2006-05-26 19:42:13 +00:00

450 lines
13 KiB

//* OpenGLide for Macintosh - Glide to OpenGL Wrapper
//* Mac specific functions
//* OpenGLide is OpenSource under LGPL license
//* Mac version and additional features by Jens-Olaf Hemprich
#include "FormatConversion.h"
#include "Glide.h"
#include "GlideApplication.h"
#include "GlideDisplay.h"
#include "GlideSettings.h"
#include "GLExtensions.h"
#include "GLRender.h"
#include <profiler.h>
OSErr __macglide_initialize(struct CFragInitBlock* initBlkPtr)
OSErr err = __initialize((CFragInitBlock*) initBlkPtr);
if (err == noErr)
err = ProfilerInit(collectSummary, bestTimeBase, 666, 666);
assert(err == noErr);
err = UserConfig.init(s_GlideApplication.GetName());
if (err == noErr)
if (!ClearAndGenerateLogFile())
GlideError("Unable to init log file: Error code %d", err);
err = DisplayManager_RememberDesktopDisplay();
return err;
void __macglide_terminate()
#ifdef OGL_DEBUG
OSErr err = DisplayManager_RestoreDesktopDisplay();
if (Glide.ReadBuffer.Address)
Glide.ReadBuffer.Address = NULL;
char* filename = "XMacGLide Profiler stats";
filename[0] = strlen(&filename[1]);
err = ProfilerDump(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(filename));
const char* OpenGLideProductName = "MacGLide";
// Allow allocation of memory at 16-byte boundaries to support altivec
void* AllocSysPtr16ByteAligned(long buffersize)
void* buffer = NewPtrSys(buffersize + 16);
if (buffer == NULL) return NULL;
unsigned long aligned_buffer = (reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(buffer) + 16) & 0xfffffff0;
// remember the real location of the buffer
(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long*>(aligned_buffer))[-1] = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(buffer);
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(aligned_buffer);
void Free16ByteAligned(void* aligned_buffer)
DisposePtr((Ptr) (static_cast<unsigned long*>(aligned_buffer))[-1]);
void FatalErrorMessageBox(const char* message)
unsigned char buffer1[] = "XMacGLide has encountered an unrecoverable error and cannot continue. Excuse:";
buffer1[0] = strlen(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&buffer1[1]));
unsigned char buffer2[StringBufferSize + 1];
strncpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&buffer2[1]), message, StringBufferSize -1);
buffer2[0] = strlen(message);
buffer2[buffer2[0] + 1] = 0x0;
SInt16 itemhit;
StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, buffer1, buffer2, NULL, &itemhit);
char* _strtime(char* timebuf)
time_t systime;
struct tm *currtime;
systime = time(NULL);
currtime = localtime(&systime);
strftime(timebuf, 128, "%X", currtime);
return timebuf;
char* _strdate(char* timebuf)
time_t systime;
struct tm *currtime;
systime = time(NULL);
currtime = localtime(&systime);
strftime(timebuf, 128, "%x", currtime);
return timebuf;
// Big endian conversion functions
// Note about anisotropy and chromakeying:
// If anisotropy is enabled, some textured objects contain
// chromakey-colored pixels.
// This happens because chromakey pixels keep their color values,
// and only the alpha value is set to 0. If the texture is rendered
// with anisotropy enabled (also happened in the framebuffer emulation
// with linear texture filter), the chromakeyed pixels are somehow
// combined with a neighboring (non-chromakey colored) pixel.
// This seems to change the alpha value and as a result, the pixels
// pass the alpha test and are rendered.
// To minimise the resulting artefacts, the color of the chroma-keyed pixel
// is set to the color of the neighboring pixel.
// Used by MacGLide for lossy conversions
void Convert565Kto5551(const FxU32* Buffer1, FxU32 key, FxU32* Buffer2, FxU32 NumberOfPixels )
// Convert565Kto5551((unsigned long*) Src, (unsigned long*) Dst, NumberOfPixels);
// This functions processes 2 pixels at a time, there is no problem in
// passing odd numbers or a number less than 2 for the pixels, but
// the buffers should be large enough
FxU32 key1 = key & 0xffff;
FxU32 key2 = key << 16;
while ( NumberOfPixels > 0)
FxU32 src1 = *Buffer1 && 0xffff;
FxU32 dest;
if (key1 == src1)
dest = 0;
dest = src1;
FxU32 src2 = (*Buffer1 && 0xffff0000);
if (key2 != src2)
dest = dest | src2;
*Buffer2++ = ( (dest) & 0xFFC0FFC0 ) |
( ( (dest) & 0x001F001F ) << 1 ) |
NumberOfPixels -= 2;
void Convert565Kto8888(const FxU16* src, FxU16 key, FxU32* dst, FxU32 pixels)
// Scan for first non-chromakey pixel
// in order to find to the starting value
// for the chromakey_replacement
const register FxU32 mask_pixel_r = 0x0000f800;
const register FxU32 mask_pixel_g = 0x000007e0;
const register FxU32 mask_pixel_b = 0x0000001f;
register FxU16 chromakey_replacement_565 = 0x0000;
for(const FxU16* p = src; p < (src + pixels); p++)
chromakey_replacement_565 = *p;
if (chromakey_replacement_565 != key) break;
register FxU32 rgb_mask_8888 = 0xffffff00;
register FxU32 chromakey_replacement_8888 = 0x00000000;
chromakey_replacement_8888 = (0x00000000 | // A
(chromakey_replacement_565 & mask_pixel_b) << 11 | // B
(chromakey_replacement_565 & mask_pixel_g) << 13 | // G
(chromakey_replacement_565 & mask_pixel_r) << 16); // R
// Start the conversion
register FxU16 pixel_565;
register FxU32 pixel_8888;
while (pixels)
pixel_565 = *src++;
if (pixel_565 == key)
// Minimise anisotropy artefacts
pixel_8888 = chromakey_replacement_8888;
pixel_8888 = (0x000000ff | // A
(pixel_565 & mask_pixel_b) << 11 | // B
(pixel_565 & mask_pixel_g) << 13 | // G
(pixel_565 & mask_pixel_r) << 16); // R
chromakey_replacement_8888 = pixel_8888 & rgb_mask_8888;
*dst++ = pixel_8888;
void ConvertA8toAP88(const FxU8 *Buffer1, FxU16 *Buffer2, FxU32 Pixels )
while ( Pixels )
*Buffer2 = ( ( ( *Buffer1 ) << 8 ) | ( *Buffer1 ) );
void Convert8332to8888(const FxU16 *Buffer1, FxU32 *Buffer2, FxU32 Pixels )
FxU32 R, G, B, A;
for ( FxU32 i = Pixels; i > 0; i-- )
A = ( ( ( *Buffer1 ) >> 8 ) & 0xFF );
R = ( ( ( *Buffer1 ) >> 5 ) & 0x07 ) << 5;
G = ( ( ( *Buffer1 ) >> 2 ) & 0x07 ) << 5;
B = ( ( *Buffer1 ) & 0x03 ) << 6;
*Buffer2 = ( R << 24 ) | ( G << 16 ) | ( B << 8 ) | A;
void ConvertP8to8888(const FxU8 *Buffer1, FxU32 *Buffer2, FxU32 Pixels, FxU32 *palette )
while ( Pixels-- )
*Buffer2++ = palette[ *Buffer1++ ];
void ConvertP8Kto8888(const FxU8 *Buffer1, FxU32 Key, FxU32 *Buffer2, FxU32 Pixels, FxU32 *palette )
// Scan for first non-chromakey pixel
// in order to find to the starting value
// for the chromakey_replacement
register FxU32 chromakey_replacement = 0;
register FxU32 chromakey = Key;
register FxU32 alpha_mask = 0xffffff00;
for(const FxU8* b = Buffer1; b < (Buffer1 + Pixels); b++)
chromakey_replacement = (palette[*b] & alpha_mask);
if (chromakey_replacement != chromakey) break;
// Start the conversion
register FxU32 current_pixel = 0;
while ( Pixels-- )
current_pixel = palette[*Buffer1++];
if (current_pixel == chromakey)
*Buffer2 = chromakey_replacement;
*Buffer2 = current_pixel;
chromakey_replacement = current_pixel & alpha_mask;
void ConvertAI44toAP88(const FxU8 *Buffer1, FxU16 *Buffer2, FxU32 Pixels )
for ( FxU32 i = Pixels; i > 0; i-- )
*Buffer2 = ( ( ( ( *Buffer1 ) & 0xF0 ) << 8 ) | ( ( ( *Buffer1 ) & 0x0F ) << 4 ) );
void ConvertAP88to8888(const FxU16 *Buffer1, FxU32 *Buffer2, FxU32 Pixels, FxU32 *palette )
FxU32 RGB,
for ( FxU32 i = Pixels; i > 0; i-- )
RGB = ( palette[ *Buffer1 & 0x00ff ] & 0xffffff00 );
A = *Buffer1 >> 8;
*Buffer2 = A | RGB;
void ConvertYIQto8888(const FxU8 *in, FxU32 *out, FxU32 Pixels, GuNccTable *ncc )
FxI32 R;
FxI32 G;
FxI32 B;
for ( FxU32 i = Pixels; i > 0; i-- )
R = ncc->yRGB[ *in >> 4 ] + ncc->iRGB[ ( *in >> 2 ) & 0x3 ][ 0 ]
+ ncc->qRGB[ ( *in ) & 0x3 ][ 0 ];
G = ncc->yRGB[ *in >> 4 ] + ncc->iRGB[ ( *in >> 2 ) & 0x3 ][ 1 ]
+ ncc->qRGB[ ( *in ) & 0x3 ][ 1 ];
B = ncc->yRGB[ *in >> 4 ] + ncc->iRGB[ ( *in >> 2 ) & 0x3 ][ 2 ]
+ ncc->qRGB[ ( *in ) & 0x3 ][ 2 ];
// Clamp values
R = ( ( R < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( R > 255 ) ? 255 : R ) );
G = ( ( G < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( G > 255 ) ? 255 : G ) );
B = ( ( B < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( B > 255 ) ? 255 : B ) );
*out = ( (R << 24) | ( G << 16 ) | ( B << 8 ) | 0x000000ff );
void ConvertAYIQto8888(const FxU16 *in, FxU32 *out, FxU32 Pixels, GuNccTable *ncc)
FxI32 R;
FxI32 G;
FxI32 B;
for ( FxU32 i = Pixels; i > 0; i-- )
R = ncc->yRGB[ ( *in >> 4 ) & 0xf ] + ncc->iRGB[ ( *in >> 2 ) & 0x3 ][ 0 ]
+ ncc->qRGB[ ( *in ) & 0x3 ][ 0 ];
G = ncc->yRGB[ ( *in >> 4 ) & 0xf ] + ncc->iRGB[ ( *in >> 2 ) & 0x3 ][ 1 ]
+ ncc->qRGB[ ( *in ) & 0x3 ][ 1 ];
B = ncc->yRGB[ ( *in >> 4 ) & 0xf ] + ncc->iRGB[ ( *in >> 2 ) & 0x3 ][ 2 ]
+ ncc->qRGB[ ( *in ) & 0x3 ][ 2 ];
R = ( ( R < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( R > 255 ) ? 255 : R ) );
G = ( ( G < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( G > 255 ) ? 255 : G ) );
B = ( ( B < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( B > 255 ) ? 255 : B ) );
*out = ( (R <<24) | ( G << 16 ) | ( B << 8 ) | ( /*0x000000ff &*/ ( *in >> 8 ) ) );
void SplitAP88(const FxU16 *ap88, FxU8 *index, FxU8 *alpha, FxU32 pixels )
for ( FxU32 i = pixels; i > 0; i-- )
*alpha++ = ( *ap88 >> 8 );
*index++ = ( *ap88++ & 0xff );
// Color conversion functions: The windows version converts colors to ARGB,
// whereas the mac version converts colors to RGBA (no extension needed)
void ConvertColor4B( GrColor_t GlideColor, FxU32 &C )
switch ( Glide.State.ColorFormat )
C = ( ( GlideColor & 0x00ffffff ) << 8 ) |
( ( GlideColor & 0xff000000 ) >> 24 );
C = ( ( GlideColor & 0xff000000 ) >> 24 ) |
( ( GlideColor & 0x00ff0000 ) >> 8 ) |
( ( GlideColor & 0x0000ff00 ) << 8 ) |
( ( GlideColor & 0x000000ff ) << 24 );
C = GlideColor;
C = ( ( GlideColor & 0xFF000000 ) >> 24 ) |
( ( GlideColor & 0x0000ff00 ) << 16 ) |
( ( GlideColor & 0x0ff000ff ) );
void Convert1555Kto8888(const FxU16* src, FxU16 key, FxU32* dst, FxU32 pixels)
// Scan for first non-chromakey pixel
// in order to find to the starting value
// for the chromakey_replacement
const register FxU32 mask_pixel_r = 0x00007c00;
const register FxU32 mask_pixel_g = 0x000003e0;
const register FxU32 mask_pixel_b = 0x0000001f;
const register FxU32 mask_pixel_a = 0x00008000;
register FxU16 chromakey_replacement_1555 = 0x0000;
register FxU16 chromakey = key & 0x7fff;
for(const FxU16* p = src; p < (src + pixels); p++)
chromakey_replacement_1555 = *p;
if (chromakey_replacement_1555 != chromakey) break;
register FxU32 rgb_mask_8888 = 0xffffff00;
register FxU32 chromakey_replacement_8888 = 0x00000000;
chromakey_replacement_8888 = (0x00000000 | // A
(chromakey_replacement_1555 & mask_pixel_b) << 11 | // B
(chromakey_replacement_1555 & mask_pixel_g) << 14 | // G
(chromakey_replacement_1555 & mask_pixel_r) << 17); // R
// Start the conversion
register FxU16 pixel_1555;
register FxU32 pixel_8888;
while (pixels)
pixel_1555 = *src++;
if ((pixel_1555 & 0x7fff) == chromakey)
// Minimise anisotropy artefacts
pixel_8888 = chromakey_replacement_8888;
pixel_8888 = (((pixel_1555 & mask_pixel_a) ? 0x000000ff : 0x00000080) | // A
(pixel_1555 & mask_pixel_b) << 11 | // B
(pixel_1555 & mask_pixel_g) << 14 | // G
(pixel_1555 & mask_pixel_r) << 17); // R
chromakey_replacement_8888 = pixel_8888 & rgb_mask_8888;
*dst++ = pixel_8888;