Aaron Giles 92bdb55672 JPEGView 3.3 for Macintosh
These are the sources for the final official release of JPEGView for the
Mac, back in 1994.
2015-02-05 00:18:10 -08:00

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4.9 KiB

/* This source code copyright (c) 1991-2001, Aaron Giles */
/* See the Read Me file for licensing information. */
/* Contact email: */
// void CopyScaledFrom32(CopyDataPtr theData);
#define One (1L << 16)
DitherErrorsPtr eBuffer, // pointers to whichever dithering
oBuffer; // buffers we decide to use
ulong *scaled, // pointer to the start of the scaling buffer
*srcScaled, // temp. source pointer used during scaling
*dstScaled; // destination pointer used during scaling
Ptr src = theData->srcBase, // source pointer into original image data
dst = theData->dstBase; // dest. pointer into real destination
ulong srcPixelContributionY, // contribution in Y made by each source pixel
srcPixelContributionX, // contribution in X made by each source pixel
srcRemainingY = theData->yRemainder,// remaining Y contribution for source
srcRemainingX; // remaining X contribution for current src
ulong dstNeededY, // amount needed for complete dest. Y pixel
dstNeededX; // amount needed for complete dest. X pixel
short *rgnPtr; // pointer to the region data
long row = theData->height, // row counter
col; // column counter
Handle dynamicBuffer; // handle to any allocation we make
RgnBuffer rgnData; // buffer for the region data
DitherErrors evenDithering[kStackRowWidth + 2], // stack-based buffers for dithering; if these
oddDithering[kStackRowWidth + 2]; // aren't enough, we allocate bigger ones
ulong scaledRow[kStackRowWidth + 2]; // stack-based buffer for scaling
// Allocate space for our buffers, if not enough room on stack
// NOTE: This only works if the machine is in 32-bit addressing mode!!!
if (theData->width > kStackRowWidth) {
dynamicBuffer = AnyNewHandle((theData->width + 2) * (2 * sizeof(DitherErrors) + sizeof(ulong)));
if (!dynamicBuffer) return;
eBuffer = (DitherErrorsPtr)*dynamicBuffer + 1;
oBuffer = eBuffer + theData->width + 2;
scaled = (ulong *)(oBuffer + theData->width + 1) + 1;
} else {
eBuffer = &evenDithering[1];
oBuffer = &oddDithering[1];
scaled = &scaledRow[1];
// Clear out the dithering and scaling buffers
if (theData->evodd & 1)
ClearMem((Ptr)&eBuffer[-1], (theData->width + 2) * sizeof(DitherErrors));
else ClearMem((Ptr)&oBuffer[-1], (theData->width + 2) * sizeof(DitherErrors));
// Initialize the region data = 0;
rgnPtr = InitRegion(*theData->theRgn, &rgnData, &theData->boxRect);
// Set up the source/destination quantities
srcPixelContributionY = (theData->dstHeight << 16) / theData->srcHeight + 1;
srcPixelContributionX = (theData->dstWidth << 16) / theData->srcWidth + 1;
// The outermost (row) loop begins here; set up our pointers into the data
while (row--) {
srcScaled = (ulong *)src;
dstScaled = (ulong *)scaled;
// reset the columns counter and reset the source X remainder
col = theData->width;
srcRemainingX = theData->xRemainder;
// The inner (column) loops begin here; set up our counters in the dest system
if (One >= srcRemainingY) {
if ((One - srcRemainingY) < srcPixelContributionY)
srcScaled += ((One - srcRemainingY) < srcRemainingY) ?
0 : (theData->srcRow >> 2);
else srcScaled += (theData->srcRow >> 2);
while (col--) {
dstNeededX = One;
if (dstNeededX < srcRemainingX)
*dstScaled++ = *srcScaled;
else if ((dstNeededX -= srcRemainingX) < srcPixelContributionX) {
if (dstNeededX < srcRemainingX) *dstScaled++ = *srcScaled++;
else *dstScaled++ = *++srcScaled;
srcRemainingX = srcPixelContributionX;
} else {
*dstScaled++ = *++srcScaled;
if ((dstNeededX -= srcPixelContributionX) >= srcPixelContributionX) {
goto ScaleLoop1;
srcRemainingX = srcPixelContributionX;
// apply the final adjustment to the X counters
srcRemainingX -= dstNeededX;
// We now have a row; set up to do a dithered copy from it
if ((++theData->evodd) & 1)
theData->odd(scaled, dst, theData->itAddr, theData->ctAddr, eBuffer, oBuffer,
rgnData.buffer, theData->errTable, theData->width);
else theData->even(scaled, dst, theData->itAddr, theData->ctAddr, eBuffer, oBuffer,
rgnData.buffer, theData->errTable, theData->width);
if (!row) break;
if (!--rgnData.yCount) rgnPtr = UpdateRegion(rgnPtr, &rgnData, &theData->boxRect);
// apply final adjustments to the Y counters
dstNeededY = 1L << 16;
while (dstNeededY >= srcRemainingY) {
src += theData->srcRow;
dstNeededY -= srcRemainingY;
srcRemainingY = srcPixelContributionY;
srcRemainingY -= dstNeededY;
dst += theData->dstRow;
// Return space allocated for buffers
if (theData->width > kStackRowWidth) DisposeHandle(dynamicBuffer);