OffsetRect(destRect, isPt.h - wasPt.h, 0) else OffsetRect(destRect, isPt.h - wasPt.