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unit RoomStuff; interface uses Palettes, Globals, Utilities, Drawing; procedure SortObjects; function InsertNewRoom: Boolean; procedure FlushRoom (var whichRoom: roomData); procedure DoGotoDial; function roomFltr (theDlg: DialogPtr; var theEvnt: EventRecord; var itemHit: integer): boolean; procedure DoRoomBackInfo (var shouldOpen: Boolean); procedure DoRoomCondInfo (var shouldOpen: Boolean); implementation const roomCondID = 129; roomBackID = 130; var tempTile: array[0..7] of Integer; backNumber: Integer; {=================================} procedure SortObjects; var holdActive, i, count, itemType: Integer; holdRoom: RoomData; begin FlushRoom(holdRoom); count := 0; holdActive := oneActive; for i := 1 to 16 do begin itemType := thisRoom.theObjects[i].objectIs; if ((itemType <> paintg) and (itemType <> mirror) and (itemType <> window) and (itemType <> 0)) then begin count := count + 1; if (oneActive = i) then holdActive := count; holdRoom.theObjects[count] := thisRoom.theObjects[i]; thisRoom.theObjects[i].objectIs := 0; end; end; for i := 1 to 16 do begin itemType := thisRoom.theObjects[i].objectIs; if (itemType <> 0) then begin count := count + 1; if (oneActive = i) then holdActive := count; holdRoom.theObjects[count] := thisRoom.theObjects[i]; end; end; for i := 1 to thisRoom.numberOObjects do thisRoom.theObjects[i] := holdRoom.theObjects[i]; with thisRoom do if (count <> numberOObjects) then {*** Check for agreement} begin count := 0; {*** Run a second check} for i := 1 to 16 do if (theObjects[i].objectIs <> 0) then count := count + 1; numberOObjects := count; {*** We'll go with this #} if (numberOObjects < 16) then for i := numberOObjects + 1 to 16 do begin theObjects[i].objectIs := 0; {*** Zero-out excess fields} theObjects[i].boundRect := nullRect; theObjects[i].amount := 0; theObjects[i].extra := 0; theObjects[i].isOn := FALSE; end; end; oneActive := holdActive; {*** Restore active object} end; {=================================} function InsertNewRoom; var i: Integer; begin InsertNewRoom := FALSE; if (thisHouse.numberORooms >= 40) then {trying to add 41 rooms} begin GenericAlert(kErrTooManyRooms); Exit(InsertNewRoom); end; thisHouse.theRooms[roomAt] := thisRoom; {insert room to date} if (roomAt < thisHouse.numberORooms) then {shift only if in middle} for i := thisHouse.numberORooms downto roomAt + 1 do thisHouse.theRooms[i + 1] := thisHouse.theRooms[i]; {shift rooms right} roomAt := roomAt + 1; {kick active over to right} FlushRoom(thisRoom); {flush new room copy} thisHouse.theRooms[roomAt] := thisRoom; {copy active into house} thisHouse.numberORooms := thisHouse.numberORooms + 1; {one more room} InsertNewRoom := TRUE; end; {=================================} procedure FlushRoom; var index: Integer; defaultName: Str255; begin NumToString(roomAt, defaultName); defaultName := CONCAT('Room # ', defaultName); with whichRoom do begin roomName := defaultName; numberOObjects := 0; backPictID := 200; for index := 0 to 7 do tileOrder[index] := 0; animateKind := 0; animateNumber := 0; animateDelay := 0; conditionCode := 0; for index := 1 to 16 do begin theObjects[index].objectIs := 0; theObjects[index].boundRect := nullRect; theObjects[index].amount := 0; theObjects[index].extra := 0; theObjects[index].isOn := FALSE; end; end; end; {=================================} procedure DoGotoDial; const okayBut = 1; cancelBut = 2; gotoEdit = 3; numOfStat = 4; currStat = 5; var leaveDlg: Boolean; tempLong: LongInt; theDlgPtr: DialogPtr; tempRect: Rect; cntlType, index, itemHit, tempInt, rightOff, downOff: Integer; dlgItem: Handle; cntlHand, tempCntlHand: controlhandle; strTemp: Str255; {-------------------------} proc