Aaron Giles 92bdb55672 JPEGView 3.3 for Macintosh
These are the sources for the final official release of JPEGView for the
Mac, back in 1994.
2015-02-05 00:18:10 -08:00

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/* This source code copyright (c) 1991-2001, Aaron Giles */
/* See the Read Me file for licensing information. */
/* Contact email: */
#include "THINK.Header"
#elif applec
#pragma load ":Headers:MPW.Header"
#elif __MWERKS__
//#include "MW.Header"
#include "JPEGView.h"
* Global variables:
* lDeskFolderSpec = FSSpec record for the current desktop folder
static FSSpec gDeskFolderSpec;
static Boolean gReallyCancelled = true;
static DlgHookYDUPP gStdFolderHook = nil;
* StandardGetFolder(theSpec)
* Purpose: Uses the DTS code to allow the user to select a folder
* Inputs: theSpec = the destination FSSpec to stuff the dirID and vRefNum
* Returns: true if it wasn't cancelled
Boolean StandardGetFolder(FSSpec *theSpec)
short activeList[2] = { 1, sfItemFileListUser };
Point where = CenterDialogWhere(rFolderDialog);
Boolean isFolder, wasAliased;
StandardFileReply sfReply;
Str255 dummyString = "\p";
SFData sfUserData;
OSErr theErr;
sfUserData.replyPtr = &sfReply;
sfUserData.origSelection = *theSpec;
sfUserData.oldSelection.vRefNum = -9999;
gReallyCancelled = true;
GetDeskFolderSpec(&gDeskFolderSpec, sfUserData.origSelection.vRefNum);
if (!gStdFolderHook)
gStdFolderHook = NewDlgHookYDProc((ProcPtr)StdFolderHook);
CustomPutFile(gNullString, dummyString, &sfReply, rFolderDialog, where,
gStdFolderHook, gOpenSaveModalFilter, activeList, nil, &sfUserData);
sfReply.sfGood = !gReallyCancelled;
if (sfReply.sfGood) {
if (MakeCanonFSSpec(&sfReply.sfFile) != noErr) return false;
if (ResolveAliasFile(&sfReply.sfFile, true, &isFolder, &wasAliased) != noErr)
return false;
theErr = FSMakeFSSpec(sfReply.sfFile.vRefNum, sfReply.sfFile.parID,,
if (theErr != noErr) return false;
return sfReply.sfGood;
* StdFolderHook(item, theDialog, userData)
* Purpose: Called by CustomGetFile to handle our special button
* Inputs: item = the item number hit
* theDialog = pointer to the dialog record
* userData = pointer to our data
* Returns: the item number hit
pascal short StdFolderHook(short item, DialogPtr theDialog, Ptr userData)
static short gLastItem = 0, gLastVRefNum = 555;
SFDataPtr sfUserData = (SFDataPtr)userData;
SysEnvRec theEnvirons;
FSSpec curSpec;
long theID;
if (gLastItem == sfItemEjectButton) {
SysEnvirons(1, &theEnvirons);
if (theEnvirons.sysVRefNum != gLastVRefNum) UnmountVol(0, gLastVRefNum);
if (GetWRefCon(theDialog) != sfMainDialogRefCon) return item;
if (item == sfHookFirstCall) {
curSpec = sfUserData->origSelection;
GetDirectoryID(&curSpec, &theID);
curSpec.parID = theID;[0] = 0;
sfUserData->replyPtr->sfFile = curSpec;
return sfHookChangeSelection;
} else if (item == sfHookLastCall) {
return item;
curSpec = sfUserData->replyPtr->sfFile;
if (!SameFile(&curSpec, &sfUserData->oldSelection)) {
if (curSpec.vRefNum != sfUserData->oldSelection.vRefNum)
GetDeskFolderSpec(&gDeskFolderSpec, curSpec.vRefNum);
SetSelectButtonName(, ShouldHiliteSelect(&curSpec), theDialog);
sfUserData->oldSelection = sfUserData->replyPtr->sfFile;
if (item == folderSelectButton) {
item = sfItemCancelButton;
gReallyCancelled = false;
gLastVRefNum = sfUserData->replyPtr->sfFile.vRefNum;
return gLastItem = item;
* SetSelectButtonName(selName, hilited, theDialog)
* Purpose: Set the name of the Select button in our folder dialog
* Inputs: selName = the new name
* hilited = whether we should enable the button or not
* theDialog = pointer to our dialog
* Returns: nothing
void SetSelectButtonName(StringPtr selName, Boolean hilited, DialogPtr theDialog)
Str255 storeName, tempLenStr, tempSelName;
short itemType, width;
Handle itemHandle;
Rect itemRect;
BlockMove(selName, tempSelName, selName[0] + 1);
GetDItem(theDialog, folderSelectButton, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect);
width = itemRect.right - itemRect.left;
BlockMove(gString[strSelect], tempLenStr, *gString[strSelect] + 1);
AddCString(tempLenStr, " <20><> ", 5);
width -= StringWidth(tempLenStr);
TruncString(width, tempSelName, smTruncMiddle);
BlockMove(gString[strSelect], storeName, *gString[strSelect] + 1);
AddCString(storeName, " <20>", 2);
AddString(storeName, tempSelName);
AddChar(storeName, '<EFBFBD>');
SetCTitle((ControlHandle)itemHandle, storeName);
SetDItem(theDialog, folderSelectButton, itemType, itemHandle, &itemRect);
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)itemHandle, hilited ? 0 : 255);
* MakeCanonFSSpec(theSpec)
* Purpose: Checks and creates a FSSpec record for the given directory
* Inputs: theSpec = the spec to check
* Returns: OSErr if there's a problem
OSErr MakeCanonFSSpec(FSSpec *theSpec)
DirInfo infoPB;
OSErr err;
if (theSpec->name[0] != '\0') return fnfErr;
infoPB.ioNamePtr = theSpec->name;
infoPB.ioVRefNum = theSpec->vRefNum;
infoPB.ioDrDirID = theSpec->parID;
infoPB.ioFDirIndex = -1;
err = PBGetCatInfo((CInfoPBPtr)&infoPB, false);
theSpec->parID = infoPB.ioDrParID;
return err;
* GetDeskFolderSpec(theSpec, vRefNum)
* Purpose: Get the desktop folder's FSSpec for the given vRefNum
* Inputs: theSpec = the spec we want
* vRefNum = the volume reference number for the folder we desire
* Returns: OSErr if there's a problem
extern OSErr GetDeskFolderSpec(FSSpec *theSpec, short vRefNum)
OSErr err;
theSpec->name[0] = '\0';
if ((err = FindFolder(vRefNum, kDesktopFolderType, kDontCreateFolder,
&theSpec->vRefNum, &theSpec->parID)) != noErr) return err;
return MakeCanonFSSpec(theSpec);
* ShouldHiliteSelect(theSpec)
* Purpose: Checks the validity of the given folder and says if we should enable it
* Inputs: theSpec = the spec we want
* Returns: true to enable, false to disable
Boolean ShouldHiliteSelect(FSSpec *theSpec)
if (SameFile(theSpec, &gDeskFolderSpec))
BlockMove(gString[strDesktop], theSpec->name, *gString[strDesktop] + 1);
return true;
extern Boolean SameFile(FSSpec *file1, FSSpec *file2)
return (file1->vRefNum == file2->vRefNum &&
file1->parID == file2->parID &&
EqualString(file1->name, file2->name, false, true));