#!/usr/bin/env python3 from functools import lru_cache from os import path from shutil import copyfile import machfs import machfs import macresources import os import re import shutil @lru_cache() def get_resource_fork(version): with open(path.join(SampleSystems, version) + '.rdump', 'rb') as f: return list(macresources.parse_rez_code(f.read())) def get_resource(version, rtype, rid): if isinstance(rtype, str): rtype = rtype.encode('mac_roman') for resource in get_resource_fork(version): if (resource.type, resource.id) == (rtype, rid): return resource raise ValueError('not found: %r %r %r' % (version, rtype, rid)) # Some resource types can "own" other resources, which should be moved with them def does_x_own_y(xtype, xid, yid): types = [b'DRVR', b'WDEF', b'MDEF', b'CDEF', b'PDEF', b'PACK'] if yid & (1 << 15) and yid & (1 << 14): if xtype in types and types.index(xtype) == (yid >> 11) & 7: if (yid >> 5) & 0x3F == xid: return True return False parent = path.dirname(__file__) SampleSystems = path.join(parent, 'SampleSystems') TestBed = path.join(parent, 'TestBed') TestImages = path.join(parent, 'TestImages.tmp') os.makedirs(TestImages, exist_ok=True) with open(path.join(TestImages, 'Test-Blank.dsk'), 'wb') as f: for i in range(50): f.write(bytes(1024 * 1024)) base_versions = sorted(os.listdir(SampleSystems)) base_versions = [v for v in base_versions if re.match(r'^\d.\d.\d$', v)] base_versions = [v for v in base_versions if int(v.replace('.', '')) < 810] for base_version in base_versions: print('\n=== Patching System ' + base_version + ' ===') src_system = path.join(SampleSystems, base_version) dest_dir = path.join(TestImages, 'Test-' + base_version) dest_disk = dest_dir + '.dsk' dest_system = path.join(dest_dir, 'System Folder', 'System') try: shutil.rmtree(dest_dir) except FileNotFoundError: pass shutil.copytree(TestBed, dest_dir) # Copy the sample system, except the data fork for suffix in ['', '.idump']: copyfile(src_system + suffix, dest_system + suffix) # Get its resource fork, and copy it to another list so we don't ruin our cache the_resources = get_resource_fork(base_version) def place_resource(resource): the_len = len(the_resources) the_resources[:] = [r for r in the_resources if (r.type, r.id) != (resource.type, resource.id)] # if len(the_resources) < the_len: # print(' replaced %s %s' % (repr(resource.type)[1:], resource.id)) the_resources.append(resource) def copy_resource_and_subresources(version, rtype, rid): if isinstance(rtype, str): rtype = rtype.encode('mac_roman') for resource in get_resource_fork(version): if (resource.type, resource.id) == (rtype, rid): print(' Copying %s\'s %s %s' % (version, repr(resource.type)[1:], resource.id)) place_resource(resource) break else: raise ValueError('not found: %r %r %r' % (version, rtype, rid)) n_extra = 0 for resource in get_resource_fork(version): if does_x_own_y(rtype, rid, resource.id): # print('+ sub-resource %s %s' % (repr(resource.type)[1:], resource.id)) place_resource(resource) n_extra += 1 if n_extra: print(' + %d owned resources' % n_extra) # Use ALL of these: print('These are the main HFS+ resources:') copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'ptch', -20217) # HFS+ patch copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'boot', 22460) # Seems to be a gatekeeper/bootloader?? print('Disk Cache patch:') copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'ptch', 41) # Disk Cache patch print('Disk Init pack and things it uses:') copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'PACK', 2) # Disk Init (brings in several "owned" resources) copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'p2u#', 0) # Referenced by ptch, "Text Encodings"... copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'STR#', -20574) # "also known as" for various formats copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'STR#', -20573) # "Where_have_all_my_files_gone?" copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'STR#', -20483) # "There is a problem with the disk" copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'TEXT', -20574) # "This is the localized version of the HFSPlus Wrapper Read Me." copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'TEXT', -20573) # Wrapper readme contents # Use ONE of these to chain load 'ptch' -20217 (not required on 7.6.0 and later): MOVEW_B107_D0 = b'\x30\x3C\xB1\x07' if MOVEW_B107_D0 not in get_resource(base_version, 'boot', 2) and MOVEW_B107_D0 not in get_resource(base_version, 'boot', 3): # Mac OS 9 actually loads ptch -20217 in boot 2, which is more elegant, because unlike boot 3, # boot 2 is guaranteed not to be run from a separate gibbly print('Pre-7.6 needs some help to load ptch -20217:') copy_resource_and_subresources('9.2.2', 'boot', 2) # copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'boot', 3) # copy_resource_and_subresources('DT_8.1_PPC', 'boot', 3) print('Rudimentary 68k support on Basilisk II\'s Quadra 900:') # These 3 resources have been identified by bisecting the different resources between 8.0 and 8.1 # Use all of these for 68k, currently only Basilisk II's Quadra 900 (only works on 7.6.0/7.6.1/8.0): # (Still unclear what these do -- next step is to reverse-engineer the gusd/gtbl/gpch mechanism) # HFS+ not loaded if it is not changed (causes a crash on its own -- requires BOTH the below resources) copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'gtbl', 6) # diff contents # Crash if it is not changed: illegal instruction (harmless on its own) copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'gpch', 750) # diff contents # Error Type 41 if not present (harmless on its own) copy_resource_and_subresources('8.1.0', 'ptch', 42) # diff contents # Lastly, don't forget the Text Encoding Converter extension is essential to make this work the_resources.sort(key=lambda r: (r.type.decode('mac_roman'), r.id)) with open(dest_system + '.rdump', 'wb') as f: f.write(macresources.make_rez_code(the_resources, ascii_clean=True)) vol = machfs.Volume() vol.name = 'Test-' + base_version vol.read_folder(TestBed, date=0xC0000000) vol = vol.write(10 * 1024 * 1024) with open(dest_disk, 'wb') as f: f.write(vol)