Aaron Giles 92bdb55672 JPEGView 3.3 for Macintosh
These are the sources for the final official release of JPEGView for the
Mac, back in 1994.
2015-02-05 00:18:10 -08:00

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8.7 KiB

/* This source code copyright (c) 1991-2001, Aaron Giles */
/* See the Read Me file for licensing information. */
/* Contact email: */
#include "THINK.Header"
#elif applec
#pragma load ":Headers:MPW.Header"
#elif __MWERKS__
//#include "MW.Header"
#include "JPEGView.h"
* FileAccessor(classWanted, container, containerClass, keyForm, keyData,
* resultToken, theRefCon)
* Purpose: Finds a document according to the specified keyForm and returns the
* corresponding document token
* Inputs: classWanted = the element class desired (cFile)
* container = token for this element's container
* containerClass = class of this element's container (cDocument)
* keyForm = the search key type
* keyData = descriptor containing search key data
* resultToken = descriptor containing the resulting token
* theRefCon = reference constant
* Returns: an OSErr describing the result
pascal OSErr FileAccessor(DescType classWanted, AEDesc *container,
DescType containerClass, DescType keyForm, AEDesc *keyData,
AEDesc *resultToken, long theRefCon)
#if applec
#pragma unused(classWanted, containerClass, theRefCon)
ObjectTokenHandle theList = (ObjectTokenHandle)container->dataHandle;
OSErr theErr = noErr;
if (IsValidForOne(keyForm, keyData)) {
if ((theErr = HandToHand((Handle *)&theList)) != noErr) return theErr;
} else return errAENoSuchObject;
if (!theList || !(*theList)->count || (theErr != noErr)) {
if (theErr == noErr) theErr = errAENoSuchObject;
} else {
theErr = AECreateHandleDesc(cFile, (Handle)theList, resultToken);
return theErr;
* FilePropertyAccessor(classWanted, container, containerClass, keyForm, keyData,
* resultToken, theRefCon)
* Purpose: Finds a file property and returns the corresponding property token
* Inputs: classWanted = the element class desired (typeProperty)
* container = token for this element's container
* containerClass = class of this element's container (cFile)
* keyForm = the search key type
* keyData = descriptor containing search key data
* resultToken = descriptor containing the resulting token
* theRefCon = reference constant
* Returns: an OSErr describing the result
pascal OSErr FilePropertyAccessor(DescType classWanted, AEDesc *container,
DescType containerClass, DescType keyForm, AEDesc *keyData,
AEDesc *resultToken, long theRefCon)
#if applec
#pragma unused(classWanted, containerClass, theRefCon)
ObjectTokenHandle theList = (ObjectTokenHandle)container->dataHandle;
DescType propertyType;
OSErr theErr;
if ((keyForm != formPropertyID) || (keyData->descriptorType != typeType))
return errAECantSupplyType;
propertyType = *(DescType *)*keyData->dataHandle;
switch (propertyType) {
// Non-modifiable properties
case pBestType:
case pClass:
case pDefaultType:
case pIsStationeryPad:
// Modifiable properties
case pName:
return errAEEventNotHandled;
theErr = HandToHand((Handle *)&theList);
if (theErr != noErr) return theErr;
(*theList)->property = propertyType;
(*theList)->objclass = cFile;
theErr = AECreateHandleDesc(typeProperty, (Handle)theList, resultToken);
return theErr;
* GetFileData(theWindow, typeWanted, theData)
* Purpose: Extracts the data from the file
* Inputs: theWindow = the window associated with this object
* typeWanted = the type we're asking for
* theData = the data we save
* Returns: an OSErr describing the result
OSErr GetFileData(WindowPtr theWindow, DescType typeWanted, AEDesc *theData)
if (typeWanted == typeWildCard) typeWanted = typeObjectSpecifier;
if (typeWanted == typeBest) typeWanted = typeObjectSpecifier;
if (typeWanted != typeObjectSpecifier) return errAECantSupplyType;
return MakeFileObject(theWindow, theData);
* GetFilePropertyData(theWindow, theProperty, typeWanted, theData)
* Purpose: Extracts the data from the file's properties
* Inputs: theWindow = the window associated with this object
* theProperty = the property wanted
* typeWanted = the type we're asking for
* theData = the data we save
* Returns: an OSErr describing the result
OSErr GetFilePropertyData(WindowPtr theWindow, DescType theProperty, DescType typeWanted,
AEDesc *theData)
ImageHandle theImage = FindImage(theWindow);
Boolean theBoolean = false;
Handle theHandle;
DescType theType;
AEDesc bestData;
FSSpec theSpec;
long theLong;
OSErr theErr;
if (!theImage) return errAEReadDenied;
switch (theProperty) {
case pBestType:
case pDefaultType:
theType = typeObjectSpecifier;
theErr = AECreateDesc(typeType, (void *)&theType, sizeof(DescType), &bestData);
case pClass:
theType = cFile;
theErr = AECreateDesc(typeType, (void *)&theType, sizeof(DescType), &bestData);
case pIsStationeryPad:
theErr = AECreateDesc(typeBoolean, (void *)&theBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), &bestData);
case pName:
theSpec = (*theImage)->file;
theErr = GetFullPath(&theSpec, &theHandle);
if ((theErr == noErr) && theHandle) {
theLong = GetHandleSize(theHandle);
SetHandleSize(theHandle, theLong + 4);
if ((theErr = MemError()) == noErr) {
BlockMove(*theHandle, (uchar *)*theHandle + 4, theLong);
*(short *)*theHandle = smCurrentScript;
*((short *)*theHandle + 1) = currentCurLang;
theErr = AECreateHandleDesc(typeIntlText, theHandle, &bestData);
return errAETypeError;
if (theErr != noErr) return theErr;
if ((bestData.descriptorType == typeWanted) ||
(typeWanted == typeWildCard) || (typeWanted == typeBest))
theErr = AEDuplicateDesc(&bestData, theData);
else theErr = AECoerceDesc(&bestData, typeWanted, theData);
return theErr;
* SetFilePropertyData(theWindow, theProperty, theData)
* Purpose: Sets the data for the application's properties
* Inputs: theWindow = the associated window
* theProperty = the property wanted
* theData = the data to set it to
* Returns: an OSErr describing the result
OSErr SetFilePropertyData(WindowPtr theWindow, DescType theProperty, AEDesc *theData)
ImageHandle theImage = FindImage(theWindow);
Str255 theString;
FSSpec theSpec;
OSErr theErr;
if (!theImage) return errAEReadDenied;
switch (theProperty) {
case pName:
theErr = AEExtractPString(theData, 0, theString);
if (theErr == noErr) {
theErr = FSMakeFSSpec((*theImage)->file.vRefNum, (*theImage)->file.parID,
theString, &theSpec);
if ((theErr == noErr) || (theErr == fnfErr)) {
(*theImage)->file = theSpec;
theErr = noErr;
theErr = errAEWriteDenied;
return theErr;
* MakeFileObject(theWindow, theObject)
* Purpose: Creates a file object descriptor for the given window
* Inputs: theWindow = pointer to the window, or nil for all windows
* theObject = pointer to an AEDesc to store the result
* Returns: an OSErr describing what went wrong
OSErr MakeFileObject(WindowPtr theWindow, AEDesc *theObject)
AEDesc theKey, theContainer;
long index = kAEFirst;
OSErr theErr = noErr;
theErr = MakeDocumentObject(theWindow, &theContainer);
if (theErr == noErr) {
theErr = AECreateDesc(typeAbsoluteOrdinal, (void *)&index, sizeof(long), &theKey);
if (theErr == noErr) {
theErr = CreateObjSpecifier(cFile, &theContainer, formAbsolutePosition,
&theKey, false, theObject);
return theErr;
* MakeFilePropertyObject(theWindow, theProperty, theObject)
* Purpose: Creates a property object descriptor for the given files's property
* Inputs: theWindow = pointer to the window, or nil for all windows
* theObject = pointer to an AEDesc to store the result
* Returns: an OSErr describing what went wrong
OSErr MakeFilePropertyObject(WindowPtr theWindow, DescType theProperty, AEDesc *theObject)
AEDesc theKey, theContainer;
OSErr theErr = noErr;
theErr = MakeFileObject(theWindow, &theContainer);
if (theErr == noErr) {
theErr = AECreateDesc(typeType, (void *)&theProperty, sizeof(DescType), &theKey);
if (theErr == noErr) {
theErr = CreateObjSpecifier(typeProperty, &theContainer, formPropertyID,
&theKey, false, theObject);
return theErr;