Aaron Giles 92bdb55672 JPEGView 3.3 for Macintosh
These are the sources for the final official release of JPEGView for the
Mac, back in 1994.
2015-02-05 00:18:10 -08:00

1 line
10 KiB

/* This source code copyright (c) 1991-2001, Aaron Giles */
/* See the Read Me file for licensing information. */
/* Contact email: */
// void CopyUnscaledFrom32(CopyDataPtr theData);
DitherErrorsPtr eBuffer, oBuffer;
Ptr src = theData->srcBase, dst = theData->dstBase;
short *rgnPtr;
long row = theData->height;
Handle dynamicBuffer;
RgnBuffer rgnData;
DitherErrors evenDithering[kStackRowWidth + 2];
DitherErrors oddDithering[kStackRowWidth + 2];
// Allocate space for our buffers, if not enough room on stack
// NOTE: This only works if the machine is in 32-bit addressing mode!!!
if (theData->width > kStackRowWidth) {
dynamicBuffer = AnyNewHandle((theData->width + 2) * 2 * sizeof(DitherErrors));
if (!dynamicBuffer) return;
eBuffer = (DitherErrorsPtr)*dynamicBuffer + 1;
oBuffer = eBuffer + theData->width + 2;
} else {
eBuffer = &evenDithering[1];
oBuffer = &oddDithering[1];
// Clear out the dithering buffers
if (theData->evodd & 1)
ClearMem((Ptr)&eBuffer[-1], (theData->width + 2) * sizeof(DitherErrors));
else ClearMem((Ptr)&oBuffer[-1], (theData->width + 2) * sizeof(DitherErrors));
// Initialize the region data = 0;
rgnPtr = InitRegion(*theData->theRgn, &rgnData, &theData->boxRect);
// Beginning of outer (row) loop: determine even/odd and dither
while (row--) {
if ((++theData->evodd) & 1)
theData->odd((ulong *)src, dst, theData->itAddr, theData->ctAddr, eBuffer,
oBuffer, rgnData.buffer, theData->errTable, theData->width);
else theData->even((ulong *)src, dst, theData->itAddr, theData->ctAddr, eBuffer,
oBuffer, rgnData.buffer, theData->errTable, theData->width);
if (!row) break;
if (!--rgnData.yCount) rgnPtr = UpdateRegion(rgnPtr, &rgnData, &theData->boxRect);
src += theData->srcRow;
dst += theData->dstRow;
// Return space allocated for buffers
if (theData->width > kStackRowWidth) DisposeHandle(dynamicBuffer);
// Needed for all copy routines
0 ColorSpec *ctAddr; // color table address
4 uchar *itAddr; // inverse color table address
8 DitherErrorsPtr evenAddr,// even dithering buffer
12 oddAddr; // odd dithering buffer
16 DitherToDestPtr even, // address of even row dithering routine
20 odd; // address of odd row dithering routine
24 short *errTable; // address of dithering table
28 long srcRow, // row bytes in source pixmap
32 dstRow; // row bytes in destination pixmap
36 Ptr srcBase, // base address of source pixmap
40 dstBase; // base address of destination pixmap
44 long rgnBuffer[512],
2092 width, // total width of image
2096 height, // total height of image
2100 evodd; // word holding the even/odd row status
2104RgnHandle theRgn; // handle to the clipping region
2108Rect boxRect; // outer rect of the region
// Needed only for CopyScaled routines
long srcHeight, // height of the source rectangle
srcWidth, // width of same
dstHeight, // height of the destination rectangle
dstWidth, // width of same
xRemainder, // starting remainder in x
yRemainder, // starting remainder in y
columns, // internal counter for columns
rows; // internal counter for rows
Ptr outputAddr, // internal holder for destination address
sTable[6]; // pointers into the scaling table
} CopyData, *CopyDataPtr, **CopyDataHandle;
DitherErrorsPtr eBuffer, oBuffer;
Ptr src = theData->srcBase, dst = theData->dstBase;
short *rgnPtr;
long row = theData->height;
Handle dynamicBuffer;
RgnBuffer rgnData;
DitherErrors evenDithering[1752], oddDithering[1752];
00000000: 7C0802A6 mflr r0
00000004: BF01FFE0 stmw r24,-32(SP)
00000008: 90010008 stw r0,8(SP)
0000000C: 94215950 stwu SP,22864(SP)
00000010: 7C7F1B78 mr theData,r3
00000014: 807F082C lwz r3,2092(theData) ;theData->width
00000018: 83DF0024 lwz src,36(theData) ;theData->srcBase
0000001C: 2C0306D6 cmpwi r3,1750
00000020: 83BF0028 lwz dst,40(theData) ;theData->dstBase
00000024: 833F0830 lwz row,2096(theData) ;theData->height
00000028: 40810050 ble *+80 ; $00000078
if (theData->width > 1750) {
dynamicBuffer = AnyNewHandle((theData->width + 2) * 2 * sizeof(DitherErrors));
if (!dynamicBuffer) return;
eBuffer = (DitherErrorsPtr)*dynamicBuffer + 1;
oBuffer = eBuffer + theData->width + 2;
0000002C: 809F082C lwz r4,2092(theData) ;theData->width
00000030: 38840002 addi r4,r4,2
00000034: 5484083C slwi r4,r4,1
00000038: 1C64000C mulli r3,r4,12
0000003C: 48000001 bl .AnyNewHandle
00000040: 60000000 nop
00000044: 7C781B78 mr dynamicBuffer,r3
00000048: 2C180000 cmpwi dynamicBuffer,0
0000004C: 41820180 beq *+384 ; $000001CC
00000050: 7F03C378 mr r3,dynamicBuffer
00000054: 48000001 bl .HLock
00000058: 60000000 nop
0000005C: 80DF082C lwz r6,2092(theData) ;theData->width
00000060: 80B80000 lwz r5,0(dynamicBuffer)
00000064: 1CC6000C mulli r6,r6,12
00000068: 3B85000C addi eBuffer,r5,12
0000006C: 38C60018 addi r6,r6,24
00000070: 7F7C3214 add oBuffer,eBuffer,r6
00000074: 4280000C bc ALWAYS,cr0_LT,*+12 ; $00000080
} else {
eBuffer = &evenDithering[1];
oBuffer = &oddDithering[1];
00000078: 3B81526C addi eBuffer,SP,21100
0000007C: 3B61004C addi oBuffer,SP,76
if (theData->evodd & 1)
ClearMem((Ptr)&eBuffer[-1], (theData->width + 2) * sizeof(DitherErrors));
00000080: 80FF0834 lwz r7,2100(theData) ;theData->evodd
00000084: 70E70001 andi. r7,r7,$0001
00000088: 41820020 beq *+32 ; $000000A8
0000008C: 811F082C lwz r8,2092(theData) ;theData->width
00000090: 387CFFF4 subi r3,eBuffer,12
00000094: 39080002 addi r8,r8,2
00000098: 1C88000C mulli r4,r8,12
0000009C: 48000001 bl .ClearMem
000000A0: 60000000 nop
000000A4: 4280001C bc ALWAYS,cr0_LT,*+28 ; $000000C0
else ClearMem((Ptr)&oBuffer[-1], (theData->width + 2) * sizeof(DitherErrors));
000000A8: 813F082C lwz r9,2092(theData) ;theData->width
000000AC: 387BFFF4 subi r3,oBuffer,12
000000B0: 39290002 addi r9,r9,2
000000B4: 1C89000C mulli r4,r9,12
000000B8: 48000001 bl .ClearMem
000000BC: 60000000 nop
000000C0: 39400000 li r10,0 = 0;
rgnPtr = InitRegion(*theData->theRgn, &rgnData, &theData->boxRect);
000000C4: 9141A484 stw r10,-23420(SP)
000000C8: 817F0838 lwz r11,2104(theData) ;theData->theRgn
000000CC: 3881A480 subi r4,SP,23424
000000D0: 806B0000 lwz r3,0(r11)
000000D4: 38BF083C addi r5,theData,2108 ;theData->boxRect
000000D8: 48000001 bl .InitRegion
000000DC: 7C7A1B78 mr rgnPtr,r3
while (row--) {
000000E0: 428000C4 bc ALWAYS,cr0_LT,*+196 ; $000001A4
if ((++theData->evodd) & 1)
theData->odd((ulong *)src, dst, theData->itAddr, theData->ctAddr, eBuffer,
oBuffer, rgnData.buffer, theData->errTable, theData->width);
000000E4: 819F0834 lwz r12,2100(theData) ;theData->evodd
000000E8: 398C0001 addi r12,r12,1
000000EC: 919F0834 stw r12,2100(theData) ;theData->evodd
000000F0: 718C0001 andi. r12,r12,$0001
000000F4: 4182003C beq *+60 ; $00000130
000000F8: 807F082C lwz r3,2092(theData) ;theData->width
000000FC: 7FA4EB78 mr r4,dst
00000100: 90610038 stw r3,56(SP)
00000104: 80BF0004 lwz r5,4(theData) ;theData->itAddr
00000108: 80DF0000 lwz r6,0(theData) ;theData->ctAddr
0000010C: 815F0018 lwz r10,24(theData) ;theData->errTable
00000110: 819F0014 lwz r12,20(theData) ;theData->odd
00000114: 7FC3F378 mr r3,src
00000118: 7F87E378 mr r7,eBuffer
0000011C: 7F68DB78 mr r8,oBuffer
00000120: 3921A488 subi r9,SP,23416
00000124: 48000001 bl .__ptr_glue
00000128: 60000000 nop
0000012C: 42800038 bc ALWAYS,cr0_LT,*+56 ; $00000164
else theData->even((ulong *)src, dst, theData->itAddr, theData->ctAddr, eBuffer,
oBuffer, rgnData.buffer, theData->errTable, theData->width);
00000130: 809F082C lwz r4,2092(theData) ;theData->width
00000134: 7FC3F378 mr r3,src
00000138: 90810038 stw r4,56(SP)
0000013C: 80BF0004 lwz r5,4(theData) ;theData->itAddr
00000140: 80DF0000 lwz r6,0(theData) ;theData->ctAddr
00000144: 815F0018 lwz r10,24(theData) ;theData->errTable
00000148: 819F0010 lwz r12,16(theData) ;theData->even
0000014C: 7FA4EB78 mr r4,dst
00000150: 7F87E378 mr r7,eBuffer
00000154: 7F68DB78 mr r8,oBuffer
00000158: 3921A488 subi r9,SP,23416
0000015C: 48000001 bl .__ptr_glue
00000160: 60000000 nop
if (!row) break;
00000164: 2C190000 cmpwi row,0
00000168: 4182004C beq *+76 ; $000001B4
if (!--rgnData.yCount) rgnPtr = UpdateRegion(rgnPtr, &rgnData, &theData->boxRect);
0000016C: 80A1A480 lwz r5,-23424(SP)
00000170: 38A5FFFF subi r5,r5,1
00000174: 2C050000 cmpwi r5,0
00000178: 90A1A480 stw r5,-23424(SP)
0000017C: 40820018 bne *+24 ; $00000194
00000180: 7F43D378 mr r3,rgnPtr
00000184: 3881A480 subi r4,SP,23424
00000188: 38BF083C addi r5,theData,2108 ;theData->boxRect
0000018C: 48000001 bl .UpdateRegion
00000190: 7C7A1B78 mr rgnPtr,r3
src += theData->srcRow;
dst += theData->dstRow;
00000194: 80DF001C lwz r6,28(theData) ;theData->srcRow
00000198: 80FF0020 lwz r7,32(theData) ;theData->dstRow
0000019C: 7FDE3214 add src,src,r6
000001A0: 7FBD3A14 add dst,dst,r7
000001A4: 7F28CB78 mr r8,row
000001A8: 2C080000 cmpwi r8,0
000001AC: 3B39FFFF subi row,row,1
000001B0: 4082FF34 bne *-204 ; $000000E4
if (theData->width > 1750) DisposeHandle(dynamicBuffer);
000001B4: 813F082C lwz r9,2092(theData) ;theData->width
000001B8: 2C0906D6 cmpwi r9,1750
000001BC: 40810010 ble *+16 ; $000001CC
000001C0: 7F03C378 mr r3,dynamicBuffer
000001C4: 48000001 bl .DisposeHandle
000001C8: 60000000 nop
000001CC: 8001A6B8 lwz r0,-22856(SP)
000001D0: 3821A6B0 subi SP,SP,22864
000001D4: 7C0803A6 mtlr r0
000001D8: BB01FFE0 lmw r24,-32(SP)
000001DC: 4E800020 blr