Aaron Giles 92bdb55672 JPEGView 3.3 for Macintosh
These are the sources for the final official release of JPEGView for the
Mac, back in 1994.
2015-02-05 00:18:10 -08:00

1 line
18 KiB

/* This source code copyright (c) 1991-2001, Aaron Giles */
/* See the Read Me file for licensing information. */
/* Contact email: */
// Generic includes for Macintosh headers
#include "THINK.Header"
#include <stddef.h>
#elif applec
#pragma load ":Headers:MPW.Header"
#elif __MWERKS__
//#include "MW.Header"
#include "JPEGView.h"
// Includes specific to this module
#include "Quantize.h"
// Constants local to this module
enum {
kRedScale = 4,
kGreenScale = 5,
kBlueScale = 3
// Box: structure for holding information about color reduction boxes
typedef struct Box {
ushort c0min, c0max, c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max;
ulong colorCount;
} Box, *BoxPtr, **BoxHandle;
// FillData: structure for passing information between C and assembly portions of the
// histogram filling routine
typedef struct FillData {
ulong height, width;
ulong rowBytes;
ushort *histogram;
uchar *baseAdr;
} FillData, *FillDataPtr;
// Global variables local to this module
static ushort gNumBoxes, *gHistogram;
static Box gBoxList[256];
// Prototypes for functions local to this module
static BoxPtr FindBiggestPixelPop(void);
static BoxPtr FindBiggestVolume(void);
static void UpdateBox(BoxPtr boxp);
static void MedianCut(short desiredColors);
static void ComputeColor(BoxPtr boxp, int icolor, PaletteHandle thePalette);
static void DoFillHistogram32(FillDataPtr theData);
static void DoFillHistogram16(FillDataPtr theData);
extern void DoFillHistogram32(FillDataPtr theData);
extern void DoFillHistogram16(FillDataPtr theData);
// OSErr DoQuantize(ImageHandle theImage, long numColors, PaletteHandle *thePalette)
// Calculates two-pass color quantization for a given image, reducing it to the
// specified number of colors and returning the result as a palette in the specified
// handle.
// External calls: KeepSpinning, CheckedNewHandle, ClearMem, DrawImage, KillGWorld
extern OSErr DoQuantize(ImageHandle theImage, long numColors, PaletteHandle *thePalette,
NestedProgressPtr progProc)
Boolean hadGWorld = ((*theImage)->gworld != nil);
OSErr theErr = noErr;
Handle theHandle;
Str32 theNum;
*thePalette = nil;
if (theHandle = CheckedNewHandle(32768L * sizeof(short), true)) {
NumToString(numColors, theNum);
SetSlideControlsText(gString[strSlideReducing], (*theImage)->, gNullString, gNullString);
UpdateParamText(gString[strReducingTo], theNum, gNullString, (*theImage)->;
ClearMem(*theHandle, 32768L * sizeof(short));
gHistogram = (ushort *)StripAddress(*theHandle);
if (!GWOrigSize(theImage)) KillGWorld(theImage);
theErr = DrawImage(theImage, bfQuantize + (gSlideShow ? bfUseSlideProgress : 0),
if (theErr == noErr)
theErr = QuantizeFromHistogram(theHandle, numColors, thePalette);
} else gIntError = errNoQuantMemory, theErr = memFullErr;
if (theErr != noErr) {
if (!hadGWorld && (*theImage)->gworld) KillGWorld(theImage);
return theErr;
// QuantizeFromHistogram(Handle theHistogram, short numColors,
// PaletteHandle *thePalette)
// Performs two-pass color reduction, given a histogram of color counts.
// External calls: KeepSpinning
extern OSErr QuantizeFromHistogram(Handle theHistogram, long numColors,
PaletteHandle *thePalette)
char hState = HGetState(theHistogram);
OSErr theErr = noErr;
RGBColor theColor;
ushort i;
gHistogram = (ushort *)StripAddress(*theHistogram);
*thePalette = nil;
if (*thePalette = NewPalette(numColors, nil, pmTolerant, 0)) {
gNumBoxes = 1;
gBoxList[0].c0min = gBoxList[0].c1min = gBoxList[0].c2min = 0;
gBoxList[0].c0max = gBoxList[0].c1max = gBoxList[0].c2max = 31;
MedianCut(numColors - 2);
for (i = 0; i < gNumBoxes; i++) ComputeColor(&gBoxList[i], i, *thePalette);
for ( ; i < numColors; i++) {
GetEntryColor(gGreyPalette[8], i, &theColor);
SetEntryColor(*thePalette, i, &theColor);
} else gIntError = errNoQuantMemory, theErr = memFullErr;
HSetState(theHistogram, hState);
return theErr;
// void ShrinkGWorld(ImageHandle theImage)
// Attempts to create a properly-sized GWorld from an overly-deep GWorld.
// External calls: PushPort, SlideProgress, MySetPort, MakeImageGWorld, KillGWorld,
// PopPort, NewBits, KeepSpinning, OldBits
extern OSErr ShrinkGWorld(ImageHandle theImage)
GWorldPtr oldGWorld = (*theImage)->gworld, newGWorld;
JVDrawParamsHandle theParams;
Rect srcRect, dstRect;
OSErr theErr = noErr;
// first we try to allocate a proper-sized GWorld
(*theImage)->gworld = nil;
(*theImage)->flags &= ~ifGWOrigSize;
if (!MakeImageGWorld(theImage, false)) {
// if it didn't work, restore things and kill the oversized GWorld
(*theImage)->gworld = oldGWorld;
return noErr;
// calculate source and destination rectangles
srcRect = (GWOrigSize(theImage)) ? (*theImage)->crect : oldGWorld->portRect;
dstRect = (*theImage)->gworld->portRect;
// allocate the drawing parameters
if (theParams = NewDrawParams(&(*theImage)->gworld->portRect, (*theImage)->quality,
false, nil, (*theImage)->privateData)) {
// set up the destination port and preflight our drawing
SetUpDrawPort(theParams, kOffscreenPort1, (*theImage)->gworld, &srcRect, &dstRect, true);
theErr = PreflightDrawing(theParams);
// if everything worked, copy from GWorld to GWorld, and postflight when done
if (theErr == noErr) {
CopyGWorldToGWorld(oldGWorld, (*theParams)->dummy, &srcRect, &srcRect, srcCopy, nil);
theErr = PostflightDrawing(theParams);
// now kill the old GWorld through the proper channels
newGWorld = (*theImage)->gworld;
(*theImage)->gworld = oldGWorld;
(*theImage)->gworld = newGWorld;
// dispose of everything and clean up
} else theErr = MemError();
return theErr;
// void FillHistogram(PixMapPtr thePixMap)
// Fills the local histogram according to the data in the specified PixMap. Works
// for 16-bit and 32-bit deep PixMaps. Both C and 68020 assembly versions are
// provided.
// External calls: none
extern void FillHistogram(PixMapPtr thePixMap)
register short theDepth = thePixMap->pixelSize;
char mmuMode = true32b;
FillData theData;
theData.height = Height(&thePixMap->bounds);
theData.width = Width(&thePixMap->bounds);
theData.rowBytes = thePixMap->rowBytes & 0x3fff;
theData.histogram = gHistogram;
if (thePixMap->pmVersion == 4) theData.baseAdr = (uchar *)thePixMap->baseAddr;
else theData.baseAdr = (uchar *)StripAddress(thePixMap->baseAddr);
switch (theDepth) {
case 32:
case 16:
// BoxPtr FindBiggestPixelPop(void)
// Searches the box list for the box with the largest number of pixels.
// External calls: none
static BoxPtr FindBiggestPixelPop(void)
register ulong max = 0;
register BoxPtr boxp;
BoxPtr which = nil;
register ushort i;
for (i = 0, boxp = gBoxList; i < gNumBoxes; i++, boxp++)
if (boxp->colorCount > max)
if ((boxp->c0max > boxp->c0min) ||
(boxp->c1max > boxp->c1min) ||
(boxp->c2max > boxp->c2min)) {
which = boxp;
max = boxp->colorCount;
return which;
// BoxPtr FindBiggestVolume(void)
// Searches the box list for the box with the largest volume (actually largest norm).
// External calls: none
static BoxPtr FindBiggestVolume(void)
register ulong norm, c0, c1, c2;
register ulong max = 0;
register BoxPtr boxp;
BoxPtr which = nil;
register ushort i;
for (i = 0, boxp = gBoxList; i < gNumBoxes; i++, boxp++) {
c0 = (boxp->c0max - boxp->c0min) * kRedScale;
c1 = (boxp->c1max - boxp->c1min) * kGreenScale;
c2 = (boxp->c2max - boxp->c2min) * kBlueScale;
norm = c0*c0 + c1*c1 + c2*c2;
if (norm > max) {
which = boxp;
max = norm;
return which;
// void UpdateBox(BoxPtr boxp)
// Shrinks a given box to its minimum size and recalculates the number of pixels
// contained therein.
// External calls: none
static void UpdateBox(BoxPtr boxp)
short c0min, c0max, c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max;
register short c0, c1, c2;
register ushort *hist;
ulong ccount;
c0min = boxp->c0min; c0max = boxp->c0max;
c1min = boxp->c1min; c1max = boxp->c1max;
c2min = boxp->c2min; c2max = boxp->c2max;
if (c0max > c0min)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++) {
hist = gHistogram + (((c0 << 5) + c1) << 5) + c2min;
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
if (*hist++) {
boxp->c0min = c0min = c0;
goto haveC0Min;
if (c0max > c0min)
for (c0 = c0max; c0 >= c0min; c0--)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++) {
hist = gHistogram + (((c0 << 5) + c1) << 5) + c2min;
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
if (*hist++) {
boxp->c0max = c0max = c0;
goto haveC0Max;
if (c1max > c1min)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++) {
hist = gHistogram + (((c0 << 5) + c1) << 5) + c2min;
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
if (*hist++) {
boxp->c1min = c1min = c1;
goto haveC1Min;
if (c1max > c1min)
for (c1 = c1max; c1 >= c1min; c1--)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++) {
hist = gHistogram + (((c0 << 5) + c1) << 5) + c2min;
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
if (*hist++) {
boxp->c1max = c1max = c1;
goto haveC1Max;
if (c2max > c2min)
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++) {
hist = gHistogram + (((c0 << 5) + c1min) << 5) + c2;
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++, hist += 32)
if (*hist) {
boxp->c2min = c2min = c2;
goto haveC2Min;
if (c2max > c2min)
for (c2 = c2max; c2 >= c2min; c2--)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++) {
hist = gHistogram + (((c0 << 5) + c1min) << 5) + c2;
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++, hist += 32)
if (*hist) {
boxp->c2max = c2max = c2;
goto haveC2Max;
ccount = 0;
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++) {
hist = gHistogram + (((c0 << 5) + c1) << 5) + c2min;
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
ccount += *hist++;
boxp->colorCount = ccount;
// void MedianCut(short desiredColors)
// Repeatedly divides the original box into smaller boxes until we have as many boxes
// as there are desired colors.
// External calls: KeepSpinning
static void MedianCut(short desiredColors)
long c0min, c0max, c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max;
long c0, c1, c2, cmax;
register BoxPtr b1, b2;
ushort n, lb;
while (gNumBoxes < desiredColors) {
if ((gNumBoxes << 1) <= desiredColors) b1 = FindBiggestPixelPop();
else b1 = FindBiggestVolume();
if (!b1) break;
c0min = b1->c0min; c0max = b1->c0max;
c1min = b1->c1min; c1max = b1->c1max;
c2min = b1->c2min; c2max = b1->c2max;
b2 = &gBoxList[gNumBoxes];
b2->c0max = c0max; b2->c1max = c1max; b2->c2max = c2max;
b2->c0min = c0min; b2->c1min = c1min; b2->c2min = c2min;
c0 = (c0max - c0min) * kRedScale;
c1 = (c1max - c1min) * kGreenScale;
c2 = (c2max - c2min) * kBlueScale;
cmax = c0; n = 0;
if (c1 > cmax) { cmax = c1; n = 1; }
if (c2 > cmax) n = 2;
switch (n) {
case 0:
lb = (c0max + c0min) >> 1;
b1->c0max = lb;
b2->c0min = lb + 1;
case 1:
lb = (c1max + c1min) >> 1;
b1->c1max = lb;
b2->c1min = lb + 1;
case 2:
lb = (c2max + c2min) >> 1;
b1->c2max = lb;
b2->c2min = lb + 1;
// void ComputeColor(BoxPtr boxp, int icolor, PaletteHandle thePalette)
// Calculates the final RGB color by doing a weighted average over pixels in the
// given box.
// External calls: none
static void ComputeColor(BoxPtr boxp, int icolor, PaletteHandle thePalette)
ulong count, total = 0, c0total = 0, c1total = 0, c2total = 0;
short c0min, c0max, c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max;
short c0, c1, c2, r, g, b;
register ushort *hist;
RGBColor theColor;
if (!icolor) { = = = 0xffff;
SetEntryColor(thePalette, 0, &theColor); = = = 0;
SetEntryColor(thePalette, 1, &theColor);
c0min = boxp->c0min; c0max = boxp->c0max;
c1min = boxp->c1min; c1max = boxp->c1max;
c2min = boxp->c2min; c2max = boxp->c2max;
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++) {
hist = gHistogram + (((c0 << 5) + c1) << 5) + c2min;
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
if (count = *hist++) {
total += count;
c0total += ((c0 << 3) + 4) * count;
c1total += ((c1 << 3) + 4) * count;
c2total += ((c2 << 3) + 4) * count;
if (total) {
r = (c0total + (total >> 1)) / total;
g = (c1total + (total >> 1)) / total;
b = (c2total + (total >> 1)) / total; = ((ushort)r << 8) | (ushort)r; = ((ushort)g << 8) | (ushort)g; = ((ushort)b << 8) | (ushort)b;
} else = = = 0;
SetEntryColor(thePalette, icolor + 2, &theColor);
#if !USE_ASM
// Generic C substitutes for the assembly functions defined below.
static void DoFillHistogram32(FillDataPtr theData)
#include "FillHistogram32.c"
static void DoFillHistogram16(FillDataPtr theData)
#include "FillHistogram16.c"
#elif THINK_C
// Assembly language interfaces for THINK C; here we define the offsets of all fields
// within the CopyData structure, and then provide C function wrappers around asm { }
// statements that #include the actual assembly code. In MPW, we just need to compile
// Quantize.a to get the assembly routines.
#define height offsetof(FillData, height) /* 0 */
#define width offsetof(FillData, width) /* 4 */
#define rowBytes offsetof(FillData, rowBytes) /* 8 */
#define histogram offsetof(FillData, histogram) /* 12 */
#define baseAdr offsetof(FillData, baseAdr) /* 16 */
static void DoFillHistogram32(FillDataPtr theData)
asm {
#include "FillHistogram32.a"
static void DoFillHistogram16(FillDataPtr theData)
asm {
#include "FillHistogram16.a"