The Story of The House Full of Stuff In the beginning there was no House Full of Stuff. Instead, there were lots of little three and four room houses that had been created one after another. I tried to make them bigger, but, to be honest, I got pretty darn sick of testing them out after building three or four rooms. Then, I had this thought: Why not stick all these little houses together, one after another, and make one big house, with lots and lots of stuff? So that's what I did, and now there is one big house, called the House Full of Stuff. As you go through it, you can see how the house is divided into distinct sections; each section was once a little house unto itself. More than just another house file, I believe that this house demonstrates The Way Glider Houses Ought To Be Made. Instead of getting pooped out after creating 30 or so rooms, try making a few small houses over time, and then, when you're ready, copy and paste 'em together. Hints: ¥ Room names sometimes have hints built into them ¥ There are many ways to get through the entire house without hitting every room; however, it is possibleÑand preferable, points-wiseÑto try and get through all of 'em. Questions, Comments: AOL: JeffrC